Su 41336 7 ps4 ошибка

So this is another unexpected error code SU-41336-7 that could come up when you’re trying to connect to the PlayStation 4 server, and playing game we’re going to know you how to fix this error code SU-41336-7

1. Restart PlayStation 4

The first one I’m going to kind of recommend to fix error code SU-41336-7 is it’s a little interesting but restart PlayStation 4 this one is a little bit different than the other ones because there’s a possible bug that’s kind of occurring to this network to be occurring this error code SU-41336-7 if it doesn’t help follow next 

2. Check Up PlayStation 4 Network Status

Now get into the PlayStation 4 and check your PlayStation 4 Network status, Make sure everything is obviously not down and it’s still up to date if It’s down to offline you’re gonna face this error code SU-41336-7 you have to wait it out and make sure the servers are updated and running and then you will be able to kind of good

If obviously everything is still up and you’re facing error code SU-41336-7 You have to go into set up internet connection and if you can then you connect to Wi-Fi switch over to length essentially have a wired connection setup into your PlayStation 4 rather than a Wi-Fi network it work a lot of times this fixes a lot of server issues

3. Change WiFi Band from automatic to 5 gigahertz

So I would highly recommend you to do that If you can’t do that, it’s fine which I’d like you to try next is click the option button and change the Wi-Fi frequency bands from automatic to 5 gigahertz, see if that works if not, the 2.4 gigahertz and it will fix error code SU-41336-7 if none of those work keep it back on automatic 

4. Change DNS Settings

You can fix PS5 error code SU-41336-7 by click into the Wi-Fi network you are connected to now click into advanced settings in there,what you’re going to do is you’re going to change the DNS settings to manual and you’re going to change the primary DNS to and at the secondary DNS to This will help alleviate and fix error code SU-41336-7 any issues you possibly have with the server and then you should be good to go

The only caveat there is if you are not within the U.S You might want to use a different DNS server because this is East Coast Pacific for the U.S, you can easily find fast and good DNS servers online to fix error code SU-41336-7 So you don’t have to kind of like pay for any of this stuff you can quick Google search will find you the best ones. 

So I would highly recommend you to kind of like try that out and then you should be good to go

That’s basically all you guys got to do to be able to fix that issue if you guys still have any comments please leave them on below comment box 👍

Что делать при ошибке «база данных повреждена перезагрузите PS4»?

Практически каждый пользователь консоли PS4, у которого она уже находится несколько лет, сталкивался с ошибкой «База данных повреждена». В сообщении сразу дается совет, что нужно перезагрузить консоль для исправления проблемы. Это действительно рабочее решение проблемы, но процесс довольно продолжительный. Чтобы консоль успела обработать и восстановить базу данных, ей потребуется не меньше 20 минут.

Почему появляется ошибка?

Есть пару незамысловатых причин, способных спровоцировать сбой в базе данных:

  • Неправильное выключение консоли. Просто вытянув вилку из розетки, значительно повышается вероятность появления проблем с операционной системой. Подобная ситуация – внезапное исчезновение электричества. Чтобы застраховаться от подобных неполадок, следует выключать консоль через основное меню.
  • Выключение консоли без выхода из игры.
  • Неполадки жесткого диска. Появление битых секторов – одна из потенциальных угроз для стабильной работы консоли.

Как исправить ошибку «Database Is Corrupted Restart PS4»?

Действия просты в реализации, но все равно лучше придерживаться инструкции во всем:

  1. Правильно выключить PlayStation 4.
  2. Подождать около 20 минут после завершения работы.
  3. Зажать кнопку включения на 7-15 секунд для перехода в безопасный режим. Свидетельством о запуске консоли служит пара звуковых сигналов.
  4. Подключить DualShock 4 контроллер через USB-шнур (беспроводная связь не подходит).
  5. Выбрать опцию «Реконструировать базу данных».
  6. Набраться терпения.

Восстановление базы данных – продолжительный процесс, который может занять до получаса. Хорошая новость в том, что в результате выполнения процедуры не пострадает содержимое диска. Игры, дополнения к ним и медиафайлы останутся нетронутыми после нормально запуска консоли. Еще перестроение базы данных позволяет ускорить работу консоли, особенно при появлении проблем с чтением данных с диска. Также процедура может устранить немало других проблем операционной системы, поэтому рекомендуется ее выполнять раз в несколько месяцев.

Now, you may be experiencing error code SU-41336-7 on your PS4. According to the Everyday Tech Vams site, here are some methods that you are able to apply to fix PS4 error SU-41336-7.

Restarting PlayStation 4

If you encounter SU-41336-7 error code on PS4, the first attempt that you are able to do to fix this error code is to restart your PlayStation 4. There may be a bug that is happening to it and if you restart it, it can fix it. However, if you have tried to restart your PlayStation 4, but you find that the error is still happening, you are able to try the next method below.

Checking Up PlayStation 4 Network Status

Another method that you are able to do to fix the SU-41336-7 error code on your PS4 is to check the PlayStation 4 network status. You have to make sure that everything is not down and it is still up to date. If you see that it is down to offline, then this is the reason why you get the SU-41336-7 error code. The thing that you have to do here is to wait it out and you have to make sure that the servers are updated and running.

However, if you find that everything is still up, but you are facing the SU-41336-7 error code, it means that you need to go into set up internet connection.

Changing WiFi Band from Automatic to 5 Gigahertz

You can click the option button and change the wifi frequency bands from automatic to 5 gigahertz. You have to see whether this method works or not. If it does not work, you can try to change it to 2.4 gigahertz. However, if you find that it also does not work, you can change it back to automatic and try another method below.

Changing DNS Settings

Another method to fix this error is to change DNS Settings. It can be done by clicking into the wifi network that you are connected to. Then, you have to click on the Advanced Settings there. Now, you have to change the DNS settings to manual and you have to change the primary DNS to and at the secondary DNS to It should be able to fix the SU-41336-7 error code.

It is important for you to note that if you are not within the U.S., you may want to use a different DNS server because this is East Coast Pacific for the U.S. You are able to find fast and good DNS servers online to be able to fix SU-41336-7 error code.

Story Of Other User When Facing Error Code SU-41336-7

On the ConsolesHub site, there was also a user who experienced error code SU-41336-7. He wrote that his PS4 could not be restarted and constantly came up with this error for which he could not find any information. He had tried the usual methods such as manual update with a USB stick. Then, he also wrote that the system update data he had downloaded a created a PS4 folder and then an update folder did the update in it did not work out exactly. This error came again and again.

Then, another user responded to this problem and he wrote that his friend had the same problem and the thing that he did was to change the hard drive and then the PS4 started working properly again.

Other Things About PS4 Issue

How to Fix PS4 Error SU-41336-7

According to the Programatium site, here is the information that you need to know about the PS4 Issue.

On that site, it is explained that if you are not able to update your PlayStation 4 system software by using a wired internet connection, you have to restart your console. You are able to delete the update by choosing Notifications from the PS4 function area, choosing the update file and clicking the Options button. Then, you have to choose System Software Update from the Settings menu.

If you find that it says you cannot start the PS4, the thing that you have to do is to hold the power button to completely turn off the PlayStation. After 20 minutes, the power light should stop flashing and then the power cable should be removed. After reconnecting, Safe Mode should be launched.

If you cannot rebuild the database on PS4, you may wonder why it can happen. As explained on the Programatium site, there are some reasons why PS4 data corruption may happen. The most common reason is that your hard drive is inoperative. The data of the game gets corrupted when you install it. The game file was not installed on your system properly.

Then, what does SU mean on the PS4? The system of PS4 has not recognized the system software update file so that it results in this error.

If you find that there is a corrupted update on PS4, the thing that you have to do is to reinstall the game after you delete it. You have to remove all downloaded files that have been corrupted. You need to make sure that the game disc is clean. You also have to make sure that the software is up to date. You have to restore your PS4 software licenses. You need to begin the PS4 in safe mode and rebuild the database. Your PS4 must be set up. You are able to hard reset your PS4 by pressing the reset button.

You may wonder how to get out of Loop in Safe Mode without losing data. If the issue is caused by outdated system software, the thing that you are able to do is to download and install any new updates that are available which may remove the Safe Mode loop. When the PS4 is turned on again, default settings are restored.

Then, how to fix safe mode on PS4? According to the Programatium site, you are able to turn off your PS4 system by pressing the Power button on the front panel of the console. The PS button on your controller is able to be used to play games. To be able to work, the PS4 needs to be restarted. If you choose this option, you are able to remove your PS4 from Safe Mode and restart it normally if it has been out of Safe Mode.

Alfin Dani


On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…

My ps4 can’t be restarted and constantly comes this error code for which I can’t find any infomartions. I have tried the usual methods like manual update with a USB stick. The system update data I have downloaded a created a PS4 folder and then an update folder did the update in it did not work out exactly this error code came then again and again.

A friend of mine had the same problem. He changed the hard drive and then the PS4 started working properly again

Le cambié el disco duro hace unos 3 meses y desde ayer trato de reconstruir la base de datos pero me arroja ese codigo

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Ps4 stuck in safe mode wont update with usb version or rebuild database. Getting error code SU-41336-7.

Yeah so titl say it all. Was trying to update using usb since it stuck in safe mode however it has a progress bar saying it updating then goes back to the regular safe mode. After several attempts over 6 months. We decide to rebuild database but gets SU-41336-7. Only option is to initialize ps4 but that erase all his content he had over the years. Any other opitons to fix this.

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