I’m new to Reaper (loving it so far), and working with VSTs. I have an issue getting any sound out of a MIDI track when the FX is Superior Drummer 3.
Here is the process I follow.
Open Reaper. Audio is set to the computer sound card, (though I have tried it with the ASIO from the audio interface also).
I insert a track with virtual instrument and select SD3. I insert the MIDI media file and hit play. The line moves across the notes, but no sound comes out. I then change the FX to be SD2 and the drums start to play using the SD2 kit selected. I then change the instrument to be a piano VST and the MIDI track plays the piano to the drum track (very interesting, but not what I want).
If I change it back to SD3, and open the SD3 editor and insert the same MIDI media file, it will produce the sound. It is the only way to get the sound from SD3. While, it allows me to get around the issue, it is not the way things should work.
I have tried this just about every way possible. I insert track, then add the FX to be SD3. I add the MIDI file, then the FX. No matter what I do, the sound does not come out.
I checked the audio from SD3 and it appears to be correct. The sound wouldn’t come out when I add the MIDI file to the SD3 editor, if it wasn’t.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what this could be?
It is possible that I inadvertently changed a setting I wasn’t supposed to change. If so, I can’t figure out what that would be.
Any help would be appreciated. It is driving me nuts!
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Тема: Superior Drummer не видит грувы. Что делать? (Прочитано 6214 раз)
Ставил его с 5 DVD (народная версия, ясное дело). Играет нормально, хост его видит, управление передается, но библиотеки грувов не видно.
Полез в мануал — там (рис.1) имеется специальная кнопка для грувов. У меня (рис.2) и этой кнопки-то нет! Что делать? Где напортачено? Заранее спасибо!
Врач — штука опасная.
Версию обнови, Миш. До какой-то версии Superior2 нужно было юзать с EZPLayer, чтобы Superior2 видел грувы. Позже это неудобство устранили, встроив в Superior2 свой плейер.
Sonar Х3×32, Platinum-x64, Vienna Ensemble Pro 5, Win7x64Ultimate, Yamaha Motif-Rack ES, Alesis Multimix 6FX, KRK RP5.
Host-computer: HP EliteBook 8770w | Core i7 3610QM | 2.3GHz | 24Gb RAM | SSD512+SSD1Tb+HDD2Tb+HDD2Tb eSATA| RME Fireface UCX | UAD-2 Satellite Quad |
Slave-computer: Asus P5B Premium | Quad Q6600 2.4GHz | 8Gb RAM | 5*HDDs+SSDs 3.4Tb | Asus EAH4850 1Gb | ESI Julia + M-Audio FireWire Audiophile | UAD2 Solo/Laptop |
Врач — штука опасная.
Обновился до 2.3.0 — все наладилось. Спасибо.
Врач — штука опасная.
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- Superior Drummer не видит грувы. Что делать?
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Audiosexual- Joined:
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I had Superior Drummer 2 and most libraries installed and working perfectly. I have just installed Superior Drummer 3 and love the new sounds and the updated interface. However, my MIDI Grooves library is empty and I cannot work out how to redirect the scan to the correct location. The below screen is all I get. Any ideas?
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Audiosexual- Joined:
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Platinum Record- Joined:
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You need to have your MIDI files here: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummerMidi
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Audiosexual- Joined:
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Fab. Cheers. This fixed it! It wasn’t that they weren’t there, it is cs I’d forgotten I’d used a hard link junction to store my MIDI on an external drive and had moved them to another external without renewing the hard link junction! This brought it to my attention by looking here though, so refreshed the junction link now. Cheers!
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Platinum Record- Joined:
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an alternative way if you have problems with midi or expansion.
after installing SD3, If you install SD2 he will ask you where to install the midifiles or expansions.
It’s the only way to change the config directories.-
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David Leo
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David Leo
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Hey budd.. can you send me the (Core MIDI installer under S3 Library Part 1) Basic Sound Library in Product Manager.. I’m not able to get links to it
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I tried to install Superior Drummer 3
and I thought that by opening the program you could start using it, but in the virtual room where the Drums should appear, in reality there is nothing, and a window warns me that the presets have not been found, and in fact the folder where these they should be it’s empty,
after I realized that the executable toontrack SD3, about 400 Mb works like a DAW and the presets must be downloaded separately, can someone help me to find some presets that is not too heavy?
In addition you can tell me if there is the possibility of using and configuring the various drums with the notes of the staff and then pressing the Note C of a keyboard you get a snare, and pressing the note F a bass drum etc?
Thank you… -
I have added a midi library but can not play it. Yellow exclamation mark. Please help me fix it. Thanks very much.
Superior Drummer 3 MIDI not showing up
When I go to the «grooves» section it says «Superior Drummer 3 can not find any MIDI. Make sure you have installed at least one MIDI pack.»
Superior Drummer |