Оборудование для хлебопекарной и кондитерской промышленности
Коломяжский проспект, д.27 литера А, пом. 22Н
+7 (812) 340-02-20 , 340-02-21
ул. Гиляровского, д. 57, стр. 1, оф. 334
+7 (495) 684-04-15
Ротационные печи серии V обеспечивают высокий результат выпечки, максимальную безопасность работы и удобство пользования.Эти печи состоят из отдельных модулей и легки в установке. Печи оснащены системой IBS системой изменения направления вращения тележки, большими и функциональными теплообменниками и толстой, уложенной внахлёст изоляцией. Система подачи пара Cascad генерирует мощный, чистый и равномерно распределённый поток пара и входит в стандартную комплектацию аппарата.
Вместительность: 2 протвиня 450х600/ 2 протвиня 457х660/ 1 протвинь 457х762/ 1 протвинь 600х800.
Максимальная нагрузка: крюка: 450 кг, тележки: 600 кг.
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В соответствие с текущей концепцией развития, группа компаний «Алтэк» формирует сеть дилеров по России и СНГ для реализации и сервисного обслуживания профессионального кухонного оборудования и инвентаря для предприятий общественного питания и торговли.
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Sveba Dahlen, Sveba Academy, Oven, Panel, SD Touch, V-Series, C-Series, I-Series, S-Series, SD Touch II, Instruction video — SD Touch II — Service menu — user settings
File size19.68 MB
BrandSveba Dahlen, Sveba Academy
Product GroupOven, Panel
TypeRack Oven, Panel
SeriesSD Touch, V-Series, C-Series, I-Series, S-Series
ProductSD Touch II
DetailInstruction video — SD Touch II — Service menu — user settings
File nameSD_Touch_II-Service_Menu_User_settings_Sveba_Dahlen.mp4
Table of Contents
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Deck oven
Summary of Contents for Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1
Page 1
860004-02 Rev.3 Classic Deck oven Type: DC-1 DC-2 DC-2E DC-3 DC-4 Operating Maintenance Installation… -
Page 2: Data Plate
Data plate. Model designation Serial number Positioning of data plate. Connected voltage Data plate for Classic Deck Oven To obtain assistance with installation or service of the oven the oven serial number and model desig-nation must be given. Note the serial number, model designation and voltage so that they are readily available when contacting us.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Page 4: Technical Data
TECHNICAL DATA Technical data The oven chamber is available in five widths (Fig. 2) and two heights, 160 and 220 mm. Fig. 1 shows an oven where a low oven chamber is mounted over a high one. Low and high oven chambers can be combined to form 5 decks of oven chambers.
Page 5: Description
DESCRIPTION Design principle The deckoven is CE-approved according to EMC, LVD The deck oven is manufactured in detachable sections. The advantage of this is that the sections can be combined to suit special purposes or areas. This makes the oven easy to install.
Page 6: Instrument Panel
INSTRUMENT PANEL Heat indicator, yellow The lamp lights when the temperature Turbo knob falls below set temperature. The lamp Max. load on top- and bottom goes off when the set temperature is elements until the thermostat breaks the reached. first time. Thermostat Regulates the temperature in the oven to the temperature which is set on the…
Page 7
INSTRUMENT PANEL Weekly timer Changing the switching function Setting the time and the day of the week Example: setting the timer for Wednesday, 3:22 p.m. Press until the correct time is shown, then change according to the above procedure. Button Function Action Setting of timer Press once Day of the week Tryck till 3. -
Page 8: Baking
BAKING Heat controls Heating up of the oven. The Classic Deck Oven is fitted with three groups of The time it takes to heat up the oven depends on the elements which can be regulated separately. These groups setting of the heat controls. The quickest way of heating are called TOP HEATING, BOTTOMHEATING, and up the oven is to turn the three heat controls to MAX.
Page 9: Baking — Personal Settings
BAKING — PERSONAL SETTINGS Front Bottom Temp. Bake time Product Steam heat heat heat ºC min. Table 3 Personal settings Operating Maintenance Installation CLASSIC 3:3500-2 —> 860004-02…
Page 10: Care And Maintenance
CARE AND MAINTENANCE Brush out the oven chamber regularly from bread crumbs Do not use alkaline or abrasive detergents! and soot. When cleaning oven chamber, make sure that no rests of detergent are left after cleaning. Wipe off the door glass inside and out with a moist cloth with a little detergent.
Page 11: Trouble Shooting
TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble shooting In the event of a problem you should first look through the trouble shooting list below to see if you can correct the fault yourself. If this does not help contact Sveba-Dahlen’s service department. NOTE! Work on electrical components must be carried out by an authorized electrician. Fault Reason Procedure…
Page 12: Distribution Box
DISTRIBUTION BOX Fig. 12 Distribution box 1 Overheating protection 5 Automatic fuse To get a complete disconnection, the fuse F1 of the The 3-pole fuse protects the oven elements. On the elements will also trip (see point 5 too). lower section there is also a 1-pole fuse. This is the If the overheating protection has triggered this can be oven control fuse and is common to all sections in reset by pressing the reset button with a pen.
Page 13: Unpacking
UNPACKING Read carefully through this manual before unpacking the oven. Incorrect handling can damage the oven during transport and installation. Open the packing materials carefully so that the oven is not damaged. Inside the oven chamber there are several parts which must be used during assembly. Take these out and check with the enclosed packing list. They should include the oven legs, feet or castors, heat distribution plate, hearth grid, distance bumper, washers for cable inlets, screws and nuts.
Page 14
UNPACKING • When the oven sections are separated from each other they can be carefully lifted down and moved to the place of assembly. • Use the planks from the loading pallet and place these on the forks of the truck as spacers to protect the oven door (Fig. -
Page 15: Assembly
ASSEMBLY BSS B10x32 BSS B10x13 B10x13 M6S 6×16 + M6M 6 BSS B10x13 BSS B10x13 M6S 8×20 + M6M 8 M6S 8×20 + BRB 8.4×17 M6S 8×20 Fig. 18 Assembly of dismantled oven. + BRB 8.4×17 Electrical work, the connection of water and ventilation, must be executed by an authorized technician.
Page 16
ASSEMBLY Heat Distrubution Plate The heat distrubution plate distributes the heat from the upper element so that even sensitive products are perfectly baked. 1 Push in the plate into the oven chamber with the long hooks first, and hang up these in the rear element support. -
Page 17: Installation
INSTALLATION Positioning Water or steam connection Electrical connection Leave a 500 mm free space on the right-hand side of the Connection to canopy oven. This space is needed for access to the oven Ø125mm distribution box during installation and service. If the oven is fitted with built-in steam generator an additional 200 mm wide space is needed between the Fig.
Page 18
INSTALLATION Connection of water. If the oven is fitted with a built-in steam generator this Data: steam generator. (1 pcs. per oven section) must be connected to cold water. Output: 2000 W. Connection is made to the solenoid valves (figs. 25, Water consumption: approx. -
Page 19
INSTALLATION Connection of external steam. If there is a steam boiler in the bakery the oven can be connected to it. This connection is made to the steam valve on the back of the oven (Fig. 27). The oven must be of the low-pressure steam type, and have a connection pressure of approx. -
Page 20
INSTALLATION First start of the oven. Check that the overheating protection has not triggered. If necessary, reset according to section «Distribution box» point 1. Before the oven is first used it must be burned out so that • Turn the thermostat to approx. 200°C. Let the oven residual protective oil in the oven chamber disappears. -
Page 21
DOCUMENT EU-Declaration of conformity (Directive 98/37/EC, Annex II, A) Manufacturer Sveba-Dahlen AB Company SE-513 82 FRISTAD + 46 33-15 15 00 Address Phone no. Declare under sole responsibility that the Deckoven Classic model DC-1, DC-2, DC-2E, DC-3, DC-4: , are in conformity with following standards or other normative documents following the provisions in the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVES: -of May 3 1989 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility”…
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Sveba Dahlen T22 trendy pizza ошибка E3
Тема в разделе «Печи», создана пользователем Valery24119, 26 мар 2017.
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Alarm management
When an alarm signal is launched the alarm symbol is
turned on.
Read the alarm message on the lower display by pushing
the alarm symbol.
The alarm symbol is on as long as the alarm remains
Fault in temperature sensor, top heat
Fault in temperature sensor, bottom
Fault in cold compensation
Power failure
External alarm
Network fault, serial interface
Energy supply not energised in one
of the slave panels.
Alarm, time for service
Fault in parameter memory
Internal test not OK
Operating Maintenance Installation CLASSIC PIZZA
Inspect sensor and its connections
Inspect sensor and its connections
Replace panel
Set the clock.
Inspect fuses and overheating
Test pipelines.Inspect communi-
cation settings (given on wiring
Call in authorised service engineer.
Call in authorised service engineer.
Inspect parameter «AC guard» in all
slave panels.
Call in authorised service engineer.
Replace panel
Replace panel
Код товара: 76628
Основные характеристики
Описание Расстоечный шкаф Sveba Dahlen SJ2/300 используется на предприятиях общественного питания и торговли для расстойки теста перед выпеканием кондитерских и хлебобулочных изделий. Модель оснащена дверью и колесами. Корпус изготовлен из нержавеющей стали, двери — из стекла. Особенности:
Дополнительные характеристики:
Внимание! Печь, изображенная на фото, не входит в комплект поставки. Внимание! Информация о товарах, размещенная на сайте, не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Части 2 Статьи 437 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации. Производители вправе вносить изменения в технические характеристики, внешний вид и комплектацию товаров без предварительного уведомления. Уточняйте характеристики у наших менеджеров перед оформлением заказа. |
Торговая марка Sveba Dahlen Шведская компания Sveba Dahlen специализируется на производстве профессионального теплового оборудования для пекарен и кондитерских. Ротационные печи и расстоечные шкафы компании обладают широкой функциональностью и могут похвастать длительным сроком службы. Алексей Директор компании Распределение заказов, отправленных нами через ТК: Деловые линии — 58.3% Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург, Сочи, … ПЭК — 20.3% Санкт-Петербург, Сочи, Екатеринбург, … КИТ — 3.3% Астана, Атырау, Феодосия, … Желдорэкспедиция — 1.2% Якутск, Владивосток, Находка, … Байкал-Сервис — 1.2% Пятигорск, Санкт-Петербург, Анапа, … За прошедшие 5 дней отправлены заказы в города: Боровичи, Братск, Владимир, Волгоград, Вязьма, Елизово, Иркутск, Нальчик, Нижний Новгород, Новосибирск, Новый Уренгой, Норильск, Саратов, Сургут, Чайковский, Южно-Сахалинск |
Деталировка печей Sveba dahlen серии SJ SJ2/300 SJ400 скачать
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Деталировка расстоечной камеры SJ400 Sveba Duhlen скачать
Для заказа запасных частей присылайте ваши запросы на электронный адрес 9823354@mail.ru
P21 60703-800 Nivårelä Level relay Niveaurelais 24 — 240V T1 60465-800 Belysningstransformator Transformer for light Beleuchtungstransformator 50VA 230/11,5V 230/11,5V 230/11,5V T2 60489-817 Transformator Transformer Transformator 230V T2 60801-803 Transformator Transformer Transformator 200V K21 60616-800 Miniatyrrelä 230V Mini relay 230V Miniatyrrelais 230V F1 60232-806 Automatsäkring Circuit breaker Automatsicherung 2x10A H1 60729-800 Ljudsignal Buzzer Summer
E11 317172-52 Element fukt Element damp Heizkörper Feucht 4 350W 230V* E11 317172-56 Element fukt Element damp Heizkörper Feucht 4 350W 120V* M1 60295-850 Fläktmotor med vinge Fan motor with blade Ventilator M/Motor 1 220V M1 60295-860 Fläktmotor med vinge Fan motor with blade Ventilator M/Motor 1 110V 1 60815-800 Lamphållare Lamp holder Lampenfassungen 2 65×80 med glas with lamp glass mit Schutzglas 2 60726-803 Halogenlampa Halogen lamp Halogenlampe (2) 20W 24V 3 423371-01 Räls för skjutdörr Rail for sliding door Schiene vor Schiebetür 1 4 423732-01 Glidlist för skjutdörr Strip for sliding door Gleitprofil vor Schiebetür 2 5 65239-810 Tätningslist Gasket Dichtung 1 6 322865-80 Gejderram vä/hö Girder frame left/right Führungsleiter links/rechts 2 7 322865-81 Gejderram mitten Girder frame middle Führungsleiter mittlere 1 8 411883-03 Radiatorkoppling Tube coupling Rohrkupplung 1 9 420892-01 Strypbricka Throttle washer Drossel Schiebe 1 10 60270-802 Magnetventil Solenoid valve Magnetventil 1 24V 50/60Hz 11 420890-01 Elektrodhållare Electrode holder Elektrodhalter 1 12 420891-01 Nivåelektrod Level electrode Niveauelektrod 1 13 60700-808 Stoppring Adjusting ring Justierring 2 14 65198-800 Dämpningslist Damping gasket Dämpfleiste 2×0,5m 15 65203-817 Dubbelhäftande tejp Tape adhesiven both sides Doppelseitiges Klebstreif 1,0m 16 65203-812 Dubbelhäftande tejp Tape adhesiven both sides Doppelseitiges Klebstreif 2×1,0m 17 423293-01 Gejderhållare tak Girder holder roof Führungshalter obere 6 Umschaltstellung 18 423690-01 Gejderhållare botten Girder holder bottom Führungshalter untere 6 Umschaltstellung 19 50025-151 Skruv Screw Schraube 24 M6x12 RFR 20 322873-01 Vattenlåda Water container Wasserkasten 1T1 412333-02 Transformator 230/24V Transformer 230/24V Transformator 230/24V 160VA T3 412333-05 Transformator 200/230V Transformer 200/230V Transformator 200/230V 500VA P21 60703-802 Nivårelä Level relay Niveaurelais 24V
Официальный дилер!
Печь ротационная SVEBA DAHLEN S300
Модель снята с производства
Габаритные размеры ДхШхВ, мм
Описание товара
Печь ротационная SVEBA DAHLEN S300+SJ2/300 используется при поточном производстве мелкоштучных хлебобулочных изделий, а также кондитерской продукции. Печь данной модели является электрическим оборудованием и работает от электросети с напряжением 380 В. Ротационная печь SVEBA DAHLEN S300+SJ2/300 – высокофункциональное тепловое оборудование, обеспечивающее высокую скорость и отличное качество получаемой продукции.
Характерной конструктивной особенностью является наличие расстоечного шкафа, который используется для предварительной тепловой обработки заготовок из теста – расстойки. Таким образом, ротационная печь SVEBA DAHLEN S300+SJ2/300 служит для осуществления полного цикла термической обработки изделий.
Область применения:
- выпечки хлебобулочных и кондитерских изделий
- Чёткие и логичные меню
- Хороший обзор панели – широкий угол обзора
- Ручная выпечка позволяет задавать все параметры времени выпечки, пара и температуры
- Выпечка по программе (можно выбрать из библиотеки)
- Возможность сохранения или загрузки собственных изображений продукции и рецептов
- Создание новых программ напрямую на панели или через карту памяти или разъём USB
- Недельный таймер: возможность задания времени пуска и окончания работы печи для каждого дня недели
- Система IBS (Increased Baking Surface), предназначенная для попеременного вращения тележек
- Яркое внутреннее освещение
- Блок пароувлажнения быстро восстанавливается
- Дверная ручка имеет эргономичную форму, обеспечивающую надёжный хват и безопасное запирание, правосторонняя дверь обеспечивает хороший доступ и обзор печной камеры
- Дверцу печи можно менять с левосторонней на правостороннюю или наоборот
- Режим экономии энергии экономит деньги и снижает нагрузку на окружающую среду
- Защищённая от пыли и воды передняя панель
- Мощная изоляция обеспечивает сохранение тепла внутри печной камеры
- Низкая температура наружных поверхностей
- Функции безопасности, техобслуживания и анализа могут использоваться для контроля или конфигурации панели или процесса выпечки
- Подключение: 380 В
- Количество уровней: 10
- Размер противня: 600х400 мм
- Температурный режим: 300 °С
- Мощность: 23 кВт
- Количество рецептов в памяти: 35
- Ширина: 991 мм
- Глубина: 953 мм
- Высота: 2207 мм
- Вес (без упаковки): 310 кг
Транспортные расходы и время ожидания клиента сведены к минимуму! Забрать товар можно самовывозом в Москве c пн — пт: 11.00-17.00, Сб: Выходной, Вс: Выходной. Адрес пункта самовывоза: 140005 Московская обл. г. Люберцы Ул. Смирновская д.30 ЛитЖ (уточнить адрес)
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При обнаружении неустранимого недостатка.
Склады в крупных городах РФ + ДОСТАВКА до двери!
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Ваши платежи под надежной защитой!
Прочие | ||
Страна | Швеция | |
Гарантия | 12 месяцев | |
Статус | Модель снята с производства | |
Габаритные размеры ДхШхВ, мм | 991x953x2207 | |
Производитель | SVEBA DAHLEN | |
Установка | Напольная |
Вес, кг | 310 | |
Напряжение питания, В | 380 |
Подключение | Электрическое |
Мощность, кВт | 23 | |
Количество уровней | 10 |
Категория | хлебопекарное и кондитерское, ротационные печи |
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Table of Contents
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Deck oven
Summary of Contents for Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1
- Page 1
860004-02 Rev.3 Classic Deck oven Type: DC-1 DC-2 DC-2E DC-3 DC-4 Operating Maintenance Installation… -
Page 2: Data Plate
Data plate. Model designation Serial number Positioning of data plate. Connected voltage Data plate for Classic Deck Oven To obtain assistance with installation or service of the oven the oven serial number and model desig-nation must be given. Note the serial number, model designation and voltage so that they are readily available when contacting us.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Page 4: Technical Data
TECHNICAL DATA Technical data The oven chamber is available in five widths (Fig. 2) and two heights, 160 and 220 mm. Fig. 1 shows an oven where a low oven chamber is mounted over a high one. Low and high oven chambers can be combined to form 5 decks of oven chambers.
Page 5: Description
DESCRIPTION Design principle The deckoven is CE-approved according to EMC, LVD The deck oven is manufactured in detachable sections. The advantage of this is that the sections can be combined to suit special purposes or areas. This makes the oven easy to install.
Page 6: Instrument Panel
INSTRUMENT PANEL Heat indicator, yellow The lamp lights when the temperature Turbo knob falls below set temperature. The lamp Max. load on top- and bottom goes off when the set temperature is elements until the thermostat breaks the reached. first time. Thermostat Regulates the temperature in the oven to the temperature which is set on the…
- Page 7
INSTRUMENT PANEL Weekly timer Changing the switching function Setting the time and the day of the week Example: setting the timer for Wednesday, 3:22 p.m. Press until the correct time is shown, then change according to the above procedure. Button Function Action Setting of timer Press once Day of the week Tryck till 3. -
Page 8: Baking
BAKING Heat controls Heating up of the oven. The Classic Deck Oven is fitted with three groups of The time it takes to heat up the oven depends on the elements which can be regulated separately. These groups setting of the heat controls. The quickest way of heating are called TOP HEATING, BOTTOMHEATING, and up the oven is to turn the three heat controls to MAX.
Page 9: Baking — Personal Settings
BAKING — PERSONAL SETTINGS Front Bottom Temp. Bake time Product Steam heat heat heat ºC min. Table 3 Personal settings Operating Maintenance Installation CLASSIC 3:3500-2 —> 860004-02…
Page 10: Care And Maintenance
CARE AND MAINTENANCE Brush out the oven chamber regularly from bread crumbs Do not use alkaline or abrasive detergents! and soot. When cleaning oven chamber, make sure that no rests of detergent are left after cleaning. Wipe off the door glass inside and out with a moist cloth with a little detergent.
Page 11: Trouble Shooting
TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble shooting In the event of a problem you should first look through the trouble shooting list below to see if you can correct the fault yourself. If this does not help contact Sveba-Dahlen’s service department. NOTE! Work on electrical components must be carried out by an authorized electrician. Fault Reason Procedure…
Page 12: Distribution Box
DISTRIBUTION BOX Fig. 12 Distribution box 1 Overheating protection 5 Automatic fuse To get a complete disconnection, the fuse F1 of the The 3-pole fuse protects the oven elements. On the elements will also trip (see point 5 too). lower section there is also a 1-pole fuse. This is the If the overheating protection has triggered this can be oven control fuse and is common to all sections in reset by pressing the reset button with a pen.
Page 13: Unpacking
UNPACKING Read carefully through this manual before unpacking the oven. Incorrect handling can damage the oven during transport and installation. Open the packing materials carefully so that the oven is not damaged. Inside the oven chamber there are several parts which must be used during assembly. Take these out and check with the enclosed packing list. They should include the oven legs, feet or castors, heat distribution plate, hearth grid, distance bumper, washers for cable inlets, screws and nuts.
- Page 14
UNPACKING • When the oven sections are separated from each other they can be carefully lifted down and moved to the place of assembly. • Use the planks from the loading pallet and place these on the forks of the truck as spacers to protect the oven door (Fig. -
Page 15: Assembly
ASSEMBLY BSS B10x32 BSS B10x13 B10x13 M6S 6×16 + M6M 6 BSS B10x13 BSS B10x13 M6S 8×20 + M6M 8 M6S 8×20 + BRB 8.4×17 M6S 8×20 Fig. 18 Assembly of dismantled oven. + BRB 8.4×17 Electrical work, the connection of water and ventilation, must be executed by an authorized technician.
- Page 16
ASSEMBLY Heat Distrubution Plate The heat distrubution plate distributes the heat from the upper element so that even sensitive products are perfectly baked. 1 Push in the plate into the oven chamber with the long hooks first, and hang up these in the rear element support. -
Page 17: Installation
INSTALLATION Positioning Water or steam connection Electrical connection Leave a 500 mm free space on the right-hand side of the Connection to canopy oven. This space is needed for access to the oven Ø125mm distribution box during installation and service. If the oven is fitted with built-in steam generator an additional 200 mm wide space is needed between the Fig.
- Page 18
INSTALLATION Connection of water. If the oven is fitted with a built-in steam generator this Data: steam generator. (1 pcs. per oven section) must be connected to cold water. Output: 2000 W. Connection is made to the solenoid valves (figs. 25, Water consumption: approx. - Page 19
INSTALLATION Connection of external steam. If there is a steam boiler in the bakery the oven can be connected to it. This connection is made to the steam valve on the back of the oven (Fig. 27). The oven must be of the low-pressure steam type, and have a connection pressure of approx. - Page 20
INSTALLATION First start of the oven. Check that the overheating protection has not triggered. If necessary, reset according to section «Distribution box» point 1. Before the oven is first used it must be burned out so that • Turn the thermostat to approx. 200°C. Let the oven residual protective oil in the oven chamber disappears. - Page 21
DOCUMENT EU-Declaration of conformity (Directive 98/37/EC, Annex II, A) Manufacturer Sveba-Dahlen AB Company SE-513 82 FRISTAD + 46 33-15 15 00 Address Phone no. Declare under sole responsibility that the Deckoven Classic model DC-1, DC-2, DC-2E, DC-3, DC-4: , are in conformity with following standards or other normative documents following the provisions in the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVES: -of May 3 1989 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility”…
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Deck oven
Summary of Contents for Sveba Dahlen AB Classic DC-1
- Page 1
860004-02 Rev.3 Classic Deck oven Type: DC-1 DC-2 DC-2E DC-3 DC-4 Operating Maintenance Installation… -
Page 2: Data Plate
Data plate. Model designation Serial number Positioning of data plate. Connected voltage Data plate for Classic Deck Oven To obtain assistance with installation or service of the oven the oven serial number and model desig-nation must be given. Note the serial number, model designation and voltage so that they are readily available when contacting us.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Page 4: Technical Data
TECHNICAL DATA Technical data The oven chamber is available in five widths (Fig. 2) and two heights, 160 and 220 mm. Fig. 1 shows an oven where a low oven chamber is mounted over a high one. Low and high oven chambers can be combined to form 5 decks of oven chambers.
Page 5: Description
DESCRIPTION Design principle The deckoven is CE-approved according to EMC, LVD The deck oven is manufactured in detachable sections. The advantage of this is that the sections can be combined to suit special purposes or areas. This makes the oven easy to install.
Page 6: Instrument Panel
INSTRUMENT PANEL Heat indicator, yellow The lamp lights when the temperature Turbo knob falls below set temperature. The lamp Max. load on top- and bottom goes off when the set temperature is elements until the thermostat breaks the reached. first time. Thermostat Regulates the temperature in the oven to the temperature which is set on the…
- Page 7
INSTRUMENT PANEL Weekly timer Changing the switching function Setting the time and the day of the week Example: setting the timer for Wednesday, 3:22 p.m. Press until the correct time is shown, then change according to the above procedure. Button Function Action Setting of timer Press once Day of the week Tryck till 3. -
Page 8: Baking
BAKING Heat controls Heating up of the oven. The Classic Deck Oven is fitted with three groups of The time it takes to heat up the oven depends on the elements which can be regulated separately. These groups setting of the heat controls. The quickest way of heating are called TOP HEATING, BOTTOMHEATING, and up the oven is to turn the three heat controls to MAX.
Page 9: Baking — Personal Settings
BAKING — PERSONAL SETTINGS Front Bottom Temp. Bake time Product Steam heat heat heat ºC min. Table 3 Personal settings Operating Maintenance Installation CLASSIC 3:3500-2 —> 860004-02…
Page 10: Care And Maintenance
CARE AND MAINTENANCE Brush out the oven chamber regularly from bread crumbs Do not use alkaline or abrasive detergents! and soot. When cleaning oven chamber, make sure that no rests of detergent are left after cleaning. Wipe off the door glass inside and out with a moist cloth with a little detergent.
Page 11: Trouble Shooting
TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble shooting In the event of a problem you should first look through the trouble shooting list below to see if you can correct the fault yourself. If this does not help contact Sveba-Dahlen’s service department. NOTE! Work on electrical components must be carried out by an authorized electrician. Fault Reason Procedure…
Page 12: Distribution Box
DISTRIBUTION BOX Fig. 12 Distribution box 1 Overheating protection 5 Automatic fuse To get a complete disconnection, the fuse F1 of the The 3-pole fuse protects the oven elements. On the elements will also trip (see point 5 too). lower section there is also a 1-pole fuse. This is the If the overheating protection has triggered this can be oven control fuse and is common to all sections in reset by pressing the reset button with a pen.
Page 13: Unpacking
UNPACKING Read carefully through this manual before unpacking the oven. Incorrect handling can damage the oven during transport and installation. Open the packing materials carefully so that the oven is not damaged. Inside the oven chamber there are several parts which must be used during assembly. Take these out and check with the enclosed packing list. They should include the oven legs, feet or castors, heat distribution plate, hearth grid, distance bumper, washers for cable inlets, screws and nuts.
- Page 14
UNPACKING • When the oven sections are separated from each other they can be carefully lifted down and moved to the place of assembly. • Use the planks from the loading pallet and place these on the forks of the truck as spacers to protect the oven door (Fig. -
Page 15: Assembly
ASSEMBLY BSS B10x32 BSS B10x13 B10x13 M6S 6×16 + M6M 6 BSS B10x13 BSS B10x13 M6S 8×20 + M6M 8 M6S 8×20 + BRB 8.4×17 M6S 8×20 Fig. 18 Assembly of dismantled oven. + BRB 8.4×17 Electrical work, the connection of water and ventilation, must be executed by an authorized technician.
- Page 16
ASSEMBLY Heat Distrubution Plate The heat distrubution plate distributes the heat from the upper element so that even sensitive products are perfectly baked. 1 Push in the plate into the oven chamber with the long hooks first, and hang up these in the rear element support. -
Page 17: Installation
INSTALLATION Positioning Water or steam connection Electrical connection Leave a 500 mm free space on the right-hand side of the Connection to canopy oven. This space is needed for access to the oven Ø125mm distribution box during installation and service. If the oven is fitted with built-in steam generator an additional 200 mm wide space is needed between the Fig.
- Page 18
INSTALLATION Connection of water. If the oven is fitted with a built-in steam generator this Data: steam generator. (1 pcs. per oven section) must be connected to cold water. Output: 2000 W. Connection is made to the solenoid valves (figs. 25, Water consumption: approx. - Page 19
INSTALLATION Connection of external steam. If there is a steam boiler in the bakery the oven can be connected to it. This connection is made to the steam valve on the back of the oven (Fig. 27). The oven must be of the low-pressure steam type, and have a connection pressure of approx. - Page 20
INSTALLATION First start of the oven. Check that the overheating protection has not triggered. If necessary, reset according to section «Distribution box» point 1. Before the oven is first used it must be burned out so that • Turn the thermostat to approx. 200°C. Let the oven residual protective oil in the oven chamber disappears. - Page 21
DOCUMENT EU-Declaration of conformity (Directive 98/37/EC, Annex II, A) Manufacturer Sveba-Dahlen AB Company SE-513 82 FRISTAD + 46 33-15 15 00 Address Phone no. Declare under sole responsibility that the Deckoven Classic model DC-1, DC-2, DC-2E, DC-3, DC-4: , are in conformity with following standards or other normative documents following the provisions in the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVES: -of May 3 1989 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility”…