Sw900 ошибка 10

Тема: sw 900 lcd ошибка 10, не работает кнопка переключения скоростей
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13 Авг 2019 в 17:30

Прочитано 3132 раз



Сообщений: 2

Доброго времени суток! Помогите пожалуйста  решить проблему. Заказал с китая мотор колесо Bafang 48W 500 дисплей sw 900 lcd . Установил, опробовал, выключил. При включении выдает ошибка 10 и кнопка которая скидывает скорости не работает. что делать подскажите пожалуйста!

13 Авг 2019 в 17:38

Ответ #1



Запорожье — Запорожская область — Украина
Сообщений: 27

У меня Р10 — проблема с ручкой газа, проверь.

13 Авг 2019 в 17:39

Ответ #2



Сообщений: 2

У меня Р10 — проблема с ручкой газа, проверь.

Вообще я чайник  :-) подскажите как

13 Авг 2019 в 17:46

Ответ #3



Модератор объявлений
Россия, Москва
Сообщений: 3104

Подаем на ДХ 4.2+в,вращаем ручку газа и смотрим,что на сигнальном конце.
Заодно проверяем и контроллер — смотрим,сколько вольт приходит на дх ручки газа,замеряем на контроллере в точках +- ручки газа.

17 Дек 2020 в 15:20

Ответ #4



Сообщений: 29

lcd-sw900 выдает ошибку 7 где капать ?

06 Июн 2021 в 21:11

Ответ #5



Сообщений: 1

Закоротил между собой красный и синий провод на шлейфе  контроллер — дисплей, ошибка исчезла, все заработало.

Help! Errore 10 display Sw900 LCD 3 su kit 1500w 48 60 v controller nel mozzo

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Jun 16, 2019


Finding my (electric) wheels

  • #1

un aiuto aiuto aiuto sto impazzendo per questo maledetto errore 10 non si muove niente ho una batteria 52v 20ah 1040w dovrebbe volare invece non si muove non so cosa fare se qualcuno conosce la soluzione a questo problema per favore mi aiuti Grazie. English help help help I’m freaking out for this damn error 10 don’t move anything I have a battery 52v 20ah 1040w should fly instead it doesn’t move I don’t know what to do if someone knows the solution to this problem please help me Thanks

  • #2

Error 10 means that the LCD does not communicate with the controller. There are many possible reasons for that, but these are most frequent.

1.No 5V on the wires that need 5V. Measure between the black and red wires on the throttle, pedal sensor or motor hall sensor connectors when the LCD is switched on. If you find no 5V, ask again and we will tell you how to solve that.

2. Connection fault on the cable from the controller to the LCD. Check the connector for corrosion or a bent pin.

3. Zip tie holding cables to the frame pulled too tight, which cuts the wires inside the insulation.

If you have the sealed connectors, you have to probe the pins in the connector to check the 5v. Try any two pins in the throttle connector, then the other two combinations of two pins. If they’re holes rather than pins, stick sewing needles in to be able to make contact for testing.

Last edited: Jun 16, 2019


Finding my (electric) wheels

  • #3

acceleratore 1.6 v pedale 1.6v non ci sono 5 v


Finding my (electric) wheels

  • #4

acceleratore 1.6 v pedale 1.6 v non ci sono 5 v


Finding my (electric) wheels


Finding my (electric) wheels


Finding my (electric) wheels


Finding my (electric) wheels

Fat Rat

  • #10

When there is 1.6v instead of 5V, it is because:
1. There is a short circuit on the 5v somewhere. Disconnect everything from the controller (throttle, pedal sensor, brakes and anything else) then measure again to see if you get 5v.

2. The 5V regulator in the controller is burnt. that happens when there is a problem, like a short-circuit on the 5v somewhere. if the 5v regulator is blown, you have to open the controller and hope that the circuit board id not potted. It’s easy to replace the regulator and they don’t cost much, but if the circuit board is potted, you must buy a new controller.

  • #11

Error 10 means that the LCD does not communicate with the controller. There are many possible reasons for that, but these are most frequent.

1.No 5V on the wires that need 5V. Measure between the black and red wires on the throttle, pedal sensor or motor hall sensor connectors when the LCD is switched on. If you find no 5V, ask again and we will tell you how to solve that.

2. Connection fault on the cable from the controller to the LCD. Check the connector for corrosion or a bent pin.

3. Zip tie holding cables to the frame pulled too tight, which cuts the wires inside the insulation.

If you have the sealed connectors, you have to probe the pins in the connector to check the 5v. Try any two pins in the throttle connector, then the other two combinations of two pins. If they’re holes rather than pins, stick sewing needles in to be able to make contact for testing.

I’m getting around 1.5v on the yellow and green wires inside the LCD. Are those supposed to be 5v?

  • #12

hello everyone I have the same problem error 010. The author of the post solved this problem?

  • #13

Hi guys, I had the same issue and I’ve replied on another forum so I hope this helps

HELP please- Error code 10 Voilamart 48v 1000w Rear wheel kit

Hi, I am currently coming to the end off fitting a Voilamart 48V 1000w rear wheel (with LCD screen) electric bike kit to my mountain bike however I think I may have shorted out something when trying to find out what voltage is being sent to the headlamp connector. As when I put a multimeter…



  • #14

When there is 1.6v instead of 5V, it is because:
1. There is a short circuit on the 5v somewhere. Disconnect everything from the controller (throttle, pedal sensor, brakes and anything else) then measure again to see if you get 5v.

2. The 5V regulator in the controller is burnt. that happens when there is a problem, like a short-circuit on the 5v somewhere. if the 5v regulator is blown, you have to open the controller and hope that the circuit board id not potted. It’s easy to replace the regulator and they don’t cost much, but if the circuit board is potted, you must buy a new controller.

Hey there, i have a similar issue, do you have any tips how to exchange the 5V regulator?

best regards!

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Even though you can see only 6 main readings on the display, there are 14 usable functions/settings you can access and adjust based on your needs.

This is a list of what you will find behind the scene, to go to settings press and hold the up and down arrow simultaneously, then use the middle to cycle through and save settings and up and down to adjust. :

  • P01 – Display brightness: You can choose from 1 to 3, where 3 is the most bright option (for sunny days).
  • P02 – Kilometres or miles per hour: depending on your location, you can select to display the speed in km (“0” ) or mph (“1”). For this to work properly, you need to set the size of your ebike wheels.
  • P03 – Voltage of battery and motor: this is where you will specify the volts of your battery and motor. You can select 24v, 36v and 48v. Normally, the SW900 is set to 48v so make sure you select the right voltage grade. However, the sw900 will work up to 72V.
  • P04 – Display sleep timer: this come from zero to 60 mins. In this case, zero means your controller will stay on all the time and if 60 mins, it will shut down after 1 hr of no-operation (this will not happen if you are riding your electric bike though).
  • P05 – Pedal Assist levels (PAS): there is a total of five (5) PAS. You will see a bunch of numbers with “v” next to it (meaning voltage), so don’t freak out cos you don’t need to do anything with that. In simple words, you can choose “zero” for 1 to 3 levels of PAS and “one” for 1 to 5 levels of PAS. I personally like the “one” setting, since it lets the system deliver more sensitivity in term of my pedaling efforts.
  • P06 – Wheel size selection: this is where you establish the size of your wheels in inchs. This is important in order to display the right speed you are traveling.
  • *P07 – Speed measuring magnet: this element will be factory calibrated so better not to mess with it. Basically, based on the assistance mode you select and speed limit, it will tell the controller if the motor is delivering the right assistance and therefore if the battery is delivering the correct voltage. This is very important in order to indicate the controller to deactivate the motor if you reach your set speed limit. Ask your trusted bike shop what would be the right setting if you change the ebike motor.
  • P08 – Speed limit: this is a very important setting since it will help you set the right speed that will comply with the local regulations and your comfortable riding speed.
  • P09 – Zero and Non-Zero Start: This relates to the throttle device activation. A non-zero start means the throttle will have a delay reaction of 1 sec. I believe this relates to safety rather than messing with your patience.
  • P10 – Driving mode: you will see 0, 1 and 2, where “0” is to ride with PAS only, 1 for throttle only and 2 for a combination of the PAS and throttle.
  • P11 – PAS sensitivity: ranging from 1 to 24, where 24 will give you more riding range due to less battery and motor usage.
  • *P12 – PAS start strength: you will find “0” for low strength and 5 for the fullest strength, meaning immediate start.
  • *P13 – PAS magnet type: you will have a 5, 8 and 12 type. This comes factory calibrated and will be directly related to the motor type you ebike has.
  • *P14 – Current limit of the Controller: set by the manufacturer, you will have a range between 1 to 20Ah. Don’t change it if you don’t need it.

the * symbol means factory calibrated.  — credit to electricbikeadvisor.com

SW900 Error Codes.
1 Save.
2 Brakes are active (Not really an error, just an indication)
3 PAS issues (at specific mode).
4 6 km/h cruising. (only supported on certain controllers)
5 Real-time cruising. (only supported on certain controllers)
6 Battery voltage is low.
7 Motor issues.
8 Throttle issues.
9 Controller issues.
10 Communication receiving issues. (Between controller and display)
11 Communication transmitting issues. (Between controller and display)
12 BMS communication issues.
13 Headlight issues.

solosbikes 3000w 60a ebike controller diagram wiring

SW900 & S830 LCD Display Manual

Menu Operation

Hold the M button pressed for 5-6 seconds to turn the LCD Display On and Off.

Press and hold the UP and DOWN arrows at the same time for about 5-6 seconds to enter configuration menu. Parameter P01 will show up on the screen below in the speed section. Parameter value will be present the odometer section.

Use Up and DOWN arrows to change value.

Short press M button to navigate between parameters (P01-P16).

Press and hold the UP and DOWN arrows at the same time for about 5-6 seconds to exit configuration menu

After 10 seconds of inactivity, configuration will automatically be saved and exited.


P01 Back light Brightness
1-3, Higher is brighter.
Brightness of the display in low light (night).

P02 Unit of Measurement
0 for Kilometers, 1 for Miles
Sets the displayed unit of measurement for odometer and speed.

P03 Battery/Controller Voltage
24/36/48/52/60/72 volts.
Sets battery voltage. This should match the output of your battery. Used to calibrate battery level indicator.

P04 Inactivity Timeout
0-60 minutes, 0 disables inactivity timeout.
Automatically sets display/controller to sleep after a given time of inactivity.

P05 PAS Levels
0 or 1
0 = 3 Levels, 1 = 5 Levels

Sets of the number of Pedal Assist System (PAS) levels available. More levels = finer control over amount of assistance given by the motor.

P06 Wheel Size
Diameter In Inches, Precision 0.1
Sets the wheel size of the bicycle in inches. Correct wheel size is required for accurate speed and odometer function.

P07 Motor Speed Magnet Type
Set to 47 for direct drive motor, 100 for geared motors. Some brands may require 86 instead of 100 for their geared motors.

P08 Speed Limiter
0-100 km/h, 100 for unlimited
Shuts off motor when the speed exceeds above set limit. This parameter’s value is always in km/h, so a mph limit must first be converted to km/h first!

P09 Throttle Response
0 for instant throttle, 1 for delayed throttle
Sets whether pressing throttle and motor beginning to spin is instant, or whether there is a delay between the actions.

P10 Throttle Mode
0 = PAS Only, 1 = Throttle Only, 2 = Both PAS and Throttle
Sets which sensors are used for throttle control.

P11 PAS Sensitivity
1-24, Higher = more sensitive
Sets how sensitive PAS is to movement of the pedals.

P12 PAS Start Strength
0-5, Higher = more assistance
Amount of assistance given when you start pedaling.

P13 PAS Magnet Type
5, 8, 12. Determined by magnets (dots) on PAS ring.
Sets PAS ring magnet type as determined by the number of magnets on the ring.

P14 Controller Current Limit
1-20 Amps, some versions of sw900/controller allow higher values.
Sets the current (amp) limit of your controller. Setting this value to something higher than your controller or motor can handle may cause damage!

P15 Not Implemented
This parameter is unused

P16 Odometer (ODO) Reset
Press and hold UP button for 5 seconds to reset ODO counter to zero.
Some controllers may not support this feature.

SW900 display has error code 10 (communication receiving problem)

I got this new from cscwheels along with a controller that was suppose to work with the SW900 display, to replace the S861 display that they sent me. when all is connected to the new controller I get an E 10 error code, I have tried just hooking up the battery power, & the display, I still get the E 10 error code, I connected the battery and the twist throttle, still get the error code, continued to connect ever thing still error code E 10, and of course nothing happens when I turn the throttle. I have a 48v 14.8 amp battery, a 1000w front mounted wheel. also my S861 display will not show and speed, the battery voltage never goes down, stay the same, I have no instructions to program it, and nether dose cscwheels. any help with either problem would be appreciated. There is some instruction on the 861 display on youtube, but their meter has 14 setting, mine has only 9.

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