Tap titans 2 ошибка teapot

Teapot Error from Connection

Hi all,

I looked up what «teapot» meant once I saw the error pop up and realized I couldn’t do anything that needed a connection. I was greeted by a whole bunch of videos about it exploits and hacked apks… It started right when the most recent tourney ended so maybe three hours ago. Is there a way to get rid of that and keep my account?

Is there a known bug that causes the teapot error or something that I should avoid with connection issues? I play on my walk back from school to my apartment and sometimes my connection is spotty, would that cause the server to think I’m cheating?


The Teapot message indicates that you have been flagged for suspicious activity. For more information, you can view our Terms of Service.

At this time, all account bans are permanent. Having a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to breaking the rules is the only way to keep the game fun and fair for the community as a whole.

We would encourage you to rejoin the battle on a new account – just be sure to play by the rules!

If you believe your account has been flagged in error, feel free to reach out to our Support Team and we will be happy to review your account for you.

Quick Start Guide


Welcome to Tap Titans! In this beautiful world, you and your heroes will battle against monstrous titans in order to restore peace and order. You must not rest until these foes have been vanquished!

Tap Titans is free to play, but you can purchase diamonds using real currency. Diamonds can be used, for example, to end active skill cooldown periods, revive inactive heroes, salvage relics from existing artifacts and purchase premium game perks that give you huge advantages and help get you through the game.

Game Panels

Player, Active Skills & Prestige Panel

  • Your hero / player (the blond one with the red scarf!), that you control by tapping on the screen to attack, also appears at the top of the Active Skills panel. This is where you increase your tap damage by leveling up. You can also name your hero whatever you want.
  • There are 6 active skills which are very powerful weapons to use strategically against monsters. This is where you increase their awesome power by leveling up.
  • At the bottom of the Active Skills panel, you will find Prestige. Prestige is a mode that resets your entire game (you start from the beginning again), but rewards you many relics, which in turn can be used to purchase powerful artifacts that will make battling monsters easier and therefore allow you to progress further and deeper into the game.
  • Using Prestige is unilmited, but the number of relics recieved during a prestige is dependent on your player level, stage level and the sum of your heroes’ levels and their health. The more you prestige, the more relics you can ultimately get!

Hired Heroes Panel

  • This is where you will find all of your unique hired heroes, of which there are 33 in total. Tap on their avatars to read a description of them, as well as to find out what specific passive skills they possess. Leveling up your heroes increases the damage done to monsters in battle, as well as unlocks their passive skills. Each hero has 7 of them.
  • Heroes will farm gold for you at the same speed, whether you are in the game or offline.
  • You are, just one time, able to evolve heroes when they reach level 1000. At this point of evolution, your heroes’ stats and passive skills will reset back to the beginning, but they will gain huge power in terms of doing damage to monsters in battle.
  • Heroes can be rendered dead / inactive for a period of a few hours by monster bosses. This means their stats will not contribute in battle towerds defeating monsters. Here you can see the time they have until they revive. Alternatively you may also use diamonds to revive them instantly and bring them back into battle.

Artifacts Panel

  • There are 29 unique artifacts, each possessing powerful attributes that are essential to battle and to fighting deeper within the game.
  • Only relics can buy artifacts. Nothing else can be used.
  • As with your hero / player, active skills and team of hired heroes, artifacts can also be leveled up to become even more powerful. The same logic applies; it becomes more expensive to upgrade as your level increases.
  • The maximum level of an artifact depends on the specific artifact.
  • If you no longer want an existing artifact, or need extra relics to use to buy another artifact, you can actually salvage the relics from an exitsing artifact by using diamonds.

Perks & Diamonds Panel

  • Here you are able to purchase 4 premium game perks, which can really help when you are stuck, or otherwise just give you a great advantage to get ahead in the game.
  • This is where you can also find in-app purchases for diamonds, which can be used for a variety of important things in the game involving skills, heroes, relics, artifacts and perks.

Game Play / Tapping Area

This is where you take on the monsters with your hero / player and team of amazing hired heroes! Check out the following tips and important information:

  • Fairies are an integral part of the game, as they give you generous and powerful goodies including skills, diamonds and gold. Use fairies as often as you can!
  • The 6 active skills icons can be found at the bottom of the screen as you unlock them. After you use any of them, a timer will appear indicating how much time is left until you can use them again. To end this cooldown, and be able to immediately use your active skills, you can tap on the active skills you want and use a few diamonds.
  • Each environment / theme has 10 monsters, and features 4 mini bosses and 1 big boss. Beating all monsters and mini bosses will get you to the big boss. If you fail to beat the boss within the allotted time (30 seconds), you and your team will be in farming mode in that stage until you attempt the boss battle again and auccessfully beat them to move on to the next stage.
  • Starting at stage 50, both the mini and big bosses will possess the chance to render heroes within your team dead / inactive. Big bosses will have more of a chance of doing this than mini bosses. Once again, heroes will be revived in a few hours, or can come back immediately with diamonds.
  • Starting at stage 80, beating the big boss at every 10th level interval will yield 1 relic from that boss that can be used right away towards purchasing artifacts.
  • Every hit that you produce through your hero / player by tapping on the screen, there will be a small chance to have a critical damage hit that will damage the current monster 3 to 10 times the normal damage amount.
  • At random points, in between monsters, treasure chests will appear. Defeating them will give you 10 times the amount of normal monster gold.

The social feature is a way for Tap Titans players to connect in-game with their friends to enjoy an even more diverse game experience that includes chat functionality and multiplayer mode. In the Social panel, a player is able to connect with up to 50 of their friends. Friends can be added by linking a Facebook account or adding their friend code. Each player will have a unique friend code that they can share with friends who play Tap Titans, but are not on Facebook. Facebook friends can also be re-imported from the Options panel allowing players to see their new friends playing Tap Titans. In the case that the player wants to block friend requests, messages and/or wants to delete certain friends, these options will be available when the player rejects a friend invite and/or removes a friend. Blocking someone will result in all messages and friend invites from that player being ignored.

Chat functionality is available between friends when both players are online. There is no ability to send offline messages. A small bubble, with a number in it (indicating the number of unread messages), will appear aboce a friend when they have messaged you. Players will be able to chat with each other while you are in the Social panel, as well as when you are engaged in the middle of a multiplayer party with one or two other friends.

The player friends list will be seen in three ways; either (1) Offline, (2) Online, or (3) In Party. In Party represents the multiplayer aspect of Tap Titans, where a player can invite up to 2 friendsto join them in playing at the same time. Multiplayer works as follows:

  • Each player will shown up on each others devices in full customization. If a player changes their look, it will be reflected immediately on their friend’s devices during the multiplayer party.
  • Each player’s taps per second will be sent to the other players in the party so make sure you tap a lot! Alternatively, if they are not tapping, they will show up on their friends devices as being idle, but not attacking.
  • During a Boss Battle or Dungeon battle, the player friends will contribute to the attack, but not to their full ability.
  • A player can invite one friend, and their friend can invite another friend, so potentially there will be 2 players playing in the party of 3 who are strangers to each other. They will have the opportunity to add each other if they want to, or alternatively to kick them from the party.
  • The player who initiates the multiplayer party is the host and can kick players. Any player can also leave the party at any time. If the host leaves, the next-in-line player who joined will be set as the new host of the party.
  • When a player spends diamonds on the Make It Rain perk while in a multiplayer party, they will recieve 100% of the gold amount indicated as usual, but as an added bonus each of the other players in their party will revieve 10% of that gold amount. Everybody wins!

Daily Dungeons

The Daily Dungeon is a 5 day challenge where players fight off against Dungeon Masters in order to gain rewards. Daily Dungeon is opened to all users who have made it past stage 50 at least once. You have the opportunity to defeat one Dungeon Master per day. When successfully defeating a Dungeon Master you must wait till the next day to fight off the next Dungeon Master. If you failed to defeat the Dungeon Master, you can always retry. You are able to fight off up to 5 consecutive Dungeon Masters, each one more powerful. Once all 5 have been defeated the Daily Dungeon will reset back to [Day 1] and where you can re-battle the first Dungeon Master. Whenever a day goes by and a Dungeon Master is not defeated the Daily Dungeon resets back to the first Dungeon Master [Day 1]


The tournament is a special event that is opened 2 days a week for players to compete in (Wednesday and Saturday, UTC 0:00 to 23:59). It will be available to all players who have prestiged at least once. The tournament icon will appear all day unless the player chooses opt out of the tournament. When a user joins the tournament he/she is forced to prestige and start back at stage 1. At the end of the 24 hours, the ranks are determined by the highest stage number. In the case that two or more players are at the same stage level when the tournament has ended, they will be tied at that rank level, each earning the exact same rewards for that rank level. Players are placed in a pool of 200 players, and the goal is to rank 1st in approximately 24 hours of play time. In any case, the higher the rank, the more prizes (diamonds, weapon upgrades and tournament points) will be rewarded.

Weapon Upgrade System

The Weapon Upgrade System is designed to reward players engaging in activities beyond normal gameplay, namely the daily dungeon and tournaments. These upgrades affect your hero DPS, increasing it greatly. The system becomes available once the first weapon upgrade has been rewarded to the player. The Weapon Upgrade System panel can be be accessed by tapping on the gold Weapon Upgrades button found at the very bottom of the Heroes Panel. Other points to note:

  • Each hero has one weapon that can be upgraded and, unlike the artifacts system, you may not necessarily always get a unique upgrade.
  • Players do not need to have that specific hero to gain their associated weapon upgrade.
  • Once the player collects weapon upgrades for each of the 30 heroes, their [Full Set Progress] will be upgraded to the next level. Every time a player is able to achieve a full hero set of weapon upgrades, the multiplication factor will rise by 10, i.e. level 1 will be Damage x 10, level 2 will be Damage x 20, and so on.
  • Weapon Upgrades carry over when you prestige. They will not be lost.

Cloud Save System

The Cloud Save System gives players the ability to hold one game save file through their iCloud, Google or GameCircle account, as well as sync the save file between their IPS, Android or Android-Amazon device and any other same-system device also logged into the same account. There is no cross-platform support for the sync feature. The system is set to save automatically every 15 minutes, although players retain the ability to save manually by going into the Options panel and navigating to the Cloud Save icon.


If you encounter an issue that is affecting your game experience, please navigate to the Options panel and tap and hold your finger on the Game Hive logo. After a few seconds, the Report Issue panel will pop up Fill in your email address and write a clear, concise description of the issue you wish to report. Don’t forget to tap the Submit button. A panel will pop up confirming that your message has been sent successfully.

Other Game Elements

Don’t forget that completing trophies (achievements) will reward you a lot of diamonds, as well as that you can share your stats with your friends on Facebook. Leaderboards are also online to see how you compare with the best in the world!

As a final thought, remember that so much of the game is built on upgrading, so explore around! Tap on icons to learn more about things and to read their descriptions, and play as strategically as you can in order to take on the Titans and take back your world!

Quick Start Guide


Welcome to Tap Titans! In this beautiful world, you and your heroes will battle against monstrous titans in order to restore peace and order. You must not rest until these foes have been vanquished!

Tap Titans is free to play, but you can purchase diamonds using real currency. Diamonds can be used, for example, to end active skill cooldown periods, revive inactive heroes, salvage relics from existing artifacts and purchase premium game perks that give you huge advantages and help get you through the game.

Game Panels

Player, Active Skills & Prestige Panel

  • Your hero / player (the blond one with the red scarf!), that you control by tapping on the screen to attack, also appears at the top of the Active Skills panel. This is where you increase your tap damage by leveling up. You can also name your hero whatever you want.
  • There are 6 active skills which are very powerful weapons to use strategically against monsters. This is where you increase their awesome power by leveling up.
  • At the bottom of the Active Skills panel, you will find Prestige. Prestige is a mode that resets your entire game (you start from the beginning again), but rewards you many relics, which in turn can be used to purchase powerful artifacts that will make battling monsters easier and therefore allow you to progress further and deeper into the game.
  • Using Prestige is unilmited, but the number of relics recieved during a prestige is dependent on your player level, stage level and the sum of your heroes’ levels and their health. The more you prestige, the more relics you can ultimately get!

Hired Heroes Panel

  • This is where you will find all of your unique hired heroes, of which there are 33 in total. Tap on their avatars to read a description of them, as well as to find out what specific passive skills they possess. Leveling up your heroes increases the damage done to monsters in battle, as well as unlocks their passive skills. Each hero has 7 of them.
  • Heroes will farm gold for you at the same speed, whether you are in the game or offline.
  • You are, just one time, able to evolve heroes when they reach level 1000. At this point of evolution, your heroes’ stats and passive skills will reset back to the beginning, but they will gain huge power in terms of doing damage to monsters in battle.
  • Heroes can be rendered dead / inactive for a period of a few hours by monster bosses. This means their stats will not contribute in battle towerds defeating monsters. Here you can see the time they have until they revive. Alternatively you may also use diamonds to revive them instantly and bring them back into battle.

Artifacts Panel

  • There are 29 unique artifacts, each possessing powerful attributes that are essential to battle and to fighting deeper within the game.
  • Only relics can buy artifacts. Nothing else can be used.
  • As with your hero / player, active skills and team of hired heroes, artifacts can also be leveled up to become even more powerful. The same logic applies; it becomes more expensive to upgrade as your level increases.
  • The maximum level of an artifact depends on the specific artifact.
  • If you no longer want an existing artifact, or need extra relics to use to buy another artifact, you can actually salvage the relics from an exitsing artifact by using diamonds.

Perks & Diamonds Panel

  • Here you are able to purchase 4 premium game perks, which can really help when you are stuck, or otherwise just give you a great advantage to get ahead in the game.
  • This is where you can also find in-app purchases for diamonds, which can be used for a variety of important things in the game involving skills, heroes, relics, artifacts and perks.

Game Play / Tapping Area

This is where you take on the monsters with your hero / player and team of amazing hired heroes! Check out the following tips and important information:

  • Fairies are an integral part of the game, as they give you generous and powerful goodies including skills, diamonds and gold. Use fairies as often as you can!
  • The 6 active skills icons can be found at the bottom of the screen as you unlock them. After you use any of them, a timer will appear indicating how much time is left until you can use them again. To end this cooldown, and be able to immediately use your active skills, you can tap on the active skills you want and use a few diamonds.
  • Each environment / theme has 10 monsters, and features 4 mini bosses and 1 big boss. Beating all monsters and mini bosses will get you to the big boss. If you fail to beat the boss within the allotted time (30 seconds), you and your team will be in farming mode in that stage until you attempt the boss battle again and auccessfully beat them to move on to the next stage.
  • Starting at stage 50, both the mini and big bosses will possess the chance to render heroes within your team dead / inactive. Big bosses will have more of a chance of doing this than mini bosses. Once again, heroes will be revived in a few hours, or can come back immediately with diamonds.
  • Starting at stage 80, beating the big boss at every 10th level interval will yield 1 relic from that boss that can be used right away towards purchasing artifacts.
  • Every hit that you produce through your hero / player by tapping on the screen, there will be a small chance to have a critical damage hit that will damage the current monster 3 to 10 times the normal damage amount.
  • At random points, in between monsters, treasure chests will appear. Defeating them will give you 10 times the amount of normal monster gold.

The social feature is a way for Tap Titans players to connect in-game with their friends to enjoy an even more diverse game experience that includes chat functionality and multiplayer mode. In the Social panel, a player is able to connect with up to 50 of their friends. Friends can be added by linking a Facebook account or adding their friend code. Each player will have a unique friend code that they can share with friends who play Tap Titans, but are not on Facebook. Facebook friends can also be re-imported from the Options panel allowing players to see their new friends playing Tap Titans. In the case that the player wants to block friend requests, messages and/or wants to delete certain friends, these options will be available when the player rejects a friend invite and/or removes a friend. Blocking someone will result in all messages and friend invites from that player being ignored.

Chat functionality is available between friends when both players are online. There is no ability to send offline messages. A small bubble, with a number in it (indicating the number of unread messages), will appear aboce a friend when they have messaged you. Players will be able to chat with each other while you are in the Social panel, as well as when you are engaged in the middle of a multiplayer party with one or two other friends.

The player friends list will be seen in three ways; either (1) Offline, (2) Online, or (3) In Party. In Party represents the multiplayer aspect of Tap Titans, where a player can invite up to 2 friendsto join them in playing at the same time. Multiplayer works as follows:

  • Each player will shown up on each others devices in full customization. If a player changes their look, it will be reflected immediately on their friend’s devices during the multiplayer party.
  • Each player’s taps per second will be sent to the other players in the party so make sure you tap a lot! Alternatively, if they are not tapping, they will show up on their friends devices as being idle, but not attacking.
  • During a Boss Battle or Dungeon battle, the player friends will contribute to the attack, but not to their full ability.
  • A player can invite one friend, and their friend can invite another friend, so potentially there will be 2 players playing in the party of 3 who are strangers to each other. They will have the opportunity to add each other if they want to, or alternatively to kick them from the party.
  • The player who initiates the multiplayer party is the host and can kick players. Any player can also leave the party at any time. If the host leaves, the next-in-line player who joined will be set as the new host of the party.
  • When a player spends diamonds on the Make It Rain perk while in a multiplayer party, they will recieve 100% of the gold amount indicated as usual, but as an added bonus each of the other players in their party will revieve 10% of that gold amount. Everybody wins!

Daily Dungeons

The Daily Dungeon is a 5 day challenge where players fight off against Dungeon Masters in order to gain rewards. Daily Dungeon is opened to all users who have made it past stage 50 at least once. You have the opportunity to defeat one Dungeon Master per day. When successfully defeating a Dungeon Master you must wait till the next day to fight off the next Dungeon Master. If you failed to defeat the Dungeon Master, you can always retry. You are able to fight off up to 5 consecutive Dungeon Masters, each one more powerful. Once all 5 have been defeated the Daily Dungeon will reset back to [Day 1] and where you can re-battle the first Dungeon Master. Whenever a day goes by and a Dungeon Master is not defeated the Daily Dungeon resets back to the first Dungeon Master [Day 1]


The tournament is a special event that is opened 2 days a week for players to compete in (Wednesday and Saturday, UTC 0:00 to 23:59). It will be available to all players who have prestiged at least once. The tournament icon will appear all day unless the player chooses opt out of the tournament. When a user joins the tournament he/she is forced to prestige and start back at stage 1. At the end of the 24 hours, the ranks are determined by the highest stage number. In the case that two or more players are at the same stage level when the tournament has ended, they will be tied at that rank level, each earning the exact same rewards for that rank level. Players are placed in a pool of 200 players, and the goal is to rank 1st in approximately 24 hours of play time. In any case, the higher the rank, the more prizes (diamonds, weapon upgrades and tournament points) will be rewarded.

Weapon Upgrade System

The Weapon Upgrade System is designed to reward players engaging in activities beyond normal gameplay, namely the daily dungeon and tournaments. These upgrades affect your hero DPS, increasing it greatly. The system becomes available once the first weapon upgrade has been rewarded to the player. The Weapon Upgrade System panel can be be accessed by tapping on the gold Weapon Upgrades button found at the very bottom of the Heroes Panel. Other points to note:

  • Each hero has one weapon that can be upgraded and, unlike the artifacts system, you may not necessarily always get a unique upgrade.
  • Players do not need to have that specific hero to gain their associated weapon upgrade.
  • Once the player collects weapon upgrades for each of the 30 heroes, their [Full Set Progress] will be upgraded to the next level. Every time a player is able to achieve a full hero set of weapon upgrades, the multiplication factor will rise by 10, i.e. level 1 will be Damage x 10, level 2 will be Damage x 20, and so on.
  • Weapon Upgrades carry over when you prestige. They will not be lost.

Cloud Save System

The Cloud Save System gives players the ability to hold one game save file through their iCloud, Google or GameCircle account, as well as sync the save file between their IPS, Android or Android-Amazon device and any other same-system device also logged into the same account. There is no cross-platform support for the sync feature. The system is set to save automatically every 15 minutes, although players retain the ability to save manually by going into the Options panel and navigating to the Cloud Save icon.


If you encounter an issue that is affecting your game experience, please navigate to the Options panel and tap and hold your finger on the Game Hive logo. After a few seconds, the Report Issue panel will pop up Fill in your email address and write a clear, concise description of the issue you wish to report. Don’t forget to tap the Submit button. A panel will pop up confirming that your message has been sent successfully.

Other Game Elements

Don’t forget that completing trophies (achievements) will reward you a lot of diamonds, as well as that you can share your stats with your friends on Facebook. Leaderboards are also online to see how you compare with the best in the world!

As a final thought, remember that so much of the game is built on upgrading, so explore around! Tap on icons to learn more about things and to read their descriptions, and play as strategically as you can in order to take on the Titans and take back your world!

Игроки могут подумать, что Tap Titans 2 — это простенькая idle-игра, однако в ней есть много тонкостей, понимание которых позволит добиться наилучших результатов. Верьте или нет, но в Tap Titans 2 есть сообщество сильных игроков, которые относятся к игре со всей серьезностью. Если вы хотите стать таким игроком, то вам нужно научиться эффективно улучшать своих персонажей за короткий промежуток времени. Если вы планируете в перспективе участвовать в турнирах по этой игре, то обязательно ознакомьтесь с нашими советами в этом руководстве. 

Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

В Tap Titans 2 есть разнообразные интересные особенности, которые дают игрокам чувство постоянной прогрессии, несмотря на упрощенный игровой процесс. Следуя нашим советам по продвинутым механикам игры, вы сможете быстро прогрессировать в ней в сравнении с другими игроками. 

  1. Повышайте свой престиж 

Престиж — самое сильное улучшение в игре. Престиж разблокируется при достижении 60-го уровня. Уровни показаны в верхней части экрана. Чем дальше вы пройдете по уровням перед престижем, тем больше наград получите за его выполнение. Новые и неосведомленные игроки часто опасаются выполнять престиж. Они думают, что это лишь откатит их прогрессию назад, поскольку престиж действительно сбрасывает некоторые параметры вашего прогресса в игре, такие как улучшения героя, прогресс по уровням и уровень Мастера Меча. 

Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

Понятно, почему игроки скептически относятся к престижу, однако частое его выполнение в перспективе дает вам куда лучшие бонусы. Престиж позволяет вам получать ресурсы, необходимые для разблокировки артефактов, дает вам очки навыков и другие полезные награды. Вот почему вам следует выполнять престиж часто. Делайте это каждый раз, когда пройдете на 100 уровней больше, чем в прошлом престиже. 

  1. Не используйте слишком много героев низкого ранга

Мастер Меча для многих игроков является звездой Tap Titans 2, однако опытные игроки знают, что именно герои в какой-то момент станут основным источником урона в игре. Достигнув 150-го уровня вы заметите, что урон вашего Мастера Меча резко снизится, хотя вы тратите все свое золото на увеличение его урона. Вы также заметите, что ваши сильнейшие герои начинают убивать титанов одним выстрелом, независимо от того, боссы эти противники или нет. 

Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

Герои чрезвычайно сильны, но не все они будут одинаково полезны на поздних уровнях игры. Героям, которых вы получили раньше, начинает не хватать урона, так что они не окажут большого влияния на исход сражения, даже если вы максимально прокачаете их. Как только вы получите Gullbrand, вам следует перестать тратить много золота на других героев (во всяком случае, временно). Вместо прокачки других героев, которые на поздних стадиях не слишком-то будут полезны вам, тратьте золото на самых сильных героев, чтобы выжать максимум из их потенциала. Как только вы это сделаете, можете расслабиться, так как они будут сами убивать всех титанов. Дайте игре поиграть в саму себя. 

  1. Улучшение артефактов 

Артефакты играют большую роль в вашем противостоянии титанам. Питомцы, деревья умений и артефакты навсегда остаются с вами, даже если вы выполняете престиж. Вот почему вам следует разблокировать и улучшить все артефакты. Именно так вы станете немного сильнее, чем до выполнения престижа. Для улучшения артефактов вам потребуются реликвии артефактов, которые вы получаете, выполняя престиж. Количество реликвий зависит от уровня, которого вы достигли до его выполнения. 



Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

Артефакты имеют множество разных эффектов, которые помогут вам в вашем путешествии. Чем больше артефактов вы разблокируете, тем больше эффектов будет применено к вашей команде. Благодаря этому играть станет гораздо проще, даже если вы решите выполнить престиж и начать с “нуля”. Вероятность появления артефакта зависит от его редкости. Чем больше вы их разблокируете, тем выше вероятность того, что вы получите редкий артефакт. Это обусловлено тем, что вы не можете получить дубликат уже полученного артефакта, то есть постепенно вы разблокируете все 97 артефактов в игре. 

  1. Достигайте высоких уровней 

Вам действительно часто стоит выполнять престиж, чтобы получать больше реликвий артефактов и улучшать свою команду. Однако вам также следует достигать более

высоких уровней до выполнения престижа, чтобы вы могли воспользоваться преимуществами, такими как приобретение снаряжения более высокого уровня и разблокировка новых очков навыков. Чем выше уровень вы получаете, тем лучше награды у вас будут от выполнения престижа, а сундуки с добычей, которые падают на землю, станут радовать вас ценной добычей. 

Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

Престиж — важная часть игры. Чтобы понять, нужно ли его выполнять, вам нужно определить, достаточно ли у вас наград. Иначе выполнение престижа превратится в рутину. Вы также должны выполнять престиж, когда враги становятся слишком сильными, даже если вы худо-бедно справляетесь с ними. Найдите свою идеальную формулу, экспериментируйте и сможете найти баланс между высокими уровнями и престижем. 

  1. Присоединитесь к клану 

Вступление в клан дает игроку множество преимуществ. Во-первых, кланы открывают новых игровой контент: рейды гильдий и одиночные рейды. В эти игровые режимы очень интересно играть, а также они могут дать ощутимые награды членам клана, в зависимости от их вклада в нанесенный боссу урон. Это позволяет игрокам собирать ресурсы, необходимые для прокачки своей команды. 

Tap Titans 2 — Продвинутые механики и хитрости

Кроме того, игроки, которые являются членами клана, смогут получить корабль клана. Это большой воздушный корабль, который действует как герой во время битв с боссами. Он обеспечивает дополнительное увеличение урона в зависимости от урона действующего героя. Вы также получите пассивное увеличение урона, которое увеличит ваш общий урон и позволит вам продвинуться на несколько уровней дальше в игре. 

Описание мод:



Монеты увеличиваются

Монеты не уменьшаются

Мана не уменьшается

Нет перезарядки навыков

Включены Vip-функции

Пропуск Видео Феи

Автоматическая атака питомца активна

Автоматическое обновление героев после активации prestige

Неограниченное количество Сказок

Бонус за все наборы предметов активен // работает после престижа или если вы включили его до загрузки игры (не работает для усиления реликвий)

Сражайтесь только с боссами

Уровень прокрутки героя (0-100) // 0 = Хак отключен, работает после престижа или если вы включили его до загрузки игры,

Уровень оружия героя (0-100) // 0 = Хак отключен, работает после престижа или если вы включили его до загрузки игры

Мгновенный максимальный этап // Убейте босса, чтобы мгновенно перейти на максимальный уровень

Бесплатное обновление пассивного навыка // работает после престижа, или, если вы включите его до загрузки игры, мод обновит его для вашей учетной записи, так что обратите внимание на риск запрета

Автоматическая покупка Всегда доступна

Примечание 1: Если вы включаете увеличение монет и монеты не уменьшаются одновременно, монеты не уменьшаются, имеют приоритет
Примечание 2: Трюк с использованием модов, который работает, только если он включен до загрузки игры, — это включить выбранный мод, а затем отключить / включить научную нотацию, потому что это перезагрузит игру


Реклама отключена;

После запуска игры нажмите на круглую кнопку в левом верхнем углу, чтобы открыть меню модов со следующими функциями:

Бесконечная мана (не расходуется при использовании);

Бесконечные золотые монеты (не тратятся при использовании);

Активируйте все бонусы всех комплектов снаряжения (включите сразу после начала игры, а именно после появления заставки);

Сражается только с боссами;

Повышайте уровни оружия и свитков героя (включаются сразу после начала игры, а именно после появления заставки).


Монеты увеличиваются при их расходовании!

Name of Requested File: Tab Titans 2

Link To Download: Playstore

Is the game server-sided: partly

Comments: Stage&Lvl Hack successful

Hey guys,

i need help.. does anyone out there knows how to bypass «Teapot»? Everytime i change the stage lvl more than 500 it teapots me. Need some help to find out how to «un-teapot». Teapot is game sided. Not online

Thanks in advance

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