Teso ошибка 102

Maintenance for the week of June 5:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 5, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) — 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 7, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) — 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 7, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) — 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)


Unable to find patch data for the current game version.

Nice job again Zos. really good job u are doing with this game….

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


March 2018

I thought I’d share this for others who may have the same problem.

Hats off to ESO support who worked through the issue with me with incredible speed despite it being a holiday!

I received the notorious ‘error 102’ when attempting to start playing again after a few months off. I literally tried everything I could find including starting it as an admin, erasing and redownloading the launcher, repairing the game and even completely deleting everything and starting from scratch…nothing worked.

ESO support had one more suggestion that I hadn’t seen elsewhere. Basically it involved turning off all services except those from microsoft and trying to run ESO again…and it worked! The steps below are for Windows 10

  1. start MSCONFIG (just type msconfig in the search box at the bottom left of your desktop)

  2. Under the general tab, click ‘selective startup’ and uncheck ‘load startup items’

  3. Click on the ‘services’ tab and check ‘Hide all Microsoft services’

  4. Next click ‘Disable all’ (this takes out everything other than the microsoft services)

  5. Click Apply, then OK and then restart your computer

Hopefully when you try to launch the game again, it now works. In my case, I was able to do the download, made sure the game worked and then went back into MSCONFIG and turned ‘Normal Startup’ back on again. Then I rebooted and everything worked. Perhaps I’ll need to repeat this for every patch until I take the time to figure out exactly which service was causing the issue…but I have no issue with that.

Hope this might help someone else.

Если вы участвовали ранее в бета-тестировании TESO, то наверняка не раз сталкивались с сообщениями об ошибках, которые далеко не всегда были описаны детально. Для того, чтобы разобраться, по какой именно причине вы не можете войти в игру, нужно было обращаться к техподдержке и выяснять детали там. Предлагаем вам список наиболее распространенных ошибок, а также их описание и, в некоторых случаях, возможное решение проблемы. Эту публикацию подготовил наш новичок, Niazan, с которым вы уже знакомы по замечательному FAQ по бета-тестированию.

1) 103 – Failed to obtain server connection information.

На данный момент нет доступа к серверу. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз во время активного бета-тестирования, к которому у вас есть доступ. Эта ошибка также актуальна, если ваш «userID» содержит специальные символы, в таком случае свяжитесь с службой поддержки, чтобы изменить его.

2) 104 – Server Full.

Количество игроков больше или равно максимальному. Сервер игры работает на пределе возможностей и пока не может принять новых пользователей.

3) 200 – Authentication Timeout.

Служба аутентификации не отвечает и может находиться в автономном режиме.

4) 201 – Authentication Failed.

Игроки получили это сообщение потому что: а) использовали неправильное имя пользователя для входа в систему; б) имя пользователя содержит недопустимый символ.

Перепроверьте имя пользователя и если в нем есть недопустимые символы, обратитесь в техподдержку за заменой вашего логина.

5) 202 – Login Queue Cancel Timeout.

Сервис очереди входа (login-сервис) не отвечает и может находиться в офф-лайн режиме.

6) 203 – Login Queue Cancel Failed.

Попытка войти через очередь сорвалась. Попробуйте еще раз.

7) 204 – Auth OTP Timeout.

Вышло время ожидания одноразового пароля при входе в систему.

8) 205 – Auth OTP Failed.

Пользователь ввел неверный одноразовый пароль и ему предлагается повторить попытку.

9) 206 – Auth OTP Locked.

Пользователь множество раз ввел неверный пароль, необходимо подождать, чтобы осуществить попытку снова.

10) 301 – Lobby Connection Failed.

Клиент попытался подключиться к лобби. Пожалуйста, подождите 10 минут и повторите попытку.

11) 305 – Unverified Protocol.

Для того, чтобы разрешить ошибку 305(Протокол несоответствия), вам нужно удалить некоторые файлы из директории игры.

1. Удалите файл eso.manifest, который по умолчанию расположенный по следующему адресу: C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online InternalLivegameclient ;

2. Удалите файл data.manifest, который по умолчанию расположенный по следующему адресу: C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online InternalLivedepot_databuild ;

3. Найдите и удалите следующие файлы из меню Пуск:




4. Перезапустите клиент игры.

Если после выполнения вышеперечисленных процедур, вы все равно получаете сообщение об ошибке — переустановите игру.

12) 306 – Realm Shutdown.

Сервер находится в режиме онлайн, но отключается при попытке несанкционированного доступа. Пользователи с необходимым разрешением в состоянии войти.

13) 311 – Bandwidth Cap

Вы были отключены от сервера, поскольку ваш клиент превысил лимит пропускной способности на сервере.

14) 500 – Internal Server Error.

«500 — Внутренняя ошибка сервера» обычно возникает, когда веб-сайт или сервер интернет-провайдера имеют неспецифичную проблему.
Пожалуйста, попробуйте следующие методы, чтобы исправить ошибку 500.

— Обновите страницу либо нажав кнопку обновленияперезагрузки, нажав F5, или попробуйте ввести адрес страницы заново.

— Используйте другой браузер, например Google Chrome, Firefox, или Internet Explorer.

— Временно отключите антивирусную программу, ADpop-up блокираторы и брандмауэры. Убедитесь в том, что вы включили их обратно после проведения процедуры.

— Отчистите кэш вашего браузера, куки, историю, дата-формы и активные фильтры. После завершение перезапустите браузер и попробуйте снова.

Are you currently experiencing problems with The Elder Scrolls Online? One of the most common error messages in The Elder Scrolls Online is error ‘102’, a game-breaking error that consistently plagues players.

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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the The Elder Scrolls Online error ‘102’. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.

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How to solve The Elder Scrolls Online error 102

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Обновлено: 09.02.2023

The Elder Scrolls Online

28 мая. 2017 в 5:53
если ктонить знает как бороться с Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile подскажите пожайста
осталась всегопара дней возможности вернуть деньги.
неготов я и эту игру оставлять мёртвым грузом в списке купленых. дороговато
гуглил 2 дня.. в сапорт писал . ничего
28 мая. 2017 в 8:01
28 мая. 2017 в 9:18
все что там написано . !»№;%:?*()№;%:?)(«№;%:?*(!»№;%:?*()_+_)(*?:%;№» вот как для меня выглядят английские буквы .
скажи в кратце, это поправимо? или просить деньги назад?
28 мая. 2017 в 10:27
Народ если русские вообще играю в эту игру, и читают все вот «это», пожалуйста подскажите как поиграть!? ну оч хочется, поддержка стима посылает меня в поддеррку на офф сайте игры, но я в английском нивтрот ногой, я на том сайте вообщше ничего понять немогу. так там все тупо и непонятно, будто сделать специально что б те кто незнат англ НУ НИКАК там неразобрался
Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”
вот это я кое как перевёл
нашёл, удалил, запустил, все как было так и осталось сразу выдало ошибку, а папка сново создалась там где и была
25 авг. 2017 в 23:57
21 июн. 2018 в 3:35
У меня тоже самое выходит. TESO ошибка 102. Ты исправил, если да то подскажи как?
21 июн. 2018 в 4:20
У меня тоже самое выходит. TESO ошибка 102. Ты исправил, если да то подскажи как? Исправил, мне помог только сброс настроек роутера. Можешь загуглить как это сделать.
21 июн. 2018 в 4:44
я вернгул деньги, гдет через полгода купил сново, ошибки уже небыло
1 апр. 2020 в 0:52

Всем привет, нашли способ обойти эту проблему:
1. скачайте на ПК vpn «windscribe»
2. авторизуйтесь и запустите vpn
3. откройте заново лаунчер игры и запустите обновление
как закончится обновление, vpn можно выключить игру больше не блокировало
мне помогло, надеюсь и вам тоже поможет))

п.с. скорее всего это роспотребнадор блочит из ru сети доступ к серверам на обновления

The Elder Scrolls Online

4 окт в 16:47
После тех рабо лаунчер выдаёт ошибку 102 и не может обновиться.
4 окт в 22:42
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
5 окт в 1:08

Еще позавчера ночью играл, в обед по понятным причинам зайти не смог и после 17.00 фиг вам. Ошибка 102, все перепробовал — никакого эффекта. Снес и скачал заново — один фиг.
Обидно и горестно).

Надеюсь кто-то сможет подсказать действенное решение.

5 окт в 1:42
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
стим ответил что это не их фигня пишите в саппорд тесо
5 окт в 5:31
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
стим ответил что это не их фигня пишите в саппорд тесо
Написал в саппорт ТЕСО, пока тикет в режиме ожидания. Прикрутил логи с гейм консультанта — поглядим, что скажут. Но гляжу — 102-я ошибка тянется с 15 годе с периодичностью появляясь то у тех, то у других после технических обновлений.
5 окт в 5:34
Чего-то смотрю я и все больше рука тянется взять со скидкой ТЕСО на плойку сейчас. Там, если кто играет, подобного не наблюдается?
5 окт в 6:21
у меня скоро сутки пройдут как заявка висит а толку ноль как будто там и нет никого
5 окт в 22:50

! Друзья, я нашел решение проблемы. Сразу скажу, что у меня 7 винда и с 30 сентября начались проблемы с заходом на определенные ресурсы через Хром, в связи с тем, что что 30 сентября у крупнейшего поставщика сертификатов, Let’s Encrypt, истёк срок действия крайне распространённого корневого сертификата, на которой «завязано» множество сайтов в глобальной сети, особенно не самых крупных.

После этого заработали сайты и я грешным делом просто решил обновить и игру, не особо надеясь на результат.
И, о чудо!

i keep getting this error after today’s maintenance/hotfix.

happens whenever i try to update or repair.

anyone else run into this and/or have a solution?


Same situation for me. Hoping ZOS figures out the issue soon.



  • Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
  • Open the folder named “Launcher”
  • Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
  • Delete the “ProgramData” folder
  • Open the launcher and download update
  • Click “Play”

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team — ZeniMax Online Studios
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In fact. don’t work. i delete «program data» file but when launch the launcher the same error appears and the program data file come back.

Reinstall all game?? really??

Do not reinstall the full game.

Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”

If this doesn’t work then go to the folder again and delete ProgramData folder again, then Run Launcher as Administrator, it makes a lot of difference. Trust me.


Nice job again Zos. really good job u are doing with this game.

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


Have the same issue on both 2 PCs. Tried to repair the game and got stuck. There is a message on left saying «WebGet request failed»
This is getting really annoying.
Cleared Trials:
— vAA HM — vHRC HM — vSO HM — vMoL HM — vHoF HM — vAS HM — vCR HM —

«The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching.»
-Someone said it, I guess.


Did search up this and found

If running as an administrator and the repair option are not working, and your firewall and antivirus are not blocking the game, please try the following:
Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”

If this does not resolve the error, please contact Customer Support.

this dont solve *** for me. and from all patches they have made from beta release until now they have yet to patch this game without sqreewing thing up. not once have they manage to make a patch without any kind of misstake. have to say they do a great job. do bad that i like this game so much. its hard to let go but a break with a new game will be good i guess

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

The Elder Scrolls Online — ZeniMax Online Studios
Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

I’ve waited since server up. It didnt help. Followed all the steps the launcher and the forum gave. Didnt help either. Filed an issue with Customer Support with an attached report.txt file some hours ago. Now I am waiting.


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have tried, i also did send you a ticket with my report file requested.
Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.

«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have been waiting for over an hour, and the article did not help solve the problem


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have been waiting for over an hour, and the article did not help solve the problem

VPN will fix it for you, dont hold your breath for Zos to fix it.
Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


Same Problem, i tried it with a new Installation but this works not too.


Trying it with a VPN Client fixed it, gosh Zenimax FIX YOUR GAME.


None of the ZOS sulotions helped. I am running as administrator, I can see the test file message and still get that 102 error. I am trying to get a complete download on a new laptop, not just patching.

Same problem here, have tried several times throughout the entire day. The solution from the article doesn’t work, running as admin doesn’t work. Repairing through the client doesn’t work. I can’t try VPN, and to be honest — I shouldn’t need to use VPN either It worked perfectly the last couple of days..

What else can I do?

Cute Wood Elf Archer

Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺

cya’ll out there
Bouncing Betty

Front Toward Enemy

Jab Them With The Pointy End
Six Feet Above

Bisolar Disorder — Bright & Moody
Django Unleashed

Mr. Nordic Bather’s Towel
Master Angler

Struggles With Ichthyophobia

Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
Lol Brb

«Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us.» — Queen Ayrenn

^ I got the same problem and tried to fix this all day too, haven’t been able to play at all and now I have to go to bed soon I tried everything too except the vpn thing I don’t understand that stuff.. sent a ticket with the report, really hope I can play again tomorrow


Me too. Same problem. Tried all the fixes suggested. Also sent a ticket.


Edited by ThorinOakenshield86 on March 22, 2018 4:22AM
I had this issue too. I always run as administrator, otherwise launcher has bad running issues. Luckily simple Repair seems to have fixed it. Fast repair, certainly didn’t need to redownload the whole game.


Same problem with me, repair did not fix anything, sent a ticket.

«Repair» just flashes for 0% and displays the same error message box.


Altmer Sorceror, magicka
Bosmer Nightblade, stamina.
Imperial Templar, stamina
Redguard Warden, stamina

Aldmeri Dominion!
PvP only


Yes still get this Error, for me is a VPN not possible i deinstalled the Game and was trying to reinstall it.


Still doesn’t work, I’m getting this when I try to repair:

I’m from PL on PC/EU and I don’t use VPN.
PC EU «House Tertia» — Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
PC EU «Priests of Hircine» — Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
Member of «Guild Masters United»
Master Angler


Still getting Error 102. Although it seemed like it managed to patch this morning, but then I got another error when it finished. I think it was Error 206, if I remember correctly. Restarted the launcher, and I’m back to getting Error 102. Repair doesn’t work and gives the same error. None of the troubleshoot works. I’m on PC/EU server and from Norway. I haven’t tried VPN. Game has worked fine until after yesterday’s maintenance and patch update.


Dear game developers, please respond to us with the news of are you trying to solve this problem at all and when this could happen? So far all of your responses were to check for common solutions which don’t work this time for myself and everybody else. What fixes the problem is VPN. So far I was unable to find a reliable VPN which would be free and didn’t have a data limit. I’m in a need of full install. Please help.
PC EU «House Tertia» — Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
PC EU «Priests of Hircine» — Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
Member of «Guild Masters United»
Master Angler
@Streega you are my hero, wish I could give you an insightful and an awesome connecting through a mobile hotspot did it for me as well


Ok, this Error does still exist i do evry step of your Helpdesk Instruction and still have the Error, i deinstalled the Game and try too Reinstall it, same Error !!

Change to Mobile Spot is not a Option i cant install the Complete Game with my Mobile Phone that would took me Years.


I fixed it with VPN, shame ZOS cant fix it themselves, but thats been the problem since. forever.

Altmer Sorceror, magicka
Bosmer Nightblade, stamina.
Imperial Templar, stamina
Redguard Warden, stamina

Aldmeri Dominion!
PvP only


Zos dont give a [snip] and have never done. not once have they manage to put out a patch without breaking something else.
Cant belive how those programmers can keep the job with so much failiure on the cv the last 4 years

[Edited to remove profanity]

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.

«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

Now I’ve waited a few days, and tried again.
Also tried every possible solution mentioned on the forums and on the official troubleshooting articles.
I would just like to play the game again!

Since the main problem seems to be the launcher being «unable to find patch data for the current game version», aren’t there any way for me to manually download the patch data and then manually place it where the launcer looks for it?

Cute Wood Elf Archer

Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺

cya’ll out there
Bouncing Betty

Front Toward Enemy

Jab Them With The Pointy End
Six Feet Above

Bisolar Disorder — Bright & Moody
Django Unleashed

Mr. Nordic Bather’s Towel
Master Angler

Struggles With Ichthyophobia

Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
Lol Brb

«Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us.» — Queen Ayrenn

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Обновлено: 03.06.2023

The Elder Scrolls Online

28 мая. 2017 в 5:53
если ктонить знает как бороться с Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile подскажите пожайста
осталась всегопара дней возможности вернуть деньги.
неготов я и эту игру оставлять мёртвым грузом в списке купленых. дороговато
гуглил 2 дня.. в сапорт писал . ничего
28 мая. 2017 в 8:01
28 мая. 2017 в 9:18
все что там написано . !»№;%:?*()№;%:?)(«№;%:?*(!»№;%:?*()_+_)(*?:%;№» вот как для меня выглядят английские буквы .
скажи в кратце, это поправимо? или просить деньги назад?
28 мая. 2017 в 10:27
Народ если русские вообще играю в эту игру, и читают все вот «это», пожалуйста подскажите как поиграть!? ну оч хочется, поддержка стима посылает меня в поддеррку на офф сайте игры, но я в английском нивтрот ногой, я на том сайте вообщше ничего понять немогу. так там все тупо и непонятно, будто сделать специально что б те кто незнат англ НУ НИКАК там неразобрался
Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”
вот это я кое как перевёл
нашёл, удалил, запустил, все как было так и осталось сразу выдало ошибку, а папка сново создалась там где и была
25 авг. 2017 в 23:57
21 июн. 2018 в 3:35
У меня тоже самое выходит. TESO ошибка 102. Ты исправил, если да то подскажи как?
21 июн. 2018 в 4:20
У меня тоже самое выходит. TESO ошибка 102. Ты исправил, если да то подскажи как? Исправил, мне помог только сброс настроек роутера. Можешь загуглить как это сделать.
21 июн. 2018 в 4:44
я вернгул деньги, гдет через полгода купил сново, ошибки уже небыло
1 апр. 2020 в 0:52

Всем привет, нашли способ обойти эту проблему:
1. скачайте на ПК vpn «windscribe»
2. авторизуйтесь и запустите vpn
3. откройте заново лаунчер игры и запустите обновление
как закончится обновление, vpn можно выключить игру больше не блокировало
мне помогло, надеюсь и вам тоже поможет))

п.с. скорее всего это роспотребнадор блочит из ru сети доступ к серверам на обновления

The Elder Scrolls Online

4 окт в 16:47
После тех рабо лаунчер выдаёт ошибку 102 и не может обновиться.
4 окт в 22:42
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
5 окт в 1:08

Еще позавчера ночью играл, в обед по понятным причинам зайти не смог и после 17.00 фиг вам. Ошибка 102, все перепробовал — никакого эффекта. Снес и скачал заново — один фиг.
Обидно и горестно).

Надеюсь кто-то сможет подсказать действенное решение.

5 окт в 1:42
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
стим ответил что это не их фигня пишите в саппорд тесо
5 окт в 5:31
та же фигня писал уже и цп тесо и стима ответа нет
стим ответил что это не их фигня пишите в саппорд тесо
Написал в саппорт ТЕСО, пока тикет в режиме ожидания. Прикрутил логи с гейм консультанта — поглядим, что скажут. Но гляжу — 102-я ошибка тянется с 15 годе с периодичностью появляясь то у тех, то у других после технических обновлений.
5 окт в 5:34
Чего-то смотрю я и все больше рука тянется взять со скидкой ТЕСО на плойку сейчас. Там, если кто играет, подобного не наблюдается?
5 окт в 6:21
у меня скоро сутки пройдут как заявка висит а толку ноль как будто там и нет никого
5 окт в 22:50

! Друзья, я нашел решение проблемы. Сразу скажу, что у меня 7 винда и с 30 сентября начались проблемы с заходом на определенные ресурсы через Хром, в связи с тем, что что 30 сентября у крупнейшего поставщика сертификатов, Let’s Encrypt, истёк срок действия крайне распространённого корневого сертификата, на которой «завязано» множество сайтов в глобальной сети, особенно не самых крупных.

После этого заработали сайты и я грешным делом просто решил обновить и игру, не особо надеясь на результат.
И, о чудо!

i keep getting this error after today’s maintenance/hotfix.

happens whenever i try to update or repair.

anyone else run into this and/or have a solution?


Same situation for me. Hoping ZOS figures out the issue soon.



  • Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
  • Open the folder named “Launcher”
  • Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
  • Delete the “ProgramData” folder
  • Open the launcher and download update
  • Click “Play”

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team — ZeniMax Online Studios
Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base

In fact. don’t work. i delete «program data» file but when launch the launcher the same error appears and the program data file come back.

Reinstall all game?? really??

Do not reinstall the full game.

Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”

If this doesn’t work then go to the folder again and delete ProgramData folder again, then Run Launcher as Administrator, it makes a lot of difference. Trust me.


Nice job again Zos. really good job u are doing with this game.

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


Have the same issue on both 2 PCs. Tried to repair the game and got stuck. There is a message on left saying «WebGet request failed»
This is getting really annoying.
Cleared Trials:
— vAA HM — vHRC HM — vSO HM — vMoL HM — vHoF HM — vAS HM — vCR HM —

«The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching.»
-Someone said it, I guess.


Did search up this and found

If running as an administrator and the repair option are not working, and your firewall and antivirus are not blocking the game, please try the following:
Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
Open the folder named “Launcher”
Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
Delete the “ProgramData” folder
Open the launcher and download update
Click “Play”

If this does not resolve the error, please contact Customer Support.

this dont solve *** for me. and from all patches they have made from beta release until now they have yet to patch this game without sqreewing thing up. not once have they manage to make a patch without any kind of misstake. have to say they do a great job. do bad that i like this game so much. its hard to let go but a break with a new game will be good i guess

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

The Elder Scrolls Online — ZeniMax Online Studios
Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

I’ve waited since server up. It didnt help. Followed all the steps the launcher and the forum gave. Didnt help either. Filed an issue with Customer Support with an attached report.txt file some hours ago. Now I am waiting.


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have tried, i also did send you a ticket with my report file requested.
Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.

«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have been waiting for over an hour, and the article did not help solve the problem


«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

i have been waiting for over an hour, and the article did not help solve the problem

VPN will fix it for you, dont hold your breath for Zos to fix it.
Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.


Same Problem, i tried it with a new Installation but this works not too.


Trying it with a VPN Client fixed it, gosh Zenimax FIX YOUR GAME.


None of the ZOS sulotions helped. I am running as administrator, I can see the test file message and still get that 102 error. I am trying to get a complete download on a new laptop, not just patching.

Same problem here, have tried several times throughout the entire day. The solution from the article doesn’t work, running as admin doesn’t work. Repairing through the client doesn’t work. I can’t try VPN, and to be honest — I shouldn’t need to use VPN either It worked perfectly the last couple of days..

What else can I do?

Cute Wood Elf Archer

Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺

cya’ll out there
Bouncing Betty

Front Toward Enemy

Jab Them With The Pointy End
Six Feet Above

Bisolar Disorder — Bright & Moody
Django Unleashed

Mr. Nordic Bather’s Towel
Master Angler

Struggles With Ichthyophobia

Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
Lol Brb

«Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us.» — Queen Ayrenn

^ I got the same problem and tried to fix this all day too, haven’t been able to play at all and now I have to go to bed soon I tried everything too except the vpn thing I don’t understand that stuff.. sent a ticket with the report, really hope I can play again tomorrow


Me too. Same problem. Tried all the fixes suggested. Also sent a ticket.


Edited by ThorinOakenshield86 on March 22, 2018 4:22AM
I had this issue too. I always run as administrator, otherwise launcher has bad running issues. Luckily simple Repair seems to have fixed it. Fast repair, certainly didn’t need to redownload the whole game.


Same problem with me, repair did not fix anything, sent a ticket.

«Repair» just flashes for 0% and displays the same error message box.


Altmer Sorceror, magicka
Bosmer Nightblade, stamina.
Imperial Templar, stamina
Redguard Warden, stamina

Aldmeri Dominion!
PvP only


Yes still get this Error, for me is a VPN not possible i deinstalled the Game and was trying to reinstall it.


Still doesn’t work, I’m getting this when I try to repair:

I’m from PL on PC/EU and I don’t use VPN.
PC EU «House Tertia» — Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
PC EU «Priests of Hircine» — Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
Member of «Guild Masters United»
Master Angler


Still getting Error 102. Although it seemed like it managed to patch this morning, but then I got another error when it finished. I think it was Error 206, if I remember correctly. Restarted the launcher, and I’m back to getting Error 102. Repair doesn’t work and gives the same error. None of the troubleshoot works. I’m on PC/EU server and from Norway. I haven’t tried VPN. Game has worked fine until after yesterday’s maintenance and patch update.


Dear game developers, please respond to us with the news of are you trying to solve this problem at all and when this could happen? So far all of your responses were to check for common solutions which don’t work this time for myself and everybody else. What fixes the problem is VPN. So far I was unable to find a reliable VPN which would be free and didn’t have a data limit. I’m in a need of full install. Please help.
PC EU «House Tertia» — Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
PC EU «Priests of Hircine» — Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
Member of «Guild Masters United»
Master Angler
@Streega you are my hero, wish I could give you an insightful and an awesome connecting through a mobile hotspot did it for me as well


Ok, this Error does still exist i do evry step of your Helpdesk Instruction and still have the Error, i deinstalled the Game and try too Reinstall it, same Error !!

Change to Mobile Spot is not a Option i cant install the Complete Game with my Mobile Phone that would took me Years.


I fixed it with VPN, shame ZOS cant fix it themselves, but thats been the problem since. forever.

Altmer Sorceror, magicka
Bosmer Nightblade, stamina.
Imperial Templar, stamina
Redguard Warden, stamina

Aldmeri Dominion!
PvP only


Zos dont give a [snip] and have never done. not once have they manage to put out a patch without breaking something else.
Cant belive how those programmers can keep the job with so much failiure on the cv the last 4 years

[Edited to remove profanity]

Still a grudge, only to see false what u want and nothing less.

«Error 102 — DownloadError_InvalidMetafile» appears when the launcher cannot find a meta data file online needed for patching. This usually indicates a server-side error.

We recommend waiting a few minutes and try again.

If you continue to experience this issue, you should try the troubleshooting steps in this article

Now I’ve waited a few days, and tried again.
Also tried every possible solution mentioned on the forums and on the official troubleshooting articles.
I would just like to play the game again!

Since the main problem seems to be the launcher being «unable to find patch data for the current game version», aren’t there any way for me to manually download the patch data and then manually place it where the launcer looks for it?

Cute Wood Elf Archer

Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺

cya’ll out there
Bouncing Betty

Front Toward Enemy

Jab Them With The Pointy End
Six Feet Above

Bisolar Disorder — Bright & Moody
Django Unleashed

Mr. Nordic Bather’s Towel
Master Angler

Struggles With Ichthyophobia

Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
Lol Brb

«Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us.» — Queen Ayrenn

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eso error code

This list consists of descriptions and solutions for error codes you might encounter while login to the Elder Scrolls Online. The list will be updated regularly as new information are added.

Code – Description & Solution

102 – Realm Reservation timed out

Indicates an issue with the beta client patcher itself. Affected beta participants will need to restart their patchers.

103 – Failed to obtain server connection information.

The server is not currently open. Please try again during the times specified on your invitation.
This error may also affect you if your User ID contains a special (non-alphanumeric) character. If you’ve already selected a User ID containing a special character, please contact our Support Team, as they’ll need to change it for you.

104 – Server Full

The current population is greater than or equal to the maximum population. The game server is at maximum capacity and can’t take any more logins.

200 – Authentication Timeout

The authentication service did not respond and may be offline.

201 – Authentication Failed

Players are receiving this message because either they aren’t using the correct username to log in, or because their username contains a special character. Please try requesting your user name from the login screen.

202 – Login Queue Cancel Timeout

The login queue service did not respond and may be offline.

203 – Login Queue Cancel Failed

The login queue service returned an error when the user tried to cancel.

204 – Auth OTP Timeout

The login queue service timed out when trying to get an One Time Password response

205 – Auth OTP Failed

The user entered the wrong One Time Password and they’re being prompted to try again

206 – Auth OTP Locked

The user has entered the wrong One Time Password too many times and needs to wait to try logging in again

209/210 – Patch Manifest Error

This error occurs when selecting the EU server. Users instructed to uninstall/reinstall client.

Please follow the steps below to uninstall and reinstall the ESO beta client (do not uninstall the game from your computer’s Control Panel):

Uninstall the game client
1. Select the Beta client on left hand side of the patcher
2. Go to game options
3. Select Uninstall

Install Beta Client
4. In the launcher Select the Beta client
5. Click Install

301 – Lobby Connection Failed

The client attempted to connect to the lobby. Please wait 10 minutes and try logging in again.

302 – Lobby Lost Connection

303 – Lobby Timed Out

305 – Unverified Protocol

In order to resolve your error 305 (Protocol Mismatch), you will need to delete some files from the game directory.

1. Please delete the eso.manifest file located by default here: C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online InternalLivegameclient )

2. Please delete the data.manifest file located by default here: C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online InternalLivedepot_databuild )

3. From your Windows Start menu, please search and delete the following files:

4. Restart the game client.

If after following the above steps you still receive the same error message, please reinstall the game.

306 – Realm Shutdown

The realm is online, but is shut down to not allow access to your specific access level. Users with a correct permissions matching the server lock variable may be able to log in.

311 – Bandwidth Cap

You were disconnected from the server because your client exceeded the maximum bandwidth upload limit to the server.

500 – Internal Server Error

The “500 Internal Service Error” normally occurs when either the web site or the internet provider’s server has a non-specific issue.

Please try the following methods to correct the 500 error.

-Reload the web page either by clicking refresh/reload button, pressing F5, or trying the URL again from the address bar.

-Use a different browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.

-Temporarily turn off your anti-virus, ad/pop-up blockers, and firewalls. Make sure to turn them back on after the process.

-Clear web browser’s cache, cookies, history, temporary files, form data, and active filters. Once complete restart your browser and try again.

– Attn: Time Warner Cable customers:
There have been reports of connectivity issues from customers who have Time Warner as their internet service provider.

My launcher will not start at all, or it gets stuck at “looking for launcher updates.”

Try running the launcher as an administrator. If it still won’t open, try installing the launcher into the default folder, Zenimax Online/Launcher in C:

If the launcher will open but not update, and you are running as an administrator, you can try disabling your antivirus, firewall, Pop-up blocker, Ad-blocker or webfilter temporarily and try again. Please make sure you re-enable your web protection afterwards!

We are aware that some players are unable to patch or update the launcher due to their automatic proxy detection.

• Open Internet Explorer (even if it is not your regular web browser)
• Open the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
• Go to Connections tab/LAN settings
• Uncheck “Automatically detect proxy settings” and hit OK.
• Press OK again to confirm.

Alternatively on your Control Panel, click on “Network and Internet” and open Internet Options:

• Connections Tab: Click on LAN settings. On the LAN settings window, uncheck all the boxes and click on OK.
• Advanced Tab: Click on Reset and then click on Reset again.

You may have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

My launcher stopped downloading at XY% giving me the error message: Webget request failed!

You might want to let the error sit for about 15 minutes, sometimes, the download will resume. Try to close the launcher and run as administrator when re-launching. if that doesn’t help. To run as administrator, go to program files, right-click on launcher.exe and choose: “Run as Administrator”.
If you have a desktop shortcut and try to open the launcher from there, try to run it directly from the program files. Sometimes malware causes the webGet to fail, so running an anti-virus program can fix this issue as well.
Customers currently using Trend Micro protection software may need to to make sure there is an exception for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Black screen

#1 Integrated Graphics Cards
If you have an integrated graphics card, it is unlikely that you will be able to run ESO at the moment. Please keep in mind that this is beta, so our game isn’t quite optimized yet.

#2. Admin mode
Right click the ESO launcher icon
Click Run as Administrator

#3. Make sure your drivers are up-to-date
Look at your DxDiag, are your drivers from 2012 or before? Yes? Then they need to be updated.

#4. Make sure that the latest version of DirectX is installed on your system

#5. Adjusting the Screen Resolution in the UserSettings File.
The default location of this file is Users*USERNAME*My DocumentsElder Scrolls OnlineliveUserSettings.

#6. Try to delete the ShaderCache.cooked file
The default location for the file is C:Users*USERNAME*My DocumentsElder Scrolls Onlinelive.

After that file is deleted, run the game as administrator, and it will recompile that file. If the file is missing or empty, it is likely that something is preventing the system from creating that file correctly (which is an issue we are currently investigating).

Game crashes during cinematic

Locate the The Elder Scrolls Online game file. This file can normally be found in C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online Betagameclienteso.exe. It is important to note that this is NOT the launcher, but the game file for the Beta itself.
Once that file is located, right-click the file and select Properties at the bottom of the list.
Once the Properties window is open, select the Compatibility tab.
Select the option to “Run this program in compatibility mode” and from the drop-down menu select “Windows XP SP3” (it may say Service Pack 3).
Select the option “Always run this program as an Administrator”
For ease of use, right-click the eso.exe file and select “Send To…”
From the subsequent slide-out menu, select “Desktop (Create Shortcut)”.
This will allow a very easy, quick way of opening a game running in compatibility mode.

Upon login, my character keeps spinning around and there is no way to control it.

#1. For Windows 8 users: Upgrading to Windows 8.1 has shown to resolve this issue.
#2. Right-click on the ESO launcher icon and click “Properties.” Select the “Compatibility” tab. Select “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.” Click “OK.”

Repeat this process on eso.exe

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