The work were done carefully исправьте ошибки

Самостоятельная  работа 8  класс

                                        Passive  Voice              1вариант

  1. Раскройте  скобки, употребляя  глаголы  в  Passive  Voice.

1. Вread (to eat)  every   day. 2. I  (to  give)  an  exiting  book  in  the  library  last  Friday. 3. This  house  (not, to  burn) in  the  fire   five  years  ago. 4. What  the  mother  (to  ask) to  do   for  next  dinner? 5. Nick  and  Jane  (to  invite) to  the  party  in  a  month.

  1. Перестройте  предложения  из  Active  в Passive  Voice.

1. We  will  do  the  translation  in  the  evening. 2. I  feed  horses  every  day.

3. They  told  a  lot  of   anecdotes  to  their  friends. 4.  Where  did  you  buy  this  book? 5. She  does  not  wash  her  hands  before  dinner.

       3.  Исправьте  ошибки.

1. The  work  were  done  carefully. 2. When  will  be  a  new  film  brought?  

3. I  was  gave  a   cup  of  hot  tea. 4. Yesterday  he  is  not  asked  at  the  lesson. 5. We  were  written  a  letter  tomorrow.

Самостоятельная   работа  8  класс

                                        Passive  Voice              2вариант

1. Раскройте  скобки, употребляя  глаголы  в  Passive  Voice.

1. Nick  (to  send) to  Moscow  next  week. 2. I  (to  invite) to  the  theatre  yesterday. 3. Games (not, to  play)  at  the  lessons. 4. When  hockey  (to  play)?

5.Flowers  (to  sell) in  the  shops  and  in  the  streets.

2.Перестройте  предложения  из  Active  в Passive  Voice.

1. She  bought  sweets  and  cakes. 2. I  will  ask  a  doctor  to  treat  my  dog.

3. We  asked  Misha  to  tell  us  about  his  trip. 4. Why  does  he  forgot  this  rules? 5. Kate  and  Tom  broke  the  cup.

       3.  Исправьте  ошибки.

1. Her  son  is  send  a  telegram. 2. The  dog  will  be  gave  a  bone. 3. We  are not  helped  yesterday. 4. Where  was  the  house  build? 5. My  cat  was  drank  milk  every  day.

Name and


I Variant

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple

1. Bread (to eat)
every day. ____________________________________________________

2. The letter (to
receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (to send)
to Moscow next week.

Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

 will  do  the  translation  in  the


We will give you the keys


Заполните пропуски предлогами
with, by.

1. The hall was
decorated___________pink balloons.

2. The roof of the
church will be repaired____________ local people.

4.  Исправьте  ошибки.

1. The  work  were  done

 2. A new  film  will  been
yesterday.  ____________________________________________

3. I  was  gave  a  
cup  of  hot  tea.

4. Yesterday  he  is  not
 asked  at  the  lesson.

5. We  were  written  a
 letter  tomorrow.______________________________________________

Name and


II Variant

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple

1. I (to ask) at
the lesson yesterday.

2. Many houses (to
build) in our town every year.

3. This work (to
do) tomorrow.

Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson
at the moment._______________________________


By the time I arrived, someone had
already opened all your letters._____________________


Заполните пропуски предлогами
with, by.

1. The house was
built ___________money that he had borrowed from the bank.

2. When the  accident
happened, the car was brought ___________ police.

4.  Исправьте  ошибки.

1. The  work  were  done

 2. A new  film  will
 been  buy
yesterday.  ____________________________________________

3. I  was  gave  a  
cup  of  hot  tea.

4. Yesterday  he  is  not
 asked  at  the  lesson. _________________________________________

5. We  were  written  a
 letter  tomorrow.______________________________________________

1. Three of these exercises must be done tomorrow.
2. The book you need can be found in any library.
3. These letters must be sent at once.
4. The box must be taken to the station.
5. The river can be crossed on a raft.
6. The building of the house can be finished by the workers very soon.
7. The books must be returned the day after tomorrow.
8. This mistake can easily be forgiven by me.
9. Such berries can be found everywhere.
10. This work must be done very carefully.
11. The doctor says she must be taken to hospital.
12. The work can be done by you in three days.
13. All the library books must be returned by the students before each summer vacation.
14. Even the tallest frees can be climbed by monkeys.

Помогите пожалуйста с английским!
Преобразуйте предложения из пассивного залога в активный залог, добавив подлежащее там, где оно не упоминается
1. The task has been done carefully.
2.The music was written by Andrew Lioyd Weber.
3.The translation was written with the pen, so it’s difficult to read.
4.We have to make sure that the news is published in time.
5. The football match was moved to that stadium.
6. The tourists were shown around the castle.
7. The hedge will be cut only in autumn.
8. The cake was madaboy my aunt.
9. The doctor beingent for.
10. The question was asked, but now answer was given.
11. The table was put in the centre of the room.
12. Many exchenge students are invited to our college cach year.
13. The car was stuppedby a policeman.
14. The students projects were studied by the teachers.
15. You are not invited here, you know.
16. The invitation has been received.
17. The dinner will be prepared by 7.
18. Their membership was paid for until September.
19. This student has been spoken about a lot, but this is the first time I see him.
20. I cannot go with you because I has been invited to the movies tonight.​

Оглавление —> Страдательный залог

Инфинитив глагола в страдательном (пассивном залоге) употребляется в тех же случаях, что и инфинитив действительного (активного) залога. После модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов пассивный инфинитив стоит без частицы “to”.

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в страдательный (пассивный) залог и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Somebody must send for the doctor immediately.

2. You can’t rely on this man.

3. You must write the answers on the one side of the paper only.

4. It’s stuffy here. You should air the room.

5. They had to tell her the truth.

6. You must do all of these exercises tomorrow.

7. You shouldn’t forget these rules.

8. I couldn’t hear a sound.

9. Somebody should put the flowers into the vase.

10. You needn’t put on a coat. It’s warm outside.

11. You must translate the text on page 10.

12. The doctor had to operated on him to find out what was wrong.

13. You must leave hats and coat in the cloak room.

14. They mustn’t use this machine. It’s broken.

15. You can find the book you need in the library.

16. You should tell me the truth about this situation.

17. They needn’t do these exercises right now.

18. We can easily mend this chair.

19. People should make lessons more interesting for pupils.

20. No one could answer your question yesterday..

21. Somebody had to finish the work.

22. We must sent these letters at once.

23. You mustn’t take away these books.

24. Someone must take the luggage to the station.

25. You can cross the river on the raft.

26. You may used the dictionary.

27. We couldn’t arrange everything in time yesterday.

28. The builders can finish the building of the house very soon.

29. You must return the books the day after tomorrow.

30. I can easily forgive this mistake.

31. You can find such berries everywhere.

32. You must do this work very carefully.

33. The doctor said that they must take her to hospital.

34. You can do the work in three days.

35. The students should return all the library books before each vacation.

36. You can buy this book at any book shop.

37. They shouldn’t upset an old woman.

38. Monkey can climb even the tallest trees.

39. We had to look into the matter.

40. The police ought to put you in prison.

Я преобразую предложения в страдательный (пассивный) залог и переведу их на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The doctor must be immediately sent for. = Надо послать немедленно за доктором.

2. This man can’t be relied on. = На этого человека невозможно положиться.

3. The answers must be written on the one side of the paper only. = Ответы должны быть написаны только на одной стороне бумаги.

4. It’s stuffy here. The room should be aired. = Здесь душно. Надо проветрить комнату.

5. She had to be told the truth. = Ей пришлось сказать правду.

6. All these exercises must be done tomorrow. = Все эти упражнения завтра необходимо выполнить.

7. These rules shouldn’t be forgotten. = Не следует забывать эти правила.

8. No sound could be heard. = Не было слышно ни звука.

9. The flowers should be put into the vase. = Цветы следовало бы поставить в вазу.

10. The coat needn’t be put on. It’s warm outside. = Нет необходимости надевать пальто. На улице тепло.

11. The text on page 10 must be translated. = Необходимо перевести текст на десятой странице.

12. He had to be operated to find out what was wrong. = Его пришлось прооперировать, что бы выяснить, что с ним не в порядке.

13. Hats and coats must be left in the cloak room. = Шляпы и пальто надо оставлять в гардеробной.

14. This machine mustn’t be used. It’s broken. = Этой машиной нельзя пользоваться. Она сломана.

15. The book you need can be found in the library. = Книгу, которая тебе нужна, можно найти в библиотеке.

16. I should be told the truth about the situation. = Мне следует рассказать правду об этой ситуации.

17. These exercises needn’t be done right now. Нет необходимости выполнять эти упражнения прямо сейчас.

18. This chair can be easily be mended. = Этот стул можно легко починить.

19. Lessons for pupils must be made more interesting. = Уроки для учеников надо сделать более интересными.

20. Your question couldn’n be answered yesterday. = На ваш вопрос вчера не смогли ответить.

21. The work must be finished. = Работу надо закончить.

22. These letters must be sent at once. = Письма надо сейчас же отправить.

23. These books mustn’t be taken away. = Эти книги нельзя уносить.

24. The luggage must be taken to the station. = Необходимо отвести багаж на станцию.

25. The river can be crossed on the raft. = Речку можно переплыть на плоту.

26. The dictionary may be used . = Можно пользоваться словарем.

27. Everything couldn’t be arranged in time yesterday. = Не всё сумели организовать вовремя вчера.

28. The building of the house can be very soon finished. = Строительство дома может быть очень скоро завершено.

29. The book must be returned the day after tomorrow. = Послезавтра надо вернуть эту книгу.

30. This mistake can easily be forgiven. = Эту ошибку можно легко простить.

31 Such berries can be find everywhere. = Такие ягоды можно найти везде.

32. This work must be very carefully done. = Эта работа должна быть тщательно выполнена.

33. The doctor said that she must be taken to hospital. = Доктор сказал, что ее необходимо положить в больницу.

34. The work can be done in three days. = Эта работа может быть сделана за три дня.

35. All the library books should be returned to the library by the students before each vacation. = Все библиотечные книги должны быть возвращены студентами в библиотеку перед каждыми каникулами.

36. This book can be bought at any book shop. = Эту книгу можно купить в любом книжном магазине.

37. The old woman shouldn’t be upset. = Старушку не следует огорчать.

38. Even the tallest trees can be climbed by the monkeys. = Даже на самые высокие деревья могут карабкаться обезьяны.

39. The matter had to be looked into. = Этот вопрос пришлось внимательно изучить.

40. You ought to be put in prison by the police. Тебя следует отправить в тюрьму.

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