Tortoisehg ошибка 255

.Добрый день. При попытке залить проект под контроль версий, выдает ошибку 255.
Если заливать файлы под контроль версий на сервер поэтапно по 2-3 файла, то — заливается норм, когда больше файлов пытаешься добавить в коммит,то возникает эта ошибка. Причем на другой сервер нормально все заливается сразу скопом. Подскажите, в чем может быть проблема?

Данные сервера:
Apache 2.4.41,
PHP 7.4.3,
MySQL Ver 8.0.22-0,
NodeJS v15.8.0,
ubuntu 20.04

error 255

Текст ошибки

    ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
** Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.0.2)
** Extensions loaded: tortoisehg.util.hgcommands, tortoisehg.util.partialcommit, tortoisehg.util.pipeui, tortoisehg.util.win32ill, tortoisehg.util.hgdispatch
** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
** Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.0.2)
** Extensions loaded: tortoisehg.util.hgcommands, tortoisehg.util.partialcommit, tortoisehg.util.pipeui, tortoisehg.util.win32ill, tortoisehg.util.hgdispatch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "hg", line 50, in <module>
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 99, in run
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 225, in dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 376, in _runcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 384, in _callcatch
  File "mercurialscmutil.pyo", line 167, in callcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 367, in _runcatchfunc
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1021, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 756, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1030, in _runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1018, in <lambda>
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 5300, in serve
  File "mercurialserver.pyo", line 147, in runservice
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 405, in run
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 346, in serve
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 319, in serveone
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 303, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 225, in dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 376, in _runcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 384, in _callcatch
  File "mercurialscmutil.pyo", line 167, in callcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 367, in _runcatchfunc
  File "tortoisehgutilhgdispatch.pyo", line 23, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1021, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 756, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1030, in _runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1018, in <lambda>
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "tortoisehgutilpartialcommit.pyo", line 34, in partialcommit
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1647, in commit
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1722, in _docommit
  File "mercurialcmdutil.pyo", line 2434, in commit
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1720, in commitfunc
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 177, in wrapper
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2548, in commit
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 177, in wrapper
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2622, in commitctx
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2434, in _filecommit
  File "mercurialfilelog.pyo", line 135, in add
  File "mercurialfilelog.pyo", line 106, in addrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 1905, in addrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 1916, in addrawrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 544, in _indexfp
  File "mercurialstore.pyo", line 571, in __call__
  File "mercurialvfs.pyo", line 420, in __call__
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 2314, in makedirs
WindowsError: [Error 50] : '\\vsrvdev1\web\sez\dev\.hg/store\data/~f4~fb~e2'
cmdserver: процесс завершился неожиданно с кодом 255

I am using Tortoise-Hg for cloning a fork from CodePlex and cloning stops in the middle of the process. I have tried it more than 6 times and it does have a problem.

I am using the visual client of Tortoise-Hg and I gave the source as and selected a destination

First used compressed method

This is what appeared in the command prompt

 % hg clone --verbose -- xxxx

But the process start quite fast and then it get hung up.

requesting all changes
adding changesets[Happen Fast]
adding manifests[Happen Fast]
adding file changes[Hangs in the middle]
transaction abort!
rollback completed
abort: stream ended unexpectedly (got 147721 bytes, expected 422805)
[command returned code 255 Sun Mar 31 15:52:26 2013]

Then I tried uncompressed method

 % hg clone --uncompressed --verbose -- xxxx

That also stops in the middle of the process.

streaming all changes
4033 files to transfer, 37.2 MB of data
abort: unexpected response from remote server: empty string
[command returned code 255 Sun Mar 31 15:22:44 2013]

I tried it the 7th time and It went far more than previous tries but got more bytes got 74673 bytes, expected 256973

What is the wrong with this, I have used same version of Tortoise-Hg before for cloning CodePlex projects. This is very time consuming. Is there something wrong of what I am doing?. How can I resolve this issue?

♪ Good afternoon. In an attempt to override the project to control the versions, error 255.
If you put the files under control of the versions on the 2-3 file server phased out, then the rules are in place when more files are trying to add to the commite, there’s a mistake. And on another server, it’s fine, it’s just a cop. What’s the problem?

Server data:
Apache 2.4.41,
PHP 7.4.3,
MySQL Ver 8.0.22-0,
NodeJS v15.8.0,
ubuntu 20.04

error 255

Text of error

    ** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
** Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.0.2)
** Extensions loaded: tortoisehg.util.hgcommands, tortoisehg.util.partialcommit, tortoisehg.util.pipeui, tortoisehg.util.win32ill, tortoisehg.util.hgdispatch
** unknown exception encountered, please report by visiting
** Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.0.2)
** Extensions loaded: tortoisehg.util.hgcommands, tortoisehg.util.partialcommit, tortoisehg.util.pipeui, tortoisehg.util.win32ill, tortoisehg.util.hgdispatch
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "hg", line 50, in <module>
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 99, in run
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 225, in dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 376, in _runcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 384, in _callcatch
  File "mercurialscmutil.pyo", line 167, in callcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 367, in _runcatchfunc
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1021, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 756, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1030, in _runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1018, in <lambda>
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 5300, in serve
  File "mercurialserver.pyo", line 147, in runservice
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 405, in run
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 346, in serve
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 319, in serveone
  File "mercurialcommandserver.pyo", line 303, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 225, in dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 376, in _runcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 384, in _callcatch
  File "mercurialscmutil.pyo", line 167, in callcatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 367, in _runcatchfunc
  File "tortoisehgutilhgdispatch.pyo", line 23, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1021, in _dispatch
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 756, in runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1030, in _runcommand
  File "mercurialdispatch.pyo", line 1018, in <lambda>
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "tortoisehgutilpartialcommit.pyo", line 34, in partialcommit
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 1680, in check
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1647, in commit
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1722, in _docommit
  File "mercurialcmdutil.pyo", line 2434, in commit
  File "mercurialcommands.pyo", line 1720, in commitfunc
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 177, in wrapper
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2548, in commit
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 177, in wrapper
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2622, in commitctx
  File "mercuriallocalrepo.pyo", line 2434, in _filecommit
  File "mercurialfilelog.pyo", line 135, in add
  File "mercurialfilelog.pyo", line 106, in addrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 1905, in addrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 1916, in addrawrevision
  File "mercurialrevlog.pyo", line 544, in _indexfp
  File "mercurialstore.pyo", line 571, in __call__
  File "mercurialvfs.pyo", line 420, in __call__
  File "mercurialutil.pyo", line 2314, in makedirs
WindowsError: [Error 50] : '\\vsrvdev1\web\sez\dev\.hg/store\data/~f4~fb~e2'
cmdserver: процесс завершился неожиданно с кодом 255

I’ve been using Tortoisehg for a while now, with little to no problems but have just run into the following problem:

I cannot push or commit to my main repository. I made a small change to one file in my project, committed locally with no problem, but the push to the main repo fails:

% hg --debug push "Z:[main repo]"
pushing to Z:[main repo]
query 1; heads
searching for changes
all remote heads known locally
listing keys for "bookmarks"
1 changesets found
list of changesets:
adding changesets
add changeset 09d372b8d907
adding manifests
adding file changes
adding revisions
transaction abort!
rollback completed
abort: Permission denied: Z:[main repo].hg/
[command returned code 255 Thu Mar 09 14:17:01 2017]

The main repo is on a (Windows) file server, and I am submitting from a Windows machine. I am sure that I have not run out of quota.
I have not changed permissions on the main repo, I am owner of all data and have also tried assigning myself «full control» (by default I have only read and write — not sure what the difference is, actually), to no avail.

I also tried editing the changed file in the main repo and committing there:

% hg commit --verbose " [message]" --user [user] -- "Z:[main repo]"
trouble committing!
abort: Permission denied: Z:[main repo].hg/
[command returned code 255 [date]]

Now, an interesting thing is that the file that Mercurial complains about does not seem to exist in the first place. There is only a file called in that directory. I made sure to have hidden files shown in the file manager, and I’ve also looked from Linux, just to make sure.
I also tried cloning the repo to a different location, then pushing to the new repo, but that changes nothing.

I have found this answer on this site, but I do not have a file .hg/wlock (or anything named similarly) in the repo folder.

Since was asked: The permissions for the .hg/store/data dir on the main repo are:

.hg [domain]Domain Admins:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)

On my local one, it’s:

.hg Everyone:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)

So there’s a difference. Within the .hg directory, probably as consequence of me messing with permissions while trying to solve the problem alone, there’s this:

storedata [domain][user]:(OI)(CI)(F)
           CCNTDomain Admins:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)

Yes, that’s my username, twice. I may have violated some conventions when changing permissions… I’m okay with Posix permissions but this is a bit opaque to me.

A potential clue: It’s quite possible that tortoisehg crashed before the problem appeared, or lost network connection. I was working with VPN from home, and that sort of thing can happen. So if Mercurial blocks any files/directories, there might be some block in place, though I wouldn’t know how to verify/fix that. All machines which might have been responsible for blocking the dir have rebooted since the problem appeared — except of course for the file server hosting the data.

I’ve also updated the statements above to add the --debug outputs. The random letters/numbers behind the filename changed, because I put some more changes into the file. That would indicate that it’s really not that particular file (which does not exist anyway) but the directory which mercurial attempts to write into.

2 ответа

Лучший ответ

Неправильная командная строка:

% hg clone --verbose https://mymercurialrepository..


26 Июл 2012 в 09:35

Чтобы сделать ответ более ясным, я получил это от здесь.

Вы просто вставляете не то, и HgLab здесь немного запутался. Чтобы клонировать с помощью TortoiseHg, вам нужна только часть URL, то есть все, что находится после подстроки hg clone, как показано на изображении ниже:

enter image description here


Ifesinachi Bryan
29 Сен 2018 в 14:40

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