U0415 ошибка фольксваген поло

U0415 - Получены неверные данные - модуль управления антиблокировочной системой тормозов (ABS) - Коды Неисправностей

U0415 — Получены неверные данные — модуль управления антиблокировочной системой тормозов (ABS) — Коды Неисправностей


  • Что означает код U0415?
  • Где находится датчик U0415?
  • Каковы общие причины кода U0415?
Код неисправности Расположение ошибки Вероятная причина
U0415 Получены неверные данные — модуль управления антиблокировочной системой тормозов (ABS) Проводка, Датчики скорости вращения колеса, Неисправный модуль управления ABS, Неисправный насос ABS, PCM

Код ошибки OBD II U0415 — это общий код, который определяется как «неверные данные, полученные от модуля управления антиблокировочной тормозной системы (ABS)», и устанавливается, когда PCM (модуль управления трансмиссией) обнаруживает или получает сигнал от блока управления ABS недопустимый модуль, неправдоподобный, ошибочный или иным образом выходящий за пределы ожидаемого диапазона.

Во всех приложениях используется специальный модуль управления для контроля и управления работой системы ABS (антиблокировочная тормозная система). С точки зрения принципов работы, модуль управления ABS получает данные от отдельных датчиков скорости вращения колес, функция которых заключается в измерении скорости вращения каждого отдельного колеса.

На практике и в полностью функциональной тормозной системе ABS модуль управления ABS сравнивает скорость вращения каждого колеса много раз в секунду, и на транспортном средстве, которое движется по прямой линии, колеса будут вращаться с одинаковой скоростью. Эта информация также передается в PCM, который, в свою очередь, делится этими входными данными с другими системами, такими как, например, модули контроля тяги и устойчивости.

Если применяются тормоза, колеса должны (теоретически) замедляться с той же скоростью. Однако в тех случаях, когда колеса не тормозят с одинаковой скоростью, как, например, может произойти, когда, скажем, два колеса на одной стороне транспортного средства находятся на поверхности дороги, а два колеса находятся вне дорожного покрытия, колеса отключены. дорожное покрытие может заблокироваться при торможении.

Когда это происходит, блокирующие колеса будут вращаться с гораздо меньшей скоростью, чем колеса, которые находятся на поверхности дороги, и в результате модуль управления ABS будет частично снимать тормозное усилие на этих колесах, пока все колеса снова не повернутся на та же скорость. Этот процесс может происходить несколько раз в секунду, и практическое преимущество этого состоит в том, что водитель сохраняет полный контроль над рулем транспортного средства, даже в условиях экстренного торможения.

Кроме того, на основе входных данных от других датчиков, таких как датчик скорости транспортного средства, датчик угла поворота рулевого колеса, датчик положения дроссельной заслонки и один или несколько датчиков рыскания, оба модуля управления ABS и трансмиссии могут распознать опасную ситуацию и применить дифференциальное тормозное усилие посредством тормозная система ABS выборочно к отдельным колесам, чтобы стабилизировать транспортное средство.

Из вышесказанного должно быть очевидно, что PCM постоянно нуждается в достоверных данных от системы ABS через датчики скорости вращения колеса, чтобы иметь возможность безопасно и эффективно управлять тормозной и другой зависящей от тормоза системой. Таким образом, если PCM обнаруживает входные данные от АБС, которые неправдоподобны или недействительны каким-либо образом, он установит код U0415, а также включит сигнальную лампу. Обратите внимание, что в большинстве приложений PCM также отключает или деактивирует систему ABS, пока неисправность не будет устранена.

Где находится датчик U0415?

Хотя фактический внешний вид узла насоса ABS несколько различается в зависимости от применения, модуль управления ABS (здесь обозначен стрелкой) почти всегда прикрепляется к насосу ABS и корпусу клапана.

Ищите узел насоса ABS в моторном отсеке, где он обычно прикреплен к кронштейну, который прикреплен к брандмауэру. Как правило, нетрудно определить этот компонент, поскольку он всегда имеет несколько (до шести) стальных тормозных магистралей, ведущих к нему и от него.

Каковы общие причины кода U0415?

Некоторые распространенные причины кода U0415 могут включать следующее:

  • Поврежденная, сгоревшая, закороченная, отсоединенная или корродированная проводка и / или разъемы в жгуте проводов АБС
  • Один или несколько неисправных или неисправных датчиков скорости вращения колеса, но имейте в виду, что это условие почти наверняка будет указано дополнительными кодами, относящимися к отдельным датчикам скорости вращения колеса.
  • Неисправный модуль управления ABS
  • Неисправный насос ABS
  • Сбой или сбой PCM. Обратите внимание, что это редкое событие, и поэтому следует искать неисправность в другом месте, прежде чем заменять какой-либо модуль управления.
  • Указания по использованию

    Эту сводку допустимо использовать только, если
    к автомобилю применимы указанные в ней опции,
    блоки управления и записи регистратора событий.

    Записи регистратора событий
    Диагностический адрес Запись регистратора событий Тип ошибки Статус ошибки
    01 — Электроника двигателя U041500: Блок управления ABS, тормозной системы недостоверный сигнал спорадически (время от времени)
    01 — Электроника двигателя P060600: Неисправен блок управления спорадически (время от времени)

    Описание неисправности

    Описание неисправности клиентами:

    Круиз-контроль (GRA) временами не работает.

    Заключение сервисного центра:

    Рекламация клиента воспроизводится.

    В блоке управления двигателя могут появиться следующие события:

    27019  U0415 Блок управления ABS Тормоза, недостоверный сигнал


    15585  P0606 Блок управления двигателя неисправен

    Решение в условиях сервиса

    Обновление ПО блока управления двигателя

    В случае рекламации обновить ПО блока управления двигателя в соответствии со следующей таблицей.


    Для предотвращения возможного включения вентиляторов радиатора во время процесса обновления ПО обязательно нужно перед началом обновления извлечь предохранитель вентиляторов радиатора из коммутационного блока в моторном отсеке!


    Версии ПО, приведённые в таблице ниже, соответствуют моменту выхода настоящей TPI. Осуществлённое в этот промежуток времени обновление версий ПО может привести к отличиям! Необходимо использовать версию ПО не ниже указанной в столбце «Новое» (или более высокую)!

    Обновление ПО блока управления двигателя:



    Онлайн с КН*

    Начиная с DVD

    04B 906 027

    5913, 6363,

    6835, 6883,

    7532, 7669,

    7787, 7916,

    7921, 7930,

    7945, 7997,

    8003, 8192,

    8205, 8287,

    8396, 8974

    04B 906 027






    04B 906 027 B

    6135, 6504,

    6836, 6884,

    7530, 7670,

    7788, 7917,

    7922, 7931,

    7946, 7998,

    8004, 8193,

    8206, 8288,

    8397, 8975

    04B 906 027 B






    04B 906 027 D

    6137, 6505,

    6837, 6885,

    7625, 7671,

    7789, 7918,

    7923, 7932,

    7947, 7999,

    8005, 8194,

    8207, 8289,

    8392, 8976

    04B 906 027 D






    04B 906 027 F

    6298, 7626,

    7672, 7919,

    7924, 7933,

    7948, 8000,

    8006, 8195,

    8208, 8290,

    8398, 8977

    04B 906 027 F







    Прежде чем обновлять программное обеспечение, необходимо учесть и далее выполнять следующее:

    Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service: Должны быть установлены сервисный патч Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service версии 2.2.4 (версия продукта), а также базовая версия (Baseline) (Диагностические данные – didb_GFS-v) 2.24.0 или выше.

    Обеспечить, чтобы к аккумуляторной батарее автомобиля было подключено зарядное устройство.

    Отключить на время обновления ПО все не требующиеся для проведения работ потребители электроэнергии (например, вентиляция, обогрев сидений, внутреннее и внешнее освещение и т. д.).

    Обязательно следует использовать соединение кабелем между диагностическим тестером Offboard Diagnostic Information System и автомобилем. При соединении через Bluetooth© (диагностический трансмиттер) может произойти внезапное прекращение обновления ПО!

    Обновление ПО блока управления проводить только с помощью подключённого к сети диагностического тестера Offboard Diagnostic Information System в режиме онлайн через SVM (Software-Versions-Management – система учёта обновлений ПО). Номер КН* (календарной недели), начиная с которой необходимое ПО доступно в режиме онлайн, см. графу «Онлайн с КН*».

    Кроме того, пользователи получают ПО на DVD-диске обновления —Адаптация программного обеспечения для блоков управления— (содержит только набор данных ПО). Начиная с какого DVD-диска на нём имеется эта версия ПО, см. графу «Начиная c DVD». Обязательно требуется не только DVD-диск, но и онлайн-соединение (вставить DVD-диск и запустить обновление через SVM).

    Описание порядка обновления ПО находится по адресу:

    Offboard Diagnostic Information System Service: Диагностирование -> Особые функции

    Как здесь найти нужную информацию?

    Расшифровка заводской комплектации автомобиля (англ.)

    Расшифровка заводской комплектации VAG на русском!

    Диагностика Фольксваген, Ауди, Шкода, Сеат, коды ошибок.

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    • Техцентр VWS

    Найдена следующая информация по ошибке U0415 для автомобиля VOLKSWAGEN POLO 4 (2001-2010):

    На русском языке:

    Получены недостоверные данные — электронный блок управления ABS

    На английском языке:

    Invalid Data Received From Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module

    Вы можете задать вопрос или поделиться опытом устранения ошибки U0415 на автомобиле VOLKSWAGEN с другими пользователями.

    Возможную причину возникновения и советы по устранению можно найти в каталоге причин и советов:

    Найти причину   >>> 

    Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

    Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

    Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Volkswagen Polo 4:

    Получены недостоверные данные — электронный блок управления ABS

    Invalid Data Received From Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module

    Каталог руководств по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей самых популярных марок

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    2020 FORD ESCAPE with 84.0 miles

    Vehicle purchased 5/12/20. On 5/22/20, at odo 84 miles, on startup, vehicle displayed powertrain fault — illuminates when a powertrain or awd fault has been detected. Contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible. Vehicle flat bed towed to sunstate Ford west colonial dr orlando fl (purchase dealership). Service team had vehicle 5 days. Cleared codes U0131, U0100, U0140, U0155, U0198, U0253, U0257, P0919, U0212, U023A, U0103, U0111, U0121, U013F, U0159, U0232, U0233, U0293, U0401, U0415, U0420, U0424, U0531, U0101, U0418, U0429, U0146. 4 mile test drive. 20 mile drive returned vehicle with no cause or correction. Only explained powertrain failure could not be replicated. Since return, rear automatic liftgate intermittent failure, back up camera failure, headliner drop at front passenger and driver door seal.

    2019 GMC SIERRA 1500 with 1250.0 miles

    Brand new truck with less than 1250 miles on it! Abs brakes failed. Forced to drive on dangerous grade down sierra nevadas with very limited braking. Message not to drive over 62 mph. Error code C0580 abs braking and stability system, issue with abs and error code P25A2 ecm engine system — engine & transmission not performing as expected. Other codes includeC2A17, U0100 U026A & U0415. Gmc knows about the problem and they have possible fix but is not issuing a recall. Dealer indicates reprogramed the brake system control module.War code 28yn28687675. Cleared the dtc and roadtest. Found the lights did not come back on and the brack system is working ok (just «ok») now. Also, Gmc will not confirm the problem will not reoccur again.

    2017 FORD TAURUS with 25800.0 miles

    I was travelling on a freeway ~70mph in left hand lane. Without warning the instrument cluster went black and the engine stopped. The vehicle started to decelerate and there was no response from the throttle pedal. An orange box appeared on the left hand side of the speedometer saying ‘transmission not in park’. I signaled intention to pull onto left hand shoulder but there was no sound or flashing from the indicator arrow light in the instrument cluster. I braked and the vehicle came to a stop. I put the gear selector into ‘park’ and depressed engine start button. The instrument lights then illuminated, and the indicator light started flashing. I then depressed the brake pedal and engine start button and the engine started. All check lights went out, engaged ‘d’, waited for break in traffic, indicated and accelerated into left hand lane. I contacted the dealer and explained the situation and they wanted me to wait until the problem repeated or the check engine light was to illuminate. I told them that this was a safety critical problem and that i would not wait until this problem repeated. I took the car to the dealer and they found fault codes — B11D8:14, U0423:82, U0415:00, U0028:08. The fault codes were cleared, and the dealer drove the vehicle for ~70 miles but were unable to duplicate the problem. On april 25, 2019, the Ford regional customer service manager told me that as the problem could not be duplicated, Ford motor company cannot offer any assistance at this time. She stated that the vehicle is safe to drive and any issue is now between myself and the dealer. Overall, there was no acknowledgement of the gravity of this issue. The fact that the problem cannot be duplicated should be even more concerning when, at random, control of the vehicle can be lost. Ford motor company has now walked away from this safety critical issue.

    2016 CHEVROLET COLORADO with 101000 miles

    Stabilitytrack light came on & lost power steering while the vehicle was in motion on the highway. Immediately, turned on the hazard lights and attempted to steer the vehicle to the shoulder. Steering a vehicle at a highway speed without power steering was a very difficult task. Restarted the vehicle a couple of times, then it was back to normal. The dealership found error codes U0415 and U0420 among other errors in the history of the vehicle. The dealership only re-charged the battery and reset the computer (i believe). However, the exact same issue occurred again on 10/18/2020 in the exact same scenario. Except, when the vehicle was brought back to the same dealership. The dealership was unable to detect any error message in the vehicle history, which is quite frightening. Expecting to bring this vehicle to a different dealership for a second opinion.

    2016 RAM 1500 with 36257 miles

    On july 5th, 2019 i was driving down i-95 from beaufort sc to jacksonville, nc going 75mph. I had been using my cruise control for about an hour and traffic was pretty busy but i was still able to maintain a safe distance and continue using my cruise control. As it often does in the carolinas, it began to light rain so i attempted to slow down my speed. As i depressed the break, i lost control of my truck, possibly due to the beginning of water accumulation on the road, but my cruise control would not come off and i could not stop. I ended up running off the road, spinning 3 times and finally stopping backwards in the trees separating 95 north and south. Due to my vehicle being too far to tow, i had to drive it 200 miles back and when i took it to get fixed with my insurance adjuster, they pulled my black box which showed the codes C0051-28, C006A-62 and U0415-00. I was informed my vehicle had about 9 recalls such as 18v332000 so i had taken my truck to the dodge dealer in november of 2018 to have all of the recalls fixed. I was told by the mechanic who fixed my truck after my accident, that the codes were showing an issue with my cruise control which made sense, seeing how i could not take it off or use my breaks to slow down and ended up hitting the tree line still going 75mph and costing over $13,600. I just wanted to make sure the manufacturer knew that the issues are still occurring.

    2016 LINCOLN MKX with 7401.0 miles

    I was driving to my son’s house when the car lost power there was a chime warning and on the dash a menu starting the hill assist was not available the engine continue to run but there was no response when i pressed on the accelerator the car would only due about 3 miles at idle speed. Was able restart it and make back home, on the next day10/09/16 i had the same problem this time i could not get it to accelerate i had the car towed to the dealership it was sunday the dealer was closed. I called the dealer on monday and told him what happen and he said they were working on it. They called later and said it was throttle control and a couple of error codes that required up dating P2111, U0415 and U0416. They also replaced the throttle body. They also noted they drove it 9 miles and noted that all ok at this time. That last comment sounds that this could happen again. This is a very dangerous problem had i been on the interstate at rush hour i might not be writing this to complain. When this happens the car slows on so fast that the car behind doesn’t know you have a problem because you are not braking which means your brake lights are not on and he more than likely is going to hit you. The first time this happens is quiet scary because you have no idea what is happening.

    2016 CHEVROLET MALIBU with 19950.0 miles

    2/2/18. Was traveling at 47 mph when a truck stopped in front of me. I was approximately 10 car lengths away. I hit the brake to stop, felt the pedal vibrate for a few seconds and then the pedal went to the floor and the vibration went away. Pumped the pedal again and slowed the vehicle and was able to get over to the right before hitting the truck. The air bags did not deploy, the auto stop feature did not work. The onstar did not activate.The roads were dry, and the road was flat. Gm sent someone to retrieve the data from the computers, we have copies of the report. The data shows 5 seconds before the crash. According to the braking data, the brake was applied at 47 mph and the vehicle slowed but did not stop. After getting the vehicle back from the body shop, we had the codes pulled and found numerous codes in the different modules. There was a code U0415-71- invalid data received from electronic brake control module present as a history code. We took the vehicle to a chevy dealer and they confirmed all the same codes. We had to take the car back to the original dealer that did the body work in case it was accident related. The second dealer is claiming that even though codes are present there is nothing they can find wrong. I believe the abs failed on this vehicle and was the direct cause of the accident.

    2016 DODGE DART with 31400.0 miles

    While driving the vehicle it will randomly have complete loss of power without warning and the battery light would turn on. The Dodge dealer found a code U0415 ( abs problem) and said because of that code engine shut off, $260 to fit that, but the problem still persist. This is the 3rd time after a fix that the car still randomly shutting off in a neighborhood speed 30mph. This is extremely dangerous and i am in disbelief nothing has been done about this. Are we waiting for someone to die to take action ?

    2014 JEEP CHEROKEE with 86000 miles

    Driving the car the engine light and traction light would come on and the steering wheel would lock in position, moving straight or turning. Happened several times between servicing. Several codes came up and were addressed but did not fix the problem. Codes were U0131, U0418, U0131-87, U0415 and U0428. No issue until car was serviced for the latest recall. Car with dealer. Say it’s a complete electrical system repair. Not once have i had an issue with my car in 4yrs until dealer serviced it for steering wheel recall.


    Went through a car wash and 2 minutes later abs and traction control light came on in the dash also service four wheel drive came on with a chime sound i took the vehicle to have code read and stored codes are as follows U041500, U040300 the abs lights and traction control light and service 4 wheel drive light went off a day later was told a possible water got into something and then driedout

    2014 FIAT 500L with 26000.0 miles

    Hi my car (Fiat 500l easy with 26000 miles ) start to have issues after was fix in the last recall ,then and now my car do not have any warning light in the dash but do not pass the smog test because have some internal codes U11C9 — U11CA and U0415 . Plus after recall , two times i was stop in a traffic light (complete stoped with my feet on the brake pedal) and my car make something like try to engage or hard shift drive . Thank you very much and merry christmas

    2014 DODGE CHARGER with 42780.0 miles

    Was driving on a clear day when, my traction control went on and off by itself and the abs went off by itself causing me to lose control, it was hard to pull over with the abs going on and off on their own. Awd system also went on and off on its own. Brought car to dealer the very next morning they kept car the whole day and was told it was fine and that they got no codes. I had test the car for codes after the incident had taken place and i got the following coeds. U0415 ‘ abs, C147B front axle disconnected sensor. Yet the dealer gave me the car that i still under warranty back, with their own invoice stating no codes. I test the car for codes when i got from the car dealer and some of the codes were cleared, expect for abs U0415. The car is clearly not fine and the awd system is still not working the way it should. Also the car when park rolls everything time about a foot forward or back pending on slope of street. The road was a four lane road with two lanes east and two lanes west and i was going straight at about 35 mph, as i had just recently left from a red light.

    2013 FORD EXPLORER with 58500.0 miles

    Lost power steering while driving. Traction control fault and terrain control fault came on. The steering box now needs to be replaced. I have codes C1B00-62, U2001, U0415, and the same issue that meets the requirements of recall 14s06, but my vin is not in the data base for this. The recall specifically calls out vehicles from the chicago plant. 11th letter in my vin shows it came from the chicago plant. Ford and the dealership refuse to consider this a recall item, i strong disagree with them.

    2012 FORD FUSION with 12700.0 miles

    I was making a left turn on a dirt road when the power steering went out and my steering wheel jerked the opposite direction and i went off the side of the road and did damage to my fender. I took it to the Ford dealer that i purchased it from for warranty fix and to fix my fender and they denied my work and wouldn’t fix the power steering even though the code po7ae and U0415 clearly came up. This is a huge safety issue and Ford needs to take responsibility.

    2011 FORD FUSION with 35640.0 miles

    Traveling at 55mph, when the service power steering now and advance trac light came on,, no power steering,,made it home,, tried it again in the morning still no power steering, had it towed to a Ford dealer, who said they cleared the codes and cant duplicate the problem,, the 4 codes stored were P07AE, U0415,, C1277,, C1963,, we live a rural area with no guard rails and between 20 to 150 foot drop offs,, if this would have happened to the wife,, which is her car to drive,, she wouldn’t be able to steer this vehicle,, took me all i had to get it home,, not very confidant on letting her drive this car,, Ford needs to resolve this problem.

    2011 FORD FUSION with 63988.0 miles

    At least three times on separate occasions, abs warning lights came on and engaged suddenly while there was a loss of braking power. Brakes were spongy and could barely stop the car. Trouble codes C00002 C0022, C1012, U0415 and U30000 codes showed. My mechanics checked my mechanical brake systems and all were fine and found no problem. My mechanic thinks a computer problem is the issue. I took car to local Ford dealer and they found no braking problem.

    2010 MAZDA MAZDA3 with 123100. miles

    Abs light and traction control lights are on. It is on since march.2018 the first time i have notice this problem, i was going to work and abs light came on and then disapeared and after a few days like that just stayed on. I took it to the Mazda dealership in jacksonville fl, and they found three different faulty codes ; one for the abs control motor C0020 one for the dcs switch C110964-64-60 and one for the abs control module U0415 92-48. They gave me an estimate of $1100 including labor. I think this is ridiculously high! I have purchased my car in 2016 january for $7900! Why dont they cover the faulty abs pump or parts if there was a known issue by Mazda in this models according to this website : http://www.Tirebusiness.Com/article/20161220/servicezone/161229997/new-hydraulic-unit-solves-Mazda-3-abs-trrouble-codes

    2010 MAZDA MAZDA3 with 28544.0 miles

    Abs light comes on intermittently when driving. Dsc (stability control) light also comes on, since it relies on abs working to be effective. In this mode, hydraulic brake functions remain, but safety is reduced without abs active: directional control in a skid is now non-existent, and emergency swerves can become wild and highly erratic. Safely handling emergency or evasive maneuvers is significantly reduced. Diagnostic codes in the car’s computer show C0020, U0415

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