Unetbootin ошибка ubnldr mbr


I can’t install Linux Mint, because when I tried to boot into UNetbootin, Windows Boot Manager giving a error with ubnldr.mbr.
I don’t know, why it is happening, but I show my PC config:

CPU: AMD FX-8150
Motherboard: Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0
GPU: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
RAM: 24 Gb (DIMM 1 and 2 is Kllisre KRE-D3U1600M/4G, DIMM 3 and 4 is Patriot Memory PSD38G16002)
BIOS: AMI BIOS (v.2501, OrochiPIV1.5.0.2, UEFI Boot is enabled, Secure Boot is disabled)

As the title says when I select UNetbootin as my OS I get an error saying that Windows failed to start. It advises me to repair using my Windows disc. Then I get this on the screen:

Windows Boot Manager  

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:   1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.   2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."   3. Click "repair your computer." If you don't have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.   File: ubnldr.mbr   Status: 0xc0000007b   Info: The application or operating system couldn't be loaded because a required         file is missing or contains errors.

I am using Windows 8 and Ubuntu 13.04.

So I was already booting In legacy. On a lark I decided to try UEFI and that has made it so I cannot even boot windows after switching back to legacy. I get:

error no such partition  
grub rescue >  

From the boot menu I can enter either P2: TSSTcorp DVDWBD SN-406AB or P1: WDC WD7500BPKT-75PK4T0 or Bigfoot Boot Agent.

This is quickly going from bad to catastrophic. Please assist. I am in way over my head now. I removed the Ubuntu DVD and still no luck getting back into Windows.

Any advice on getting around this or understanding what the problem is would be appreciated.

As I don’t have access to a usb or CD, I have tried to frugal install ubuntu onto my HDD, using Unetbootin. Once turning on I find the dual boot menu to select the OS, and attempt to boot Ubuntu, with no avail. An error appears saying

Windows failed to start.A recent hardware or software problem might be
the case.

It then says File:

ubnldr.mbr status: 0xc00007B.

Does anyone know a solution?

TuKsn's user avatar


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asked May 28, 2014 at 12:41

user286121's user avatar


It is either a bug or incompatibility in Unetbootin. Rather than try and fix it, it would be easier to buy or borrow a USB flash or CD drive and use that to install. Or, if you really want an install in Windows, use VirtualBox.

answered May 28, 2014 at 15:00

bain's user avatar


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Я пытался установить Ubuntu14. 04.1 с использованием Unetbootin. Я скачал.iso и следуйте инструкциям, изложенным в официальном руководстве.

Однако после того, как я выберу параметр Unetbootin в параметрах загрузки, ничего не происходит. Он застревает на этом экране, на котором написано

Try (hd0,0): FAT16: No UBNLDR

Try (hd0,1): NTFS5: _

После поиска в Интернете этой проблемы я не смог ‘ Я не нахожу ничего убедительного. Я что-то упустил?

Кроме того, загруженный мной образ .iso имеет имя « ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 ». Может ли это быть причиной этого? Моя система — это система Win7 с Intel Centrino, 3 ГБ оперативной памяти.

Я нашел ветку, в которой кто-то писал об этой проблеме в Vista, и в ней упоминалось о правильной настройке загрузочного устройства.


Я попытался запустить команду bcdedit, но не знаю, как получить GUID Unetbootin.

Я видел другую ветку с той же проблемой, на которую в настоящее время нет ответа:


Кто-нибудь может помочь я здесь.

13 April 2017 в 15:25


1 ответ

Попытайтесь переформатировать Карту памяти как FAT32. У меня была та же проблема и после использования FAT32, который я могу загрузить правильно.

ответ дан Pedro
13 April 2017 в 15:25


Другие вопросы по тегам:

Похожие вопросы:

Hello, I booted Linux Mint with my desktop computer without error via UNetbootin on my hard drive, and I liked the OS, so I tried to boot it on my laptop, using the same method. I downloaded the ISO file, and mounted it to my hard drive with UNetbootin, and rebooted my laptop. I came to the Windows 10 boot options screen, and selected the UNetbootin option. I waited a few seconds, and an error screen displays.
Here is the error:

Windows Boot Manager

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.
To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click «Next.»
3. Click «repair your computer.»

If you don’t have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer
manufacturer for assistance.

File: ubnldr.mbr

Status: 0xc0000007b

Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required
file is missing or contains errors.

What I do not understand is why the exact same steps on my desktop are successful, while my laptop produces this error. My laptop’s specs are definitely able to handle linux, so I don’t see how that is the issue. Could it be that my desktop has legacy boot enabled and my laptop has UEFI enabled? I don’t see how the hardware interface could be the issue as Linux can boot with UEFI right? I would like to get Linux Mint running on my laptop. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

I have this budget (read: cheapo) laptop, a Schneider SCL141-CTP, with an Intel Atom X5 Z-8350 SoC, 2 measly gigs of RAM and a ridiculously small 32GB eMMC SSD, that’s running Windows 10 Home, and will soon be left on the platform when the 19H1 big update shows up, because I’ll never manage to clear enough free space to satisfy Microsoft’s requirements.

I’ve been wanting to install Linux on this laptop because I’m fed up no end with Windows, which barely works on such modest hardware, but all my attempts have proven unfruitful.

After a lot of hemming and hawing, I managed to shrink the C drive by 2GB using diskpart, formatted the newly created partition as FAT32, and used UNetBootIn to put the latest Debian-based Slax 9 distro on it, hoping to boot from it and run it live for a while, just to make sure it would fit my needs, before installing it for good.

Nowhere in the UNetBootIN window did I find the option you can have in Rufus to choose between GPT and MBR.

Problem is, this PC has UEFI, and though the UNetBootIN partition does show in the boot menu, selecting it and pressing Enter gets me an error message saying that a boot file is damaged or can’t be read, or something like that, and only offers me to boot from Windows.

The file in question is, without surprise, ubnldr.mbr.

I tried to add it manually to the UEFI boot menu by pointing the menu at the correct file path, but it can’t be found; instead, I’m proposed another 32-bit Linux loader that I’m not even sure is in the Slax files at all, «ia32-something».

No «ubnldr», just «ia32», and I can’t go deeper into the tree line, it stops there.

I’ve tried to disable UEFI completely, hoping against hope that the PC would let me boot from the Slax partition.

Fat chance of that.

I can boot from Windows alright, so the laptop is fully operable, but I’ve got a (momentarily) useless 2GB partition containg Slax, and eating at what little free space I have.

I have this budget (read: cheapo) laptop, a Schneider SCL141-CTP, with an Intel Atom X5 Z-8350 SoC, 2 measly gigs of RAM and a ridiculously small 32GB eMMC SSD, that’s running Windows 10 Home, and will soon be left on the platform when the 19H1 big update shows up, because I’ll never manage to clear enough free space to satisfy Microsoft’s requirements.

I’ve been wanting to install Linux on this laptop because I’m fed up no end with Windows, which barely works on such modest hardware, but all my attempts have proven unfruitful.

After a lot of hemming and hawing, I managed to shrink the C drive by 2GB using diskpart, formatted the newly created partition as FAT32, and used UNetBootIn to put the latest Debian-based Slax 9 distro on it, hoping to boot from it and run it live for a while, just to make sure it would fit my needs, before installing it for good.

Nowhere in the UNetBootIN window did I find the option you can have in Rufus to choose between GPT and MBR.

Problem is, this PC has UEFI, and though the UNetBootIN partition does show in the boot menu, selecting it and pressing Enter gets me an error message saying that a boot file is damaged or can’t be read, or something like that, and only offers me to boot from Windows.

The file in question is, without surprise, ubnldr.mbr.

I tried to add it manually to the UEFI boot menu by pointing the menu at the correct file path, but it can’t be found; instead, I’m proposed another 32-bit Linux loader that I’m not even sure is in the Slax files at all, «ia32-something».

No «ubnldr», just «ia32», and I can’t go deeper into the tree line, it stops there.

I’ve tried to disable UEFI completely, hoping against hope that the PC would let me boot from the Slax partition.

Fat chance of that.

I can boot from Windows alright, so the laptop is fully operable, but I’ve got a (momentarily) useless 2GB partition containg Slax, and eating at what little free space I have.

So here i am feeling like a loser after failing to install liquidfeedback on ubuntu and installing debian on a win 7 computer.

So taking a time out of one day and trying another google search MAY help

So i come across

UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD.


so it failed and get an  .mbr error . so now i have a failed debian install and a failed ubootin install when i start  my comp

I had tried using the iso i had already downloaded.

This time i am going to use the netinstall . So in unetbootin i choose the distro debian and stable and clicked ok
it started to dowload initird.gz toc:unetbtinubninit from  ftp.debian.org/debian/installer
maybe i had chosen the wrong distro and unetbootin is downloading the right ones

so the error message is

File: ubnldr.mbr
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.




http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/networking/modifying-the-windows-7-boot-loader-with-the-boot-configuration-data-editor-tool/1709 vista 2009 related file

Windows 7/Vista has a hidden boot partition, containing the BCD — boot configuration data. Similar to boot.ini but you can’t easily edit it like you can with notepad and XP. You can also use the bcdedit tool.


Download EasyBCD and install it. EasyBCD is free for non-commercial use and offers a nice GUI to edit the Windows 7 boot loader menu.

P.S. There is no “boot.ini” in Windows 7. You could modify “boot.ini” in Windows XP to achieve the same result, but this does not apply for Windows 7.

How to Dual Boot Windows 7 and Linux using BCDEdit

The boot configuration data store could not be opened.
Access is denied.

solution on windows 7
Open the command prompt with elevated privileges. To do this click the Start Orb then All Programs, click on Accessories, then right-click on Command Prompt and then select Run as administrator.

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226}
device                  boot
path                    ubnldr.mbr
description             UNetbootin

I fixed on mine by logging in, running cmd as Administrator, and running

bcdedit /set

device «partition=C:»

my try
bcdedit /set <
2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226 > device «partition=C:»


C:windowssystem32>bcdedit /set < 2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226 > device
The system cannot find the file specified.

bcdedit /set {2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226} device «partition=C:»

C:windowssystem32>bcdedit /set {2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226} device «
The operation completed successfully.

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {2a91d002-b502-11e0-83de-f0def176d226}
device                  partition=C:
path                    ubnldr.mbr
description             UNetbootin

Note that the id will be in the form of a GUID, in curly braces. To see what it is, just run bcdedit without any arguments.


After all these edits it finally booted but it halted with the error operating system error 



Im trying to install Ubuntu 18.4 on my Hp Notebook. I am on windows 10. Im using unetbootin to install the ubuntu 18.04 iso from my hard drive as i dont have a blank disc or usb. When i reboot and select unetbootin i get this error.
P.S i already disabled my secure boot.

File: ubnldr.mbr
status: 0xc000007b
Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors.

Any idea how to fix this?

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Im trying to install Ubuntu 18.4 on my Hp Notebook. I am on windows 10. Im using unetbootin to install the ubuntu 18.04 iso from my hard drive as i dont have a blank disc or usb. When i reboot and select unetbootin i get this error.
P.S i already disabled my secure boot.

File: ubnldr.mbr
status: 0xc000007b
Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors.

Any idea how to fix this?

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


Im trying to install Ubuntu 18.4 on my Hp Notebook. I am on windows 10. Im using unetbootin to install the ubuntu 18.04 iso from my hard drive as i dont have a blank disc or usb. When i reboot and select unetbootin i get this error.
P.S i already disabled my secure boot.

File: ubnldr.mbr
status: 0xc000007b
Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors.

Any idea how to fix this?

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Im trying to install Ubuntu 18.4 on my Hp Notebook. I am on windows 10. Im using unetbootin to install the ubuntu 18.04 iso from my hard drive as i dont have a blank disc or usb. When i reboot and select unetbootin i get this error.
P.S i already disabled my secure boot.

File: ubnldr.mbr
status: 0xc000007b
Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors.

Any idea how to fix this?

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Kashan Hayat is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Unetbootin not working with Ubuntu 16.04.3 for me

So, I have a Windows 10 HP laptop where I attempted to install UNETbootin to install Ubuntu, but when I tried to open it after it gave me the option to choose the operating system I received this error message:

«Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

To fix the problem:

  1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

  2. Choose your language settings, and then click «Next.»

  3. Click «repair your computer.»

If you don’t have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: ubnldr.mbr

Status: 0xc0000007b

Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required
file is missing or contains errors.»

I’ve already tried it with Secure boot enabled and disabled and also with Legacy Booting, anyone know any other solutions?

Hello, I booted Linux Mint with my desktop computer without error via UNetbootin on my hard drive, and I liked the OS, so I tried to boot it on my laptop, using the same method. I downloaded the ISO file, and mounted it to my hard drive with UNetbootin, and rebooted my laptop. I came to the Windows 10 boot options screen, and selected the UNetbootin option. I waited a few seconds, and an error screen displays.
Here is the error:

Windows Boot Manager

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.
To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and then click «Next.»
3. Click «repair your computer.»

If you don’t have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer
manufacturer for assistance.

File: ubnldr.mbr

Status: 0xc0000007b

Info: The application or operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required
file is missing or contains errors.

What I do not understand is why the exact same steps on my desktop are successful, while my laptop produces this error. My laptop’s specs are definitely able to handle linux, so I don’t see how that is the issue. Could it be that my desktop has legacy boot enabled and my laptop has UEFI enabled? I don’t see how the hardware interface could be the issue as Linux can boot with UEFI right? I would like to get Linux Mint running on my laptop. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

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