Use trace for backtrace ошибка koala

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У меня похожая проблема, при попытке компиляции Koala выдаёт такую ошибку «ArgumentError: invalid byte senquence in UTF-8 Use —trace for backtrace».

Какие решения пробовал:
— размещать файлы проекта в корне локального диска, таким образом что бы весь путь состоял только из латинский символов». Ноль эффекта, компилятор выдаёт такую же ошибку.
— устанавливал другие версии Koala. В том числе рекомендуемую здесь версию 2.1.4. Ни одна из них кроме самой последней (2.3.0) не запустилась на моём ПК (OC Windows 10).

Включать поддержку кодировки UTF в системе не хочу. Причина в том, что как я прочитал в другом источники это ведёт к появлению ошибок в других программах и дополнениях. Например перестаёт запускаться плагин Open Server для VSCode.

Возможно кто-нибудь знает другие способы решения проблемы с восприятием кодировки у Koala?

I just created two folders, SASS and CSS, and in SASS folder I created usual *.txt file and renamed it in main.sass, the file is empty, without any code. I open Koala, drag my SASS folder into, and immediately the error appears — «Save your files with UTF-8 encoding for now. Koala probably should support ISO-1252»
Interestingly, when I create file and name it with an extension «less», for example «main.less», empty file, and do the same action, drag and drop it into Koala, there is no any mistakes. It successfully works converting my less code into css. So what’s wrong with sass extension?

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10 Answers



Feb 16, 2022

Koala version 2.2 has this problem. Kill it and bring back the previous 2.1.4, it will work fine. And refuse to upgrade to 2.2, maybe in the next version they will fix it.



Feb 16, 2022

Probably a problem with Russian letters in the file path



Feb 16, 2022

It worked for me after the following guide — (quote)
In the Win-10 settings, enter the change: Windows Settings > Time & Language > Language > Administrative Language Settings > Click the button: Change System Language > Check the box: Beta:. Use Unicode (UTF-8) to support the language worldwide.

Then it will work.

And it all worked. I hope you scrolled to the end and saw this message. I tried everything in this thread and that was the only solution.

The same problem and putting a checkmark in the settings does not help. What could be the problem?



Feb 16, 2022

And I stepped on this rake. Tore down 2.3, put in 2.1.4 and 2.1.2. Caught a new trick — versions 2,1,4 2,1,2 just do not start. From the word completely — in the task list did not even appear.
Tore it off, put it back on 2.3, but by that time I had learned that the path to the project file must not contain Cyrillic characters. Moved the project to a 100% English-language path and everything worked.
The «users» folder was never renamed to «users».

Conclusion — the problem is only in the Cyrillic alphabet in the path to the project.



Feb 16, 2022

The name of the project folder must be in English.
In the SASS settings, the «Use Sass system compiler» checkbox must be unchecked.
It all worked — version 2.3.

Maybe it will help someone.
I had the same problem. the checkbox in the settings did not help.
Fixed it by renaming the user name in Windows (from Cyrillic to Latin).
How to do it is described here:
Afterwards, remove the check mark from the settings, if you did.

I spent the whole day installing and reinstalling. It opened, then it didn’t. Then it stopped working at all. I renamed the whole path, including «my computer» in English letters, and everything worked.

I’m having a hard time with this koala… solved by installing sass v3.5.1~, through ruby , before installing koalla and then ticking

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