Vba ошибка 450


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Wrong number of arguments (Error 450)







The number of arguments to a procedure must match the number of parameters in the procedure’s definition. This error has the following causes and solutions:

  • The number of arguments in the call to the procedure wasn’t the same as the number of required arguments expected by the procedure. Check the argument list in the call against the procedure declaration or definition.

  • You specified an index for a control that isn’t part of a control array.

    The index specification is interpreted as an argument but neither an index nor an argument is expected, so the error occurs. Remove the index specification, or follow the procedure for creating a control array. Set the Index property to a nonzero value in the control’s property sheet or property window at design time.

  • You tried to assign a value to a read-only property, or you tried to assign a value to a property for which no Property Let procedure exists.

    Assigning a value to a property is the same as passing the value as an argument to the object’s Property Let procedure. Properly define the Property Let procedure; it must have one more argument than the corresponding Property Get procedure. If the property is meant to be read-only, you can’t assign a value to it.

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I have created a userform the populate a spreadsheet I have added code to the «enter» button.
I keep getting error 450, please advise. I have copied this format from a code I have used before with no errors. the only new thing is the if then statement in the first Sub.

    Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
    On Error Resume Next

    If cmbcash.Value = "yes" Then
    Sheets(Sheet1).[a1].Value = frmInput.txtCash
    Sheets(Sheet1).[a2].Value = frmInput.txtCash
    Sheets(Sheet1).[a2].Value = frmInput.txtcash2
    If cmbstock.Value = "yes" Then
    Sheets(Sheet1).[b1].Value = frmInput.txtstock
    Sheets(Sheet1).[b2].Value = frmInput.txtstock
    Sheets(Sheet1).[b2].Value = frmInput.txtstock2
    If cmbdeposits.Value = "yes" Then
    Sheets(Sheet1).[c1].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits
    Sheets(Sheet1).[c2].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits
    Sheets(Sheet1).[c2].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits2
    End If

    Hide Me

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim x
Dim y

    y = Array("Transfer", "Don't Transfer", "Retirement at 75%")
    x = Array("Yes", "No")

    cmbcash.Value = " "
    cmbstock.Value = " "
    cmbdeposits.Value = " "

    cmbcash.List = x
    cmbstock.List = x
    cmbdeposits.List = x

    End Sub

asked Aug 8, 2014 at 16:03

sammy's user avatar


You need an End If for each If. You should also almost certainly remove On Error Resume Next — fix your errors, don’t ignore them or you will get unintended results!

Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()

    If cmbcash.Value = "yes" Then
        Sheets(Sheet1).[a1].Value = frmInput.txtCash
        Sheets(Sheet1).[a2].Value = frmInput.txtCash
        Sheets(Sheet1).[a2].Value = frmInput.txtcash2
    END if
    If cmbstock.Value = "yes" Then
        Sheets(Sheet1).[b1].Value = frmInput.txtstock
        Sheets(Sheet1).[b2].Value = frmInput.txtstock
        Sheets(Sheet1).[b2].Value = frmInput.txtstock2
    END if
    If cmbdeposits.Value = "yes" Then
        Sheets(Sheet1).[c1].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits
        Sheets(Sheet1).[c2].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits
        Sheets(Sheet1).[c2].Value = frmInput.txtdeposits2
    End If

    Hide Me

    End Sub

answered Aug 8, 2014 at 16:47

Dave.Gugg's user avatar


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title keywords f1_keywords ms.prod ms.assetid ms.date

Wrong number of arguments (Error 450)






The number of arguments to a procedure must match the number ofparameters in theprocedure’s definition. This error has the following causes and solutions:

  • The number of arguments in the call to the procedure wasn’t the same as the number of required arguments expected by the procedure. Check the argument list in the call against the procedure declaration or definition.

  • You specified an index for a control that isn’t part of a control array.

    The index specification is interpreted as an argument but neither an index nor an argument is expected, so the error occurs. Remove the index specification, or follow the procedure for creating a control array. Set the Index property to a nonzero value in the control’s property sheet or property window atdesign time.

  • You tried to assign a value to a read-only property, or you tried to assign a value to a property for which no Property Let procedure exists.

    Assigning a value to a property is the same as passing the value as an argument to the object’s Property Let procedure. Properly define the Property Let procedure; it must have one more argument than the corresponding Property Get procedure. If the property is meant to be read-only, you can’t assign a value to it.

For additional information, select the item in question and press F1 (in Windows) or HELP (on the Macintosh).


  1. Wrong number of arguments (Error 450)
  2. Support and feedback
  3. Thread: Runtime Error 450
  4. Runtime Error 450
  5. Re: Runtime Error 450
  6. Re: Runtime Error 450
  7. Re: Runtime Error 450
  8. Как исправить время выполнения Ошибка 450 Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств
  9. Runtime error 450 help
  10. Runtime error 450 help
  11. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  12. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  13. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  14. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  15. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  16. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  17. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  18. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  19. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  20. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  21. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  22. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  23. Re: Runtime error 450 help
  24. How To Fix Runtime Error 450
  25. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Introduction
  26. What Actually Causes Runtime Error 450?
  27. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Errors
  28. Creators of Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Difficulties

Wrong number of arguments (Error 450)

The number of arguments to a procedure must match the number of parameters in the procedure’s definition. This error has the following causes and solutions:

The number of arguments in the call to the procedure wasn’t the same as the number of required arguments expected by the procedure. Check the argument list in the call against the procedure declaration or definition.

You specified an index for a control that isn’t part of a control array.

The index specification is interpreted as an argument but neither an index nor an argument is expected, so the error occurs. Remove the index specification, or follow the procedure for creating a control array. Set the Index property to a nonzero value in the control’s property sheet or property window at design time.

You tried to assign a value to a read-only property, or you tried to assign a value to a property for which no Property Let procedure exists.

Assigning a value to a property is the same as passing the value as an argument to the object’s Property Let procedure. Properly define the Property Let procedure; it must have one more argument than the corresponding Property Get procedure. If the property is meant to be read-only, you can’t assign a value to it.

For additional information, select the item in question and press F1 (in Windows) or HELP (on the Macintosh).

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Thread: Runtime Error 450

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Runtime Error 450

Runtime Error 450 — Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment

I have one of about 250 users getting the above Runtime error. I cannot duplicate it. His machine is identical to mine as far as OS (Win Vista), Service packs, MS Access Drivers, etc.

I’ve had him uninstall and reinstall the software repetedly from the web and disk.

I’m not sure if this is a DB error or .dll error? Any clues to help me get started.

Re: Runtime Error 450

In order for us to help you, you will need to give us more information. Specifically, what line of code is causing that error. This means you may have to add error trapping and logging to your routines so that your customers can send you the logs to review.

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Re: Runtime Error 450

I think I’ve narrowed the problem down to this sub.. does this help?

The last entry in my log file is listed below. It occurs write before the loadForm. Any idea which of the following lines in the load form could kick out the Runtime Error 450 — Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment.

The last entry in the log that we’re getting is this one:

Re: Runtime Error 450

So, Sub Main() is the startup object. It appears it is calling the posted form_load event?

What is cpAgent? Is it created in Sub Main() or created elsewhere before form_load is called?

What are the cpAgent property data types of .DataSource, .PersonType, .AffiliationText & .PersonID? i.e., Long, String, etc.

Also what is Mod_HPath? Are you sure it is declared; maybe a constant and is not a null string? I assume Mod_HSection is «Agent».

The error could possibly be in your cpAgent class/control and occurring after you set one of the properties of that object.

Insomnia is just a byproduct of, » It can’t be done»

Classics Enthusiast ? Here’s my 1969 Mustang Mach I Fastback. Her sister ’67 Coupe has been adopted


Как исправить время выполнения Ошибка 450 Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств

В этой статье представлена ошибка с номером Ошибка 450, известная как Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств, описанная как Количество аргументов процедуры должно соответствовать количеству параметров в определении процедуры.

Информация об ошибке

Имя ошибки: Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств
Номер ошибки: Ошибка 450
Описание: Количество аргументов процедуры должно соответствовать количеству параметров в определении процедуры.
Программное обеспечение: Windows
Разработчик: Microsoft

Этот инструмент исправления может устранить такие распространенные компьютерные ошибки, как BSODs, зависание системы и сбои. Он может заменить отсутствующие файлы операционной системы и библиотеки DLL, удалить вредоносное ПО и устранить вызванные им повреждения, а также оптимизировать ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности.

О программе Runtime Ошибка 450

Время выполнения Ошибка 450 происходит, когда Windows дает сбой или падает во время запуска, отсюда и название. Это не обязательно означает, что код был каким-то образом поврежден, просто он не сработал во время выполнения. Такая ошибка появляется на экране в виде раздражающего уведомления, если ее не устранить. Вот симптомы, причины и способы устранения проблемы.

Определения (Бета)

Здесь мы приводим некоторые определения слов, содержащихся в вашей ошибке, в попытке помочь вам понять вашу проблему. Эта работа продолжается, поэтому иногда мы можем неправильно определить слово, так что не стесняйтесь пропустить этот раздел!

  • Определение — общий тег для тем, содержащий определения.
  • Соответствие — концепция программирования о поиске результатов на основе некоторого поиск
  • Параметры . Параметры — это тип переменной, используемый в подпрограмме для ссылки на данные, предоставленные в качестве входных для подпрограммы.
  • Процедура — Процедура — это подпрограмма, которая не возвращает значение.
  • Свойство — Свойство в некоторых объектно-ориентированных языках программирования представляет собой особый вид члена класса , промежуточное звено между полем или элементом данных и методом
  • Назначение — процесс установки или повторной установки значения, хранящегося в местах хранения, обозначенных именем переменной.
  • Число . Число — это математический объект, используемый для подсчета, измерения и маркировки.
Симптомы Ошибка 450 — Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств

Ошибки времени выполнения происходят без предупреждения. Сообщение об ошибке может появиться на экране при любом запуске %программы%. Фактически, сообщение об ошибке или другое диалоговое окно может появляться снова и снова, если не принять меры на ранней стадии.

Возможны случаи удаления файлов или появления новых файлов. Хотя этот симптом в основном связан с заражением вирусом, его можно отнести к симптомам ошибки времени выполнения, поскольку заражение вирусом является одной из причин ошибки времени выполнения. Пользователь также может столкнуться с внезапным падением скорости интернет-соединения, но, опять же, это не всегда так.

(Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств) Repair Tool»/>
(Только для примера)

Причины Неверное количество аргументов или недопустимое присвоение свойств — Ошибка 450

При разработке программного обеспечения программисты составляют код, предвидя возникновение ошибок. Однако идеальных проектов не бывает, поскольку ошибки можно ожидать даже при самом лучшем дизайне программы. Глюки могут произойти во время выполнения программы, если определенная ошибка не была обнаружена и устранена во время проектирования и тестирования.

Ошибки во время выполнения обычно вызваны несовместимостью программ, запущенных в одно и то же время. Они также могут возникать из-за проблем с памятью, плохого графического драйвера или заражения вирусом. Каким бы ни был случай, проблему необходимо решить немедленно, чтобы избежать дальнейших проблем. Ниже приведены способы устранения ошибки.

Методы исправления

Ошибки времени выполнения могут быть раздражающими и постоянными, но это не совсем безнадежно, существует возможность ремонта. Вот способы сделать это.

Если метод ремонта вам подошел, пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку upvote слева от ответа, это позволит другим пользователям узнать, какой метод ремонта на данный момент работает лучше всего.


Runtime error 450 help

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Runtime error 450 help

I’m trying to run the following code but I keep getting a runtime error stating «Wrong number of arguments or invaluid property assignment». Debugging highlights the section contained in «For ci = 1 o 42» but I can’t for the life of me see what’s wrong. Can anyone please help?

Last edited by wonderdunder; 06-13-2011 at 05:53 AM .

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Try declaring ci as Long.

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Thanks for responding, though declaring it as long still gives the same problem

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Thought it wouldn’t be that simple. Probably this then

Re: Runtime error 450 help

That’s not it either but thanks — I must have looked at this code about 15 times and still missed it!

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Do you definitely have 42 things in the list?

Can you post a workbook?

Re: Runtime error 450 help

You can only have 30 arguments.

Re: Runtime error 450 help

I might have got to that in the end.

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Thanks — sorry for the delay responding — left work after last post and just got home.

There are definitely 42 items, but you can only have thirty? I suppose then that I’ll have to split the copying bit into two.

however, to ensure that the second part ends up on the same line as the first part am I correct in thing that the offset bit needs to go for the second part?

Or is there another way round this problem?

Last edited by wonderdunder; 06-10-2011 at 02:46 PM .

Re: Runtime error 450 help

I’ve cut the number of arguments to under 30 and it works. However, that leaves me with another 12 cells that I need to get on the same row as the other 30 and I can’t figure out the code for it. Any ideas from anyone?

Re: Runtime error 450 help

If the solution helped please donate to RSPCA

Re: Runtime error 450 help

Thanks Pike10, but surely there has to be an easier way of doing it? there’s another 15 set of 45 cells that I need to do and I really do not fancy writing out all of that for all of them — I might as well just copy and paste.

I was hoping that this line could be adopted in some way:

I know that this, I think, looks for the first empty row and puts the data there. Now as it can’t handle more than 30, I was hoping to be able to split it an put both in the same row using the above method. Can that be done easily enough?

Re: Runtime error 450 help

I’ve sort of got over the problem — I’ve just changed the «rows.count, «A»» bit to rows.count, «x»

My next problem is that some cells can be blank, so the second part can be put into the wrong row. In that case, is there a way I can adopy my code so that if a cells is blank, it is changed to «NA» or some other text so it is not blank?

Re: Runtime error 450 help

The easiest way would be to collate the values in one sheet and work from there.


How To Fix Runtime Error 450

Error Number: Runtime Error 450
Error Name: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
Error Description: The number of arguments to a procedure must match the number of parameters in the procedure’s definition.
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Software: Windows Operating System
Applies to: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment is generally referred to as a form of «runtime error». When it comes to Windows Operating System, software engineers use an arsenal of tools to try to weed out these bugs as good as possible. Tragically, problems like error 450 can be missed, and the software will contain these problems on release.

Some users might experience the message «The number of arguments to a procedure must match the number of parameters in the procedure’s definition.» while using Windows Operating System. When that occurs, software end-users can inform Microsoft Corporation about the existence of error 450 bugs. The developer will then be able to rectify its source code and release an update in the market. Consequently, the developer will use a Windows Operating System update package to resolve error 450 and any other reported error messages.

What Actually Causes Runtime Error 450?

Execution faults at the startup of Windows Operating System is when you’re most likely to run into Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. The three common reasons why runtime errors like error 450 pop-up:

Error 450 Crash — Error 450 can lead to total program freeze, which prevents you from doing anything. This arises when Windows Operating System fails to function properly, or does not know what output would be suitable.

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Memory Leak — Error 450 memory leak results in Windows Operating System continually using more and more memory, bogging down the system. Potential triggers may be endless looping, which causes the program operation to run over and over again.

Error 450 Logic Error — The computer system creates incorrect information or produces a different result even though the data that is input is accurate. The culprit in this case is usually a flaw in Microsoft Corporation source code that handles the input incorrectly.

The root causes of Microsoft Corporation errors associated with Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment include a missing or corrupt file, or in some cases, a past or present Windows Operating System-related malware infection. Obtaining a new, uninfected copy of your Microsoft Corporation file will usually resolve the problem. After the problem file is replaced, running a registry scan can help clean up any invalid Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment, file extension, or other file path references which could have been affected from a previous malware infection.

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Errors

These Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment-related Windows Operating System Troubles Include:

  • «Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Error.»
  • «Invalid Win32 Program: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment»
  • «Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment needs to close.»
  • «Sorry, we can’t find Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.»
  • «Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can’t be found.»
  • «Problem starting application: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.»
  • «Can’t run Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.»
  • «Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment halted.»
  • «Fault in Software Path: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.»

Usually Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors with Windows Operating System happen during startup or shutdown, while Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment related programs are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. It’s important to note when Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment issues happen, as it helps troubleshoot Windows Operating System problems (and report to Microsoft Corporation).

Creators of Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Difficulties

Windows Operating System and Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment issues come from missing or corrupt files, Windows registry invalid entries, and malware infections.

More specifically, these Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors can be caused by:

  • Invalid Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment or corrupted registry key.
  • Virus or malware corrupting Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
  • Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment maliciously, or mistakenly, removed by another software (apart from Windows Operating System).
  • Another program conflicting with Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment or another Windows Operating System shared reference.
  • Incomplete or corrupt Windows Operating System (Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment) from download or installation.

Compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000


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