Vmn low ошибка


5 5 5 5 5






Description of the alarms signalled by the diagnostic LED.

The alarm code is shown in parentheses. A detailed description is given in the section








2 BLINKS = Running request on startup or error in handle/speeds sequence (INCORRECT









4 BLINKS = Accelerator high in standby — this error inhibits machine operation (VACC > 1 V).






5 BLINKS = Error in reading current — this error inhibits machine operation (1 HIGH AT






6 BLINKS = Malfunctioning of the contactor driver circuit (DRIVER SHORTED, COIL




7 BLINKS = Excessive temperature, greater than 80_ (TH. PROTECTION).



CONTINUOUS BLINKING (32 BLINKS) =Low battery charge, battery with < 10% of















1) 1) 1) 1) 1) STAND BY VMN LOW





The test is carried out in standby. If the VMN voltage is lower than 1/3 of the battery

voltage, an alarm is signalled. Possible causes:

a) Check the motor wiring to make sure it is correct.

b) Chopper broken, replace.

2) 2) 2) 2) 2) NO FULL COND.





The test is carried out in full conduction.

If, in this condition, the VMN is found to be greater than 1/3 VBATT, the diagnostic


persists, replace the logic.

3) 3) 3) 3) 3) TH.PROTECTION





An indication that the chopper temperature has exceeded 80°C.

The maximum current is gradually reduced, reaching 0 at a temperature of 85°C. If the

alarm occurs while cold:

a) Check the thermal sensor connection.

b) Thermal sensor failure.

c) Connection on the power interrupted (check the connector that connects the logic to


d) Logic failure.

4) 4) 4) 4) 4) BATTERY





The battery charge is low.

The alarm is signalled only if the BATTERY CHECK option has been selected. All

functions except hydrdrive are inhibited.





is faulty, causing a safety risk, and thus machine operation is inhibited. If the defect

power unit).

residual charge (BATTERY).

Pagina 19

Fault Code / FaultName












53 «STBY 1 HIGH»






















172 «VMN LOW»




195 «STBY 1 HIGH»















218 «SAFETY»



224 «SEATKO»


243 «NO CAN MSG 5»



246 »SAFETY»

247 «NO CAN MSG 4»







Fault Code Charts









No input from seat


Controller detects the seat switch is
open during operation.

Check seat switch wiring and connec

Check for inoperative seat switch.



Watchdog circuit
has been triggered


It is a self-diagnosing test



Warning: EEprom
fault controller
will use default


Fault in the area of memory in which the
adjustment parameters are stored;

This fault does not inhibit truck opera
tion, but the controller will use default

If fault persists when key is switched
OFF and ON again.

If the fault disappears, remember that
the parameters stored previously have
been cancelled and replaced by the
default values.



Failure in overload
protection hard-
ware circuit


Fault in the hardware section of the
logic board that manages the hardware
current protection.



Failure in U,V,W
voltage feedback


Fault in the hardware section of the
logic board that manages the phase ‘s
voltage feedback.



An over voltage or
under voltage con-
dition has been


This fault signals that the under voltage 1
over voltage protection interrupt has
been triggered

A real under voltage 1over voltage key
input (TB l) happened. Voltage has been
below 16V

A real over voltage on the power capaci
tors happened, voltage has been 63V.

Fault in the hardware section of the
logic board that manages the over volt-
age protection.

Possible plugging in or unplugging of
battery or charger with the key switch



Wrong voltage on
motor power out
puts; failure in the
power section or
in the mosfet
driver circuit or
the motor


• This test is carried out during initial
diagnosis and
in standby. Possible
• A real under voltage over voltage situa
tion occurred.
• problem with motor connections or the
motor power circuit; check if the 3
phases are correctly connected; check
there’s chassis ground of the motor to
truck frame.
• A problem with motor connection or
power circuit.
• Check if all 3 phases are correctly con
• Check for short between motor terminal
and chassis
• Perform diode test
• unhook battery at controller and do a
diode check between Batt
+ and Batt —
(should read .3 to .5 volts)
• Diode test
-Disconnect all power and motor leads
from control.
— Select diode test on your multi meter.
-Place positive meter lead on control —
Battery terminal place negative meter
lead on terminals U,V,W meter should
read .3V to .5V if not replace control.
-Place negative meter lead on control
Battery terminal place negative meter
lead on terminals U,V,W meter should
read .3V to .5V if not replace control.
— If code presist replace control
• Fault in the inverter power section

Replace con



Wrong voltage on
motor power out
puts; failure
in the
power section or
in the mosfet
driver circuit or in
the motor


• This test is carried out during initial
diagnosis and in standby. Possible
• Problem with motor connections or the
motor power circuit; check
if the 3
phases are correctly connected; check
there’s chassis ground of the motor to
truck frame.
• Unhook battery at controller and do a
diode check between Batt
and Batt —
(should read .3 to .5 volts)
• Possible high batteryto the case of the
• Fau1t in the controller power section.

• Possible bad battery, Excessive voltage
to case of battery.

Replace con



Warning : Seat
switch is Open
during running


• The seat switch is open with over speed
of the » Park Speed Limit » setting.




Line contactor
power contact
closed at power up


• Before driving the line contactor coil,
the controller checks if the line contactor is stuck. The controller drives the
bridge for a while, trying to discharge
the capacitor bank.
If they don’t dis
charge, the fau1t condition is entered. It
is suggested to check the contactor con
tact, see if it is mechanically stuck.




Line contactor
power contact
does not pull in


• The controller has driven the line contactor, but the contactor did not close.
• The wires to the coil are open or a loose
• Open fuse or cut cable.
• The contact does not pu11 in properly
• Check contactor set voltage.





Wrong voltage in
current sensor
feedback circuit


• The microprocessors verify if the feed
back of current sensor device output is
within the zero current window. Possible causes of the fau1t.
• Current sensor failure.
• Failure in the controller:
If the fau1t per
sists, replace the power unit.




Power Capacitor
Voltage does not
increase when the
key is turned ON;
failure in power
section, or in
Logic PCB, or in
driver PCB, or in
the motor TRAC

• Wben key is switched on, the controller
tries to charge the capacitors through a
power resistor, and check
if the capaci
tor is charged (112 battery volts) within a
Ifthey do not charge, an fault is
signaled; the line contactor does not
• The charging resistor is open
• The charging circuit has a failure
• There is a problem in the power section.

• Possible Motor connection open.



• Temperature of control is greater than
75°C. Maximum current reduced pro
portionally to the temperature increase.
At 1
oooc the maximum current of both
controls is reduced to zero.



Warning: Right or
left or both
motors tempera
ture high (over adj


• Drive motors analog temperature sensor
is greater than the temperature set in
ADJUSTMENT #4 (130°C) in the
Replace con-
• If it happens when the motor is cold, check the wring. If all is ok,

Check temperature

Shown on handse in

tester mode. Replace controller


Warning: Battery
charge leve! below


• When battery leve! reaches 10% or less
or (10% on the dash display), the current
leve! for the drive motors is reduced to
50% of the prograrnmed leve! and the
lift function is locked out.


Warning: Motors
temp. are very
high (over
DOWN pararn.)


• This fault occurs when the motor temper
ature switches are open (digital sensor),
or if the analog sensor temperature over
takes the cut off leve!.
• The cut off leve! is adjusted with the
(145°C) in the ADJUSTMENT submenu.
• If this fault occurs, maximum current is
reduced to zero and the motor is stopped.
Replace con-
• If the shutdown occurs when the motor is
cold check the wiring.
wiring is ok

Replace controller


Drive motor
locked up


• After 15 seconds the motor stalled with
maximum current, controller reduces
maximum current to 50%.
• Check
if Line Contactor is pulled in.
• Possible bad encoder bearing



Line contactarcoil
driver is shorted


When the key is turned ON, the micro
processor checks that the line contactar
coil driver is not shorted

If it is, this fault is signaled.

Check if there is an external short or low
impedance pull-down between NLC
(I’B8) and -Batt.

no extemal causes can be found.

Replace con



Line contactar coil
driver is open (not
able to drive the
coil to the correct


When the initial diagnosis is fmished,
the traction logic closes the line contac
tor and checks the voltage drain of the

If this is not low, the driver is unable to
close and the fault is signaled.

Replace con



Init: Line contac-
tor coil driver pro-
tection circuit is
damaged or Stby
or running: short
on line contactar

When the key is tumed on, the micro
processor checks that the line contactar
coil driver short circuit protection hard
If it does not react in a correct way
to the microprocessor stimulus, the fault
is signaled.

When the fault occurs while the line
contactar is closed this, indicates a short
circuit across the line contactar coil.
if there is an extemal short circuit
and if the ohmic value (xxx Omhs) of
the line contactar coil is correct

Replace contac
tor coil




Displayed when
the normal hour
meter exceeds the
hours set for the


This is just an indication that the vehicle
is due for its Periodic Maintenance.





Warning: Accel
erator signal
(CPOT) voltage
higher than
While the trae
tion enable
switch is open


This fault indicates that the accelerator
voltage is 1volt greater than the mini
mum value prograrnmed by PROGRAM
VACC function.

The potentiometer is not correctly cali

The potentiometer is defective.

Use tester mode to check for voltage
change when accelerator is depressed,
should be approx 1.5volts (0.4-1.9volts
accelerator), 2.7volts (0.4-3.1volts
accelerator) of change.
If not 1.5volts
(0.4-1.9volts accelerator), 2.7volts
(0.4-3.1volts accelerator) check for wir
ing shorts,
if no shorts, replace accelera
If accelerator still doesn’t change
and voltage is greater than 2.0volts
(0.4-1.9volts accelerator), 3.2volts
(0.4-3.1volts accelerator) replace con

Replace accel



Warning: Wrong
traction request
This fault indi
cates an incorrect
starting sequence


IfSRO FUNCTION is active, every time
work is stopped the operator must put
the truck in neutral.

If forward, reverse or seat switch is
active when key switch is turned on.

If forward, reverse closed without seat
switch input.

If the fault persist after checking the

Replace con



Warning: For
ward and reverse
inputs are both


Processor is continuously checking for a
request for forward and reverse at the
same time.

Defective wiring.

Running micro switch failure.

lncorrect operation.

If defect persist

Replace con





temperature sensor
is out of range


The range of the motor temperature ana
log sensor is always checked and a fault
is signaled if it’s out of range

When this fault occurs. The maximum
current is reduced to half and maximum
speed is reduced to 60 Hz.




Motor speed sen-
sor (encoder) does
not work properly


• This fault indicates that the frequency
supplied the motor is greater tbat 20 Hz,
and the signal feedback from the
encoder has a jump higher than 20 Hz in
less than ten milliseconds. This condi
tion clearly shows a malfunctioning of
the encoder signal.
• Check encoder wiring; if no fault is
found in the wiring it is necessary to
replace the encoder.



Fault in Accelera-
tor negative
(NPOT) Input cir
This fault indi
cates that accelera
tor wiring (NPOT
or PPOT) wire is


• Check accelerator wiring and connec-
tions for opens
• Check accelerator input voltage using
PcConsole handset in tester mode (volt
age should range from 2.0 VDC to
approx. 0.30 VDC).
• Check voltage between NPOT (pin A3)
Battery Neg. (pin E2) voltage should be
greater than 0.30 VDC. This voltage
should remain constant all the way
through the pedal stroke.
• Check
if controller input NPOT (A3) is
good. Remove pins (Al, A2, A3) from
connector, now connect a 4.7K ohm
resistor between PPOT (A2) and NPOT
(A3) now plug the connector back in,
this will polarize NPOT. Now check
voltage between (E2) -Batt and (A3)
NPOT the reading should be approx.


Repair wiring as
voltage is greater
than 2.0 VDC or
less than 0.30
VDC replace
Ifvoltage is not
greater than 0.3
VDC proceed to
the next step
Ifit sill read O
VDC the con
troller has a
failed input
Ifit reads cor
rectly 0.6 VDC
the problem is in
the accelerator
or the hamess



Watchdog circuit
has been triggered


• It is a self-diagnosing test




Eeprom fault
controller will
use default


• Fault in the area of memory in which the
adjustrnent parameters are stored; this
fault does not inhibit truck operation,
but the controller will use default
• If defect persists when key is switched
OFF and ON again, replace the logic
If the fault disappears, remember
that the parameters stored previously
have been cancelled and replaced by the
default values.




Fault Description






Failure in overload
protection hard
ware circuit


Fault in the hardware section of the con
troller that manages the hardware cur-
rent protection.

Replace con



Failure in U,V,W
voltage feedback


Fault in the hardware section of the con-
troller that manages the phase ‘s voltage

Replace con



An over voltage or
under voltage con
dition has been


This fault signals that the under voltage 1
over voltage protection interrupt has
been triggered. 1vo possible reasons:

A real under voltage 1over voltage situ
ation happened.

Verify battery setting.

Fault in the hardware section of the con
troller that manages the over voltage
protection. Replace logic Card.

Possible plugging in or unplugging of
battery or charger with the key switch

Replace con



Warning: Pump
motor temp. are
very high (over
DOWN param.)


This fault occurs when the purnp motor
temperature switches are open (digital
sensor), or if the analog sensor tempera
ture overtakes the cut off leve!.

The cut off leve! is adjusted with the
(145°C) in the ADJUSTMENT sub

If this fault occurs, maximurn current is
reduced to 130 amps needed for steer

If the shutdown occurs when the motor
is cold check the wiring.
wiring is ok
replace logic board.




Wrong voltage on
motor power out
puts; failure in the
power section or
in the mosfet
driver circuit or in
the motorPUMP


• This test is carried out during initial
diagnosis and in standby. possible
• A real under voltage
1over voltage situ
ation happened.
• Problem with motor connections or the
motor power circuit; check
if the
3phases are correctly connected; check
if there’s chassis ground of the motor to
truck frame.
• A problem with motor connection or
power circuit.
• Check
if all 3 phases are correctly con
• Check for short between motor terminal
and chassis
• Perform diode test
• Unhook battery at controller and do a
diode check between Batt+ and Batt
(should read .3 to .5volts)
• Unhook motor cables from controller
and do diode test between Batt+ and all
three phases, U,V,W. Check between
Batt- and all three phases, U,V,W
(should read .3 to .5volts)
• Diode test
— Disconnect all power and motor leads
from control.
— Select diode test on your multi meter.
— Place positive meter lead on control —
Battery terminal place negative meter
lead on terminals U,V,W meter should
read .3V to .5V
if not replace control.
— Place negative meter lead on control
Battery terminal place negative meter
lead on terminals U,V,W meter should
read .3V to .5V
if not replace control.
— If code presist replace contro
• Fault in the inverter power section. Fault
in the hardware section of the controller
that manages the over voltage protec

Replace con-




Wrong voltage on
motor power out
puts; failure in the
power section or
in the mosfet
driver circuit or
the motor


• This test is carried out during initial
diagnosis and
in standby. Possible
• Problem with motor connections or the
motor power circuit; check if the 3
phases are correctly connected; check
there’s chassis ground of the motor to
truck frame.
• unhook battery at controller and do a
diode check between Batt
+ and Batt —
(should read .3 to .5 volts)
• Possible high battery voltage to the case
of the battery.
• Fault in the inverter power section.
• Possible bad battery, Excessive voltage
to case of battery.

Replace con




Pump tempera
ture sensor
is out


• The range of the motor temperature ana
log sensor is always checked and a fault
is signaled if it’s out of range
• When this fault occurs. The maximum
current is reduced to half and maximum
speed is reduced to
60 Hz.




Pump motor
locked up


• After 15 seconds of the motor being
stalled with maximum current, control
ler reduces maximum current to 50%.
• Check
if pump contactar is pulled in
• Possible bad encoder bearing.

• Possible bad encoder (sensor bearing).




Wrong voltage in
current sensor
feedback circuit


• The microprocessors verify if the feed
back of current sensor device output is
within the zero current window. Possi
ble causes of the fault;
• Current sensor failure.
• Failure in the logic card: first replace the
logic card; if the fault persist, replace the
power unit.




Warning: Pump
tem perature sen
sor is our of


• The range of the temperature sensor is
always checked and a warning is sig
if it is out of range. This fault will
reduce the maximum current output of
the controller to 50%.




Motor speed sen-
sor (encoder) does
not work properly


• This fault indicates that the frequency
supplied the motor is greater tbat 20 Hz,
and the signal feedback from the
encoder has a jump higher than 20 Hz in
less than ten milliseconds. This condi
tion clearly shows a malfunctioning of
the encoder signal. Check encoder wir-
ing; if no fau1t is found in the wiring.




Power Capacitor
Voltage does not
increase when the
key is turned ON;
failure in power
section, or in
Logic PCB, or in
driver PCB, or in
the motor


• When key is switched on, the inverter
tries to charge the capacitors through a
power resistor, and check if the capaci
tor is charged (l/2 battery volts) within a
If they do not charge, a fault is
signaled; the line contactor does not
• The charging resistor is open
• The charging circuit has a failure
• There is a problem in the power section.

• Possible Motor connection open.




Warning: Pump
Controller tem
perature higher
that 75 degrees


• Temperature of control is greater than
75°C. Maximum current reduced pro
portionally to the temperature increase.
At 100°C the maximum current of both
controls is reduced to zero.




Warning: Lift
Sensor siganal
(CPOT) voltage
higher than
While the trac
tion enable
switch is open


• This fau1t indicates that the Lift Sensor
voltage is 1volt greater than the mini
muro value programmed by PROGRAM
VACC function.
• The potentiometer is not correctly cali
• The potentiometer is defective.

• Tilt or sideshift switch activated at star

Reset VACC
Replace VACC



Warning: Wrong
request sequence


• This fau1t indicates an incorrect starting
• Lift, Tilt, AUX1, AUX2 or enable
switch failure
• Error in sequence made by operator.
• Incorrect wiring.
• If the fault persist after checking the
• Pot partially activated at startup

Replace con



Fault in Accelera-
tor negative
(NPOT) Input cir


• Check accelerator wiring and connec
tions for opens
• Check accelerator input voltage using
PcConsole handset in tester mode (volt
age should range from
xx VDC to
x:x VDC).




Warning: Pump
motors tempera
ture high


• Pump motor analog temperature sensor
is greater than the temperature set in
ADJUSTMENT #4 (130°C) in the
ADJUSTMET submenu.
• When this fault occurs, current goes
down to IMX PROTECTION value and
motor rpm begins to decrease. Motor
current and speed decrease linearly as
the temperature increases until
• If it happens when the motor is cold,
check the wring.
all is ole,,

Check tempera
ture shown on
handset in tester
Replace con-



Warning: Battery
charge level
below 10%


• When battery level reaches 10% or less,
the current level for the drive motors is
reduced to 50% ofthe prograrnmed leve)




Line contactor coil
driver is shorted


• When the key is turned on, the micro
processor checks that the line contactor
coil driver is not shorted;
If it is, this
fault is signaled. Check
if there is an
externa} short or low impedance pull
down between NLC (TB8) and Batt- If
no externa}causes can be found.

Replace con



Line contactor coil
driver is open (not
able to drive the
coil to the correct


• When the initial diagnosis is finished,
the controller closes the line contactor
and checks the voltage drain of the
If this is not low, the driver is
unable to
elose and the fault is signaled.

Replace con



Init: Line contac-
tor and EB coil
driver protection
circuit is damaged
or Stby or running:
short on line con
tactor or EB coil


• When the key is turned on, the micro
processor checks that the line contactor
coil driver short circuit protection hard
If it does not react in a correct way
to the micro processor stimulus, the fault
is signaled. When the fault that occurs
while the line contactor is closed this
indicates a short circuit across the line
contactor coil. check if there is an exter
na} short circuit and
if the ohrnic value
(xxx Ornhs) of the line contactor coil is




Brake coil open


Check for open wiring to the brake coil.

Repair wiring



Battery voltage
does not corre-
spond to pro-
gramrned «SET


Tbis fault indicates tbat actual battery
voltage is 20% bigber or 20% lower than
«SET BATTERY» parameter setting.

Replace battery with correct battery.




Input B5 is not
connected to Batt-


Check that the jumper is in place
between B5 and B11.

See wiring día




Pump has lost Can
with Traction


This Fault is present in combi Systems
Pump). The traction has
detected a fault and has informed the
pump controller through the can-bus
Jine. The pump is waiting for the trae
tion ok. The fault must be looked for in
the traction controller or can-bus circuit.




Pump is waiting
for cummunica-
tion from the trae-


This alarm is present in combi Systems
Pump). The traction has
detected a faulure has informed the
pump inverter through the can-bus Jine.
The pump is waiting for the traction ok.
The faulure must be looked for in the
traction inverter.




Seat input read by
traction is differ-
ent than seat input
read by pump


Check seat switch wiring at TB4 and

May be problem with CAN BUS com




EB coil driver
shorted or open


The rnicroprocessor checks the driver of
the electromechanical brake coil.
If the
status of the driver output does not cor
respond to the signal coming from the
rnicroprocessor, the fault is signaled.




Traction has lost
Can communica-
tion with Pump


Traction (node #2) signals that it has lost
communication with the Pump (node
#5) Tbis fault could be deterrnined to be
a problem in the truck CAN-BUS Jine or
be an intemal problem in the controller
logic card.

First check the CAN_BUS




Alarm: Pump
safety input is


Check wiring pin B5 is connected to pin
B11 on the pump control.

No jumper for pin B5 to pin B11 on the
traction control.




Battery voltage
does not corre
spond to pro
grammed «SET


This fault indicates that actual battery
voltage is 20% higher or 20% lower than
«SET BATTERY» parameter setting.

Replace battery with correct battery.




Alarm: Pump
safety input is


Check jumper pin B5 to pin B11 on the

No jumper for pin B5 to pin B11 on the
traction control.




Warning: Trae
tion temperature
is our of


The range of the temperature sensor is
always checked and a warning is sig
if it is out of range. This fault will
reduce the maximum current output of
the controller to 50%.




Traction is wait
ing for communi
cation from the


This alarm is present in combi systems
pump). The traction has
detected a failure has informed the
pump inverter through the can-bus line.
The pump is waiting for the traction ok.
The failure must
be looked for in the
traction inverter.




EB coi! driver
shorted or open


The microprocessor checks the driver of
the electromechanical brake coil.
If the
status of the driver output does not cor
respond to the signa! coming from the
microprocessor, the fault is signaled. It
is suggested to check for an externa!
short or a low impedance pull-down
between NAUX (C31) and -Batt.
no externa}cause is found

Replace con-



Handbrake switch


lndicate that handbrake is activated

Check wiring and handbrake switch.

Repair wiring
switch if



Dash Display


Check 5 volt power supply for dash dis-
If no 5 volts

Check wiring and connector at control
and display.
not wiring or connec-

Replace 5 V
power supply
Replace dash

  • 24 Дек 2014

После вполне стандартной замены кучи силовых транзисторов, резисторов, диода, прозвонки и внешней проверки подал питание с БП на рабочем столе, тест показал ошибку VMN. Напряжение на CN1-14 показало 1,95В. Смотрите фрагмент схемы
Проверка узла контроля и замена датчика Холла ничего не выявили. Оба датчика одинаково реагировали на сильный магнит ( U1-1 порядка до 9-10В,U1-7 порядка до 4-5В).

Пришлось крутить резисторы, чего ранее, никогда не требовалось делать.

Ошибка пропала после одного оборота Т2.
Я крутил, отслеживая напряжение на CN1-14 — два оборота по часовой (70мв), так и оставил Т1 по 4 оборота в обе стороны практически не меняет показания.
Полез в поисковик, нашёл на зарубежном сайте рекомендацию установить 20мв, один спец рекомендовал 0в. В моём случае «0» не удалось вообще установить, Минимально при 3-х оборотах -40мВ, потому и оставил 70мВ.( в 3-х вариантах схем контроля T2, Rx, R26 имеют разные номиналы).
Блок был отправлен на проверку клиенту (в другой город)
Выяснилось, при включении кары ошибок нет, но при, попытке движения вперёд-назад, снова возникает ошибка статора VMN.
В общем, блок едет обратно и хотелось его встретить с почётом потому и вопросы к более опытным спецам:
1 как правильно отрегулировать момент срабатывания, в каком порядке, какими резисторами
2 какое должно всё же быть напряжение
3 Почему оно вообще ушло (есть подозрение на источник +12В, на разных блоках оно бывает до14В, и более , проверю) 8-ми вольтовый стабилизатор работает
4 Может, аналогичную ошибку вызывают другие факторы
Кто что скажет.


Автор ForkliftMan, 24 августа 2020, 18:16:54

При ремонте очередного контроллера Zapi H2 возникла необходимость в замене и последующей калибровке датчика тока, реализованного на датчике Холла SS495A. В сервисной документации на контроллер Zapi этот момент не освещен. Попытка подстройки на стенде с нагрузкой на двигатель постоянного тока не давала 100% повторяемости результата. Ток контролировался на источнике питания стенда и по показаниям консоли Zapi Ultra, подключенной непосредственно к блоку H2. Лучшие результаты повторяемости получились при включении контроллера как блока управления гидравлической помпой. Тем не менее результаты были не однозначны. Один контроллер откалибровался, второй периодически уходил в ошибку. Пришла мысль собрать импровизированный стенд для калибровки датчика тока на столе, используя имеющееся оборудование.

С эталонного контроллера Zapi H2 была снята карта напряжений по контрольным точкам согласно схемы, всё это проделано при разных значениях тока, проходящего через токовый шунт. Токовый шунт запитан непосредственно от регулируемого источника постоянного тока TDK-Lambda ZUP20-20, тем самым был исследован диапазон измерения токов от 0 до 21А. Показания тока дополнительно контролировались токовыми клещами Fluke 376. На самом деле контроль токовыми клещами оказался избыточным, достаточно показания тока источника. Карта напряжений снималась при помощи двух мультиметров Fluke 289 и записывалась в таблицу excel с точностью до 4 знака в дробной части. Один мультиметр постоянно контролировал выход на плату управления, вторым делались замеры по контрольным точкам. После составления таблицы, на место эталонного контроллера была установлена силовая часть от ремонтного контроллера Zapi H2.

Путём подстройки резисторов T2 и T1 удалось добиться точной повторяемости результата, аналогичного замеренному на эталонном контролере по контрольным точкам и по выходу на 12 pin шлейфа, во всём диапазоне токов, которые мог обеспечить источник. Изменение позиции датчика Холла на ремонтируемой плате при этом не потребовалось. Далее следует проверка на стенде с электродвигателем постоянного тока и на рабочей машине.

После замены палёных компараторов на плате управления ZAPI ZP321H и проверке на стенде удалось убедиться в схожем показании тока на консоли Zapi Ultra 3.13 в подменю TESTER > MOTOR CURRENT и токовых клещей Fluke 376. Остаётся проверить отремонтированный блок на технике под максимальной нагрузкой. На данный момент результат наглядный, данный метод калибровки датчика тока на контроллере H2 оказался рабочим.

Доброго времени суток! Имею схожую проблему. Принесли контроллер с погрузчика JAC — ZAPI H2B конфигурация REGENERATIVE TRACTION. светодиод мигает пять раз и если подключить консоль, то пишет STBY I HIGH. Если через лампочку посадить VMN на массу, то консоль пишет VMN LOW, Если на + то соответственно VMN HIGH. На столе подал питание, VMN в воздухе висит, тоже пишет STBY I HIGH.  В мониторинге через приложение ток 0А. Проблемы в обвязке операционника LM2904 были устранены, ошибка в состоянии покоя на столе пропала. Установили на машину, движения нет, ошибка на дисплее 053 расшифровывается по книге как «Резерв тока высокий». Подстроечные резисторы явно кто то крутил. Сейчас напряжения в состоянии покоя
1   0.956
2   3.59
3   3.59
4   0
5   0.739
6   0.745
7   0.745
8   14.22
Есть данные по исправному контроллеру?

0.745v для выхода многовато будет.
В идеале в состояние покоя там 0 должен быть.
Первая половина операционника смещает пол питания с выхода
датчика тока к нулевой точке, на второй половине регулируется максимальная амплитуда.
Как-то примерно так оно работает.

Вот карта напряжений на блоках Zapi H2 H2B для разных токов от 0 до 20,5 Ампер.
В сравнении участвовали контроллеры старого и нового типа.
Но в данной части схемотехника у них одинакова.

Единственная информация, которую нам удалось найти по методике настройки датчика тока на Zapi.
PDF на шведском языке, но думаю это сейчас не проблема.

Добрый день! Спасибо за информацию! Если делать как по шведской мурзилке, то базовое значение у меня 0,0712 прибавил 20 мВ , выставил 0,092. Убей меня Бог с рогатки, не понимаю как заставить его «ехать» на столе. Собрал по схеме ,на выходы TI и TA повесил лампочки, подаю питание на вход переключателя «вперед» лампочка моргнет и ошибка DIR CONT. OPEN. В общем забил на эту идею, выставил по документу, будем пробовать ставить на машину.

Надо «немного» контакторов навесить.
У нас до 4 штук на Zapi H2 приходилось навешивать на стенде, согласно схемам из мануала.
Без этого движок крутить не удавалось, контроллеры падали в ошибки.

Добрый день! Всё поехало, спасибо!

Дада, точно так. При чем раскручено там было далеко за. Ещё раз СПАСИБО!

  • Технический форум: Ремонт промышленной электроники и спецтехники

  • Ремонт электроники

  • Zapi

  • Ремонт контроллера Zapi H2 — настройка датчика тока

The ALARMS logbook in the MAIN MENU’ records the alarms of the controller. It

has a FIFO (First Input First Output) structure that means the oldest alarm is lost

when the database is full and a new alarm occurs. The logbook is composed of

five locations getting possible to stack five different type of alarms with the

following information:

1) The alarm code

2) The times that each alarm occurs consecutively

3) The Hour Meter value when the first event of every alarm occurred

4) And the inverter temperature when the first event of every alarm occurred.

This function permits a deeper diagnosis of problems as the recent history can be



NOTE: if the same alarm is continuously happening, the controller does not use

new memory of the logbook, but only updates the last memory cell increasing the

related counter (point 2) of previous list). Nevertheless, the hourmeter indicated

in this memory refers to the first time the alarm occurred. In this way, comparing

this hourmeter with the controller hourmeter, it is possible to determine:

— When this alarm occurred the first time.

— How many hours are elapsed from the first occurrence to now.

— How many times it has occurred in said period.

12.1 Faults diagnostic system

The fault diagnostic system of ACE0/ COMBI AC0 controller is divided into 2

main groups of faults:

ALARMS: these are the faults which open the power section, which means

WARNINGS: these are faults which do not stop the truck or stop it by a

Page — 58/79

the power bridge is opened and, when possible, the LC is opened

and EB is applied.

These are faults related to:

— failures in the motor/controller that the power system is not

anymore able to drive the truck

— safety related failures

controlled regen braking. In other words, the controller is working

well, but it has detected conditions to reduce the performances or

to stop the truck without opening the power devices.

These warnings are related to:

— wrong operator sequences

— conditions which require performance reduction (like high

temperatures, ….)

AF6ZP0AL — COMBIAC0 & ACE0 — User Manual

ELECTRONIC • OLEODYNAMIC • INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS CONSTRUCTION Via Parma, 59 – 42028 – POVIGLIO (RE) – ITALY Tel +39 0522 960050 (r.a.) – Fax +39 0522 960259 e-mail: [email protected] – web: www.zapispa.it EN FREE VERSION User Manual AC-1 SSL SENSORED Copyright © 1975-2005 Zapi S.p.A. All rights reserved The contents of this publication is a ZAPI S.p.A. property; all related authorizations are covered by Copyright. Any partial or total reproduction is prohibited. Under no circumstances will Zapi S.p.A. be held responsible to third parties for damage caused by the improper use of the present publication and of the device/devices described in it. Zapi spa reserves the right to make changes or improvements to its products at any time and without notice. The present publication reflects the characteristics of the product described at the moment of distribution. The publication therefore does not reflect any changes in the characteristics of the product as a result of updating. is a registered trademark property of Zapi S.p.A. NOTES LEGEND 4 U Page - 2/73 The symbol aboard is used inside this publication to indicate an annotation or a suggestion you should pay attention. The symbol aboard is used inside this publication to indicate an action or a characteristic very important as for security. Pay special attention to the annotations pointed out with this symbol. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Contents 1 2 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................6 SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................................6 2.1 Technical specifications..............................................................................................6 2.2 Block diagram .............................................................................................................6 3 SPECIFICATION FOR THE INPUT DEVICES FILLING UP THE INSTALLATION KIT.......6 3.1 Microswitches .............................................................................................................6 3.2 Accelerator unit...........................................................................................................6 3.3 Other analog control unit ............................................................................................6 3.4 Analog motor thermal sensor input.............................................................................6 3.5 Speed feedback..........................................................................................................6 4 PROTECTION FEATURES ...................................................................................................6 5 SAFETY AND PROTECTION.........................................................................................6 5.1 Passive emergency cell ..............................................................................................6 6 OPERATIONAL FEATURES ................................................................................................6 6.1 Diagnosis ....................................................................................................................6 7 INSTALLATION SUGGESTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS .....................................................6 7.1 Thermal consideration ................................................................................................6 7.2 General suggestion.....................................................................................................6 7.3 Susceptibility and electromagnetic emission ..............................................................6 7.4 Main contactor and key connection ............................................................................6 8 INSTALLATION.....................................................................................................................6 8.1 Connection cables ......................................................................................................6 8.2 Contactors ..................................................................................................................6 8.3 Fuses ..........................................................................................................................6 8.4 Encoder installation ....................................................................................................6 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE CONNECTORS..............................................................................6 9.1 Connectors of the logic - Standard version with Encoder ...........................................6 9.1.1 CNA connector..............................................................................................6 9.1.2 CNB connector..............................................................................................6 9.1.3 CNC connector .............................................................................................6 9.2 Connectors of the logic - MDI PRC Version with Encoder..........................................6 9.2.1 CNA connector..............................................................................................6 9.2.2 CNB connector..............................................................................................6 9.2.3 CNC connector .............................................................................................6 9.3 Description of power connections...............................................................................6 10 DRAWINGS ...........................................................................................................................6 10.1 Mechanical drawing ....................................................................................................6 10.2 Connection drawing - Standard version with Encoder ................................................6 10.3 Connection drawing - MDI-PRC version with Encoder ...............................................6 11 ONE SHOT INSTALLATION PROCEDURE.........................................................................6 11.1 Sequence for Ac Inverter traction setting....................................................................6 12 PROGRAMMING &ADJUSTMENTS USING DIGITAL CONSOLE......................................6 12.1 Adjustments via console .............................................................................................6 12.2 Description of console (hand set) & connection .........................................................6 12.3 Description of standard console menu .......................................................................6 12.3.1 Standard version...........................................................................................6 12.3.2 MDI PRC Version..........................................................................................6 U AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 3/73 12.4 13 14 15 16 Function configuration ................................................................................................ 6 12.4.1 Config menu “SET OPTIONS” functions list................................................. 6 12.4.2 Config menu “ADJUSTMENTS” functions list .............................................. 6 12.4.3 Main menu “PARAMETER CHANGE” functions list..................................... 6 12.4.4 Zapi menu “HARDWARE SETTINGS” functions list .................................... 6 12.4.5 Zapi menu “SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS” functions list.................................. 6 12.4.6 Main menu “TESTER” functions list ............................................................. 6 OTHER FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................ 6 13.1 Description of console “SAVE” function ..................................................................... 6 13.2 Description of console “RESTORE” function.............................................................. 6 13.3 Description of console “PROGRAM VACC” function.................................................. 6 13.4 Shortform table of the aux output #1 setting............................................................... 6 13.5 Description of the throttle regulation........................................................................... 6 13.6 Description of the battery charge detection setting .................................................... 6 AC1 ALARMS LIST .............................................................................................................. 6 14.1 Main menu “ALARMS” list .......................................................................................... 6 14.1.1 One Blink Alarms.......................................................................................... 6 14.1.2 Two Blinks Alarms ........................................................................................ 6 14.1.3 Three Blinks Alarms ..................................................................................... 6 14.1.4 Four Blinks Alarms ....................................................................................... 6 14.1.5 Five Blinks Alarms ........................................................................................ 6 14.1.6 Six Blinks Alarms.......................................................................................... 6 14.1.7 Seven Blinks Alarms..................................................................................... 6 14.1.8 Eigth Blinks Alarms....................................................................................... 6 14.1.9 No Blink Alarms ............................................................................................ 6 14.1.10 Thirty Two Blinks Alarms .............................................................................. 6 14.2 MDI-PRC “ALARMS” List ........................................................................................... 6 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS ....................................................................................... 6 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE TO BE REPEATED AT TIMES INDICATED........................... 6 Page - 4/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual APPROVAL SIGNS COMPANY FUNCTION INIZIALS GRAPHIC AND LAYOUT FF PROJECT MANAGER MI TECHNICAL ELECTRONIC MANAGER VISA PP SALES MANAGER VISA PN SIGN Publication N°: AESZP0BA Edition: November 2004 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 5/73 1 INTRODUCTION The AC1 SSL SENSORED inverter has been developed for applications such as electric transpallets, golf car, order pickers, sit on stackers with Asynchronous (AC) traction motors up to 2.5KW. The AC1 SSL SENSORED can be supplied in two versions: 1) Sensored version using an Encoder (Sensor Bearing) in the Motor axle 2) SenseCoils version using special auxiliary windings in the motor. Here the Sensored Version is descripted: it adopts an Encoder integrated in the Ball Bearing (Sensor Bearing). The Encoder fills up the truck performance, respect to the Sensorless and Sense Coils versions, with lower minimum speed, the “stop on the ramp” service and a smoother inversion; on the other hand the reliability gets penalized by the fragile mechanics and inaccessible position of the Sensor Bearing. The correct part number for the 24V AC1 SSL SENSORED with Encoder is FZ2018. The 36V has the part number FZ3010. The 48V part number is FZ5053. AC1 has also a small brother controller called AC0, both are available in the Sensored version. The only differencies between AC1 and AC0 are the maximum current (250A vs. 150A) and the dimensions. All the Zapi AC controllers have the CAN Bus communication peripheral and a Serial Link embedded: the SW for the communication via CAN Bus between the AC1 and the MDI-PRC has been already developed in a standard handling here descripted. MDI-PRC is a Zapi module to be mounted on the dashboard of the truck to inform with a display about the state of the truck and provided with a Leds battery charge indicator. Besides, the MDI-PRC can drive four electrovalves (two proportional and two On/Off type) for an advanced hydraulics handling. MDI-PRC is the natural choice to fill the AC1’s services with those extra functions asked only on the high level trucks. AC1 SSL has an additional analogue input (CNA #13) suited to receive a motor thermal sensor (KTY84-130). The reference SW release for this manual is AC1TXXX ZP1.07 . Page - 6/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 2 SPECIFICATION 2.1 Technical specifications Inverter for AC asynchronous 3-phase motors Regenerative braking Can-bus interface Digital control using a microcontroller Encoder Interface Voltage: .............................................................................................. 24 – 36 - 48V Maximum current (24V,36V): ...................................................... 250A (RMS) for 2' Maximum current (48V):............................................................. 215A (RMS) for 2' Booster (24V, 36V):........................................................270 (RMS) for 10 seconds Operating frequency:...............................................8kHz with center aligned PWM External temperature range: .............................................................. -30°C ÷ 40°C Maximum inverter temperature (at full power): .................... 90°@24V, 78°[email protected] 2.2 Block diagram Figure 2–1 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 7/73 3 SPECIFICATION FOR THE INPUT DEVICES FILLING UP THE INSTALLATION KIT The AC1 controller needs some external parts in order to work. The following devices complete the kit for the AC1 installation. 3.1 Microswitches - The microswitches must have a contact resistance lower than 0.1Ω and a leakage current lower than 100µA. When full load connected, the voltage between the key switch contacts must be lower than 0.1V. The microswitches (if not otherwise noted) must connect or break a battery voltage to the inputs pins. 3.2 Accelerator unit The accelerator unit can consist of a potentiometer or an Hall effect device. It should be in a 3-wire configuration. The potentiometer is supplied through CNB#12 with about 12Vdc. CPOT (CNB#10) signal ranges is from 0 to 10V. Potentiometer value should be in the 0.5 - 10 KΩ range; generally, the load should be in the 1.5mA to 30mA range. Faults can occur if it is outside this range. The standard connection for the potentiometer is the one in the Left side of Figure 3–1 (potentiometer on one end at rest) in combination with a couple of Travel demand switches. On request it is also possible the handling in the Right side of Figure 3–1 (potentiometer in the middle at rest) in combination with at least one Travel Demand switch. We strongly advice against the adoption of the Right side configuration without travel demand switch at all, because of a safety issue. Figure 3–1 The Procedure for automatic potentiometer signal acquisition is carried out using the Hand Set. This enables adjustment of the minimum and maximum useful signal level (see paragraph 13.3 PROGRAM VACC function), in either direction. Page - 8/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 3.3 Other analog control unit Input CNA#18 is an analog input, whose typical application is a proportional command to enable a lifting and a lowering proportional Valves. It is possible to use this input for an alternative function is a proportional braking. It should be in a 3 wire configuration. Potentiometer value should be in the 0.5-10KΩ range. Generally, the load should be in the 1.5mA to 30 mA range. The CPOTB (CNA#18) signal range is from 0 to 10V. 3.4 Analog motor thermal sensor input Input CNA#13 is an analog input to receive an analog Thermal Sensor Model Philips KTY84-130 to measure the Motor Winding Temperature. This is a PTC polarized two terminals device: connect the positive end to CNA#13 and a the negative end to a minus battery voltage (e.g. CNA#8 or CNA#12). 3.5 Speed feedback The motor control is based upon the motor speed feedback. The speed transducer is an incremental encoder, with two phases shifted at 90°. The encoder can be of different types: - power supply: - electric output: +5V or +12V open collector ( NPN or PNP), push-pull. The wished resolution must be specified when ordering the controller. The suggested resolution is from 32pulses/rev up to 64pulses/rev. For more details about encoder installation see also chapter 8.4. 4 Note: The encoder resolution and the motor poles pair (the controller can handle), is specified in the home page display of the handset showing something like: AC1T2AE ZP1.07 That means: AC1T= AC1 traction controller 2= poles pair number A= 32 pulses/rev encoder E= identifier for an extended memory hardware release inside The encoder resolution is given by the second-last letter in the following list: A= 32 pulses/rev K= 48 pulses/rev B= 64 pulses/rev C= 80 pulses/rev AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 9/73 4 PROTECTION FEATURES The AC1 is protected against some controller injuries and mulfunctions. These are: 1) Battery polarity inversion It is necessary to fit a MAIN CONTACTOR to cut off the Battery Positive connection to protect the inverter against reverse battery polarity. 2) Connection Errors All inputs are protected against connection errors. 3) Thermal protection If the chopper temperature exceeds 90°C at 24V or 78°C at 48V, the maximum current is reduced in proportion to the thermal increase. The cut off temperature is 110°C at 24V or 103°C at 48V for the encoder release and 85° for the sense coils release. 4) External agents The inverter is protected against dust and the spray of liquid to a degree of protection meeting IP54. 5) Low battery charge In the encoder release, when the battery charge is low, the maximum speed is reduced to the 25% of the maximum programmed. The Lifting Operation inhibited. 6) Protection against accidental Start up A precise sequence of operations are necessary before the machine will start. The truck does not move if these operations are not carried out correctly. Requests for drive, must be made after closing the key switch. 7) Protection against uncontrolled movements If the main contactor is opened, it never closes if: The Power unit is not functioning. The Logic is not functioning perfectly. The output voltage of the accelerator does not fall below a threshold is 1V higher than the minimum voltage value stored with the PROGRAM VACC operation. A microswitch for a moving request in closed position. An important improvement against the uncontrolled movements is given by the Passive Emergency Cell (see paragraph 5.1 below). Page - 10/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 5 U SAFETY AND PROTECTION ZAPI controllers are designed according to the prEN954-1 specifications for safety related parts of control system and to UNI EN1175-1 norm. The safety of the machine is strongly related to installation; length, layout and screening of electrical connections have to be carefully designed. AC1 inverter electronic implements an hardware safety circuit, which is able to switch off the three phase Power Bridge stopping the machine via HARDWARE, that is bypassing the software control. This safety Circuit is actuated releasing the Tiller Switch and the handling is descripted in detail in the next Paragraph (see paragraph 5.1 PASSIVE EMERGENCY CELL). ZAPI is always available to cooperate with the customer in order to evaluate installation and connection solutions. Furthermore, ZAPI is available to develop new SW or HW solutions to improve the safety of the machine, according to customer requirements. Machine manufacturer holds the responsibility for the truck safety features and related approval. 5.1 Passive emergency cell The Tiller Switch input is processed by two separated devices: the uC and a PLD (GAL). When the Tiller Switch turns open, both, the uC and the PLD device switch off the power mosfets distinctly one from the other. The PLD does that with a delay of 800msec. So, this PLD is a separate device (distinct from the uC) that automatically prevent operation of the travel circuit when the operator leaves the truck. τ Figure 5–1 One of the reason for the adoption of this Passive Emergency cell is to comply with the EN1175-5.9.5: “A separate device indipendent of the speed control device (accelerator) shall automatically prevent operation of the travel circuit when the operator leaves the truck, e.g. seat switch, pedestrian tiller switch”. To be sure this separate device really prevent operation of the travel circuit, it is necessary a redundant device (togheter with the Elaboration Unit) reads this AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 11/73 separate device and stops the truck distinctly from the Elaboration Unit. This is exactly what the Passive Emergency Cell does. In a system with a single microprocessor technology, the weak point is that just one unit (uC) processes the Inputs and decides alone to keep the motor moving or not. If this elaboration unit (uC) fails it is possible it keeps the motor moving against of the state of the commands. To avoid this risk, the Passive Emergency cell provides a further step of safety that is a redundancy in processing the motion request (Tiller or Seat Switch). In our controller the truck will be stopped, releasing the tiller, disregarding if the main Elaboration Unit (uC) is right working or not. Page - 12/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 6 OPERATIONAL FEATURES - Stable speed in every position of the accelerator. Regenerative release braking based upon deceleration ramps. Regenerative braking when the accelerator pedal is partially released (deceleration). Direction inversion with regenerative braking based upon deceleration ramp. Regenerative braking and direction inversion without contactors: only the main contactor is present. The release braking ramp can be modulated by an analog input, so that a proportional brake feature is obtained (this service is possible but the SW is not developed yet). Optimum sensitivity at low speed. Voltage boost at the start and with overload to obtain more torque (with current control). The inverter drives an electromechanical brake High efficiency of motor and battery due to high frequency commutations. Self diagnosis. Modification of parameters through the programming console. Internal hour-meter with values that can be displayed on the console. Memory of the last five alarms with relative hour-meter and temperature displayed on the console. Test function within console for checking main parameters. Speed control. Optimum behaviour an a slope due to the speed feedback: - the motor speed follows the accelerator, starting a regenerative braking if the speed overtakes the speed set-point. - the system can perform an electrical stop on a ramp (the machine is electrically hold on a slope) for a programmable time (see also 13.4 and option STOP ON RAMP). 6.1 Diagnosis The microprocessor continuously monitors the inverter and carries out a diagnostic procedure on the main functions. The diagnosis is made in 4 points: - Diagnosis on key switch closing that checks: watchdog circuit, current sensor, capacitor charging, phase's voltages, contactor drives, can-bus interface, if the switch sequence for operation is correct and if the output of accelerator unit is correct. - Standby diagnosis at rest that checks: phase's voltages, contactor driver, current sensor, can-bus interface. - Diagnosis during operation that checks: contactor driver, current sensors, encoder, can-bus interface. - Continuous diagnosis that check: temperature of the inverter, motor temperature. Diagnosis is provided in two ways. The digital console can be used, which gives a detailed information about the failure; the failure code is also sent on the CanBus. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 13/73 7 INSTALLATION SUGGESTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS Read and respect the following suggestions to avoid problem during installation and in the definitive releasing. 7.1 Thermal consideration - - The heat generated by the power block must be dissipated. For this to be possible the compartment must be ventilated and the heat sink materials ample. The heat sink material and system should be sized on the performance requirement of the machine. Abnormal ambient air temperatures should be considered. In situations where either ventilation is poor, or heat exchange is difficult, forced air ventilation should be used. The thermal energy dissipated by the power block module varies and is dependent on the current drawn and the duty cycle. 7.2 General suggestion - - - Never connect SCR low frequency chopper with AC Motor Inverter because the Rail capacitors alter the SCR choppers' work. If it is necessary to use two or more control units (traction + lift. for ex.), they must belong to the ZAPIMOS family. Do not connect the inverter to a battery with a nominal value different from the value indicated on the chopper plate. If the battery value is greater, the MOS may fail; if it is lower, the control unit does not "power up". During battery charge, disconnect the controller from the battery. Supply the controller only with battery for traction; do not use a power supply. When the inverter is installed, make tests with the wheels raised from the ground, in order to avoid dangerous situations due to connection errors. After the controller is switched off (key off), the Rail capacitor remains charged for some minutes; if you need to work on the inverter, discharge them using a 10Ω ÷ 100Ω resistance connected from the +Batt to the –Batt terminals in the controller side. Fit transient suppression devices to the horn, solenoid valves, and contactors not connected to the chopper such as those for activating the pump motor or steering motor. 7.3 Susceptibility and electromagnetic emission Electromagnetic susceptibility and emission are strongly influenced by the installation. Special attention must be given to the lengths and the paths of the electric connections and the shields. This situation is beyond ZAPI's control. Therefore ZAPI declines any responsibility for non-compliance if correct testing is not made (the irradiated emission directive is EN50081-2). Page - 14/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 7.4 Main contactor and key connection - The connection of the main contactor can be carried out following the drawing in Figure 7–1. An intrinsic protection is present inside the logic when the voltage on the battery power connection overtakes the battery nominal voltage more than a certain percentage. Thank to this protection, it is allowed that the Main Contactor (or an emergency switch) breaks the Battery positive in every moment regardless of the state of the key (without this protection, if the Main Contactor breaks when a regenerative braking is in progress, the rail capacitor voltage increases and the overvoltage could damage the Power Mosfets). Figure 7–1 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 15/73 8 INSTALLATION Install the controller with the base-plate on a flat metallic surface that is clean and unpainted. Apply a light layer of thermo-conductive grease between the two surfaces to permit better heat dissipation. Ensure that the wiring of the cable terminals and connectors is carried out correctly. 8.1 Connection cables For the auxiliary circuits, use cables at least 0.5mm² section. For power connections to the motor and to the battery, use cables having section of 16 mm² (as a minimum). For the optimum inverter performance, the cables to the battery should be run side by side and be as short as possible. 8.2 Contactors Usually a main contactor is adopted to connect and cut off the battery to the controller. Depending on the setting of a parameter (see paragraph option AUX VOLTAGE #1): - the output which drives the main contactor coil is on/off (the coil is driven with the full battery voltage). - the output which drives the main contactor coil is switched at high frequency (1 KHz) with a programmable duty cycle; this feature is useful to decrease the power dissipation of the contactor coil. The EN1175 states the main Contactor is not mandatory (under proper conditions); anyway it is useful to protect the inverter against reverse battery polarity and to cut off the battery from the power mosfets when a failure in the three phase bridge occurs. 8.3 Fuses - Page - 16/73 Use a 6.3-10A Fuse for protection of the auxiliary circuits. For protection of the power unit, use a 180A -250A fuse in the Battery Positive connection. For special applications or requirements these values can be reduced. For Safety reasons, we recommend the use of protected fuses in order to prevent the spread of fused particles should the fuse blow. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 8.4 Encoder installation 1) AC1 card is fit for different types of encoder. To control AC motor with Zapi inverter, it is necessary to install an incremental encoder with 2 phases shifted of 90°. The encoder power supply can be +5 or +12V. It can have different electronic output. A9 +5V/+12V positive of encoder power supply. A10 GND negative of encoder power supply. A19 A phase A of encoder. A20 B phase B of encoder. 2) Connection of encoder with open collector output; +5V power supply. 3) Connection of encoder with open collector output: +12V power supply. VERY IMPORTANT It is necessary to specify in the order the type of encoder used, in terms of power supply, electronic output and n° of pulses for revolution, because the logic unit must be set in the correct way by Zapi. The n° of pulses revolution the controller can handle is given by the second-last letter in the software release name (see 3.5). AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 17/73 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE CONNECTORS Figure 9–1 Page - 18/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 9.1 Connectors of the logic - Standard version with Encoder Figure 9–2 9.1.1 CNA connector A1 NMC Negative of main contactor coil. A2 PMC Positive of main contactor coil A3 NBRAKE Output for driving the electromechanical brake coil; drives the load to -Batt. Maximum current : 3A. A4 NPC Negative of pump contactor coil. A5 PPC , PEV Positive of pump contactor coil and lowering electrovalve coil. A6 NEV Negative of the lowering electrovalve coil. A7 CAN-L Low level CAN-BUS voltage I/O. A8 NPOTB -Batt. A9 PENC Encoder Positive Supply (+5 or +12Vdc) A10 NENC Encoder Negative Supply (GND to minus battery) A11 HM Output for driving an hourmeter; when the hourmeter is active this output provides a +Batt signal; 3A maximum current. A12 -BATT -Batt. A13 THM Motor thermal sensor input. The internal pull-up is a fixed 2mA (Max 5V) source current. A14 SR2 Speed reduction 2 input. Active low (switch opened). A15 SR1 Speed reduction 1 input. Active low (switch opened). A16 +12V This output provides a +12V signal for thr MDI PRC, if present; 100mA maximum current. A17 CAN-H High level CAN-BUS voltage I/O. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 19/73 A18 CPOTB Brake potentiometer wiper. A19 ENC A Encoder Channel A. A20 ENC B Encoder Channel B. 9.1.2 CNB connector B1 KEY Connected to the power supply through a microswitch (KEY) with a 6.3-10A fuse in series (this could be mounted on the AC1 cover). B2 CM Common of FW / BW / SR1 / SR2 / TILLER / H&S / BELLY / LIFTING / LOWERING microswitches. This connection supplies a key voltage level. B3 TILLER Tiller request input. Must be connected to the tiller microswitch, active high. B4 H&S Hard & Soft request input. Must be connected to the Hard & Soft microswitch, active high. B5 BACKWARD Backward direction request input. Must be connected to the backward direction microswitch, active high. B6 FORWARD Forward direction request input. Must be connected to the forward direction microswitch, active high. B7 BELLY Quick inversion function input; must be connected to the Belly microswitch; it is active high. B8 LOWERING Lowering request input, active high. B9 LIFTING Lifting request input, active high. B10 CPOT Accelerator potentiometer wiper. B11 NPOT Negative of accelerator unit, tested for wire disconnection diagnosis. B12 PPOT Potentiometer positive: 10V output; keep load > 1KΩ. 9.1.3 CNC connector Page - 20/73 C1 PCLRXD Positive serial reception. C2 NCLRXD Negative serial reception. C3 PCLTXD Positive serial transmission. C4 NCLTXD Negative serial transmission. C5 GND Negative console power supply. C6 +12 Positive console power supply. C7 FLASH Must be connected to C8 for the Flash memory programming (if used). C8 FLASH Must be connected to C7 for the Flash memory programming (if used). AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 9.2 Connectors of the logic - MDI PRC Version with Encoder Figure 9–3 9.2.1 CNA connector A1 NLC Negative of main contactor coil. A2 PMC Positive of main contactor coil A3 NBRAKE Output for driving the electromechanical brake coil; drives the load to -Batt. Maximum current : 3A. A4 NPC Negative of pump contactor coil. A5 PPC , PEV Positive of pump contactor coil and of the auxiliary output load. A6 NEV Negative of the auxiliary output. A7 CAN-L Low level CAN-BUS voltage I/O. A8 NPOTB -Batt. A9 PENC Encoder Positive Supply (+5 or +12Vdc). A10 NENC Encoder Negative Supply (GND to minus battery). A11 PEV (+B) This output provides a +Batt for the electrovalves coils connected to the MDI PRC; 3A maximum current. A12 -BATT -Batt. A13 THM Motor thermal sensor input. The internal pull-up is a fixed 2mA (Max 5V) source current. A14 LIFT AUX. Auxiliary lifting request input, active high. A15 LOW AUX. Auxiliary lowering request input, active high. A16 +12V This output provides a +12V signal for the MDI PRC; 100mA maximum current. A17 CAN-H High level CAN-BUS voltage I/O. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 21/73 A18 CPOTB Proportional electrovalves potentiometer wiper. A19 ENC A Encoder Channel A. A20 ENC B Encoder Channel B. 9.2.2 CNB connector B1 KEY Connected to the power supply through a microswitch (KEY) with a 6.3-10A fuse in series (this can be mounted on the AC1 cover). B2 CM Common of FW / BW / LIFT AUX / LOW AUX / TILLER / H&S / BELLY / LIFTING / LOWERING microswitches. This connection supplies a key voltage level. B3 TILLER Tiller request input. Must be connected to the tiller microswitch, active high. B4 H&S Hard & Soft request input. Must be connected to the Hard & Soft microswitch, active high. B5 BACKWARD Backward direction request input. Must be connected to the backward direction microswitch, active high. B6 FORWARD Forward direction request input. Must be connected to the forward direction microswitch, active high. B7 BELLY Quick inversion function input; must be connected to the Belly microswitch; it is active high. B8 LOWERING Lowering request input, active high. B9 LIFTING Lifting request input, active high. B10 CPOT Accelerator potentiometer wiper. B11 NPOT Negative of accelerator unit, tested for wire disconnection diagnosis. B12 PPOT Potentiometer positive: 10V output; keep load > 1KΩ. 9.2.3 CNC connector Page - 22/73 C1 PCLRXD Positive serial reception. C2 NCLRXD Negative serial reception. C3 PCLTXD Positive serial transmission. C4 NCLTXD Negative serial transmission. C5 GND Negative console power supply. C6 +12 Positive console power supply. C7 FLASH Must be connected to C8 for the Flash memory programming (if used). C8 FLASH Must be connected to C7 for the Flash memory programming (if used). AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 9.3 Description of power connections View of the power bars: Figure 9–4 -BATT Negative of the battery. +BATT Positive of the battery. U; V; W Connection bars of the three motor phases; follow this sequence and the indication on the motor. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 23/73 10 DRAWINGS 10.1 Mechanical drawing Figure 10–1 Page - 24/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 10.2 Connection drawing - Standard version with Encoder Figure 10–2 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 25/73 10.3 Connection drawing - MDI-PRC version with Encoder Figure 10–3 Page - 26/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 11 ONE SHOT INSTALLATION PROCEDURE This section of the manual describes the basic connection procedure. The truck needs (to move) a minimum I/O dotation that it is mandatory: this minimum dotation is listed in the Steps from 1 to 8 below. Step1 Connect a potentiometer in the range 0.5K to 10Kohms, to modify the wished speed, between CNB#12, CNB#10, CNB#11. Step2 Connect two travel demand switches. The FWD travel demand must be connected between a battery (key) voltage and CNB#6. The REV travel demand must be connected between a battery (key) voltage and CNB#5. Only one of them can be active at the same time. They become active when connected to a key voltage (the key voltage is supplied on the CNB#2 connection). Step3 Connect a tiller (or seat) switch enabling/disabling the truck motion between CNB#3 and a key voltage. It becomes active, enabling the motion, when closed to a key voltage (the key voltage is supplied on the CNB#2 connection). Step4 Connect the encoder in the motor shaft between CNA#9=VDD, CNA#10=GND, CNA#19=CHA, CNA#20=CHB. The VDD voltage may be 13V or 5V depending on a jumper inside the controller (see also 8.4). Step5 Connect the plus battery voltage through a key switch at the KEY input CNB#1 (this is the input for the logic supply). Step6 Connect the Main Contactor Coil to CNA#1 and CNA#2. The contactor must make and take the plus battery power cable to the +BATT power terminal of the AC1. Step7 Connect the motor and the minus battery to the corresponding power terminals of the AC1. Step8 Connect the Electromechanical Brake between CNA#3 and the tiller switch (when the tiller switch opens, the electromechanical brake gets de-energized braking the truck). A 3Ampere freeweeling diode (arc soppressor) with the anode to CNB#3 must be connected in parallel with the Electromechanical Brake Coil. The Steps from 1 to 8 describe the installation operations that is mandatory to do in order your truck moves. Obviously the AC1 may execute a wider set of optional services as: 1) to handle some speed reductions requests 2) to handle a analog sensor inside the motor 3) to handle a proportional braking 4) to handle an On/Off forks lowering valve 5) to handle a pump contactor 6) to handle a belly switch and an Inching operative mode 7) to handle the communication via CAN Bus with our MDI-PRC 8) to handle a proportional input for the forks lifting/lowering You must fill your I/O dotation with your optional functions. The optional functions are shown in the connecting drawing and descripted in detail inside this manual. The index may help you. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 27/73 11.1 Sequence for Ac Inverter traction setting This section of the manual describes the basic AC1 set-up procedure using the hand-set: When the "Key Switch" is closed, if no alarms or errors are present, the Console Display will be showing the Standard Zapi Opening Display (Home Display). For the setting of your truck, use the procedure below. If you need to reply the same setting on different controller, use the Save and Restore sequence as descripted in the 13.1 and 13.2 paragraphs. Remember to re-cycle the Key Switch if you make any changes to the chopper’s configuration. Step1 Fill your setting with the Options you need (see paragraph 12.4.1). Page - 28/73 Step2 Select the Battery Voltage. See paragraph SET BATTERY TYPE. Step3 Check the correct installation of all wires. Use the Console’s TESTER function to assist. Step4 Perform the accelerator signal acquisition procedure using the Console “PROGRAM VACC”. Procedure is detailed on paragraph 13.3. Step5 Set the “MAXIMUM CURRENT” Current, using the table on Chapter (setting table of the “PARAMETER CHANGE” functions). Step6 Set the ACCELERATION DELAY requirements for the machine. Test the parameters in both directions. Step7 Set the FREQUENCY CREEP level starting from 0.6 Hz. The machine should just move when the accelerator microswitch is closed. Increase the Level accordingly. Step8 Set the Speed Reductions as required. Use the parameters of the “cutback speed” family in the PARAMETER CHANGE menu to specify the reduced maximum truck speed as a percentage of the MAX SPEED FWD and MAX SPEED REV (see Step9 RELEASE BRAKING. Operate the machine at full speed. Release the accelerator pedal. Adjust the level to your requirement. If the machine is a forklift, check the performance with and without load. Step10 INVERSION BRAKING. Operate the machine at 25% full speed. While traveling invert the Direction Switch. Set the suited Level of Inversion Braking. When satisfactory, operate the machine at Full Speed and repeat. If the machine is a Forklift, repeat the tests and make adjustments with and without load. The unladen full speed condition should be the most representative condition. Step11 PEDAL BRAKING (If used). Operate the machine at full Speed. Release the accelerator pedal and press the Pedal Brake. Set braking level to your requirements. Step12 Set the parameter MAX SPEED FORW. Step13 Set the parameter MAX SPEED BACK (Reverse). Step14 Test the truck on the maximum ramp specification at full load. Step14 Make the choice for the truck behaviour on a slope (see chapter 13.4). If the "Stop on ramp" option is ON, set the desired value of "auxiliary time" parameter. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Can see also the Figure 12–6 for details on the settings. Programming & Adjustments using Digital Console. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 29/73 12 PROGRAMMING &ADJUSTMENTS USING DIGITAL CONSOLE 12.1 Adjustments via console Adjustment of Parameters and changes to the inverter’s configuration are made using the Digital Console. The Console is connected to the CNC connector of the inverter. 12.2 Description of console (hand set) & connection Figure 12–1 Digital consoles used to communicate with AC inverter controllers must be fitted with EPROM CK ULTRA, minimum "Release Number 3.02". Page - 30/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual The section describes the Zapi hand set functions. Numbers inside the triangles correspond to the same number on the hand set keybord buttons shown in the Figure 13–1. The orientation of the triangle indicates the way to the next function. 12.3 Description of standard console menu 12.3.1 Standard version Figure 12–2 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 31/73 12.3.2 MDI PRC Version Figure 12–3 Page - 32/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 12.4 Function configuration We will describe two configurations depending on the MDI-PRC setting (see 1) STANDARD version (MDI-PRC Absent) 2) MDI-PRC version (MDI-PRC Present). In this case the drive control communicates with a MDI-PRC through the CAN BUS. They have different list of settings (the Standard version has a reduced settings list). In the next we refer to a complete settings that is the sum of the settings list of both the above configurations. When the setting refers to only one configuration, it will be specified in the description. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 33/73 12.4.1 Config menu “SET OPTIONS” functions list To enter the CONFIG MENU it is necessary to push in the same time the right side top and left side top buttons. Then roll until the SET OPTION item appears on the hand set display. Push the ENTER button (see Figure 12–4). AC1 ZP 1.00 24V 250A 00000 Opening Zapi Display Push ROLL UP + SET UP simultaneously to enter CONFIG MENU The Display will show : SET MOODEL % ' % ' ' ' CONFIG MENU SET MODEL Press ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN button until SET OPTIONS menu appear. The Display will show : SET OPTIONS % ' ' ' ' ' CONFIG MENU SET OPTIONS ' % ' ' ' ' Press ENTER to go in the SET OPTIONS MENU The Display will show the first OPTION HOURCOUNTER RUNNING Press SET UP or SET DOWN button in order to modify the OPTION The Display will show the new option ' ' % ' ' % HOURCOUNTER KEYON ' ' ' ' % ' Press OUT to exit the menu The Display will ask “ARE YOU SURE”. ARE YOU SURE? YES=ENTER NO=OUT Press ENTER for YES, or OUT for No ' % ' ' ' ' The Display will show : SET OPTIONS Press OUT again. Display now will show the opening Zapi menu. ' ' ' ' % ' CONFIG MENU SET OPTIONS ' ' ' ' % ' Figure 12–4 1) TILLER SWITCH This option handles the input CNB#3. This input opens when the operator leaves the truck (released). It is connected to a key voltage when the operator is present. There are two levels: - HANDLE: CNB#3 is managed as tiller input (no delay when released). - SEAT: CNB#3 is managed as seat input (with a delay when released). Page - 34/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 2) SET INPUT #1 This setting handles the analog input CNA#13. It can be used one of three: - Level 0: CNA#13 is managed as input for an analog motor thermal sensor KTY84-130. - Level 1: CNA#13 is managed as a digital cutback speed input (SR#1). - Level 2: CNA#13 is managed as a digital handbrake input. When Level 1 or 2, this input must be connected to a -Batt voltage in order the selected function is not active; it must be opened to turn the selected function active. 3) SET INPUT #2 (Standard Version only). This option handles the digital input CNA#14. It can be used one of two: - PRESENT: OPTION #1: CNA#14 is managed as a cutback speed input (SR#2) CNA#14 is managed as an inching forward input The input CNA#14 can only be used as Aux Lifting request when the MDIPRC is PRESENT. This input must be connected to a Key voltage. The SR#2 becomes active when CNA#14 is opened. The inching forward becomes active when the CNA#14 is closed to a key voltage. 4) SET INPUT #3 (Standard Version only). This option handles the digital input CNA#15. It can be used one of two: - - PRESENT: CNA#15 is managed as a cutback speed input (SR#3) - OPTION #1: CNA#15 is managed as an inching backward input This input must be connected to a Key voltage. The SR#3 becomes active when CNA#15 is opened. The inching forward becomes active when the CNA#15 is closed to a key voltage. 5) SET INPUT #4 This option handles the digital input CNB#7. It can be used one of three: - BELLY: CNB#7 is managed as a Belly Switch input. - BRAKE: CNB#7 is managed as service brake input. This information can be used also to recognize when the operator is driving with a pressed pedal braking. - EX.HYDRO: CNB#7 is managed as Exclusive Hydro. This input must be connected to a Key voltage. The Belly switch active level is specified on the QUICK INV LOGIC below. The service brake or the exclusive hydro becomes active when CNB#7 is opened. 6) HOUR COUNTER This option specifies the hour counter mode. It can be set one of two: - RUNNING: The counter registers travel time only - KEY ON: The counter registers when the "key" switch is closed AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 35/73 7) BATTERY CHECK This option specifies the handling of the low battery charge detection. It can be set one of three: - Level 0: Nothing happens, the battery charge level is ignored. - Level 1: A BATTERY LOW alarm is raised when the battery level is calculated being less than 10% of the full charge. A BATTERY LOW alarm inhibits the Lifting function. - Level 2: A BATTERY LOW alarm is raised when the battery level is calculated being less than 10% of the full charge. A BATTERY LOW alarm reduces the maximum truck speed down to 24% of the full truck speed then, if the MDI-PRC is absent, inhibit the Lifting function. - Level 3: Equivalent to Level 1: a BATTERY LOW alarm is raised when the battery level is calculated being less than 10% of the full charge. A BATTERY LOW alarm inhibits the Lifting function. 8) HYDRO KEY ON - ON/OFF: If this option is programmed ON the traction inverter manages an hydraulic steering function when the "key" is switched ON (only if the AUX OUTPUT #1 option is programmed as HYDRO CONTACTOR or as EXCLUSIVE HYDRO). 9) STOP ON RAMP Only when the encoder is present, it is possible to keep the truck on a ramp with a released tiller. - ON: - OFF: The stop on ramp feature (truck electrically hold on a ramp) is managed for a time established by AUXILIARY TIME parameter. the stop on ramp feature is not performed. That means the truck comes down slowly during the AUXILIARY TIME. After this “auxiliary time”, if the electromechanical brake is applied, the 3phase bridge is released; if the electromechanical brake is not present the truck comes down very slowly (see the AUX OUTPUT #1 option programmation and see also 13.4). 10) AUX OUTPUT #1 This option handles the digital output CNA#3. It can be used one of four: - BRAKE: CNA#3 drives an electromechanical Brake. - HYDROCONT:CNA#3 drives the contactor for a hydraulic steering function when the direction input or brake pedal input are active or a movement of the truck is detected. - EX.HYDRO: CNA#3 drives the contactor for a hydraulic steering function when the exclusive hydro input is active (see SET INPUT #4). - FREE: CNA#3 is not used. The current this output can sink is up to 3Adc. 11) PEDAL BRAKING The analog input CNA#18 has one of two function: - Pedal Braking Input Page - 36/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - Command input for lifting/lowering proportional valves in MDI-PRC version. To turn from the first to the second function is just enough to set PEDAL BRAKING to NONE. This option handles the analog input CNA#18 when used as pedal braking input: - ANALOG: - DIGITAL: - NONE: With this setting is possible to modulate the strenght of the braking when the accelerator is released. The strenght of the braking is proportional to the brake pedal potentiometer connected to this input. When the pedal potentiometer voltage is equal less than the SET POT BRK MIN (see the minimum release braking strength is applied (following the RELEASE BRAKING setting). When the pedal potentiometer voltage is equal higher than the SET POT BRK MAX (see the maximum release braking strength is applied (following the PEDAL BRAKING setting). In the intermediate position, the electrical braking strength is a linear function between the minimum (RELEASE BRAKING) and maximum (PEDAL BRAKING) intensity. When there is also a switch connected to the pedal braking (i.e. SET INPUT #4 to level BRAKE), it must be closed, otherwise the release braking is stuck to the minimum strength disregarding the pedal potentiometer position. No pedal potentiometer is expected. Only when both the SET INPUT #4 is Level BRAKE and the brake switch connected to CNB#7 is closed, the release electrical braking follows the PEDAL BRAKING setting (maximum strength); in all of the other conditions the release electrical braking follows the RELEASE BRAKING setting (minimum strenght). The analog input CNA#18 is not used for the release braking modulation. 12) QUICK INVERSION This option specifies the quick inversion mode when the SET INPUT #4 is set BELLY. It can be set one of three: - NONE: The quick inversion function is not managed (no effect when CNB#7 switches over). - TIMED: The quick inversion function is timed. - BELLY: The quick inversion function is managed but not timed. 13) AUX VOLTAGE #1 This option specifies the percentage of the key voltage to be applied to the loads on CNA#1 (main contactor coil) and CNA#3 (electromechanical brake). The voltage modulation is got with a PWM at 1KHZ frequency. After an initial delay of about 1 sec in which the entire key voltage is applied to the loads, the PWM reduces the voltage at the loads down to the specified percentage. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 37/73 14) QUICK INV LOGIC This option specifies the active level for the Belly switch input (CNB#7) - OPTION#1: The quick inversion is executed when CNB#7 is closed to a KEY voltage. - OPTION#2: The quick inversion is executed when CNB#7 is opened from a KEY voltage. 15) MDI-PRC This option specifies: - PRESENT: The MDI-PRC is connected to the AC1 via the CAN Bus: the handling of the Hydraulics is specified on the TRUCK TYPE setting below. - ABSENT: The MDI-PRC is not connected to the AC1: the TRUCK TYPE disappears from the SET OPTIONS function list. 16) VALVE 1 TYPE (MDI-PRC version only). This option specifies the EVP1 type. The EVP1 is connected on the pin 8 of the MDI-PRC. - OPTION#1: EVP1 is an On/Off valve. - OPTION#2: EVP1 is a proportional valve. 17) VALVE 2 TYPE (MDI-PRC version only). This option specifies the Electrovalove #2 type. The EVP2 is connected on the pin 9 of the MDI-PRC. - OPTION#1: EVP2 is an On/Off valve. - OPTION#2: EVP2 is a proportional valve 18) TRUCK TYPE (MDI-PRC version only). This option specifies the hydraulics handling when the MDI-PRC is present: - 1: Both the Main Lifting/Lowering pair (CNB#9 and CNB#8) and the Aux Lifting/Lowering pair (CNA#14 and CNA#15) are used to activate two Lifting/Lowering distinct circuits (double forks truck). Main Lifting enables both, the pump contactor on CNA#4 and a valve to re-direct the oil in the main hydraulics circuit connected to the pin #4 of the MDI-PRC. Main Lowering enables both, an On/Off descent valve on CNA#6 and a valve to re-direct the oil in the main hydraulics circuit connected to the pin#4 of the MDI-PRC. Aux Lifting enables both, the pump contactor on CNA#4 and a valve to re-direct the oil in the aux hydraulics circuit connected to the pin #6 of the MDI-PRC. Aux Lowering enables both, an On/Off descent valve on CNA#6 and a valve to re-direct the oil in the aux hydraulics circuit connected to the pin#6 of the MDI-PRC. The valves are all On/Off type; no proportionality at all. - 2: Only the Main Lifting/Lowering pair (CNB#9 and CNB#8) is used to handle a fully Proportional function (there is one proportional valve connected to the pin#8 of the MDI-PRC used for both proportional Lifting and proportional Lowering). The CNB#9 input is the Lifting request to enable the pump contactor on CNA#4. The CNB#8 input is the Lowering request to enable the descent valve on CNA#6. Page - 38/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - 3: The CNA#18 potentiometer modulates the current in the proportional valve connected to the pin#8 of the MDIPRC. This proportional valve is normally closed (oil does not pass-through when de-energized) and directly connected between the pump and the tank: to do a Lifting function the voltage into the Proportional Valve is turned fully On, to direct the oil into the tank before the pump contactor closes. Then the current in the Proportional Valve reduces (meanwhile the CNA#18 potentiometer increases) to accelerate the Lifting.To do a Lowering function, the current in the proportional valve progressively increases (meanwhile the CNA#18 potentiometer increases) to accelerate the Lowering. Only the Main Lifting/Lowering pair (CNB#9 and CNB#8) is used to handle an On/Off Lifting and a proportional Lowering. (There is only one proportional valve connected to the pin#8 of the MDI-PRC to modulate the Lowering). The CNB#9 input is the Lifting request enabling the pump contactor on CNA#4. The CNB#8 input is the Lowering request to enable the On/Off descent valve connected on CNA#6. The CNA#18 potentiometer modulates the current in the lowering proportional valve (pin#8 MDI-PRC) when the Lowering request is active. To do a Lowering function, the current in the proportional valve progressively increases (meanwhile the CNA#18 potentiometer increases) to accelerate the Lowering. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 39/73 12.4.2 Config menu “ADJUSTMENTS” functions list To enter the CONFIG MENU it is necessary to push in the same time the right side top and left side top buttons. Then roll until the ADJUSTMENTS item appears on the hand set display. Push the ENTER button (see the Figure 12–5 below). AC1 ZAPI V0.0 24V 250A 00000 1) Opening Zapi Menu 2) Press Top Left & Right Buttons to enter CONFIG MENU 3) The Display will show: SET MODEL 4) Press ROLL UP button until ADJUSTMENTS MENU appears 5) ADJUSTMENTS appears on the display 6) Press ENTER to go into the ADJUSTMENTS MENU ' % ' ' ' ' 7) The display will show: SET BATTERY TYPE BATTERY TYPE 24V 8) Press ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN button until the desired parameter is reached % ' ' % ' ' 9) The desired parameter is appears 10) Press SET UP or SET DOWN button to modify the adjustment % ' % ' ' ' CONFIG MENU SET MODEL % ' ' ' ' ' CONFIG MENU ADJUSTMENTS TROTTLE 0 ZONE 3% ' ' % ' ' % TROTTLE 0 ZONE 7% 11) Press OUT ' ' ' ' % ' 12) Press ENTER to confirm ' % ' ' ' ' 13) Repeat the same from 5 to 12 points for the other adjustment Figure 12–5 1) SET POT BRK MIN (Standard version only). This setting records the minimum value of braking pedal potentiometer when the braking pedal switch is closed; the procedure is similar to the PROGRAM VACC function (see paragraph 13.3). This procedure must be carried out only if the PEDAL BRAKING option is programmed as ANALOG. Page - 40/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 2) SET POT BRK MAX (Standard version only). This setting records the maximum value of braking pedal potentiometer when the braking pedal is fully pressed; the procedure is similar to the PROGRAM VACC function (see paragraph 13.3). This procedure must be carried out only if the PEDAL BRAKING option is programmed as ANALOG. 3) MIN LIFT (MDI-PRC version only). By entering this setting, the SW records the actual value of the CNA#18 potentiometer. The MIN LIFT setting must be Entered with the potentiometer in a position is a little bit ahead the main Lifting switch (CNB#9) turns closed. 4) MAX LIFT (MDI-PRC version only). By entering this setting, the SW records the actual value of the CNA#18 potentiometer. The MAX LIFT setting must be Entered after the Lifting control Lever is pushed against the maximum limiting position. 5) MIN LOWER (MDI-PRC version only). By entering this setting, the SW records the actual value of the potentiometer on CNA#18. The MIN LOWER setting must be Entered with the CNA#18 potentiometer in a position is a little bit ahead the Main Lowering switch (CNB#8) turns closed. 6) MAX LOWER (MDI-PRC version only). By entering this setting, the SW records the actual value of the potentiometer on CNA#18. The MAX LOWER setting must be Entered after the Lowering control Lever moving the CNA#18 potentiometer is pushed against the maximum limiting position. 7) MOTOR OVERTEMP With this setting, it is possible to raise a warning when the motor temperature overtakes a threshold specified by the MOTOR OVERTEMP value. 8) SET MOTOR TEMP With this setting, it is possible to get a fine adjustment of the temperature of the motor measured by the controller. 9) SET BATTERY TYPE Selects the nominal battery voltage. 10) ADJUST BATTERY Fine adjustment of the battery voltage measured by the controller. 11) THROTTLE 0 ZONE Establishes a deadband in the accelerator input curve (see also paragraph 13.5). 12) THROTTLE X POINT These parameter, togheter with the THROTTLE Y POINT, changes the characteristic of the accelerator input curve (see also paragraph 13.5): when the accelerator is de-pressed to X point per cent, the corresponding truck speed is Y point per cent of the Maximum truck speed. The relationship between the accelerator position and the truck speed is linear between the THROTTLE 0 ZONE and the X point and also between the X point and the AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 41/73 maximum accelerator position but with two different slope (see also Figure 13–2). 13) THROTTLE Y POINT These parameter, togheter with the THROTTLE X POINT, changes the characteristic of the accelerator input curve (see also paragraph 13.5): when the accelerator is de-pressed to X point per cent, the corresponding truck speed is Y point per cent of the Maximum truck speed. The relationship between the accelerator position and the truck speed is linear between the THROTTLE 0 ZONE and the X point and also between the X point and the maximum accelerator position but with two different slope (see also Figure 13–2). 14) ADJUSTMENT #01 Adjust the upper level of the battery charge table (Level 0 to 9). See paragraph 13.6 . 15) ADJUSTMENT #02 Adjust the lower level of the battery charge table (Level 0 to 9). See paragraph 13.6 . 16) LOAD HM FROM MDI When set On, the HourMeter of the Controller is transferred and recorded on the HourMeter of the Standard MDI (connected on the Serial Link). 17) CHECK UP DONE Turn it On when the asked Maintenance service has been executed to cancel the CHECK UP NEEDED warning. 18) CHECK UP TYPE It specifies the handling of the CHECK UP NEEDED warning: - NONE: No CHECK UP NEENED warning - OPTION#1: CHECK UP NEENED warning on the hand set and MDIPRC after 300 hours - OPTION#2: Equal to OPTION#1 but Speed reduction after 340 hours - OPTION#3: Equal to OPTION#2 but the truck definitively stops after 380 hours 19) OPTION 05 (MDI-PRC version only). This setting, togheter with the four settings below, specifies an offset for the MDI-PRC HourMeter. The MDI-PRC HourMeter will be the sum of the Controller HourMeter plus this offset. This offset value is 5 Digits with: - OPTION 05 is the MSDigit - OPTION 01 is the LSDigit It is possible to change this offset only when the controller HourMeter is less than 10 Hours. (It is used when the controller is replaced with a new one to keep updated the Total Hours measurement of the truck. It is just enough to set the OPTION 01 to OPTION 05 with the Final HourMeters of the replaced Controller). Page - 42/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 20) OPTION 04 (MDI-PRC version only). See OPTION 05. 21) OPTION 03 (MDI-PRC version only). See OPTION 05. 22) OPTION 02 (MDI-PRC version only). See OPTION 05. 23) OPTION 01 (MDI-PRC version only). See OPTION 05. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 43/73 12.4.3 Main menu “PARAMETER CHANGE” functions list To enter the MAIN MENU’ it is just necessary to push the ENTER button from the home display in the hand set. AC1 ZP 1.00 24V 250A 00000 1) Opening Zapi Menu 2) Press ENTER to go into the General Menu 3) The Display will show: PARAMETER CHANGE 4) Press ENTER to go into the Parameter Change facility 5) The Display will show the first parameter 6) Press either ROLL UP and ROLL DOWN to display the next parameter % ' ' % ' ' 7) The names of the Parameters appear on the Display RELEASE BRAKING LEVEL = 5 8) When desired Parameter appear, it’s possible to change the Level by pressing either SET UP or SET DOWN buttons. 9) The Display will show the new level. 10) When you are satisfied with the result of the changes you have made, press OUT. 11) The Display asks: “ARE YOU SURE?” 12) Press ENTER to accept the changes, or press OUT to discard them. ' % ' ' ' ' MAIN MENU PARAMETER CHANGE ' % ' ' ' ' ACC DELAY LEVEL = 5 ' ' % ' ' % RELEASE BRAKING LEVEL = 2 ' ' ' ' % ' ARE YOU SURE? YES=ENTER NO=OUT ' ' ' ' % ' MAIN MENU PARAMETER CHANGE 13) The Display will show Figure 12–6 1) ACCELER. DELAY Level 0 to 9. It determines the acceleration ramp. At Level 9 the truck takes long time to accelerate. 2) RELEASE BRAKING Level 0 to 9. It controls the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released. At Level 9 the truck brakes abrutly. Page - 44/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 3) INVERS. BRAKING Level 0 to 9. It controls the deceleration ramp when the direction switch is inverted during travel. At Level 9 the truck brakes abrutly. 4) PEDAL BRAKING Level 0 to 9. It controls the deceleration ramp when the travel request is released and the brake pedal switch is pressed to its maximum. At Level 9 the truck brakes abrutly. 5) SPEED LIMIT BRK Level 0 to 9. It controls the deceleration ramp when the accelerator has turned down but not completely released. At Level 9 the truck decelerate abrutly. 6) BRAKE CUTBACK Level 0 to 9. It controls the deceleration ramp when a speed reduction input becomes active and the motor slows down. At Level 9 the truck decelerate abrutly. 7) MAX SPEED FWD Tipically from 90Hz to 160Hz or something. It determines the maximum speed in forward direction. 8) MAX SPEED BWD Tipically from 90Hz to 160Hz or something. It determines the maximum speed in backward direction. 9) CUTBACK SPEED Tipically from 10% to 100%. It determines the percentage of the max speed applied when the cutback switch 1 (SR#1 on CNA#13) is active. When set to 100% the speed reduction is ineffective. 10) CUTBACK SPEED 2 (Standard Version only). Tipically from 10% to 100%. It determines the percentage of the max speed applied when the cutback switch 2 (SR#2 on CNA#14) is active. When set to 100% the speed reduction is ineffective. 11) CUTBACK SPEED 3 (Standard Version only). Tipically from 10% to 100%. It determines the percentage of the max speed applied when the cutback switch 3 (SR#3 on CNA#15) is active. When set to 100% the speed reduction is ineffective. 12) HS CUTBACK Tipically from 10% to 100%. It determines the percentage of the max speed applied when the Hard & Soft function (H&S switch on CNB#4) is active. When set to 100% the speed reduction is ineffective. 13) FREQUENCY CREEP Hz value. This is the minimum speed applied when the forward or reverse switch is closed, but the accelerator at its minimum. 14) MAXIMUM CURRENT Level 0 to 9. This changes the maximum current of the inverter. At level 9 the nominal maximum current is supplied; at level 0 the current is almost half of its nominal value (see AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 45/73 15) INCHING SPEED (Standard version only because the inching switches are used for the Lifting and Lowering switches in the MDI-PRC version). Hz value. It determines the speed when the "Inching function" is active (see SET INPUT#2, SET INPUT#3). 16) INCHING TIME (Standard version only because the inching switches are used for the Lifting and Lowering switches in the MDI-PRC version). Level 0 to 9. It determines the during time when the "Inching function" is active. 17) AUXILIARY TIME Time units value (seconds). For the encoder version, it determines the time duration the truck is kept on the ramp if the STOP ON RAMP option is ON. 18) MIN VALVE 1 (MDI-PRC version only). 0 to 255 digit. This parameter determines the minimum voltage applied on the EVP1 when the position of the potentiometer on CNA#18 is at the minimum. This parameter is not effective if the EVP1 is programmed like a On/Off valve (see – VALVE 1 TYPE). The EVP1 is connected on the pin 8 of the MDI-PRC (see TRUCK TYPE – – for the handling). 19) MIN VALVE 2 (MDI-PRC version only). 0 to 255 digit. This parameter determines the minimum voltage applied on the EVP2 when the position of the potentiometer on CNA#18 is at the minimum. This parameter is not effective if the EVP2 is programmed like a On/Off valve (see – VALVE 2 TYPE). The EVP2 is connected on the pin 9 of the MDI-PRC (see TRUCK TYPE – – for the handling). 20) MAX VALVE 1 (MDI-PRC version only). 0 to 255 digit. This parameter determines the maximum voltage applied on the EVP1 when the position of the potentiometer on CNA#18 is at the maximum. If the EVP1 is programmed like a On/Off valve (see – VALVE 1 TYPE), this parameter determines the fixed voltage applied on the electrovalve coil . The EVP1 is connected on the pin 8 of the MDI-PRC (see TRUCK TYPE – – for the handling). 21) MAX VALVE 2 (MDI-PRC version only). 0 to 255 digit. This parameter determines the maximum voltage applied on the EVP2 when the position of the potentiometer on CNA#18 is at the maximum. If the EVP2 is programmed like a On/Off valve (see – VALVE 2 TYPE), this parameter determines the fixed voltage applied on the electrovalve coil. The EVP2 is connected on the pin 9 of the MDI-PRC (see TRUCK TYPE – – for the handling). 22) VALVES VOLTAGE (MDI-PRC version only). A nominal Battery voltage from 12V to 120V. This parameter specifies the nominal voltage of the On/Off valves coil (EVD1 and EVD2 connected to pin #6 and pin#4 of the MDI-PRC). The MDI-PRC, supported by the AC1, is able to control Electrovalves at a nominal voltage lower than the Battery voltage. For example Battery to 48V and Valves to Page - 46/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 24V: then it is necessary that the MDI-PRC generates an output voltage with a PWM tecnique never overtaking the 50% Duty Cycle to get the Valve’s voltage less equal than 24V. Through this setting it is possible to take care the voltage on the EVD1 and EVD2 never overcomes the nominal voltage of the valves. 23) VALVE 3 VOLTAGE (MDI-PRC version only). A percentage from 0% to 100%. This parameter determines the voltage applied to the EVD1 (this is connected on the pin #6 of the MDI-PRC) in percentage of the above VALVES VOLTAGE setting. The voltage applied to this electrovalve is a PWM tecnique generated by the MDIPRC: the Duty Cycle is modulated in order that, the voltage applied to these On/Off valve, is the wished percentage of the VALVES VOLTAGE (e.g. Vbatt=48V, VALVES VOLTAGE=24V, VALVE 3 VOLTAGE=100% means the MDI-PRC generates a PWM with a 50% duty on the EVD1). 24) VALVE 4 VOLTAGE (MDI-PRC version only). A percentage from 0% to 100%. This parameter determines the voltage applied to the EVD2 (this is connected on the pin #4 of the MDI-PRC) in percentage of the above VALVES VOLTAGE setting. The voltage applied to this electrovalve is a PWM tecnique generated by the MDIPRC: the Duty Cycle is modulated in order that, the voltage applied to these On/Off valve, is the wished percentage of the VALVES VOLTAGE (e.g. Vbatt=48V, VALVES VOLTAGE=24V, VALVE 4 VOLTAGE=100% means the MDI-PRC generates a PWM with a 50% duty on the EVD2). 25) V1 OPENING RAMP (MDI-PRC version only). A time units value (from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds). This parameter determines the ramp of voltage applied on the EVP1 (pin #8 MDIPRC) in the opening transition (if proportional); this is the time necessary to go from the minimum to the maximum voltage. If the electrovalve is programmed like an On/Off valve this parameter is not effective. 26) V2 OPENING RAMP (MDI-PRC version only). A time units value (from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds). This parameter determines the ramp of voltage applied on the EVP2 (pin #9 MDIPRC) in the opening transition (if proportional); this is the time necessary to go from the minimum to the maximum voltage. If the electrovalve is programmed like an On/Off valve this parameter is not effective. 27) V1 CLOSING RAMP (MDI-PRC version only). A time units value (from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds). This parameter determines the ramp of voltage applied on the EVP1 (pin #8 MDIPRC) in the closing transition (if proportional); this is the time necessary to go from the maximum to the minimum voltage. If the electrovalve is programmed like an On/Off valve this parameter is not effective. 28) V2 CLOSING RAMP (MDI-PRC version only). A time units value (from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds). This parameter determines the ramp of voltage applied on the EVP2 (pin #9 MDIPRC) in the closing transition (if proportional); this is the time necessary to go from the maximum to the minimum voltage. If the electrovalve is programmed like an On/Off valve this parameter is not effective. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 47/73 Setting table of the “PARAMETER CHANGE” functions The following table shows the different values at which the parameters can be set. PARAMETER PROGRAMMED LEVEL UNIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACCELERATION DELAY (*) Sec. 2.05 3.00 3.05 4.00 4.05 5.00 5.05 6.00 6.05 7.00 RELEASE BRAKING (**) Sec. 5.05 5.00 4.05 4.00 3.05 3.00 2.05 2.00 1.05 1.00 INVERS BRAKING (**) Sec. 5.05 5.00 4.05 4.00 3.05 3.00 2.05 2.00 1.05 1.00 PEDAL BRAKING (**) Sec. 5.05 5.00 4.05 4.00 3.05 3.00 2.05 2.00 1.05 1.00 SPEED LIMIT BRAKING (**) Sec. 8.09 8.03 7.07 7.01 6.06 6.00 5.05 4.09 4.04 3.08 BRAKE CUTBACK (**) Sec. 5.05 5.00 4.05 4.00 3.05 3.00 2.05 2.00 1.05 1.00 MAX SPEED FW Hz 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 MAX SPEED BW Hz 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 CUTBACK SPEED %Max Sp 10 15 20 25 37 50 62 75 87 100 CUTBACK SPEED 2 %Max Sp 10 15 20 25 37 50 62 75 87 100 CUTBACK SPEED 3 %Max Sp 10 15 20 25 37 50 62 75 87 100 H&S CUTBACK %Max Sp 10 15 20 25 37 50 62 75 87 100 Hz 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 %IMAX 47 53 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100 INCHING SPEED Hz 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 INCHING TIME Sec. 0.02 0.05 1.00 1.04 1.08 2.03 2.07 3.01 3.06 4.00 AUXILIARY TIME Sec. 0.0 5.0 FREQUENCY CREEP MAXIMUM CURRENT 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 MIN VALVE 1 This parameter can be adjusted from 1 to 255 with regulation of 1digit MIN VALVE 2 This parameter can be adjusted from 1 to 255 with regulation of 1digit MAX VALVE 1 This parameter can be adjusted from 1 to 255 with regulation of 1digit MAX VALVE 2 This parameter can be adjusted from 1 to 255 with regulation of 1digit VALVES VOLTAGE V 12 24 36 48 60 72 80 96 120 120 VALVE 3 VOLTAGE %V 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 VALVE 4 VOLTAGE %V 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 V1 OPENING RAMP Sec. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 V2 OPENING RAMP Sec. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 V1 CLOSING RAMP Sec. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 V2 CLOSING RAMP Sec. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 (*) The acceleration time shown is the time from 0 Hz to 100 Hz. This is the ideal ramp calculated by the software; the real ramp could change as a function of motor control parameter setting and, obviously, as a function of the load. (**) The braking feature is based upon deceleration ramps. The value shown in the table is the time to decrease the speed from 100 Hz to 0 Hz. This is the ideal ramps calculated by the software; the real ramp could change as a function of motor control parameter setting and, obviously, as a function of the load. Page - 48/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 12.4.4 Zapi menu “HARDWARE SETTINGS” functions list Confidential documentation. 12.4.5 Zapi menu “SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS” functions list Note: the below set-up description is for skilled persons only: if you aren’t please keep your hands off. To enter this Zapi hidden menu a special procedure is required. Ask, this procedure, directly to a Zapi technician. In the SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS functions list, there are factory adjusted parameters only. 1) ADJUSTMENT #01 (Factory adjusted). % value. This is the Gain of the first Current Sensing Amplifier. NOTE: keep your hand off this setting. 2) ADJUSTMENT#02 (Factory adjusted). % value. This is the Gain of the second Current Sensing Amplifier. NOTE: keep your hand off this setting. 12.4.6 Main menu “TESTER” functions list The TESTER functions are a real time feedback measurements of the state of the controller. It is possible to know the state (active disactive) of the digital I/Os, the voltage value of the analog inputs and the state of the main variables used in the motor and hydraulics control. Enter the home page in the hand-set diplay and roll for the TESTER item. 1) BATTERY VOLTAGE Voltage value with 1 decimal digit. Battery voltage value measured at the key input CNB#1. 2) MOTOR VOLTAGE Percentage value. It is the voltage generated by the inverter expressed in per cent of the actual battery voltage. 100% means the sine wave width is close to the actual battery voltage; 0% means the sine wave width is null. 3) VOLTAGE BOOSTER Percentage value. It is the booster contribute to the voltage really supplied to the motor expressed in per cent of the actual battery voltage. (Note: when DC_LINK COMPENSATION is set ON, the VOLTAGE BOOSTER reading will not match perfectly the booster setting because this latest one is calculated respect to the nominal battery voltage; VOLTAGE BOOSTER is expressed respect to the actual battery voltage). 4) FREQUENCY Hz value with two decimal digit. This is the frequency of the sine waves the inverter is supplying. 5) ENCODER Hz value with two decimal digit. This is the speed of the motor measured with the encoder and expressed in the same unit of the FREQUENCY reading. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 49/73 6) SLIP VALUE Hz value with two decimal digit. This is the slip between the frequency and the speed of the motor (SLIP VALUE = FREQUENCY-ENCODER). 7) COSFI From 0.00 to 1.00. This is a coarse extimation of the Power Factor (cosf between the voltage and the current in the motor. 8) CURRENT RMS Ampere value. Root Mean Square value of the line current in the motor. 9) BATTERY CURRENT Ampere value. This is a coarse calculation (not a measurement) of the battery current. 10) BATTERY CHARGE Percentage value. It supplies the residual charge of the battery as a percentage of the full charge level. 11) TEMPERATURE °C value. This is the temperature of the inverter base plate. This temperature is used for the HIGH TEMPERATURE alarm detection (see 12) MOTOR TEMPERATURE °C value. This is the temperature of the motor windings picked up with an analog sensor inside the motor. Normally this sensor is a PTC Philips KTY84-130. This temperature is used only to raise a warning in the hand set when the motor temperature overtakes the MOTOR OVERTEMP setting. 13) ACCELERATOR From 0.0V to 5.0V. The voltage on the wiper of the accelerator (CPOT on CNB#10) is halved inside the controller and then recorded on this reading. That means the actual wiper voltage is in the range 0 to 10V meanwhile the corresponding ACCELERATOR reading is in the range 0.0 to 5.0Vdc. 14) BRAKE PEDAL POT (Standard Version only). From 0.0V to 5.0V. When the MDI-PRC is absent, the potentiometer connected to CPOTB on CNA#18 is used for a brake pedal sensor. The voltage on the wiper of this brake pedal potentiometer (CNA#18) is halved inside the controller and then recorded on this reading. That means the actual wiper voltage is in the range 0 to 10V meanwhile the corresponding BRAKE PEDAL POT reading is in the range 0.0 to 5.0Vdc. 15) LIFTING SWITCH ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#9 digital input (Lifting request): - ON +VB = When CNB#9 is closed to a battery (key) voltage, the Lifting request is Active. - OFF GND= When CNB#9 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the Lifting request is not active. 16) DESCENT SWITCH ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#8 digital input (Lowering request): - ON +VB = When CNB#8 is closed to a battery (key) voltage, the Lowering request is Active. Page - 50/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - OFF GND= When CNB#8 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the Lowering request is not active. 17) FORWARD SWITCH ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#6 digital input (Forward Travel demand): - ON +VB = When CNB#6 is closed to a battery (key) voltage, the Forward Travel demand is Active. - OFF GND= When CNB#6 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the Forward Travel demand is not active. 18) BACKWARD SWITCH ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#5 digital input (Backward Travel demand): - ON +VB = When CNB#5 is closed to a battery (key) voltage, the Backward Travel demand is Active. - OFF GND= When CNB#5 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the Backward Travel demand is not active. 19) HANDLE/SEAT SW. ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#3 digital input (Tiller or seat swit.): - ON +VB = When CNB#3 is closed to a battery (key) voltage the driver has activated the tiller (motion enabled). - OFF GND= When CNB#3 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the driver has released the tiller (motion disabled). 20) H&S CUTBACK ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#4 digital input (Hard & Soft request). With the H&S service is possible to turn the truck moving (at reduced speed) only by acting the H&S switch, and the accelerator, without to let down the tiller : - ON +VB = When CNB#4 is closed to a battery (key) voltage, the H&S request is Active. - OFF GND= When CNB#4 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND), the H&S request is not active. 21) QUICK INVERSION ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNB#7 digital input (the main function is Quick Inversion request when the SET INPUT #4 is set BELLY): - ON GND= This reading means the Quick Inversion request is active. - OFF +VB = This reading means the Quick Inversion request is not active When QUICK INV LOGIC is set to OPTION#1 the quick inversion request is active when CNB#7 is connected to a battery (key) voltage. When QUICK INV LOGIC is set to OPTION#2 the quick inversion request is active when CNB#7 is not connected to a battery (key) voltage. This input CNB#7 has alternative functions depending on the setting of SET INPUT #4. In these cases: SET INPUT#4 is set BRAKE: QUICK INVERSION reading becomes ON when the brake pedal switch closes and connects the CNB#7 input to a key voltage. SET INPUT#4 is set EX. HYDRO: AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 51/73 QUICK INVERSION reading becomes ON when the Exclusive Hydro Microswitch switch closes and connects the CNB#7 input to a key voltage. 22) CUTBACK SWITCH 2 (Standard version only). ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNA#14 digital input (When the MDI-PRC is not present, and SET INPUT #2 is set PRESENT, this is the Speed Reduction #2 request): - ON GND = When CNA#14 is not closed to a battery (key) voltage (or connected to GND) the SR#2 request is active. - OFF +VB = When CNA#14 is closed to a battery (key) voltage the SR#2 request is not active. This input CNA#14 has the alternative function of Inching Forward request when the SET INPUT #2 is set to OPTION#1. Then the Inching Forward request turns active (meanwhile this CUTBACK SWITCH 2 reading turns ON) when the CNA#14 closes to a battery (key) voltage. 23) CUTBACK SWITCH 3 (Standard versione only). ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNA#15 digital input (When the MDI-PRC is not present, and the SET INPUT #3 is set PRESENT, this is the Speed Reduction #3 request): - ON GND = When CNA#15 is not closed to a battery (key) voltage (or connected to GND) the SR#3 request is active. - OFF +VB = When CNA#15 is closed to a battery (key) voltage the SR#3 request is not active. This input CNA#15 has the alternative function of Inching Backward request when the SET INPUT #3 is set to OPTION#1. Then the Inching Backward request turns active (meanwhile this CUTBACK SWITCH 3 reading turns ON) when the CNA#15 closes to a battery (key) voltage. 24) LIFTING CONTROL (MDI-PRC Version only). From 0.0V to 5.0V. When the MDI-PRC is present, the potentiometer connected to CPOTB on CNA#18 is used for a proportional control of the hydraulics. The voltage on the wiper of this potentiometer (CNA#18) is halved inside the controller and then recorded on this reading. That means the actual wiper voltage is in the range 0 to 10V meanwhile the corresponding LIFTING CONTROL reading is in the range 0.0 to 5.0Vdc. 25) DIGITAL INPUT #1 (MDI-PRC version only). ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNA#14 digital input (when the MDI-PRC is present this input is an Auxiliary (2nd) Lifting request): - ON +VB = When CNA#14 is closed to a battery (key) voltage the Aux Lifting request is active. - OFF GND = When CNA#14 is not closed to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND) the Aux Lifting request is not active. 26) DIGITAL INPUT #2 (MDI-PRC version only). ON/OFF. This is the level of the CNA#15 digital input (when the MDI-PRC is present this input is an Auxiliary (2nd) Lowering request): - ON +VB = When CNA#15 is closed to a battery (key) voltage the Aux Lowering request is active. Page - 52/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - OFF GND = When CNA#15 is not closed to a battery (key) voltage (or it is connected to GND) the Aux Lowering request is not active. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 53/73 13 OTHER FUNCTIONS 13.1 Description of console “SAVE” function The SAVE function allows the operator to transmit the Parameter values and Configuration data of the chopper into the Console memory. It is possible to load 64 different programmes. The information saved in the Console memory can then be reloaded into another chopper using the RESTORE function. The data that is available via the SAVE function is as follows: - All Parameter Values (PARAMETER CHANGE). - Options (SET. OPTIONS). - The Level of the Battery (ADJUST BATTERY). Flow Chart showing how to use the SAVE function of the Digital Console. AC1 ZAPI V0.0 24V 250A 00000 Opening Zapi Display Press ENTER to go into the General menu ' % ' ' ' ' MAIN MENU PARAMETER CHANGE The Display will show : Press ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN button until SAVE PARAM. appears on the display % ' ' % ' ' MAIN MENU SAVE PARAMETERS The Display will show : Press ENTER to go into the SAVE function If this facility has been used before the type of chopper data stored appears on the top Main with a 2 digit reference Keep pressing either ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN keys until the second Main indicates a FREE storage facility ' % ' ' ' ' SELECT: MOD. 00 FREE % ' ' % ' ' SELECT: MOD. 01 FREE Press ENTER to commence SAVE routine You can see the items that are being stored whilst the SAVE routine is happening When finished, the Console shows : Page - 54/73 ' % ' ' ' ' READING … ACCEL. DELAY (ECC.) SELECT: MOD. 01 FREE AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Press OUT to return to the Opening Zapi Display ' ' ' ' % ' NOTE: in reality the SAVE and RESTORE function requires the Windows PCConsole. 13.2 Description of console “RESTORE” function The RESTORE PARAM function allows transfer of the Console’s stored data into the memory of the chopper. This is achieved in a fast and easy way using the method previously used with the SAVE PARAM. function. The data that is available via the RESTORE PARAM. function is as follows : - All Parameter Values (PARAMETER CHANGE). - Options (SET OPTIONS) - The level of the Battery (ADJUST BATTERY) ATTENTION: When the RESTORE operation is made, all data in the chopper memory will be written over and replace with data being restored. Flow Chart showing how to use the RESTORE function of the Digital Console. Opening Zapi Display Press ENTER to go into the General menu The Display will show : Press ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN button until SAVE PARAM. appears on the display The Display will show : Press ENTER to go into the RESTORE PARAM. function The Display shows the type of Model stored, with a Code Number Keep pressing either ROLL UP and ROLL DOWN buttons until the desired model appears on the Display AC1 ZAPI V0.0 24V 250A 00000 ' % ' ' ' ' MAIN MENU PARAMETER CHANGE % ' ' % ' ' MAIN MENU RESTORE PARAM. ' % ' ' ' ' SELECT : MOD. 00 AC1 ZAPI V1 % ' ' % ' ' SELECT : MOD. 00 AC1 ZAPI V1 Press ENTER to commence the Restore operation The Display will ask “ARE YOU SURE”. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual ' % ' ' ' ' ARE YOU SURE? YES=ENTER NO=OUT Page - 55/73 Press ENTER for YES, or OUT for No ' % ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' % ' You can see the items that are being stored in the chopper memory whilst the RESTORE routine is happening STORING ACCELER. DELAY When finished, the Console shows : MAIN MENU RESTORE PARAM. Press OUT to return to the Opening Zapi Display ' ' ' ' % ' NOTE: in reality the SAVE and RESTORE function requires the Windows PCConsole. 13.3 Description of console “PROGRAM VACC” function This enables adjustment of the minimum and maximum useful signal level, in either direction. This function is unique when it is necessary to compensate for asymmetry with the mechanical elements associated with the potentiometer, especially relating to the minimum level. The two graphs show the output voltage from a non-calibrated potentiometer with respect to the mechanical “zero” of the control lever. MI and MA indicate the point where the direction switches close. 0 represents the mechanical zero of the rotation. The Left Hand graph shows the relationship of the motor voltage without signal acquisition being made. The Right Hand Graph shows the same relationship after signal acquisition of the potentiometer. Figure 13–1 This function looks for and remembers the minimum and maximum potentiometer wiper voltage over the full mechanical range of the pedal. It enables compensation for non symmetry of the mechanical system between directions. The operation is performed by operating the pedal after entering the PROGRAM VACC function. Page - 56/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Flow Chart showing how to use the PROGRAM VACC function of the Digital Console. Opening Zapi Display AC1 ZAPI V0.0 24V 250A 00000 ' % ' ' ' ' Press ENTER to go into the General menu The Display will show : MAIN MENU PARAMETER CHANGE Press ROLL UP or ROLL DOWN button until PROGRAM VACC the display The Display will show : % ' ' % ' ' MAIN MENU PROGRAM VACC Press ENTER to go into the PROGRAM VACC function The Display will show the minimum and maximum values of potentiometer wiper output. Both directions can be shown ' % ' ' ' ' VACC SETTING 4.8 4.8 Press ENTER to clear these values. Display will show 0.0 Select Forward Direction, close any interlock switches that may be in the system ' % ' ' ' ' MIN 0.0 VACC - MAX 0.0 MIN 0.6 VACC ↑ MAX 4.4 Slowly depress the accelerator pedal (or tiller butterfly) to its maximum value. The new minimum and maximum voltages will be displayed on the Console plus an arrow indicating the direction. Select the Reverse Direction and repeat Item 10 When finished , press OUT The Display will ask : ARE YOU SURE ? Press ENTER for yes, or OUT for NO When finished, the Console shows : Press OUT to return to the Opening Zapi Display AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual ' ' ' ' % ' ARE YOU SURE YES=ENTER NO=OUT ' % ' ' % ' MAIN MENU PROGRAM VACC ' ' ' ' % ' Page - 57/73 13.4 Shortform table of the aux output #1 setting The AUX OUTPUT #1 setting specifies the handling of the CNA#3 output and the STOP ON RAMP service (when the encoder is used). This handling is summarized in the table below. AUX OUTPUT STOP ON RAMP A3 OUTPUT BEHAVIOUR ON A SLOPE BRAKE ON -Drives the coil of a electromagnetic brake. "The truck is electrically hold on a slope; when the time set by ""auxiliary time"" parameter is elapsed the brake is applied and the 3-phase bridge is released. Do not use this combination if the negative brake is not installed." BRAKE OFF -Drives the coil of a electromagnetic brake. "The truck is not electrically hold on a slope, but comes down very slowly; when the time set by ""auxiliary time"" parameter is elapsed, the brake is applied and the 3-phase bridge is opened. Do not use this combination if the negative brake is not installed." HYDRO CONT. ON -Drives the coil of a hydraulic steering contactor. "The truck is electrically hold on a slope; when the time set by ""auxiliary time"" parameter is elapsed, the truck comes down very slowly, till the flat is reached. " HYDRO CONT. OFF -Drives the coil of a hydraulic steering contactor. The truck is not electrically hold on a slope, but comes down very slowly till the flat is reached. EXCL. HYDRO ON -Drives the coil of a hydraulic steering contactor. "The truck is electrically hold on a slope; when the time set by ""auxiliary time"" parameter is elapsed, the truck comes down very slowly, till the flat is reached. " EXCL. HYDRO OFF -Drives the coil of a hydraulic steering contactor. The truck is not electrically hold on a slope, but comes down very slowly till the flat is reached. Page - 58/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 13.5 Description of the throttle regulation This regulation applies a not linear relationship between the position of the accelerator and the speed of the truck. The main goal is to increase the resolution for the speed modulation when the truck is slow moving. Three ajustments are used for the throttle regulation: 1) THROTTLE 0 ZONE 2) THROTTLE X POINT 3) THROTTLE Y POINT THROTTLE 0 ZONE: the speed of the truck remains at frequency creep meanwhile the voltage from the accelerator potentiometer is lower than this percentage of the MAX VACC setting. This adjustment define the width of a dead zone close to the rest position (see Figure 13–2 below). THROTTLE X POINT & THROTTLE Y POINT: the speed of the truck grows up with a fixed slope (linear relationship) from the THROTTLE 0 ZONE up to THROTTLE X POINT. This slope is defined by the matching between the X point percentage of the MAX VACC setting with the Y point percentage of the full truck speed. From the X point up to the MAX VACC point, the slope of the relationship between the truck speed and the accelerator position is different (see Figure 13– 2 below) to match the full speed in the truck with the MAX VACC voltage in the accelerator position. Figure 13–2 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 59/73 13.6 Description of the battery charge detection setting The Battery Charge detection uses two setting that specify the Full Charge Voltage Level (100%) and the Discharge Voltage Level (10%). These two settings are the ADJUSTMENT#01 and the ADJUSTMENT#02 (see and It is possible to adapt the Battery Charge Detection to your specific battery, by changing the above two settings (e.g. if the Battery Discharged Detection occurs when the battery is not totally discarghed, it is necessary to reduce the ADJUSTMENT #02 setting as indicated in the Figure 13–3 below). Figure 13–3 Page - 60/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 14 AC1 ALARMS LIST The ALARMS logbook in the MAIN MENU’ records the alarms of the controller. It has a FIFO (First Input First Output) structure that means the oldest alarm is lost when the database is full and a new alarm occurs. The logbook is composed of five locations getting possible to stack five different type of alarms with the following information: 1) The alarm code 2) The times that each alarm occurs consecutively 3) The Hour Meter value when the latest event of every alarm occured 4) And the inverter temperature when the latest event of every alarm occured. This function permits a deeper diagnosis of problems as the recent history can be revisited. The MDI-PRC code is the corresponding number with which the alarm is signalled on the MDI-PRC display. 14.1 Main menu “ALARMS” list To Enter the MAIN MENU’ push the Enter button at the Home Page of the hand set display and Roll for the ALARMS item. Here is the ALARMS list: 14.1.1 One Blink Alarms 1) WATCH DOG MDI-PRC Code = 8 - Cause: It occurs when the embedded WATCH DOG protection is not able either to cut off the power stage when not triggerd or it is not able to activate the power stage when triggered. - Remedy: Verify the motor is connected and the continuity of the three motor phases. If the alarm occurs permanently, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 2) EEPROM KO MDI-PRC Code = 13 - Cause: It occurs due to a HW or SW defect of the non-volatile embedded memory supporting the controller regulations. - Remedy: Try to execute a CLEAR EEPROM operation. This consists of Entering the ALARMS item in the MAIN MENU’. Push at the same time the two right side buttons to enter the hidden ZAPI MENU’. Roll up and Down until the CLEAR EEPROM appears on the hand set display. Push Twice the Enter Button. Switch the key off and on to check the result. If the alarm occurs permanently, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 3) LOGIC FAILURE #1 MDI-PRC Code = 19 - Cause: It occurs when the battery voltage overtakes 45V (when the battery is 24V) or 47.5V (when the battery is 36V). It also occurs when the supply voltage inside the logic falls less than 11Vdc. - Remedy: Normally the overvoltage occurs due to the regenerative braking energy increasing the battery voltage; the undervoltage of the logic supply, can be due to a depletion in the key voltage AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 61/73 (e.g. when the pump inrush current makes the battery temporary collapsed). So first of all check for your failure mode then contact the Zapi technician to look for a countermeasure. As a matter of fact this alarm may occurs also for a HW failure and, in this case, it is necessary to substituite the Controller. 4) LOGIC FAILURE #2 MDI-PRC Code = 18 - Cause: It occurs when the circuit, to compensate for the dead times of the sine waves, is failed. - Remedy: It is necessary to substituite the Controller. 5) LOGIC FAILURE #3 MDI-PRC Code = 17 - Cause: It occurs when the circuit to limitate via HW the current peak in the controller is active. - Remedy: It is probably a power failure or a logic failure. If it occurs permanently it is necessary to substituite the Controller. 6) CHECK UP NEEDED MDI-PRC Code = 99 - Cause: This is just a warning to call for the time programmed maintanance. - Remedy: It is just enough to turn the CHECK UP DONE option to level ON (see after the maintanance is executed. 14.1.2 Two Blinks Alarms 1) INCORRECT START MDI-PRC Code = 79 - Cause: This is just a warning for an incorrect starting sequence. - Remedy: The possble reasons for this alarm are (use the readings in the TESTER to facilitate the troubleshooting): a) A travel demand active at key on b) The tiller switch active at key-on c) The H&S input active at key-on d) The Quick inversion active at key-on A failure in the logic is possible too. When all of the above conditions were checked and nothing was found, substituite the controller. 2) FORW+BACK MDI-PRC Code = 80 - Cause: This alarm occurs when both the travel demands (Fwd and Bwd) are active at the same time. - Remedy: Check the wiring of the Fwd and Bwd travel demand inputs (use the readings in the TESTER to facilitate the troubleshooting). A failure in the logic is possible too. When you have verified the travel demand switches are fine working and the wiring is right, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 3) HANDBRAKE MDI-PRC Code = 71 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the operator try to travel with the handbrake active. Page - 62/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - Remedy: Check the handbrake switch and its wiring to CNA#13. The handbrake switch must be connected between CAN#13 and GND voltage. When it is closed to GND the handbrake is considered active. A failure in the logic is possible too. In this case it is necessary to substituite the controller. 4) LIFT+LOWER MDI-PRC Code = 90 - Cause: This alarm occurs when both a Lifting request and a Lowering request are active at the same time. - Remedy: If the MDI-PRC is absent, check only the wiring of the main Lifting/Lowering pair (CNB#8 and CNB#9); if the MDI-PRC is present check also the wiring of the Aux Lifting/Lowering pair (CNA#14 and CNA#15). (Use the readings in the TESTER to facilitate the troubleshooting). A failure in the logic is possible too. When you have verified the Lifting/Lowering switches are fine working and the wiring is right, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 5) LIFT LOW ACTIVE MDI-PRC Code = 91 - Cause: This is just a warning when a Lifting/Lowering request is active at key-on. - Remedy: The possible reasons for this alarm are (use the readings in the TESTER to facilitate the troubleshooting): - When MDI_PRC is absent: at least one between LIFTING SWITCH (CNB#9) or DESCENT SWITCH (CNB#8) active at key on. - When TRUCK TYPE is Level=1: at least one between LIFTING SWITCH (CNB#9), DESCENT SWITCH (CNB#8), DIGITAL INPUT#1 (CNA#14) or DIGITAL INPUT#2 (CNA#15) active at key-on. - When TRUCK TYPE is Level=2: at least one between LIFTING SWITCH (CNB#9) or DESCENT SWITCH (CNB#8) active at key-on. - When TRUCK TYPE is Level=3: at least one between LIFTING SWITCH (CNB#9) or DESCENT SWITCH (CNB#8) active at key-on. A failure in the logic is possible too. When all of the above conditions were checked and nothing was found, substituite the controller. 14.1.3 Three Blinks Alarms 1) CAPACITOR CHARGE MDI-PRC Code = 60 - Cause: In working condition, a resistance connected between the key and the Rail Capacitors, keeps the Rail Capacitors charged before the Main Contactor closes.When the voltage on the Rail Capacitors (measured on the phase V) is low and does not increase when the main contactor is opened this alarm occurs. - Remedy: Three possibilities: - Another device, connected in parallel with the Rail Capacitors, has a failure - At least a motor phase is not connected to the controller or broken. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 63/73 - A Power failure or a Logic Failure occured in the controller. In this case it is necessary to substituite the controller. 2) VMN HIGH - Cause: - Remedy: MDI-PRC Code = 31 Before to switch the main contactor on, the SW turns on sequencely the Bottom side Power Mosfets and expects the phase V voltage falls to GND value. If the phase V remains high level this alarm occurs. Two possibilities: - At least a motor phase is not connected to the controller or broken. - A Power Failure (e.g. a Bottom side Power Mosfet opened) or a Logic Failure occured in the controller. In this case it is necessary to substituite the controller 3) VMN LOW - Cause: - Remedy: MDI-PRC Code = 30 Before to switch the main contactor on, the SW turns on sequencely the Top side Power Mosfets and expects the phase V voltage increases toward the rail capacitor value. If the phase V does not increases this alarm occurs. This alarm may occur also when the initial diagnosis is overcome, and so the Main Contactor is expected to be closed.Then, when the operator asks the truck moving but the +Batt terminal of the controller is lower voltage than the Battery voltage, this alarm occurs (Main Contactor has lost the contactation although it is closed). If the problem occurs before the Main Contactor closes, probably a Power failure (e.g. a Bottom side Power Mosfet short circuited or a Top side Power Mosfet broken) or a Logic Failure occured in the controller. If the problem occurs when the operator turns the truck moving the problem is the Battery positive is not connected to the +Batt terminal of the controller (check the continuity of the main contactor). If the problem occurs permanently it is necessary to substituite the controller. 14.1.4 Four Blinks Alarms 1) VACC NOT OK MDI-PRC Code = 78 - Cause: The test is made at key-on and after 20sec that both the travel demands have turned disactive. This alarm occurs if the ACCELERATOR reading in the TESTER menu’ is higher than 1.0V (it means the wiper of the potentiometer is higher than 2Vdc) when the accelerator is released. - Remedy: Check the mechanical calibration and the functionality of the potentiometer. 2) PEDAL WIRE KO MDI-PRC Code = 86 - Cause: The SW continuously checks for the connection of the two supply ends of the potentiometer in the accelerator. The test consists of reading the voltage drop on a sense diode, connected between NPOT (CNB#11) and GND and cascaded Page - 64/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - Remedy: with the potentiometer: if the potentiometer gets disconnected on PPOT or NPOT, no current flow in this sense diode and the voltage on the NPOT connection collapses down. When the NPOT voltage is less than 0.3V this alarm occurs. This alarm occurs also when the NPOT voltage is higher than 2Vdc (to detect also the condition of a broken sense diode). Check the voltage on NPOT (CNB#11) and the potentiometer connections. 3) PROGRAM LIFT LEVER MDI-PRC Code = 55 - Cause: The SW continuously matches the potentiometer connected to CNA#18 with the Main Lifting/Lowering pair request (CNB#9 and CNB#8). When the TRUCK TYPE is set 2, the alarms occurs in the following conditions: - If both the Main Lifting and Main Lowering request are disactive and the potentiometer voltage is higher than 60mV over either the MIN LIFT or the MIN LOWER (see and setting. - If the Main Lifting request is active and the potentiometer voltage is higher than 200mV over the MAX LIFT setting (see - If the Main Lowering request is active and the potentiometer voltage is higher than 200mV over the MAX LOWER setting (see - If the MIN LIFT setting is higher than the MAX LIFT setting. - If the MIN LOWER setting is higher than the MAX LOWER setting. When the TRUCK TYPE is set 3, the alarms occurs in the following conditions: - If the Main Lowering request is disactive and the potentiometer voltage is higher than the MIN LOWER (see setting. - If the MIN LOWER setting is higher than the MAX LOWER setting. - Remedy: Check the Main Lifting/Lowering pair (CNB#8 and CNB#9) and the voltage on the potentiometer connected to CNA#18. (Use the readings LIFTING SWITCH, DESCENT SWITCH and LIFTING CONTROL in the TESTER to facilitate the troubleshooting). 14.1.5 Five Blinks Alarms 1) ENCODER ERROR MDI-PRC Code = 70 - Cause: Two consecutive readings of the encoder speed are too much different in between: because of the inertiality of the system it is not possible the encoder changes its speed a lot in a short period. Probably an encoder failure has occured (e.g. one or two channels of the encoder are corrupted or disconnected). - Remedy: Check both the electric and the mechanical encoder functionality. Frequently we experienced one of the two Sensor bearing’s ring, slips inside its seat raising this alarm condition. Also the electromagnetic noise on the sensor bearing can be a cause for the alarm. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 65/73 2) STBY I HIGH MDI-PRC Code = 53 - Cause: This diagnosis is executed only when the main contactor is opened and asked to be closed (e.g. at key on or when the main contactor is opened and a new motion request turns active). Then the outputs of the Current amplifiers must be in a narrow window close to 2.5Vdc (from 2.26V to 2.74V). Otherwise this STBY I HIGH alarm occurs. - Remedy: If the alarm occurs permanently, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 14.1.6 Six Blinks Alarms 1) COIL SHORTED MDI-PRC Code = 76 - Cause: This alarm occurs when there is an overload on one of the following connections: CNA#1, CNA#3, CNA#4 and CNA#6. Typically the problem is due to a short circuit of one of the coils conneted to these outputs. After the overload has removed, the alarm exits automatically by releasing and then enabling a travel demand. - Remedy: Check the coils of the main contactor (CNA#1), of the electromechanical brake (CNA#3), of the pump contactor (CNA#4), of the Aux valve (CNA#6). 2) CONTACTOR DRIVER MDI-PRC Code = 75 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the voltage on the Main Contactor is smaller than expected: this means that the Main Contactor Coil has a null voltage when supplied. - Remedy: Check the coils of the Main Contactor (CNA#1) is not short circuited. If it isn’t, probably it is necessary to substituite the controller because the driver of the Main Contactor is broken. 3) DRIVER SHORTED MDI-PRC Code = 74 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the voltage on the Main Contactor is higher than expected: this means that the Main Contactor Coil has a high voltage although it is not supplied. - Remedy: Probably it is necessary to substituite the controller because the driver of the Main Contactor is short circuited. 4) AUX OUTPUT KO MDI-PRC Code = 16 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the feedforward PWM generated by the controller to supply the Electromechanical Brake and the actual feedback voltage on the Electromechanical Brake are not matched in between. The diagnosis is made only when the Tiller Switch is active. Then: a) When the feedforward PWM is less than 10% of the battery voltage, the Actual voltage on the Electromechanical Brake is expected low. If it is higher than 14V it means the Electromechanical Brake never Brakes the truck (probably Page - 66/73 AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual - Remedy: the Driver of the Elecromechanical Brake is short circuited) and this alarm occurs. b) When the feedforward PWM is higher than 70% of the battery voltage, the Actual voltage on the Electromechanical Brake is expected high. If it is lower than 14V it means the Electromechanical Brake always gets the truck Braked (probably the Driver of the Elecromechanical Brake is opened) and this alarm occurs. Probably it is necessary to substituite the controller because the driver of the Electromechanical Brake has a failure. 5) MDI VALVE2 SHORT MDI-PRC Code = 70 - Cause: This alarm occurs on the MDI-PRC and the information is transferred via CAN Bus to the AC1. - Remedy: See 14.2 and the manual of the MDI-PRC. 6) MDI NEVP1 NOT OK MDI-PRC Code = 90 - Cause: This alarm occurs on the MDI-PRC and the information is transferred via CAN Bus to the AC1. - Remedy: See 14.2 and the manual of the MDI-PRC. 7) MDI PEV NOT OK MDI-PRC Code = 89 - Cause: This alarm occurs on the MDI-PRC and the information is transferred via CAN Bus to the AC1. - Remedy: See 14.2 and the manual of the MDI-PRC. 8) MDI DRV 2 OPEN MDI-PRC Code = 75 - Cause: This alarm occurs on the MDI-PRC and the information is transferred via CAN Bus to the AC1. - Remedy: See 14.2 and the manual of the MDI-PRC. 9) MDI DRV 2 SHORT MDI-PRC Code = 74 - Cause: This alarm occurs on the MDI-PRC and the information is transferred via CAN Bus to the AC1. - Remedy: See 14.2 and the manual of the MDI-PRC. 10) INPUT ERROR #1 MDI-PRC Code = 92 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the PLD device has a failure. The PLD device is used for both, the Passive Emergency Cell (see 5.1) and a Multiplexer on the Main Lifting/Lowering requests. This Multiplexer exits the Lifting and the Not Lifting level on two distinct addresses. When the Lifting and the Not Lifting outputs have the same Logic Level the PLD device has failed and this alarm occurs. - Remedy: It is necessary to substituite the controller. 11) ANALOG INPUT MDI-PRC Code = 96 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the A/D conversion of the analog inputs gives frozen value, on all of the converted signals, for more AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 67/73 - Remedy: than 400msec. The goal of this diagnosis is to detect a failure of the A/D converter or a problem in the code flow that omits the refreshing of the analog signal conversion. If the problem occurs permanently it is necessary to substituite the controller. 14.1.7 Seven Blinks Alarms 1) HIGH TEMPERATURE MDI-PRC Code = 61 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the temperature of the base plate is higher than 90° at 24V or 78° at 48V. Then the maximum current decreases proportionally with the temperature increases from 90°(78°) up to 110°(103°). At 103° the Current is limited to 0 Amps. - Remedy: Improve the air cooling of the controller. 2) MOTOR TEMPERAT MDI-PRC Code = 65 - Cause: This is just a warning with no effect on the truck performance. It occurs when the temperature of the motor winding overtakes the MOTOR OVERTEMP setting. - Remedy: Check the thermal sensor inside the motor (use the MOTOR TEMPERATURE reading in the TESTER menu). If the sensor is OK, improve the air cooling of the motor. 3) THERMIC SENS KO MDI-PRC Code = 73 - Cause: When the output of the thermal sensor on the base plate is higher than 4.95V or lower than 0.1V , the sensor is assumed failed and this alarm occurs. - Remedy: It is necessary to substituite the controller. 14.1.8 Eigth Blinks Alarms 1) CAN BUS KO MDI-PRC Code = 67 - Cause: It occurs if the controller does not receive any message from the CAN Bus line. - Remedy: First of all, check the wiring. If it is OK , try to disconnect one to one the module connected to the CAN Bus and check if this alarm disappears. When you are quite sure the problem is in the present module, it is necessary to substituite the controller. 14.1.9 No Blink Alarms 1) STOP TOP - Cause: - Remedy: Page - 68/73 MDI-PRC Code = Null This is just a warning to inform the Passive Emergency Cell (see 5.1) operates. The Passive Emergency Cell operates when the controller takes longer than 800msec, after the tiller was released, to reduce the frequency in the motor, close to zero. The Passive Emergency Cell siwtches off the Top Side Power Mosfets (this is the reason for the name) of the three phase bridge. The controller exits automatically this warning when the operator turns the truck moving. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 2) WRONG CONFIG MDI-PRC Code = 1 - Cause: It occurs the first time a controller is switched on when the non volatile eeprom memory is not initialized yet. Then it is necessary to specify if the controller is AC0 or AC1 type (see AC TYPE 0 in the hidden hardware setting Zapi menu). If the alarm is present, by switching off the key the AC TYPE 0 setting will be turned automatically On (and the controller is specified to be an AC0). The AC TYPE 0 setting can be changed only when a WRONG CONFIG alarm is present. If it is not present it is necessary to clear the eeprom memory in order the WRONG CONFIG alarm occurs. - Remedy: The AC TYPE 0 setting must be factory adjusted and so this alarm never should happen when the controller is on the field. So ask for the assistance of a Zapi technicians when this alarm occurs. 3) WAITING FOR NODE MDI-PRC Code = Null - Cause: The controller expects to receive a messagge from a remote module via CAN Bus. When this messagge is not received after a time out this alarm occurs. - Remedy: Check the communication via CAN between the controller and the other modules. 4) CURRENT SENS KO MDI-PRC Code = 94 - Cause: This alarm occurs when the procedure for the maximum current set-up is in progress. - Remedy: The maximum current set-up is factory adjusted and so this alarm never should happen when the controller is on the field. So ask for the assistance of a Zapi technicians when this alarm occurs. 14.1.10 Thirty Two Blinks Alarms 1) BATTERY LOW MDI-PRC Code = Local - Cause: It occurs when the battery charge is calculated being less than 10% of the full charge and the BATTERY CHECK setting is other than 0. - Remedy: Get the battery charged. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 69/73 14.2 MDI-PRC “ALARMS” List When the Controller communicates with the MDI-PRC, the alarm condition is represented on the MDI-PRC in a Numeric form is: Source Device Code and Alarm Code. The Source Device Code we are interesting in are: 16: This is a local MDI-PRC alarm 02: This is a Traction Controller (AC1) alarm The Alarm Code List Sourced by the Controller (Source Device Code 02) is the following: 1: 8: 13: 16: 17: 18: 19: 30: 31: 53: 55: 60: 61: 65: 67: 70: 71: 73: 74: 75: 76: 78: 79: 80: 86: 90: 91: 92: 94: 96: 97: 99: WRONG CONFIG WATCH DOG EEPROM KO AUX OUTPUT KO LOGIC FAILURE #3 LOGIC FAILURE #2 LOGIC FAILURE #1 VMN LOW VMN HIGH STBY I HIGH PROGRAM LIFT LEVER CAPACITOR CHARGE HIGH TEMPERATURE MOTOR TEMPERAT CAN BUS KO ENCODER ERROR HANDBRAKE THERMIC SENS KO DRIVER SHORTED CONTACTOR DRIVER COIL SHORTED VACC NOT OK INCORRECT START FORW+BACK PEDAL WIRE KO LIFT+LOWER LIFT LOW ACTIVE INPUT ERROR #1 CURRENT SENS KO ANALOG INPUT OVERLOAD CHECK UP NEEDED The Alarm Code List Sourced by the MDI-PRC (Source Device Code 16) is the following: Page - 70/73 67: CAN BUS KO The Can Bus communication is broken 70: MDI VALVE2 SHORT At least one of the On/Off Valves Coil is shorted AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 74: MDI DRV2 SHORT At least one On/Off driver on pin#4 and #6 is shorted 75: MDI DRV2 OPEN At least one On/Off driver on pin#4 and #6 is opened 89: MDI PEV NOT OK The Positive Supply for the Valves is missing 90: MDI NEVP1 NOT OK At least one Proportional Valve driver on pin#8 and #9 is shorted Example: 02A79 is an INCORRECT START alarm on the AC1. AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 71/73 15 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS Page - 72/73 Part number Description C29508 SW 180 24V Single Pole Contactor AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual 16 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE TO BE REPEATED AT TIMES INDICATED Check the wear and condition of the Contactors’ moving and fixed contacts. Electrical Contacts should be checked every 3 months. Check the wear and condition of the electromechanical brake. According with the ISO 6292 the electromechanical brake must be able to lock the truck in the worst case in terms of admitted gradient and load. The truck manufacturer has to take care the ISO 6292 is fullfilled with a suited maintenance scheduling. Check the Foot pedal or Tiller microswitch. Using a suitable test meter, confirm that there is no electrical resistance between the contacts by measuring the volt drop between the terminals. Switches should operate with a firm click sound. Microswitches should be checked every 3 months. Check the Battery cables, cables to the chopper, and cables to the motor. Ensure the insulation is sound and the connections are tight. Cables should be checked every 3 months. Check the mechanical operation of the pedal or tiller . Are the return springs ok. Do the potentiometers wind up to their full or programmed level. Check every 3 months. Check the mechanical operation of the Contactor(s). Moving contacts should be free to move without restriction. Check every 3 months. Checks should be carried out by qualified personnel and any replacement parts used should be original. Beware of NON ORIGINAL PARTS. The installation of this electronic controller should be made according to the diagrams included in this Manual. Any variations or special requirements should be made after consulting a Zapi Agent. The supplier is not responsible for any problem that arises from wiring methods that differ from information included in this Manual. During periodic checks, if a technician finds any situation that could cause damage or compromise safety, the matter should be bought to the attention of a Zapi Agent immediately. The Agent will then take the decision regarding operational safety of the machine. Remember that Battery Powered Machines feel no pain. NEVER USE A VEHICLE WITH A FAULTY ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER AESZP0BA – AC1 SSL SENSORED - FREE VERSION - User Manual Page - 73/73 

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