Warmane ошибка подключения

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  1. Chizotta's Avatar


    Ошибка подключения.

    Не заходит на сервер именно на русском клиенте, на английском все в порядке.

    P.s. сам разобрался, в папке ruRU, которая была скачана отдельно, находится еще один текстовый документ, где нужно указать realmlist, ставим такой же, что и в папке config »»

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All times are GMT. The time now is 01:01 PM.


Seems like there is something wrong when I am trying to log on the warmane server. Socket closes just when authentication happens.

🔑 Authenticated
        ⟹ [0x01EC] SMSG_AUTH_CHALLENGE;  Length: 46; Body: 42; Index: 4
        ⟸ [0x01ED] CMSG_AUTH_PROOF;      Length: 206; Body: 200; Index: 6
initializing crypt
Socket close: 8095


Does the account have premium status? I’m wondering if the login queue is tripping the bot up. Donations are down right now so I can’t test my theory.

e: Had a friend try their account — still didn’t work. Same error.
I wonder what would be different about warmane’s login flow.

Maybe the next step would be trying it with a TrinityCore or AzerothCore server and see what’s different.


I made a Warmane account and tried connecting a while back, and I got the same result — it looks like the world server hangs up the socket when we send the CMSG_AUTH_PROOF packet, which implies that we’ve failed some sort of check on the server.

I have a TrinityCore and an AzerothCore server I’ve been using to test, and I can connect to those fine. Warmane seems to be either running different Auth code to what I’ve seen before (maybe a custom or less common server implementation), or they’re using a feature I haven’t encountered (some sort of Warden check or something like that). It didn’t seem like I was hitting any of the obvious Trinity/ACore socket hangup conditions.

I captured the packets connecting to Warmane from a standard client, and they seem to more or less match what I’m sending — there were a few differences in things like casing (Wow vs WoW ), but changing these didn’t make a difference (though I’ll probably change them at some point anyway to be closer to the retail client). I got it to the point where only the cryptographic values were different between retail and the library in the CMSG_AUTH_PROOF packet, but it still wasn’t working.

I don’t have a good theory as to why it’s not working at the moment, my best guesses are:

  • There’s a value I’m not sending right that other servers are more lenient with.
  • Some sort of crypto issue (though I’m not sure why it’d be different here)
  • The server is expecting us to have sent something that we haven’t (Warden packet?)

I’ll have another dig in at some point, my best chance would be with a copy of Warmane’s server emulator though, so if anyone has any ideas what they might be using that might help.


Does the account have premium status? I’m wondering if the login queue is tripping the bot up. Donations are down right now so I can’t test my theory.

e: Had a friend try their account — still didn’t work. Same error. I wonder what would be different about warmane’s login flow.

Maybe the next step would be trying it with a TrinityCore or AzerothCore server and see what’s different.

I’ve had this theory too, doesn’t work, I’ve tried with a premium account AND a normal account, although now that I think of it the premium account has two-step authentication, I will deactivate it and let you know.


I made a Warmane account and tried connecting a while back, and I got the same result — it looks like the world server hangs up the socket when we send the CMSG_AUTH_PROOF packet, which implies that we’ve failed some sort of check on the server.

I have a TrinityCore and an AzerothCore server I’ve been using to test, and I can connect to those fine. Warmane seems to be either running different Auth code to what I’ve seen before (maybe a custom or less common server implementation), or they’re using a feature I haven’t encountered (some sort of Warden check or something like that). It didn’t seem like I was hitting any of the obvious Trinity/ACore socket hangup conditions.

I captured the packets connecting to Warmane from a standard client, and they seem to more or less match what I’m sending — there were a few differences in things like casing (Wow vs WoW ), but changing these didn’t make a difference (though I’ll probably change them at some point anyway to be closer to the retail client). I got it to the point where only the cryptographic values were different between retail and the library in the CMSG_AUTH_PROOF packet, but it still wasn’t working.

I don’t have a good theory as to why it’s not working at the moment, my best guesses are:

* There's a value I'm not sending right that other servers are more lenient with.

* Some sort of crypto issue (though I'm not sure why it'd be different here)

* The server is expecting us to have sent something that we haven't (Warden packet?)

I’ll have another dig in at some point, my best chance would be with a copy of Warmane’s server emulator though, so if anyone has any ideas what they might be using that might help.

I can help you a little, to be honest I am not a lot into these kind of stuff but I’ve been searching some other implementations for the thing you are trying to do. Here it is:

it is made out of RUST if i recall well but it connects to warmane without any issue, I’ve been searching the source code on handler.ts, I’ve made some changes accordingly in your source code but those differences seem to make no difference at all, so the difference is somewhere else probably.


Ah, a 3rd party client that’s known to work with Warmane should make debugging a lot easier, thanks! I’ll see if I can take a look at it this weekend and work out what I’m missing.


Ah, a 3rd party client that’s known to work with Warmane should make debugging a lot easier, thanks! I’ll see if I can take a look at it this weekend and work out what I’m missing.

Thanks man, eagerly waiting for an update! I will tell you if I find anything new in order to help too.


I’ve just pushed version 0.0.5, it looks like it can connect to Warmane now — the main issue seemed to come down to inconsistent casing of the username. I also got some of the other fields a little closer aligned to what a retail client would do, and I have it building the Addon Info dynamically like the rust client does — I don’t think that’s strictly necessary, but it gives a bit more flexibility for cases where e.g. a server requires a certain addon to be installed.

The fix is in this commit: 7b80367


Impressive! In just some hours you actually managed it, I can join, all good, but after 5 seconds I get disconnected with error

Also, I randomly get this error when i try to log in (it’s like 10% chance, I don’t know what causes it.)

RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 90. Received 93

(actually with other numbers)

I am currently trying to get the names of my buffs my character has when logged in, not really a part of the issue but it kinda gives me a headache trying to decrypt the buffers XD do you have any insight? I am currently using SMSG_AURA_UPDATE_ALL .


Seconded — this is a very impressive project, and your responsiveness to help us with something outside the original scope of the project is admirable and appreciated.

Please let me know how I can help. I’m an experienced software engineer with plenty of TS/JS experience.
I wouldn’t know how to start debugging the messages that are sent back/forth any more than are currently printed, though. That’s where I was getting caught up.


Does the account have premium status? I’m wondering if the login queue is tripping the bot up. Donations are down right now so I can’t test my theory.
e: Had a friend try their account — still didn’t work. Same error. I wonder what would be different about warmane’s login flow.
Maybe the next step would be trying it with a TrinityCore or AzerothCore server and see what’s different.

I’ve had this theory too, doesn’t work, I’ve tried with a premium account AND a normal account, although now that I think of it the premium account has two-step authentication, I will deactivate it and let you know.

No luck on disabling 2fa. Same issue you described; it closes after a few seconds.
I can’t ever get it to log in as the first player in the list either.


Does the account have premium status? I’m wondering if the login queue is tripping the bot up. Donations are down right now so I can’t test my theory.
e: Had a friend try their account — still didn’t work. Same error. I wonder what would be different about warmane’s login flow.
Maybe the next step would be trying it with a TrinityCore or AzerothCore server and see what’s different.

I’ve had this theory too, doesn’t work, I’ve tried with a premium account AND a normal account, although now that I think of it the premium account has two-step authentication, I will deactivate it and let you know.

No luck on disabling 2fa. Same issue you described; it closes after a few seconds. I can’t ever get it to log in as the first player in the list either.

You are calling the function connectToFirstRealmWithFirstCharacter() in the last line I suppose. This function is not as dynamic as you may think you have to go to client.js and edit line 24, that means edit const realm1 = realms[x];

x is the number of the realm array, I kinda had to try and fail here, all I know is that if x=3 it’s Lordaeron. Try your luck with 2 or 4 if you are searching for icecrown.


Ah ha, you’re right.

The realm listings:

0: Blackrock
1: Frostmourne
2: Icecrown
3: Lordaeron

Warmane has some pretty intense bot detection. My guess is they expect some amount of input from the player within certain intervals.

Even if you log in with a normal client and do nothing, there are still events and messages being sent to Warmane. I’m guessing they just expect something from you and drop your connection if they don’t get it.


Two things I noticed after testing:

  1. The method is never being called
  2. The connection dies between 29-30 (always <30) seconds after joining the world

3. When calling manually, we receive a SMSG_PONG; Length: 10; Body: 6; Index: 4, but handlePong is never called so subsequent pings can’t be sent. (put up a PR in case this is how it’s supposed to work: #2)
4. I tried to send a on a random interval and received pongs back from the server, but still got disconnected at the 30s mark
5. Sending pings more often got me disconnected sooner
6. While I didn’t try it, the project that @DimosKan linked doesn’t appear to have anything about sending pings on an interval. Not sure if they have the same DC problem or what. That project also talks a lot about Warden (warmane’s AC or something?), which makes me wonder if the 30s DC could be an anticheat thing?

That’s it for me tonight. I’ll do some more digging tomorrow!



Sending a message 5s after connecting worked, but the connection still dropped after 29 seconds.


I added logs around all of the pieces of code that manually terminate the connection on our end, but no dice — I believe this 100% verifies the disconnect is coming from the server.


After some thoroughly helpful discussions with our friends over at idlewave-cli, I learned that this behavior is most definitely the result of our client not communicating with their Warden implementation correctly.

I’ve also learned that clients that can connect to warmane are exclusively closed-source. What’s more, publishing the code that transacts correctly with Warden is dangerous because that same code can be used by cheaters to join with modified clients.

Warmane also has some proprietary anticheat measures that, if not obliged, will certainly disconnect you (at best).

Here’s a Warden reference that one of them shared with me in their discord:



Good find!

I really wish they’d open source these things, but I understand why they don’t..
Maybe someone good with reverse engineering could inspect its network traffic and see if we can find anything useful.


Did some packet sniffing and found some custom warden packets, see if you can get anything from it.

[OUT] Packet: CMSG_PING (0x1DC)
   [1] PutUInt32: 45 (0x2D)
   [2] PutUInt32: 64 (0x40)
   2D 00 00 00 40 00 00 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_WARDEN_DATA (0x2E7)
   [1] PutUInt8: 213 (0xD5)
   [2] PutUInt8: 250 (0xFA)
   [3] PutUInt8: 112 (0x70)
   [4] PutUInt8: 73 (0x49)
   [5] PutUInt8: 120 (0x78)
   [6] PutUInt8: 68 (0x44)
   [7] PutUInt8: 183 (0xB7)
   [8] PutUInt8: 198 (0xC6)
   [9] PutUInt8: 241 (0xF1)
   [10] PutUInt8: 24 (0x18)
   [11] PutUInt8: 14 (0xE)
   [12] PutUInt8: 211 (0xD3)
   [13] PutUInt8: 163 (0xA3)
   [14] PutUInt8: 117 (0x75)
   [15] PutUInt8: 167 (0xA7)
   [16] PutUInt8: 172 (0xAC)
   [17] PutUInt8: 252 (0xFC)
   [18] PutUInt8: 77 (0x4D)
   [19] PutUInt8: 139 (0x8B)
   [20] PutUInt8: 177 (0xB1)
   [21] PutUInt8: 180 (0xB4)
   [22] PutUInt8: 147 (0x93)
   [23] PutUInt8: 133 (0x85)
   [24] PutUInt8: 37 (0x25)
   [25] PutUInt8: 109 (0x6D)
   [26] PutUInt8: 91 (0x5B)
   [27] PutUInt8: 37 (0x25)
   [28] PutUInt8: 142 (0x8E)
   [29] PutUInt8: 8 (0x8)
   [30] PutUInt8: 84 (0x54)
   [31] PutUInt8: 153 (0x99)
   [32] PutUInt8: 8 (0x8)
   [33] PutUInt8: 56 (0x38)
   [34] PutUInt8: 70 (0x46)
   [35] PutUInt8: 196 (0xC4)
   [36] PutUInt8: 123 (0x7B)
   [37] PutUInt8: 206 (0xCE)
   [38] PutUInt8: 180 (0xB4)
   [39] PutUInt8: 27 (0x1B)
   [40] PutUInt8: 28 (0x1C)
   [41] PutUInt8: 212 (0xD4)
   [42] PutUInt8: 122 (0x7A)
   [43] PutUInt8: 189 (0xBD)
   [44] PutUInt8: 132 (0x84)
   [45] PutUInt8: 116 (0x74)
   [46] PutUInt8: 18 (0x12)
   [47] PutUInt8: 63 (0x3F)
   [48] PutUInt8: 241 (0xF1)
   [49] PutUInt8: 255 (0xFF)
   [50] PutUInt8: 154 (0x9A)
   [51] PutUInt8: 158 (0x9E)
   [52] PutUInt8: 157 (0x9D)
   [53] PutUInt8: 92 (0x5C)
   [54] PutUInt8: 30 (0x1E)
   [55] PutUInt8: 50 (0x32)
   [56] PutUInt8: 232 (0xE8)
   [57] PutUInt8: 73 (0x49)
   [58] PutUInt8: 38 (0x26)
   [59] PutUInt8: 246 (0xF6)
   [60] PutUInt8: 140 (0x8C)
   [61] PutUInt8: 135 (0x87)
   [62] PutUInt8: 145 (0x91)
   D5 FA 70 49 78 44 B7 C6 F1 18 0E D3 A3 75 A7 AC FC 4D 8B B1 B4 93 85 25 6D 5B 25 8E 08 54 99 08
   38 46 C4 7B CE B4 1B 1C D4 7A BD 84 74 12 3F F1 FF 9A 9E 9D 5C 1E 32 E8 49 26 F6 8C 87 91
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 135 (0x87)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1908486 (0x1D1F06)
   87 00 00 00 06 1F 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   141
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 31 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 136 (0x88)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1918503 (0x1D4627)
   88 00 00 00 27 46 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   142
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 32 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 137 (0x89)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1928508 (0x1D6D3C)
   89 00 00 00 3C 6D 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   143
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 33 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_PING (0x1DC)
   [1] PutUInt32: 46 (0x2E)
   [2] PutUInt32: 63 (0x3F)
   2E 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_NAME_QUERY (0x50)
   [1] PutUInt64: 432345564233911985 (0x60000000060CEB1)
   B1 CE 60 00 00 00 00 06
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 138 (0x8A)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1938551 (0x1D9477)
   8A 00 00 00 77 94 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   144
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 34 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 139 (0x8B)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1948575 (0x1DBB9F)
   8B 00 00 00 9F BB 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   145
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 35 00
Weather changed to 0, intensity 0.188007

[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 140 (0x8C)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1958579 (0x1DE2B3)
   8C 00 00 00 B3 E2 1D 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   146
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 36 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_PING (0x1DC)
   [1] PutUInt32: 47 (0x2F)
   [2] PutUInt32: 59 (0x3B)
   2F 00 00 00 3B 00 00 00
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_WARDEN_DATA (0x2E7)
   [1] PutUInt8: 8 (0x8)
   [2] PutUInt8: 69 (0x45)
   [3] PutUInt8: 149 (0x95)
   [4] PutUInt8: 193 (0xC1)
   [5] PutUInt8: 122 (0x7A)
   [6] PutUInt8: 219 (0xDB)
   [7] PutUInt8: 162 (0xA2)
   [8] PutUInt8: 171 (0xAB)
   [9] PutUInt8: 79 (0x4F)
   [10] PutUInt8: 17 (0x11)
   [11] PutUInt8: 33 (0x21)
   [12] PutUInt8: 247 (0xF7)
   [13] PutUInt8: 193 (0xC1)
   [14] PutUInt8: 168 (0xA8)
   [15] PutUInt8: 152 (0x98)
   [16] PutUInt8: 237 (0xED)
   [17] PutUInt8: 223 (0xDF)
   [18] PutUInt8: 252 (0xFC)
   [19] PutUInt8: 27 (0x1B)
   [20] PutUInt8: 25 (0x19)
   [21] PutUInt8: 87 (0x57)
   [22] PutUInt8: 98 (0x62)
   [23] PutUInt8: 117 (0x75)
   [24] PutUInt8: 47 (0x2F)
   [25] PutUInt8: 16 (0x10)
   [26] PutUInt8: 226 (0xE2)
   [27] PutUInt8: 9 (0x9)
   [28] PutUInt8: 189 (0xBD)
   [29] PutUInt8: 155 (0x9B)
   [30] PutUInt8: 10 (0xA)
   [31] PutUInt8: 69 (0x45)
   [32] PutUInt8: 227 (0xE3)
   [33] PutUInt8: 87 (0x57)
   [34] PutUInt8: 130 (0x82)
   [35] PutUInt8: 27 (0x1B)
   [36] PutUInt8: 179 (0xB3)
   [37] PutUInt8: 80 (0x50)
   [38] PutUInt8: 101 (0x65)
   [39] PutUInt8: 238 (0xEE)
   [40] PutUInt8: 67 (0x43)
   [41] PutUInt8: 150 (0x96)
   [42] PutUInt8: 154 (0x9A)
   [43] PutUInt8: 245 (0xF5)
   [44] PutUInt8: 236 (0xEC)
   [45] PutUInt8: 55 (0x37)
   [46] PutUInt8: 8 (0x8)
   [47] PutUInt8: 186 (0xBA)
   [48] PutUInt8: 176 (0xB0)
   [49] PutUInt8: 208 (0xD0)
   [50] PutUInt8: 99 (0x63)
   [51] PutUInt8: 123 (0x7B)
   [52] PutUInt8: 98 (0x62)
   [53] PutUInt8: 44 (0x2C)
   [54] PutUInt8: 103 (0x67)
   [55] PutUInt8: 44 (0x2C)
   [56] PutUInt8: 240 (0xF0)
   [57] PutUInt8: 9 (0x9)
   [58] PutUInt8: 123 (0x7B)
   [59] PutUInt8: 189 (0xBD)
   [60] PutUInt8: 120 (0x78)
   [61] PutUInt8: 244 (0xF4)
   [62] PutUInt8: 86 (0x56)
   [63] PutUInt8: 251 (0xFB)
   [64] PutUInt8: 224 (0xE0)
   [65] PutUInt8: 195 (0xC3)
   [66] PutUInt8: 109 (0x6D)
   [67] PutUInt8: 127 (0x7F)
   [68] PutUInt8: 48 (0x30)
   [69] PutUInt8: 4 (0x4)
   [70] PutUInt8: 169 (0xA9)
   [71] PutUInt8: 35 (0x23)
   [72] PutUInt8: 232 (0xE8)
   [73] PutUInt8: 183 (0xB7)
   [74] PutUInt8: 240 (0xF0)
   [75] PutUInt8: 99 (0x63)
   [76] PutUInt8: 171 (0xAB)
   [77] PutUInt8: 154 (0x9A)
   [78] PutUInt8: 56 (0x38)
   [79] PutUInt8: 196 (0xC4)
   [80] PutUInt8: 78 (0x4E)
   [81] PutUInt8: 132 (0x84)
   [82] PutUInt8: 222 (0xDE)
   08 45 95 C1 7A DB A2 AB 4F 11 21 F7 C1 A8 98 ED DF FC 1B 19 57 62 75 2F 10 E2 09 BD 9B 0A 45 E3
   57 82 1B B3 50 65 EE 43 96 9A F5 EC 37 08 BA B0 D0 63 7B 62 2C 67 2C F0 09 7B BD 78 F4 56 FB E0
   C3 6D 7F 30 04 A9 23 E8 B7 F0 63 AB 9A 38 C4 4E 84 DE
[OUT] Packet: CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP (0x391)
   [1] PutUInt32: 141 (0x8D)
   [2] PutUInt32: 1968586 (0x1E09CA)
   8D 00 00 00 CA 09 1E 00
   [1] PutUInt32: 7 (0x7)
   [2] PutUInt32: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)
   [3] PutString: XDK7
   [4] PutString: NSHeECbLHBa   147
   07 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 58 44 4B 37 00 4E 53 48 65 45 43 62 4C 48 42 61 09 31 34 37 00

«Could not log in to World of Warcraft at this time. Please try again later».

As the title says, I can’t log in.

Any help?

prosto daun сказал(а):↑

Пытаюсь зайти на Warmane (Сервер лич кинга ворлд оф варчрафта) И я играю на русской версии игры но при подконнекту к любому из серверов вармени пишет
«Вы пытаетесь выбрать игровой мир с неподходящим языком»
Так вот можно ли как то похимичить или единственный путь это скачать англ версию?

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

#1 Ошибка «Could not write file to disk»

Данная ошибка возникает из-за антивируса, который ругается на файл нашего лаунчера.
Чтобы исправить данную проблема, вам нужно открыть «Диспетчер задач», а после открытия найти процесс под именованием «OpenJDK» или «Java» и отключить их. После чего у вас зайдет в лаунчер.

Если данная проблема не решится, внесите папку .warmine/*, в исключение в вашем антивирусе. Соответственно с указанием того диска, где установлена ваша Windows система.

#2 Отсутствие кнопок и фона в игре

Проблема вызвана версией драйвера NVIDIA (378.49). Для исправления проблемы вам нужно всего-лишь установить более старую версию драйвера и ждать, пока NVIDIA исправит проблему.

Инструкция по установке

1. Зайдите по ссылке:

2. Выбрать серию и модель вашей видеокарты, а так-же указать ОС

3. Нажать кнопку поиск.

4. Выбрать драйвер версии 376.33 или более старый

5. Скачать и установить (удалять старый драйвер при этом не нужно)

#3 Закрытие лаунчера при нажатии на кнопку «Играть»

Проблема может заключаться в антивирусе. Для решения проблемы, вам потребуется отключить антивирус.
Если отключение антивируса не поможет, добавьте папку .warmine/* в исключения вашего антивируса, с указанием того диска, где установлена ваша Windows система.


Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2017, 15:29

WoW (

Здравствуйте, можно добавить маршрут для Лог прикладываю:

Код: Выделить всё

19.06.2017 9:18:11 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:18:11 - Лог - Connect to,port=3724 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:18:08 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:18:08 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:58 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:58 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:58 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:58 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:53 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:53 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:49 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connection close.
19.06.2017 9:17:49 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error..
19.06.2017 9:17:49 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:46 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:46 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:42 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:42 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:39 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connection close.
19.06.2017 9:17:39 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error..
19.06.2017 9:17:39 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
19.06.2017 9:17:36 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
19.06.2017 9:17:36 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!


Сообщения: 1432
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: WoW (


Admin » 19 июн 2017, 11:02

Добавлено. Тестируйте. Отпишите результат.


Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2017, 15:29

WoW ( пропало соединение


aswerty » 01 авг 2017, 09:48

Сбрасывается соединение на выборе реалма, лог прикладываю.

Код: Выделить всё

01.08.2017 9:40:46 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connection close.
01.08.2017 9:40:46 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:40:46 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=8085 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:40:33 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to success.
01.08.2017 9:40:33 - Лог - Connect to,port=3724 успешно.
01.08.2017 9:40:33 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:40:33 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:40:01 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connection close.
01.08.2017 9:40:01 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:40:01 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=8085 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:57 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to success.
01.08.2017 9:39:57 - Лог - Connect to,port=3724 успешно.
01.08.2017 9:39:57 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:57 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:43 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:43 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:43 - GFшлюз - Wow.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:43 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:38 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:38 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:34 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connection close.
01.08.2017 9:39:34 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error..
01.08.2017 9:39:34 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:31 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:31 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:28 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:28 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:24 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connection close.
01.08.2017 9:39:24 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error..
01.08.2017 9:39:24 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:21 - GFшлюз - rundll32.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
01.08.2017 9:39:21 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=3128 fail,msg=connect error!
01.08.2017 9:39:17 - Run - Запуск ПО:  D:Games2.4Wow.exe выполнен успешно ,pid=4988


Сообщения: 1432
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: WoW (


Admin » 01 авг 2017, 10:00

Маршрут прописан. Переподключитесь к шлюзу.

Кто сейчас на конференции

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146 days ago


9 Jan 2023


a lot of lag

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