Was she sleep now где ошибка


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    5 — 9 классы

    25.05.2020 10:48

    Correct the mistakes. Write the full variant.

    1. Was she sleep now?

    2. I wonder if can she swim.

    3. Who haven’t arrived yet?

    Complete the questions. Write the full forms:

    1. — Something happened.
    — Really? What?

    2. — She’s trying to say something.
    — Really? What?

    3. — Somebody bought this painting.
    — Really? Who?

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          • Предмет:

            Английский язык

          • Автор:


          • Создано:

            3 года назад


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        • Алгебра. 7 класс. Функция.


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        B С B C B A C A C A B C B A B A C C B B B B C B A C A B B

        1 This new dress is very nice. … you like to buy it?  

        b) Would  

        2 Could you close … window, please?  

        c) the  

        3 Show me … Caribbean islands on the map, please.  

        b) the

        4 My favourite subject at school was … History.

        c)  —  

        5 I’ll come back home only… Monday morning.  

        b) on  

        6 …. the end of the week we are going to move to the new flat.  

        a) At

        7 She lived in France … three years.  

        c) for  

        8 She can’t do it as …does.  

        a) he

        9 The bus was empty. There was…. on it.

        c) nobody  

        10 Is Jane at home? Can I speak to … ?

        a) her

        11 Did you enjoy … at the party yesterday?

        b) yourself

        12 I met my … friend yesterday.

        c) best  

        13 Let’s go by train. It’s much … .  

        b) cheaper

        14 I …. go home again because I had forgotten my money.

        b) had to

        15 …. you recommend a good restaurant?  

        a) Could

        16 My brother can skate well, he … every Sunday.  

        b) skates

        17 The flowers … regularly, their leaves are dry.  

        a) aren’t watered

        18 What ….your brother do tomorrow?  

        c) will  

        19 When I rang Mike up yesterday, he … .  

        c) was sleeping  

        20 He … home only at 11 o’clock last night.  

        b) came

        21 If he doesn’t give me this information, I … this work.  

        b) won’t do

        22 … suggestions was accepted?   — Mine was.  

        b) Whose

        23 Yuri Gagarin was famous … being the first man in space.  

        b) for

        24 He was afraid … his enemies.  

        c) for  

        25 They have … a lot of changes in the town centre recently.  

        b) made

        26 Tom…. : “This is great”.  

        a)  said

        27 It was so kind of your parents to put … for the weekend.  

        c) out  

        28 Put … your sunhat if you are going to the beach.  

        a) on

        29 Kate decided to take … Italian lessons.  

        b) up

        30 The house of Mr Wilson was broken … yesterday.  

        b) out


        Обновлено на

        1 сент. 2018

        • Русский
        • Английский (американский вариант)

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        Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

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        • Английский (американский вариант)

        So in this sentence “the” is unnecessary, once removed the correct response is at.

        • Английский (американский вариант)

        Honestly, I would not say any of those, I would say..

        «as she didn’t sleep last night».

        I mean, if I had to pick one of those options, I agree with you, I’d say «in». «at the night» sounds strange to me, «in the night» also sounds strange, but better.

        • Английский (американский вариант)

        I think the best way to say it here would be, ‘Didn’t sleep at night’. Adding, ‘the’ is a bit confusing because it’s saying she hadn’t slept during the regular hours of night. Night itself is explanatory without ‘the’.

        If you have to say, ‘the night’, ‘in’ would seem more reasonable over, ‘on’ and ‘at’. But still a little odd.

        How the whole sentence would be said by a native speaker would be: ‘She’s asleep now. She was very tired as she didn’t sleep last night’. =)

        • Русский

        From all of the above, I conclude that it is better to say:
        1. or: last night,
        2. or: at night.

        • Русский

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        She's asleep now. She was very tired as she didn’t sleep ... the night. 1) in 2) on 3) at 4) no preposition Correct answer is - 3)at, why not - 1)in (we're talking about a specific night here, aren't we?).

        • Which sentences are grammatically correct and make sense?

          1.I was having dinner, talking with my…


          In my eyes, they’re just saying the same thing in different ways. All 4 of these sentences indicate that you are eating dinner at the same ti…

        • A : What time did you sleep?
          B : I went to bed at 11pm.
          ( In this situation, you guys say «I went…


          the second one, «I slept for 7 hours»

        • 1) she is a little tired.
          2) she is a bit tired.
          3) she is kind of tired.
          4) she is somewhat tired.


          Yes, all are correct. All of the sentences talk about how the girl is tired.

        • por favor mim ajude a responde essa tarefa de inglês por favor

          complete with TAG questions.
          1) y…


          1) have you?
          2) won’t he?
          3) didn’t you?
          4) won’t we?
          5) Would I?
          6) wasn’t there?

        • Are these sentences natural?

          1. l don’t go to the theater very often
          2. l never ride a bike.


          I would only change:
          3. I eat at restaurants a lot.

        • What does she often do? She often types letter.what is she doing this evening?she is listening th…


          What is your question

        • 1: My brother and I share the same bedroom.
          2: He snores a lot.
          3: He sometimes talks in his …
        • “What time did you sleep last night?” Is it correct?


          What time did you fall asleep last night?
          What time did you go to sleep last night?

        • About punctuation marks which one is correct:

          ( as birds awaken the early risers at dawn on the …


          @haidar1212 4 would be correct, make sure to also capitalize the I in ‘in’ following the period.

        • Which sentences are correct??

          He’s sleeping for a few days.
          He’s sleeping for a few days unti…


          The last two sentences are correct.

        • В чем разница между I’ve got sleep! и I am sleep. ?
        • Take enough sleep and nutrients. 良く寝て、栄養一杯とってね。

          @読み/ えいよういっぱい это звучит нормально?

        • I’m so tired, I could sleep for a week! это звучит нормально?
        • I was asked a question from my friend like,
          «what’s this photo
          suppose to be?»
          in two separate…
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        • what is correct?
          Where are you study?
          Where do you study?

          Thank you.

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          «How’s your day?»
          «How’s It going?»
          example plz

          can I say «pretty good»?

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          Английский язык

          5 — 9 классы

          25.05.2020 10:48

          Correct the mistakes. Write the full variant.

          1. Was she sleep now?

          2. I wonder if can she swim.

          3. Who haven’t arrived yet?

          Complete the questions. Write the full forms:

          1. — Something happened.
          — Really? What?

          2. — She’s trying to say something.
          — Really? What?

          3. — Somebody bought this painting.
          — Really? Who?

          Ответы на вопрос


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              Предмет: Английский язык,

              автор: poliyzaharova2008


              Автор ответа: gerter653


              Is she sleeping now?
              Can Oliver swim or dive?
              Could you tell me how much is it?

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              Предмет: История,
              автор: notlorex

              Помогите плиз!!!!!!!!!!!!

              4 года назад

              Предмет: Алгебра,
              автор: klimanov2007

              Решите плиз последний номер 30 балов

              4 года назад

              Предмет: Қазақ тiлi,
              автор: malikatastanbekova01

              7. Табиғатты қорғау-парызымыз тақырыбында ПОПС формуласы бойынша өз пікірлеріңді дәлелдеп жазыңдар.ПЖ ПОМОГИТЕ ДАМ 30 БАЛЛ​

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              стихотворение про спасателя

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              автор: Koichi13

              Помогите,пожалуйста,продифференцировать функцию

              6 лет назад

              • 0

              4. Correct mistakes. Rewrite sentences without these mistakes.
              1. He are sleeping now. ______________________________________________________________________
              2. I plays football every day. __________________________________________________________________
              3. Did she went to school yesterday? ____________________________________________________________
              4. We watch TV tomorrow. ___________________________________________________________________
              5. We not danced yesterday. __________________________________________________________________
              6. Who does plays tennis every day? ____________________________________________________________
              7. Where he is sleeping? _____________________________________________________________________
              8. She reads every day, is not we? ______________________________________________________________
              9. We has had this house since 2007. ____________________________________________________________
              10. I doesn`t like to play tennis every day. _______________________________________________________
              11. Did he played tennis yesterday? ____________________________________________________________
              12. I has written a test. _______________________________________________________________________
              13. She has already dance on the concert. ________________________________________________________
              14. Did my mother read a book? – Yes, he did. ____________________________________________________
              15. Has it drunk milk? – No, it have not. _________________________________________________________
              16. Have you done your homework? – No, you have not. ____________________________________________

              • Комментариев (0)

              • 0

              1. He is sleeping now.
              2.I play football every day.
              3. Did she go to school yesterday?
              4. We will watch TV tomorrow.
              5. We didnt dance yesterday.
              6. Who does play tennis every day?
              7. Where is he sleeping?
              8. She reads every day, is not she?
              9. We have had this house since 2007
              10. I dont like to play tennis every day.
              11. Did he play tennis yesterday?
              12. I have written a test.
              13. She has already danced on the concert.
              14. Did my mother read a book? — Yes, she did.
              15. Has it drunk a milk? — No, It has not.
              16. Have you done your homework? — No, you have not.

              • Комментариев (0)

              1.He used … (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.

              2…. (make) such a terrible noise!

              3.It’s five in the morning. I’m not used … (get) up this early,

              4.It’s impossible… (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.

              5.My father enjoys … (listen) to jazz music.

              6.I’m sorry… (hear) that your mother isn’t well. 

              7.Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help … (laugh).

              8.I couldn’t help them … (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

              9.I’d like… (cook) something special when guests come.

              10.What do you feel like… (do) tonight?

              11.My dad promised … (buy) me a bike if I passed my exams well.

              12.I hate… (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.

              13.I looked forward … (see) you again soon.

              14.It’s difficult … (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.

              15.We stopped for a while … (admire) the scenery.

              16.He can’t afford … (hire) a taxi every day.

              17.Is it worth … (run) such an awful risk?

              18.Would you mind … (fetch) another chair?

              19.I offered … (pay) for the meal, but she refused.

              20.I’m sorry… (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time?

              21.My younger sister can’t stop… (eat) sweets.

              22.He dislikes… (spend) money on car repairs.

              23.I remember… (go) to Venice as a child.

              24…. (call) Mike

              25.I suggested … (call) a taxi so we wouldn’t be late.

              26.I can’t stand … (wait) in queues.

              27.There used to … (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down three years ago.

              28.He is Spanish so he’s used … (drive) on the right.

              29.Did you remember … (send) your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.

              30.Have you tried … (read) a book to help you to sleep?

              31.Nowadays I’m used… (go) to bed early.

              32.He’ll never forget … (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time.

              33.He offered … (drive) me to the airport.

              34.I’ll stop … (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes.

              35.Maya stopped … (tie) her shoelace.

              36.John suggested … (go) together in one car.

              37.Will you stop … (make) so much noise, boys?

              38.It’s difficult to get used … (sleep) in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.

              39.Linda offered … (look after) my cat while I was out of town.

              40.Could you please stop… (whistle)! I’m trying … (concentrate) on my work.​

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