Типоряд W 5—40
— W5
— W10
— W20
— W30
— W40
Типоряд WM monarch
— WM 10
— WM 20
— WM 30
— WM 50
Типоряд 30—70
— 30-70
Типоряд WK
— WK 40-80
Типоряд WKmono
— WKmono 80
Типоряд W 5—40
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые и комбинированные горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые и комбинированные горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Типоряд WM monarch
WM 10
WM 20
WM 30
WM 50
Типоряд 30—70
Типоряд WK
Типоряд WKmono
Полностью автоматическая газовая горелка Вайсхаупт — Weishaupt WG20 N/1-C Z-LN, двухступенчатая, с диапазоном тепловой мощности от 35 до 200 кВт. Горелочное устройство может работать на природном и магистральном газе, при этом, перенастройка производится ручным способом. Горелка адаптирована под низкое давление, и может функционировать при давлении газа 10 — 300 мБар. Блок розжига микропроцессорный, контролирует всю работу системы. Газовый клапан (рампа) идет в комплекте поставки. Мы рекомендуем купить газовую горелку Weishaupt WG20 N/1-C Z-LN для котла мощностью до 200 кВт, отопления площадей до 2000 м² . Все горелки Вайсхаупт серии W адаптированы к применению в российских условиях, имеют сертификацию ГОСТ Р, разрешение на применение Ростехнадзора.
Артикул | WG20 N/1-C Z-LN |
Вес | 26.00 кг |
Мощность горелки | 35 – 200 кВт |
Вид топлива | Магистральный газ |
Гарантия | 1 лет |
Давление газа | 10-300 мбар |
Питание | 220 |
Производство | Германия |
Расход топлива | 7,5-18 л/час |
Тип горелки | Двухступенчатая |
Типоразмер газовой линии | 3/4″ |
Файлы для скачивания
Газовая двухступенчатая горелка Вайсхаупт для котла мощностью до 200 кВт.
Расшифровка обозначений:
Пример: WG10N/-1DLN
Типоряд: компактные горелки
G — Топливо: газ
10 — Типоразмер
N — природный газ
F — сжиженный газ
1 — Класс мощности
D — Тип конструкции
LN — Смесительное устройство: LowNO
Технические данные:
— Мощность: 25 – 110 кВт;
— Полностью автоматическая газовая горелка;
— Микропроцессорный менеджер горения;
— Топливо: природный газ, сжиженный газ;
— Давление подключения газа: 10 – 300 мбар;
— Вид регулирования: одноступенчатая, двухступенчатая, плавно-двухступенчатая, модулируемая;
— Исполнение: LN (Low NOx);
— В объем поставки входит комплект газовой арматуры.
— Исполнение LN — одноступенчатая;
— Исполнение Z-LN — двухступенчатая;
— Исполнение ZM-LN — модулируемая.
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Installation and Operating Instructions
Certified for use in USA / Canada
Conforms to / à UL std 795 (R2013), UL std 295 (R2015) and UL std 296 (R2013)
Certified / certifié CSA std 3.4 (R2009)
Gas Burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25)
83055116 • 1/2016-05
Related Manuals for Weishaupt WG20 Series
Summary of Contents for Weishaupt WG20 Series
Page 1
manual Installation and Operating Instructions Certified for use in USA / Canada Conforms to / à UL std 795 (R2013), UL std 295 (R2015) and UL std 296 (R2013) Certified / certifié CSA std 3.4 (R2009) Gas Burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 83055116 •… -
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83055116 • 1/2016-05 Front cover: WG20…/1-C ZM-LN… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) User instructions……………………… 5 Information for user………………….5 1.1.1 Symbols……………………..5 1.1.2 Target group……………………..5 General instructions………………….6 Safety information……………………7 Technical description……………………9 Permissible applications…………………9 Nomenclature……………………9 Basic functions……………………9 3.3.1 Air supply……………………..10 3.3.2 Gas supply…………………….. 10 3.3.3 Electrical components………………….11 3.3.4 Program sequence………………….12 3.3.5 Inputs and outputs…………………. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Commissioning and startup………………..31 Conditions………………………31 6.1.1 Connecting measuring device………………32 6.1.2 Air pressure switch presetting………………33 6.1.3 Gas pressure regulator presetting……………..33 6.1.4 Setting values……………………34 Burner setting……………………35 Setting air pressure switch………………..42 Concluding works………………….42 Combustion analysis………………….43 Calculating gas throughput………………… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 1 User instructions 1.1 Information for user This installation and operating instruction is part of the equipment and must be kept at the installation at all time. As supplement to this document is the Installation and Operating Instructions for Combustion Manager W-FM 25. -
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Standard Weishaupt burners are designed for indoor use only. For outdoor installa- tions, contact your Weishaupt representative. The installation of any Weishaupt product must be carried out by fully qualified and licensed personnel. The personnel performing the work must be familiar with, and operate within the appli- cable local and national codes, such as CAN/CSA B149.1, 2, 3, CAN/CSA B139-00,… -
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2 Safety information Dangers when using the equipment Weishaupt products are manufactured in accordance with the relevant existing standards and guidelines, and the recognized safety laws. However, improper use of the equipment could endanger the life of the user or third party or result in damage to the plant. -
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• No additional components, which have not been tested for use with the equipment, may be installed. • Use only genuine -weishaupt- replacement and connection parts. • Parts from other manufacturers are not guaranteed to be suitable to meet the necessary operational and safety requirements. -
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Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.1 Permissible applications Weishaupt gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN is suitable for the following applications: • Installation on heat exchanger. • Warm water boiler . • Steam boiler and hot water boiler. -
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3.3.2 Gas supply Gas train Weishaupt gas and dual fuel burners are equipped as standard with dual safety gas valves, in single or double valve body configuration. * This gas train configuration is for reference only. Actual gas train configuration may… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.3.2. Gas supply (cont.) 6 Low gas pressure switch The low gas pressure switch monitors the gas supply pressure. With too low gas pressure, the burner start will be prevented. 7 Additional low gas pressure switch The additional low gas pressure switch monitors the gas pressure downstream of the pressure regulator SKP25. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.3.4 Program sequence The burner operating phases are shown on the display, as following: Phase Function TEST After the power supply is switched on, the combustion manager performs a self-test. At call for heat, the air and gas stepping motors drive to the reference position. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description W-FM 25 T1 T2 1234 1234 Ionization electrode CLOSED position Air pressure switch Ignition position Temperature/pressure operating ctrl. (On/Off) Low fire Temperature/pressure 2-stage or modulating ctrl. High fire Low gas pressure switch Operating phase High gas pressure switch… -
Page 14
Air damper stepping motor Gas butterfly valve stepping motor Slot for analogue module EM3/3 or Fieldbus module EM3/2 External valve LPG (optional) -weishaupt- Burner motor for continuous running blower Burner motor for normal blower operation Ignition unit Double gas valves Not used Bridging plug No. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.4 Technical data 3.4.1 Electrical data Burner control Mains voltage / frequency 110 V / 60Hz Power consumption — start max 436 W Power consumption — operation max 336 W Operating current max 3 A… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.4.4 Capacity Firing rate Natural gas 119 … 682 MBTU/H Propane 119 … 682 MBTU/H Combustion head WG20-C Capacity graph The capacity graph is based on fuel with low calorific value and tested at sea level. Capacity reduction should be applied depending on the altitude of the installation: approx. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 3 Technical description 3.4.5 Dimensions Rp1” –weishaupt– 1-1/4” 14-1/8” (358 mm) (32 mm) 6-1/4” (158 mm) 15-5/8” (397 mm) 5-1/2” (140 mm) — without combustion head extension 9-1/2” (240 mm) — with 3-7/8” (100 mm) combustion head extension 13-3/8”… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 4 Installation 4.1 Preparation prior to installation Check burner’s rating plate and capacity graph Check the burner type and rating. The burner rating must be within the operating range of the heating appliance. The ratings given on the burner plate are the minimum and maximum possible firing rates of the burner. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 4 Installation 4.2 Burner installation SWITCH OFF POWER FIRST! Prior to the installation, switch off the mains switch and the safety switch. Failure to comply could cause death or serious injury by electric shock. DANGER The burner in its standard version is designed for gas train connection from the right. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 4 Installation 4.2.1 Rotate burner by 180° Install the operating interface 1 on the opposite side of the burner’s housing. Install the fixing bracket of the burner housing 3 on the opposite side of the burner’s housing. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 4 Installation 4.3 Gas supply Risk of explosion! Gas leaks can lead to the build up of explosive gas — air mixtures. With the presence of an ignition source, these could lead to an explosion. DANGER To avoid accidents, please comply to the following safety information on the gas train installation:… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 4 Installation 4.4 Electrical connection SWITCH OFF POWER FIRST! Before the installation, switch off the main switch and the safety switch. Failure to comply could cause death, or serious injury by electric shock. DANGER Burner specific wiring diagram The electrical connection must be made according to the wiring diagram enclosed with… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.1 Operating interface Function [G] Gas key Select gas butterfly valve stepping motor [-] Minus key Decrease value [+] Plus key Increase value [L/A] Air key Select air damper stepping motor [Enter] Enter key Reset burner;… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation Operating level The current stepping motor position and/or blower speed can be displayed in the operating level (10 ). Displaying the gas butterfly valve setting: Press [G] key. Displaying the air damper setting: Press [L/A] key. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.2 Display The display shows the current operating statuses and operating data. 1 Programming level activated 2 Start phase activated 3 Info level activated 4 Stepping motor runs to CLOSED position 5 Stepping motor runs to OPEN position 6 Burner in operation 7 Lockout… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.2.1 Info mode Burner status and information can be retrieved in the Info mode. Press [Enter] for approx. 0.5 sec. The Info level is activated. Press [Enter] to reach the next information. l,m³… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.2.2 Service mode The Service mode gives information about: • Stepping motor position of the individual operating points; • The most recent fault; • Flame signal during burner operation. Press [Enter] for approx. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.2.3 Parameter mode The Parameter mode can only be called up in Stand-by (OFF) mode. Press [+] and [Enter] simultaneously for approx. 2 sec. The Parameter mode is activated. Press [+]. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.2.4 Access mode In the Access mode, the configuration can be adapted relative to the burner type or version. In the Parameter mode, the display mode must be configured to ON, in order to enable access to parameters E0 . -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 5 Operation 5.3 Linearization During commissioning, it is possible to carry out the linearization of the operating points in gas operation. During linearization, a straight line is generated from the operating point displayed, to P9. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.1 Conditions Commissioning and startup must only be carried out by trained and qualified person- nel. Prior to commissioning, all installation works must be completed and checked. The burner must be installed on the heat exchanger and ready to function with all control and safety devices connected. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.1.1 Connecting measuring devices Measuring device for the ionization current Remove ionization cable from the plug coupling. Connect the current measuring device in series. Ionization current 1 μA Extraneous light detection from: 5 μA… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.1.2 Air pressure switch presetting The air pressure switch presetting is only valid during commissioning. After completing the commissioning, the air pressure switch must be set correctly. Air pressure switch pre-setting prior to commissioning: — approx. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.1.4 Setting values Set the mixing head relative to the required burner capacity. For this, the diffuser setting and the air damper setting should be matched. Determine the diffuser and the air damper settings Do not operate the burner outside its capacity graph. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.2 Burner setting Risk of electric shock Touching the ignition device can lead to electric shock. DANGER Do not touch the ignition device during the ignition process! Check the flame signal during commissioning (see Ch. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.2. Burner setting (cont.) Press [+] key to confirm the factory setting. The combustion manager is preset. 2. Checking the sequence of operation Open the gas isolating valve, reset the low gas pressure switch if necessary. The pressure in the gas train increases. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 3. Presetting the gas setting pressure If a controlled shutdown or lockout occurs during setting: Briefly press [G] and [L/A] keys simultaneously. Press [+] key. The combustion manager changes to setting level. Open the test point for the setting pressure and connect the pressure measuring device. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 4. Driving to high fire Press [+] key. The burner drives to the operating point P1. Check the CO content in the flue gas and, if necessary, adjust combustion values via the gas butterfly setting [G]. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 83055116 • 1/2016-05… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 8. Performing the linearization process Press [+] key. The burner drives to the operating point P1. Press [Enter] key. The combustion manager switches to linearization mode. Confirm with [+] key. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 83055116 • 1/2016-05… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.3 Setting the air pressure switch Switching point must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted during commissioning. Connect the pressure gauge for differential pressure measurement. Start the burner. Check differential pressure over the whole operating range and determine the lowest differential pressure. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.5 Combustion analysis For safe and economic operation of the plant, flue gas measurements are essential when commissioning. The maximum CO content for various gases can be obtained from the gas suppliers. Example: With 15% excess air ( = 1.15) and 12% CO max. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.6 Calculating the gas throughput To provide the correct thermal input to the appliance, the required gas throughput must be determined beforehand. Conversion from standard to operating conditions The calorific value (H) of combustible gases is generally given in relation to the standard barometric conditions. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 6 Commissioning and startup 6.7 Subsequent optimization of the operating points For safe and economic operation of the plant, the combustion values can subsequently be corrected. Unplug the bridging plug No. 7 from the combustion manager. The combustion manager drives to stand-by. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 7 Shutdown 7. Shutdown For breaks in operation: Switch off the power supply to the burner. Close the gas shut off devices. 83055116 •… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.1 Notes on maintenance and service Risk of explosion due to leaking gas When dismantling and assembling components which are used in the gas line, ensure that they are correctly cross bonded, aligned, clean and in good condition, and that the fixing screws are correctly tightened. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.2 Service plan Components Criteria / design lifespan Maintenance or service procedure Blower wheel Soiling Clean Damage Replace Air duct… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.3 Removing and re-installing the mixing head Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Risk of explosion due to leaking gas Gas leakage could occur if the gasket 3 is seated incorrectly. Following work at the mixing head, ensure that the gasket is clean and seated correctly. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8 Maintenance and service 8.4 Setting the mixing head Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). The distance S1 between the diffuser and the flame tube’s front edge cannot be mea- sured with the burner mounted. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.5 Setting the ionization and the ignition electrodes Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Remove the mixing head (see Ch. 8.3). Loosen screw 1. Set the ignition electrode and re-tighten screw 1. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.6 Service position Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). The burner mounted rotated by 180º cannot be placed into service position. Remove the mixing head (see Ch. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.7 Removing and re-installing the blower wheel Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Place the housing cover into service position (see Ch. 8.6). Remove the set screw 1 and remove the blower wheel. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.8 Removing the burner motor Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Remove the blower wheel (see Ch. 8.7). Unplug the plugs number 3 and 11. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.9 Removing and re-installing the air damper stepping motor Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Remove the stepping motor plug 4 from the combustion manager. Remove the screws 3. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.10 Removing and re-installing the angle drive Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Remove the air damper stepping motor (see Ch. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.11 Removing and re-installing the gas butterfly valve stepping motor Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Remove the stepping motor plug 1 from the combustion manager. Remove the screws 2. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.12 Removing and re-installing the gas butterfly valve Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Unscrew the double nipple R1”-1”NPT 3 from the gas butterfly valve. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.13 Removing and re-installing the air regulator Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Removing Remove the burner from the appliance. Remove the stepping motor plug 5. Remove the screws 2. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.14 Replacing the combustion manager Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Unplug all the plugs. Loosen screws 1. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service Press [+]. The setting level (parameter E0 ) is displayed. Select value 0 (single fuel burner), if necessary, adjust using [Enter] and [-] keys. Press [+]. E1 is displayed. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 8 Maintenance and service 8.15 Replacing the combustion manager’s fuse Observe the notes on maintenance and servicing (see Ch. 8.1). Unplug the connection plug X6 from the combustion manager. Replace the blown fuse with the replacement fuse 1 (6.3 AT). Reconnect the plug X6. -
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Top up the water in the boiler. has tripped. Reset the Low Water safety interlock on the boiler. Notify Weishaupt Customer Service or your Weishaupt representative if this problem occurs repeatedly. 9.1.2 Display showing OFF The following faults may be corrected by the operator: Fault… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification 9.1.3 Display flashes A burner fault has occurred. The burner is in lockout. The error code is displayed flashing. Read the error code, e.g. A7h. Rectify the cause of the fault (see Ch. 9.2). Resetting Damage could result from incorrect servicing The burner could be damaged. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification 9.1.4 Detailed fault codes Additional information, which breaks down the error in more detail, can be displayed by pressing a button. The first detailed fault code and the second detailed fault code are relevant only for the following faults: •… -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification 9.2 Fault codes, causes and rectification The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Fault codes Cause Rectification 02h Internal unit fault Switch off the power supply temporarily. Reset the burner. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Fault codes Cause Rectification Switch off via PC software Second detailed fault code: Check Fieldbus address. Invalid Fieldbus address Second detailed fault code: Check configuration at output B4. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Fault codes Cause Rectification Operating points were changed Re-adjust the burner. without approval Parameter E3 set incorrectly Check parameter E3 (access level). -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Fault codes Cause Rectification First detailed fault code: Check freedom of movement of air damper and/or angle drive and gas butterfly valve. Tolerance fault air stepping motor, gas Replace the stepping motor. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Fault codes Cause Rectification Flame failure during operation Check burner setting. Check the ionization electrode, replace if necessary. See A7h. -
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Installation and Operating Instructions Gas burner WG20…/1-C ZM-LN (W-FM 25) 9 Faults rectification 9.3 Operating problems The following faults must be rectified only by qualified personnel: Observation Cause Rectification Poor start behaviour of the burner Mixing pressure too high Decrease mixing pressure at ignition position. -
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Oil, gas and dual fuel burners for industrial plant. Control technology / From control panels to complete building management Building systems – at Weishaupt you can find the entire Management spectrum of modern control technology. System (BMS) Future oriented, economical and flexible.
Типоряд W 5—40
— W5
— W10
— W20
— W30
— W40
Типоряд WM monarch
— WM 10
— WM 20
— WM 30
— WM 50
Типоряд 30—70
— 30-70
Типоряд WK
— WK 40-80
Типоряд WKmono
— WKmono 80
Типоряд W 5—40
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые и комбинированные горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Газовые и комбинированные горелки
Жидкотопливные горелки
Типоряд WM monarch
WM 10
WM 20
WM 30
WM 50
Типоряд 30—70
Типоряд WK
Типоряд WKmono
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Горелка Weishaupt WG30 возникает ошибка
tim31 » 15 окт 2019, 21:31
Добрый день коллеги.
У нас на ЦТП с 2012г поставили газовые горелки Weishaupt WG30 с менеджером горения W-FM20:
Наблюдается интересная ситуация.Горелка перезапускается каждые 24ч и проводит тестирование всех параметров безопасности и снова запускается.Так вот в последние время горелка после перезапуска падает в ошибку F25H что свидетельствует нет сигнала о наличии пламени после времени безопасности.В причинах устранения неисправности пишут
Слишком большое расстояние между электродом зажигания и подпорной шайбой
Замыкание на массу электрода или кабеля зажигания
Неисправность прибора зажигания
Неисправность менеджера горения
Но проверив ток ионизации который составляет от 12-15мА что норма + проверка в сервисном режиме оценка контроля пламене 0.3 что говорит об оптимальном сигнале пламени.Когда горелка падает в ошибку я снимаю с разблокировки и она проходит перезапуск и запускается и работает нормально до следующего перезапуска.При вкл и отключение самой горелки она хорошо и вкл и отключается.Проблема только при перезапуске.Время перезапуска я сдвинул на с 23.30 на 14.10 так как удобней наблюдать что бы ночью не вызывали.При тестирование системы давление газа 2.2кПа после открытие газ клапана мультиблока давление так же 2.2кПа после открытие второго клапан идет зажигание розжиг самой горелки давление падает до рабочего 1.8кПа и тут происходит резкое закрытие газового клапана мультиблока и горелка выходит в ошибку F25H сегодня продул газовую свечу горелка запустилась нормально без скачка давления газа до 3кПа именно во время скачка газа до 3кПа она уходит в ошибку.Но скачек связан с резким закрытием газового клапана мультиблока я не могу понять почему он резко закрывается пропадает контроль пламени?Или отрыв пламени?Или не правильно соотношения газ воздух?Кто сталкивался с подобным или кто эксплуатирует данные горелки дайте совет.Мануал читал там мало что написано все в общих чертах.
Бондарев Михаил
- почётный участник форума
- Сообщения: 977
- Зарегистрирован: 25 июл 2008, 23:23
- Имя: Бондарев Михаил Владимирович
- Страна: Россия
- город/регион: Магнитогорск
- Благодарил (а): 4 раза
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Горелка Weishaupt WG30 возникает ошибка
Бондарев Михаил » 15 окт 2019, 22:57
На мультиблоке же простые соленоиды. Как они могут не резко закрываться?
Давлеение прыгает скорее всего изза ГРП. Большая труба у вас перед котлом от ГРП? Мощность котла какая?
Отправлено спустя 5 минут 49 секунд:
Хотя вот в руководстве на менеджер все предельно ясно написано что делать))
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
- здесь недавно
- Сообщения: 47
- Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2017, 20:39
- Имя: Андрей
- Страна: Россия
- город/регион: Волгоград
- Благодарил (а): 1 раз
Горелка Weishaupt WG30 возникает ошибка
tim31 » 16 окт 2019, 06:01
Бондарев Михаил писал(а): ↑15 окт 2019, 23:03
На мультиблоке же простые соленоиды. Как они могут не резко закрываться?
Давлеение прыгает скорее всего изза ГРП. Большая труба у вас перед котлом от ГРП? Мощность котла какая?Отправлено спустя 5 минут 49 секунд:
Хотя вот в руководстве на менеджер все предельно ясно написано что делать))
У нас на входе в горелку стоит газорегулирующий клапан который на выходе держит заданное давление газа + ко всему в самом мультиблоке есть стабилизатор давления газа.Я под резким закрытием мультиблока перед самим розжигом горелки я имел ввиду что он резко закрывает по какой причине или есть отрыв пламени?Или плохое зажигание.Хотя горелка первый тест проходила нормально был предварительный розжиг.А второй тест и основное горение уходит в ошибку.Тепловая мощность 350кВт.Перед котлом не большая труба.
Отправлено спустя 6 минут 49 секунд:
Бондарев Михаил писал(а): ↑15 окт 2019, 23:03
На мультиблоке же простые соленоиды. Как они могут не резко закрываться?
Давлеение прыгает скорее всего изза ГРП. Большая труба у вас перед котлом от ГРП? Мощность котла какая?Отправлено спустя 5 минут 49 секунд:
Хотя вот в руководстве на менеджер все предельно ясно написано что делать))
У меня менеджер горения W-FM20: а не 25 версии.
Бондарев Михаил
- почётный участник форума
- Сообщения: 977
- Зарегистрирован: 25 июл 2008, 23:23
- Имя: Бондарев Михаил Владимирович
- Страна: Россия
- город/регион: Магнитогорск
- Благодарил (а): 4 раза
- Поблагодарили: 2 раза
Горелка Weishaupt WG30 возникает ошибка
Бондарев Михаил » 27 дек 2019, 23:50
Газорегулирующий клапан с пилотом? Если он чисто механический то, возможно, требуется его ревизия. ВРяд ли это ГРП (кроме того между ГРП и горелкой должна быть труба подлиньше, иначе нормально работать не будет, посмотрите на ГРП.
«У меня менеджер горения W-FM20: а не 25 версии.» — мне для вас найти руководство на 20й менеджер горения?
Как у вас там вообще дела? починили?
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 2074
- Зарегистрирован: 20 дек 2018, 04:45
- Имя: Сергей
- Страна: РБ/РФ
- город/регион: РФ Сергиев Посад
- Благодарил (а): 1431 раз
- Поблагодарили: 139 раз
Горелка Weishaupt WG30 возникает ошибка
keysansa » 28 дек 2019, 19:52
Были проблемы с датчиком пламени горелки Weishaupt.
Замена датчиков приводила к нормальной работе до скачка напряжения/выключения горелки.
Решилась чисткой датчиков, чисткой газовых фильтров, где собралось большое количество мусора.
В трансформаторной будке живет трансформаторная собака (с) Прозрачный гонщик.
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