What time will the concert start где ошибка

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. What time will the concert start?
2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve
3. It is something I want to tell you
4. There is little cheese in the fridge.
5. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes
6. There are hundred of stones in his collection.
7. How many tests have you had three days ago?
8. What do you want to say us?
9. She has lived in England last August
10. When has she said that?
Большое спасибо!

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1) What time is concert start ( не уверна )
2)The teacher asked Andrew to do the twelvth exersize
3) There is something I want to tell you
4) There is a little cheese in the fridge.
5) The doctor told my aunt to eat lessly tomatoes (тоже не уверена)
6) There are hundreds of stones
7) How many tests had you 3 days ago
8) What do you want to tell us или to say to us
9) She lived in England last August
10) When did she say that?

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1. What time will the concert start?

2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve


It is something I want to tell you


There is little cheese in the fridge.

5. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes


There are hundred of stones in his collection.

7. How many tests have you had three days ago?

8. What do you want to say us?

9. She has lived in England last August


When has she said that?

Большое спасибо!

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Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. What time will the concert start?
2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve.
3. It is something I want to tell you.
4. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes.

Никита Мухталов

Вопрос задан 30 сентября 2019 в

1 — 4 классы,  

Английский язык.

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Ответ (-а, -ов)

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1. What time does the concert start? 

2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise by twelve.
3. There is something I want to tell you.
4. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes.

Борис Тепленин

Отвечено 30 сентября 2019

  • Комментариев (0)

Ваш ответ

47 месяцев назад

time (will/is/does) the lesson start? — It (will start/is going start/starts) at 10.30.3. (Have you packed/Did you pack) everything? What time (will you/are you going to/do you) start tomorrow? — We (shall start/are going to start/start) at 7 o’clock.4. What do you think? (Will it rain/Is it going to rain/Does it rain) tomorrow?5. Your (hair/hairs) (is/are) terrible.When (will you/are you going to) wash (it/them)?6. (Will it snow/Did it snow/Does it snow) tomorrow?7. What are your plans? — I (will/am going to) study Mathematics.8. His train (will arrive/is going to arrive/arrives) at 3.25.9. What time (will the bus/is the bus going to/does the bus) leave?10. I (shall leave/am going to leave/leave) soon. I promise.


1. What time does the concert begin? — It begins at 7 o’clock.
2. What time does the lesson start? — It starts at 10.30.
3. Have you packed everything? What time are you going to start tomorrow? — We are going to start at 7 o’clock.
4. What do you think? Will it rain tomorrow?
5. Your hair is terrible. When will you wash them?
6. Will it snow tomorrow?
7. What are your plans? — I am going to study Mathematics.
8. His train arrives at 3.25.
9. What time does the bus leave?
10. I shall leave soon. I promise.

1 Thomas seasick as the waves rocked the boat from side to side. C felt

2 Joe doesn’t like mosquitoes him. E stabbing Mosquitoes don’t bite or sting,

3 She her experience of working in the music business with her fans.

B shared

4 They got in bad weather while on holiday. A caught

5 Before the curtain the actors took their place on the stage. B rose

6 They use lanterns for at the Chinese opera. C lighting

7 The singer’s performance grabbed the of the world. B attention

8 Gooe became a popular search on the Net. B engine

9 She was very talented and could play the violin by B ear

10 The street performer’s voice for miles. D fell

1 Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in 2004.

2 They raised money for their website from foreign investors.

3 The music industry expanded greatly because of the Internet.

4 After performing live for three hours the singer showed no signs of exhaustion.

1 When Ryan was young he to go fishing. A used

2 They when they got a flat tyre. A were driving

3 Did Ann play the violin as a child? B use to

4 They at University when they met. B were studying

5 Mary checked her emails after she her assignment. A had finished

6 At 7 pm yesterday, Jane on the Net. B was surfing

7 They to the theatre last night. A went

8 When Ryan was four he his own music. B composed

9 Tim the wrong bus and ended up in a remote village. C took

10 They got lost in the forest because they compass with them. A hadn’t taken

11 What time the concert start last night? A did

12 It began to rain while we to the opera. A were going

13 Jack work as an usher at a theatre. B used to

14 We pictures of the artefacts yesterday. C took

15 He was afraid because he a ghost. C had seen

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Example: I won’t go to the library tomorrow. I haven’t read (not / read) this book yet.
1. Last month my brother visited Kazan and _ (take) a lot of photos.
2. Ben _ (speak) French and German, doesn’t he?
3. Look! The artist _ (draw) the portrait of a girl. She looks nice.
4. My granddad was a postman. He _ (bring) newspapers and letters to people.
5. I _ (get) tickets for the concert. Do you want to come with me?
6. What time _ the film _ (start) tomorrow? − At 3 pm.
7. Where is Jane? − She _ (just / go) away. She’ll come back in an hour.


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. Test yourself 8. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильной формой глаголов в скобках.
Пример: Завтра я не пойду в библиотеку. Я еще не прочитал (не читать) эту книгу.
1. В прошлом месяце мой брат был в Казани и _ (сделать) много фотографий.
2. Бен _ (говорить) по−французски и по−немецки, не так ли?
3. Смотри! Художник _ (рисовать) портрет девушки. Она хорошо выглядит.
4. Мой дедушка был почтальоном. Он _ (приносить) газеты и письма людям.
5. Я _ (получать) билеты на концерт. Хотите пойти со мной?
6. В какое время _ фильм _ (начаться) завтра? − В 3 часа дня.
7. Где Джейн? − Она _ (только что / идти) прочь. Она вернется через час.

1. Last month my brother visited Kazan and took a lot of photos.
2. Ben speaks French and German, doesn’t he?
3. Look! The artist is drawing the portrait of a girl. She looks nice.
4. My granddad was a postman. He brought newspapers and letters to people.
5. I have gotten tickets for the concert. Do you want to come with me?
6. What time will the film start tomorrow? − At 3 pm.
7. Where is Jane? − She has just gone away. She’ll come back in an hour.

Перевод ответа
1. В прошлом месяце мой брат побывал в Казани и сделал много фотографий.
2. Бен говорит по−французски и по−немецки, не так ли?
3. Смотри! Художник рисует портрет девушки. Она хорошо выглядит.
4. Мой дедушка был почтальоном. Он разносил людям газеты и письма.
5. Я получил билеты на концерт. Хотите пойти со мной?
6. Во сколько завтра выйдет фильм? − В 3 часа дня.
7. Где Джейн? − Она только что ушла. Она вернется через час.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1. What time will the concert start? 2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve. 3. It is …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1. What time will the concert start? 2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve. 3. It is something I want to tell you. 4. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes.


Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. What time will the concert start?
2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve
3. It is something I want to tell you
4. There is little cheese in the fridge.
5. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes
6. There are hundred of stones in his collection.
7. How many tests have you had three days ago?
8. What do you want to say us?
9. She has lived in England last August
10. When has she said that?
Большое спасибо!

1 ответ:



1) What time is concert start ( не уверна )
2)The teacher asked Andrew to do the twelvth exersize
3) There is something I want to tell you
4) There is a little cheese in the fridge.
5) The doctor told my aunt to eat lessly tomatoes (тоже не уверена)
6) There are hundreds of stones
7) How many tests had you 3 days ago
8) What do you want to tell us или to say to us
9) She lived in England last August
10) When did she say that?

Читайте также

1 She said the food would be ready in five minutes.

2 He said he had spent the whole of Sunday morning cooking.

3 Tim said he had learnt how to cook Chinese food.

4 She said she could teach me how to cook lasagne.

5 Paul said he had just been to a very nice restaurant.

6 She said her grandmother had shown how to cook traditional dishes.

7 He said he hated anything with garlic in it.

8 She said she wasn’t enjoying that meal.

9 He said that food in France was always very good.

10 She said those little cakes looked delicious.

Friendship is a very good thing. But if you lose it, it will be very hard to bring it back. The most important thing in friendsip for me is not to lose it

1 was given
2 taught
3 have never been listened
4 ????
5 was given
7. When the telegram was sent?

Sally wasn’t watching TV at 7 pm last night. — Салли не смотрела телевизор вчера в 7 вечера.
Mike wasn’t wearing his uniform at work yesterday. – Майк не носил вчера униформу на работе.
It wasn’t raining while we were playing tennis this morning. – Дождя не было, пока мы этим утром играли в теннис.
They weren’t having a good time at the party and decided to go home. – Им не было весело на вечеринке, и они решили поехать домой.
The children were not laughing at the joker. – Дети не смеялись над шутками.
Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Can you say it again please? – Извини, я не слушала. Можешь повторить?
We weren’t sleeping when the earthquake began. – Мы не спали, когда началось землетрясение.
The children weren’t sleeping though they had been told to. – Дети не спали, хотя им было приказано.
I wasn’t listening to the teacher and got a bad mark. – Я не слушала учителя и получила плохую отметку.
Samuel wasn’t sailing fast and was able to notice the drowning man. – Сэмьюэль плыл не быстро, поэтому смог заметить утопающего.

Visit, cooks, have, walks, sleep



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. What time will the concert start?
2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise twelve.
3. It is something I want to tell you.
4. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. What time does the concert start? 

2. The teacher asked Andrew to do the exercise by twelve.
3. There is something I want to tell you.
4. The doctor told my aunt to eat less tomatoes.

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