Who has invented paper ошибка

  • #1

Who did invent paper?


Who invented paper?

  • Silver

    • #2

    Not a teacher or a native speaker.

    As a question, the second one is correct.


    This is grammatically incorrect. «Do», «does» and «did» sometimes work before a verb when they’re using as an emphasis.

    I did tell you not to go there!

    • #3

    The first sentence is the kind of question you might hear after someone made a statement to the contrary. For instance:

    «Hey, what happened to the cookies I left on my desk?»
    «I didn’t eat them.»
    «Well, who did eat them then?

    • #4

    I agree with MagEditor.

    Another sample dialogue:
    A: Who invented paper?
    B: Gutenberg did.
    A: I know that’s not true.
    B: All right then, who did invent paper?


    • #5

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    • #6

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    What about :

    Where he went?

    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.


    • #7

    What about :
    Where he went?
    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.

    No. It is incorrect. This form is used in many languages (for example Spanish) but it is not used in English. We always invert the order for a question.


    If it is an indirect question then the order stays the same. «Can you tell me where he went?»


    • #8

    So you ask, ‘Where did he go?’

    Remember: we want the main verb went after the subject he. We also need a verb after the wh- word. So we put in a do operator, and the main verb needs to be in the base form.

    (Many learners might have preferred to how English was earlier when whole verb was moved before the subject for the question form: Where went he? Sings she now? But we don’t speak like that today.)

    Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
    1. Who invented_____ paper?
    2. Who invented _____ computer?
    3. Are______ Russian friendly?
    4. I like _____ coffee.
    5. She usually has_____ milk for breakfast

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    1 Apr 2021

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    Question about English (US)

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    • English (US)

    • English (UK)

    The first is correct; the second is not.

    • English (US)

    They are both grammatically correct, but they mean slightly different things. The first one is the one you would use most of the time.

    The second one would only be used in a situation like this:
    «If the British didn’t invent paper, I have one question. Who did invent paper?»

    • Japanese

    • Japanese

    @MiniMeg It was easy to understand.Thank you for teaching me!

    [News] Hey you! The one learning a language!

    Do you know how to improve your language skills❓ All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker!
    With HiNative, you can have your writing corrected by native speakers for free ✍️✨.

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    Are these sentences grammatically correct? •Who invented paper? •Who did invent paper?

    • Are these sentences correct??

      •I granted your request.
      •I got grant from the organization.


      First sentence is correct. Second sentence: “I got a grant from the organization.”

    • I have a question regarding grammar. Are these senteces grammatically correct?

      -Which of these s…


      «which» paired with «is» is correct. many english speakers confuse this too, but the subject of the sentence is «which» and so the verb (is) …

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      SHE is a nominative case.

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      Q. Are these sentences correct grammatically?
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      A. >YES.<

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    • which one is gramatically correct?? make or made??


      Since he is telling about his achievements as a translator, then I would say that “made” is correct.

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      There are some excellent titles in among the dross.


      It’s definitely wrong. The word ‘in’ shouldn’t be there

    • A. My classmates used to hand over their essays to me to correct grammatical errors in them.

      1. …


      1. …Yes? It’s a bit confusing though
      2. You corrected the essays, but it would be clearer if there was a «for me» in the sentence as well. …

    • Hello!!

      He boasted about/of his car to everybody.

      He boasted his car to everybody.

      Which one i…


      Either: He boasted about his car to everybody.
      Or: He showed off his car to everybody.

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      2. I started studying English from …


      «I started studying English 5 days ago.» We don’t normally say «from» here.

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    • Which Are you hungry yet? sounds the most natural?
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      Get displayed / be displayed

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      Where do you study?

      Thank you.

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      2- You drive me c…
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      2 Do I have to do it?

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      Tenant: Well M…

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    Previous question/ Next question

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      この文はどういう意味ですか mean?

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    • #1

    Who did invent paper?


    Who invented paper?

  • Silver

    • #2

    Not a teacher or a native speaker.

    As a question, the second one is correct.


    This is grammatically incorrect. «Do», «does» and «did» sometimes work before a verb when they’re using as an emphasis.

    I did tell you not to go there!

    • #3

    The first sentence is the kind of question you might hear after someone made a statement to the contrary. For instance:

    «Hey, what happened to the cookies I left on my desk?»
    «I didn’t eat them.»
    «Well, who did eat them then?

    • #4

    I agree with MagEditor.

    Another sample dialogue:
    A: Who invented paper?
    B: Gutenberg did.
    A: I know that’s not true.
    B: All right then, who did invent paper?


    • #5

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    • #6

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    What about :

    Where he went?

    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.


    • #7

    What about :
    Where he went?
    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.

    No. It is incorrect. This form is used in many languages (for example Spanish) but it is not used in English. We always invert the order for a question.


    If it is an indirect question then the order stays the same. «Can you tell me where he went?»


    • #8

    So you ask, ‘Where did he go?’

    Remember: we want the main verb went after the subject he. We also need a verb after the wh- word. So we put in a do operator, and the main verb needs to be in the base form.

    (Many learners might have preferred to how English was earlier when whole verb was moved before the subject for the question form: Where went he? Sings she now? But we don’t speak like that today.)


    13. PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST 1 (I have done and I did)


    this example situation:

    Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it.

    He has lost
    his key. (present perfect)(This
    means that he doesn’t have his key now.)

    Now Tom has
    his key. He has it now.

    Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.

    Did he lose his key? Yes, he did.

    He lost
    his key (past simple)but now he has found it. (present perfect)

    The present perfect (something has happened) is a present tense. It always tells us
    about the situation now. ‘Tom has
    his key’= he doesn’t have his key now (see Unit 7).

    The past simple (something happened) tells us only about
    the past. If somebody says ‘Tom lost
    his key’, this doesn’t tell us whether he has the key now or not. It tells us
    only that he lost his key at some time in the past.

    Do not use the present perfect if the
    situation now is different. Compare:

    away. They’ll be back on Friday. (they are away now)

    They went
    away, but I think they’re back at home now. (not They’ve gone)

    It has
    raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella. (it isn’t raining

    It stopped
    raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. (not lt has stopped)


    You can use the present perfect for new
    or recent happenings:

    the washing machine. It’s working OK now.’ ‘Oh, that’s

    ‘Sally has
    a baby! It’s a boy.’ ‘That’s great news.’

    Usually, you can also use the past simple:

    I repaired
    the washing machine. It’s working OK now.

    Use the past simple (not the present
    perfect) for things that are not recent or new:

    Mozart was
    a composer. He wrote more than
    600 pieces of music. (not has been … has written)

    My mother grew
    up in Italy. (not has grown)


    Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine?

    Who invented
    the telephone? (not has invented)


    We use the present perfect to give new
    information (see Unit 7). But if we continue to talk about it, we normally
    use the past simple:

    A : Ow! I’ve

    B: How did
    you do that? (not have you done)

    A: I picked
    up a hot dish. (not have picked)

    A: Look! Somebody has spilt something on the sofa.

    B: Well, it wasn’t
    me. I didn’t do it. (not hasn’t been … haven’t done)


    Complete the sentences
    using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible.
    Otherwise use the past simple.


    Are the underlined parts
    of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.


    Did you hear about Sue? She‘s given up her job.



    My mother has grown up in Italy.



    How many poems has William Shakespeare written?



    Ow! I‘ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.



    Drugs have become a big problem everywhere.



    Who has invented paper?



    Where have you been



    Ellie isn’t at home. She‘s gone shopping.



    Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity.



    Put the verb into the correct
    form, present perfect or past simple.


    ______It stopped___ raining for
    a while, but now it’s raining again· (it/stop)


    The town where I live is very different
    now. _____ It has changed ___ a lot. (it/change)


    I studied German at school, but
    _______ most of it now. (I/ forget)


    The police ________ three people,
    but later they let them go. (arrest)


    What do you think of my English?
    Do you think _________? (it/improve)


    A: Are you still reading the

    B: No,__________with it. You
    can have it. (I/finish)


    ______ for a job as a tourist
    guide, but I wasn’t successful. (I/apply)


    Where’s my bike? __________outside
    the house, but it’s not there now. (it/be)


    Quick! We need to call an
    ambulance. _______________an accident. (there/be)


    A: Have you heard about Ben? __________
    his arm. (he/break)

    B: Really? How________? (that/happen)

    A: _____________ off a ladder.


    UNIT 13


    2 has gone

    3 forgot

    4 went

    5 had

    6 has broken


    3 did William Shakespeare write

    4 OK

    5 OK

    6 Who invented

    7 were you born

    8 OK

    9 Albert Einstein was … who developed


    3 I’ve forgotten/ I have forgotten

    4 arrested

    5 it’s improved /it has improved

    6 I’ve finished / I have finished (I’m
    finished is also correct)

    7 I applied

    8 It was

    9 There’s been /There has been

    10 He broke or He’s broken /He has broken
    … did that happen … he fell


    Вопрос по английскому языку:

    Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
    1. Who invented_____ paper?
    2. Who invented _____ computer?
    3. Are______ Russian friendly?
    4. I like _____ coffee.
    5. She usually has_____ milk for breakfast

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    Ответы и объяснения 1


    1 а
    2 the
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    4 —

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    Как написать хороший ответ?

    Чтобы добавить хороший ответ необходимо:

    • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
      правильный ответ;
    • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
      побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
    • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
      пунктуационных ошибок.

    Этого делать не стоит:

    • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
      уникальные и личные объяснения;
    • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
      знаю» и так далее;
    • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к
    • Писать в ВЕРХНЕМ РЕГИСТРЕ.
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    • #1

    Who did invent paper?


    Who invented paper?

  • Silver

    • #2

    Not a teacher or a native speaker.

    As a question, the second one is correct.


    This is grammatically incorrect. «Do», «does» and «did» sometimes work before a verb when they’re using as an emphasis.

    I did tell you not to go there!

    • #3

    The first sentence is the kind of question you might hear after someone made a statement to the contrary. For instance:

    «Hey, what happened to the cookies I left on my desk?»
    «I didn’t eat them.»
    «Well, who did eat them then?

    • #4

    I agree with MagEditor.

    Another sample dialogue:
    A: Who invented paper?
    B: Gutenberg did.
    A: I know that’s not true.
    B: All right then, who did invent paper?


    • #5

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    • #6

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    What about :

    Where he went?

    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.


    • #7

    What about :
    Where he went?
    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.

    No. It is incorrect. This form is used in many languages (for example Spanish) but it is not used in English. We always invert the order for a question.


    If it is an indirect question then the order stays the same. «Can you tell me where he went?»


    • #8

    So you ask, ‘Where did he go?’

    Remember: we want the main verb went after the subject he. We also need a verb after the wh- word. So we put in a do operator, and the main verb needs to be in the base form.

    (Many learners might have preferred to how English was earlier when whole verb was moved before the subject for the question form: Where went he? Sings she now? But we don’t speak like that today.)

    Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
    1. Who invented_____ paper?
    2. Who invented _____ computer?
    3. Are______ Russian friendly?
    4. I like _____ coffee.
    5. She usually has_____ milk for breakfast

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    Похожие вопросы


    Updated on

    1 Apr 2021

    • Japanese
    • English (US)

    Question about English (US)

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    When you «disagree» with an answer

    The owner of it will not be notified.
    Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.

    • English (US)

    • English (UK)

    The first is correct; the second is not.

    • English (US)

    They are both grammatically correct, but they mean slightly different things. The first one is the one you would use most of the time.

    The second one would only be used in a situation like this:
    «If the British didn’t invent paper, I have one question. Who did invent paper?»

    • Japanese

    • Japanese

    @MiniMeg It was easy to understand.Thank you for teaching me!

    [News] Hey you! The one learning a language!

    Do you know how to improve your language skills❓ All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker!
    With HiNative, you can have your writing corrected by native speakers for free ✍️✨.

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    Are these sentences grammatically correct? •Who invented paper? •Who did invent paper?

    • Are these sentences correct??

      •I granted your request.
      •I got grant from the organization.


      First sentence is correct. Second sentence: “I got a grant from the organization.”

    • I have a question regarding grammar. Are these senteces grammatically correct?

      -Which of these s…


      «which» paired with «is» is correct. many english speakers confuse this too, but the subject of the sentence is «which» and so the verb (is) …

    • What part of the speech is SHE?
      SHE is a nominative case.

      Are these sentences correct grammatica…


      Q. Are these sentences correct grammatically?
      «What part of the speech is SHE?»

      A. >YES.<

      «SHE is a nomina…

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      Since he is telling about his achievements as a translator, then I would say that “made” is correct.

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      There are some excellent titles in among the dross.


      It’s definitely wrong. The word ‘in’ shouldn’t be there

    • A. My classmates used to hand over their essays to me to correct grammatical errors in them.

      1. …


      1. …Yes? It’s a bit confusing though
      2. You corrected the essays, but it would be clearer if there was a «for me» in the sentence as well. …

    • Hello!!

      He boasted about/of his car to everybody.

      He boasted his car to everybody.

      Which one i…


      Either: He boasted about his car to everybody.
      Or: He showed off his car to everybody.

    • Are there any grammatical mistakes in this sentence?

      The person who invents _____ is such a genius


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      He took it for granted.
      He took it for a gift…


      1. yes
      2. yes
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      4. yes
      5. grammatically yes, but it doesn’t sound very nice.. it sounds like th…

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      1. I have a little money.

      2. I started studying English from …


      «I started studying English 5 days ago.» We don’t normally say «from» here.

    • Which Are you hungry yet? sounds the most natural?
    • Which Are you hungry yet? sounds the most natural?
    • Are these phrases the same meanings?

      Get displayed / be displayed

    • I was asked a question from my friend like,
      «what’s this photo
      suppose to be?»
      in two separate…
    • 日本語を人に教えてあげるときに





    • what is correct?
      Where are you study?
      Where do you study?

      Thank you.

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    • what should I answer with
      «How’s your day?»
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      example plz

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    • Can someone tell me what this tweet is trying to say? It seems to me like the first half and the …
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      The video said that a word ‘SAT test’ needs ‘An‘ not ‘A’
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      Is it correct in grammar?
    • Guys, please 🙏🏻. Are these 8 mini-sentences correct?
      1- You’re very romantic.
      2- You drive me c…
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      2 Do I have to do it?

      Which sentence is correct?

    • «Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How’s your apartment working out for you?

      Tenant: Well M…

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    • #1

    Who did invent paper?


    Who invented paper?

    • #2

    :warning: Not a teacher or a native speaker.

    As a question, the second one is correct.


    This is grammatically incorrect. «Do», «does» and «did» sometimes work before a verb when they’re using as an emphasis.

    I did tell you not to go there!

    • #3

    The first sentence is the kind of question you might hear after someone made a statement to the contrary. For instance:

    «Hey, what happened to the cookies I left on my desk?»
    «I didn’t eat them.»
    «Well, who did eat them then?

    • #4

    I agree with MagEditor.

    Another sample dialogue:
    A: Who invented paper?
    B: Gutenberg did.
    A: I know that’s not true.
    B: All right then, who did invent paper?

    • #5

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    • #6

    I imagine your question is why the operator do is necessary in some wh- questions and not in others:
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go? (Not ‘Where went he?’)
    What does he want? (Not ‘What wants he?’)

    The general rule is that the main verb has to come after the subject, and some form of verb needs to come immediately after the wh- word.

    I have put the subject in bold to show you why the do operator is necessary in the second and third sentences, but not in the first.
    Who invented paper?
    Where did he go?
    What does he want?

    What about :

    Where he went?

    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.

    • #7

    What about :
    Where he went?
    Is it correct? The verb(went) comes after the subject(he) in this question.

    No. It is incorrect. This form is used in many languages (for example Spanish) but it is not used in English. We always invert the order for a question.


    If it is an indirect question then the order stays the same. «Can you tell me where he went?»

    • #8

    So you ask, ‘Where did he go?’

    Remember: we want the main verb went after the subject he. We also need a verb after the wh- word. So we put in a do operator, and the main verb needs to be in the base form.

    (Many learners might have preferred to how English was earlier when whole verb was moved before the subject for the question form: Where went he? Sings she now? But we don’t speak like that today.)


    13. PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST 1 (I have done and I did)


    this example situation:

    Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it.

    He has lost
    his key. (present perfect)(This
    means that he doesn’t have his key now.)

    Ten minutes later:

    Now Tom has
    his key. He has it now.

    Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.

    Did he lose his key? Yes, he did.

    He lost
    his key (past simple)but now he has found it. (present perfect)

    The present perfect (something has happened) is a present tense. It always tells us
    about the situation now. ‘Tom has
    his key’= he doesn’t have his key now (see Unit 7).

    The past simple (something happened) tells us only about
    the past. If somebody says ‘Tom lost
    his key’, this doesn’t tell us whether he has the key now or not. It tells us
    only that he lost his key at some time in the past.

    Do not use the present perfect if the
    situation now is different. Compare:

    away. They’ll be back on Friday. (they are away now)

    They went
    away, but I think they’re back at home now. (not They’ve gone)

    It has
    raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella. (it isn’t raining

    It stopped
    raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. (not lt has stopped)


    You can use the present perfect for new
    or recent happenings:

    the washing machine. It’s working OK now.’ ‘Oh, that’s

    ‘Sally has
    a baby! It’s a boy.’ ‘That’s great news.’

    Usually, you can also use the past simple:

    I repaired
    the washing machine. It’s working OK now.

    Use the past simple (not the present
    perfect) for things that are not recent or new:

    Mozart was
    a composer. He wrote more than
    600 pieces of music. (not has been … has written)

    My mother grew
    up in Italy. (not has grown)


    Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine?

    Who invented
    the telephone? (not has invented)


    We use the present perfect to give new
    information (see Unit 7). But if we continue to talk about it, we normally
    use the past simple:

    A : Ow! I’ve

    B: How did
    you do that? (not have you done)

    A: I picked
    up a hot dish. (not have picked)

    A: Look! Somebody has spilt something on the sofa.

    B: Well, it wasn’t
    me. I didn’t do it. (not hasn’t been … haven’t done)


    Complete the sentences
    using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible.
    Otherwise use the past simple.


    Are the underlined parts
    of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.


    Did you hear about Sue? She‘s given up her job.



    My mother has grown up in Italy.



    How many poems has William Shakespeare written?



    Ow! I‘ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.



    Drugs have become a big problem everywhere.



    Who has invented paper?



    Where have you been



    Ellie isn’t at home. She‘s gone shopping.



    Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity.



    Put the verb into the correct
    form, present perfect or past simple.


    ______It stopped___ raining for
    a while, but now it’s raining again· (it/stop)


    The town where I live is very different
    now. _____ It has changed ___ a lot. (it/change)


    I studied German at school, but
    _______ most of it now. (I/ forget)


    The police ________ three people,
    but later they let them go. (arrest)


    What do you think of my English?
    Do you think _________? (it/improve)


    A: Are you still reading the

    B: No,__________with it. You
    can have it. (I/finish)


    ______ for a job as a tourist
    guide, but I wasn’t successful. (I/apply)


    Where’s my bike? __________outside
    the house, but it’s not there now. (it/be)


    Quick! We need to call an
    ambulance. _______________an accident. (there/be)


    A: Have you heard about Ben? __________
    his arm. (he/break)

    B: Really? How________? (that/happen)

    A: _____________ off a ladder.


    UNIT 13


    2 has gone

    3 forgot

    4 went

    5 had

    6 has broken


    3 did William Shakespeare write

    4 OK

    5 OK

    6 Who invented

    7 were you born

    8 OK

    9 Albert Einstein was … who developed


    3 I’ve forgotten/ I have forgotten

    4 arrested

    5 it’s improved /it has improved

    6 I’ve finished / I have finished (I’m
    finished is also correct)

    7 I applied

    8 It was

    9 There’s been /There has been

    10 He broke or He’s broken /He has broken
    … did that happen … he fell

    Exercise 3   

    Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

    1   ……………………. Raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. (it / stop)

    2   The town where I live is very different now. ……………………. a lot. (it / change)

    3   I studied German at school, but ……………………. most of it now. (I / forget)

    4   The police ……………………. three people, but later they let them go. (arrest)

    5   What do you think of my English? Do you think …………………….? (it / improve)

    6   A: Are you still reading the paper?

         B: No, ……………………. with it. You can have it. (I / finish)

    7   ……………………. for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn’t successful. (I / apply)

    8   Where’s my bike? ……………………. outside the house, but it’s not there now. (it / be)

    9   Quick! We need to call an ambulance. ……………………. an accident. (there / be)

    10   A: Have you heard about Ben? ……………………. his arm. (he / break)

           B: Really? How ……………………. ? (that / happen)

           A: ……………………. off a ladder. (he / fall)



    1   It stopped

    2   It has changed

    3   I’ve forgotten / I have forgotten

    4   arrested

    5   it’s improved / it has improved

    6   I’ve finished / I have finished (I’m finished is also correct)

    7   I applied

    8   It was

    9   There’s been I There has been

    10   He broke or He’s broken / He has broken … did that happen … he fell

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