Who shall help me tomorrow где ошибка

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Задание по английскому языку: возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.
1. Who shall help me tomorrow?
2. Who have English on Thursday?
3. Who were at the stadium last Monday?
4. In Russia Sunday is seventh day of the week?
5. Who are hungry? —. We are.
6. Who go to school in the evening?
7. It sometimes snow in October.
8. This hamster is funniest animal in the pet shop.
9. Where are you usually go on Thursday?
10. Is she usually meet her friends there?

Исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова оставте без изменений

1. Who shall help me tomorrow?

2. Who have English on Thursday?

3. Who were at the stadium last Monday?

4. In Russia Sunday is seventh day of the week.

5. Who are hungry?- We are.

6. Who go to school in the evening?

7. Itsometimes snow in October.

8. This hamster is funniest animal in the pet shop?

9. Where are you usually go on Thursday?

10. Is she usually meet her friends there?

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Исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова оставте без изменений
1. Who shall help me <u>tomorrow?</u>
2. Who have English on Thursday?
3. Who were at the stadium <u>last Monday?</u>
4. In Russia Sunday is seventh day of the week.
5. Who are hungry?- We are.
6. Who go to school in the evening?
7. It<u /> <u>sometimes</u> snow in October.
8. This hamster is funniest animal in the pet shop?
9. Where are you <u>usually</u> go on Thursday?
10. Is she <u>usually</u> meet her friends there?

1 ответ:



1. Who will help me <u>tomorrow?</u>
2. Who has English on Thursday?
3. Who was at the stadium <u>last Monday?</u>
4. In Russia Sunday is the seventh day of the week.
5. Who is hungry?- We are.
6. Who goes to school in the evening?
7. It <u>sometimes</u> snows in October.
8. Is this hamster the funniest animal in the pet shop?
9. Where do you <u>usually</u> go on Thursday?
10.Does she <u>usually</u> meet her friends there?</span>

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2. Who
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3. Have you ever been attacked by dogs?
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8. We were shown the way out of the wood by the old man.
9. She was offered some interesting work by them.
10. She was prescribed new medicine by the doctor.
11. He is not much thought of.
12. This funny animal was laughed at by everybody.
13. You have been looked for by us the whole morning.
14. Strict discipline will be insisted on.
15. This computer program has just been written by him.

Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от dark112

  1. Ответ

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    Who will help me tomorrow?

  2. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    Who will help me tomorrow? в этом предложении надо поменять на will

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Русский язык — 3 года назад

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Who will help me tomorrow? в этом предложении надо поменять на will

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