Winter is coldest than spring исправь ошибки


№ 2 Найди и исправь ошибки:
1.Sam is the kind dog.
2.Winter is coldest than spring.
3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
 4.July is the hotter month  of all.
5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.

My little sister have just returned from school

I met my friend last week,whom I havent seen for several months

Wasn’t it hard to trsnslate the article? Wasn’t it?

What were you doing,when I called you?

1 Alex is  the best student in his class, but Mark is the worst.
2 The kitchen is the most comfortable room in our house.
3 These are the brightest cushions I could find.
4 The bathroom  he is smallest and  the darkest room in the house.
5 Kate is the tidiest person in her family and Sue is the messiest.

New «wonder chocolate» with new the filling.Coming soon!
Новый «чудо шоколад» с новой начинкой.Скоро в продаже

1. talented-<span>талантливый          1-e
2. </span>intelligent-<span>умный                   2-g
3. </span>curious-<span>любопытный            3-a
4. </span>incredible-<span>невероятный        4-f
5. </span>accurate-<span>точный                   5-d
</span>6. detailed-<span>подробный              6-c
</span><span>7. perfect-</span>идеальный               7-b

Britain’s most common leisure activities are home-based or social. Watching television and videos, and listening to the radio are by far the most popular leisure pastimes.

Pop and rock albums are the most common types of music bought, and pop is by far the most popular form of musical expression in Britain.

The most common free-time activity outside the home among adults is a visit to the pub. Other popular leisure activities include visits to the theatre or cinema. Britain has about 300 theatres, of which about 100 are in London. Britain’s most famous theatre company, The RoyalShakespeare Company, performs in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birthplace, and in London.

Of all sporting activities, walking is by far the most popular for men and women of all ages. While men tend to dominate golf and sports such as snooker and billiards, women generally prefer swimming, exercise classes and yoga

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Ответ дал: chulichkovaoooo



1.Sam is the kind dog.

2.Winter is coldest than spring.

3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.

4.July is the hotter month  of all.

5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.


1.Sam is the kind dog.

2.Winter is coldest than spring.

3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.

4.July is the hotter month  of all.

5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.

Ответ дал: CharaStoryShift



1. San is kind dog

2. Winter is colder than spring

3. Monkeys are cleverer than rabbits

4. July is the hottest month of all

5. Her picture is worse than Henry’s

6. Dogs are funnier than mice

1. cleverest

2. laziest

3. shiniest

4. slowest

5. prettiest

6. best


Похожие вопросы


I. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Bob is …. than Mike.

A) tall B) more tall C) taller D) the tallest

2. Alina is the…. in her class.

A) most short B) shortest C) shorter D) short

4. My bag is…. than yours.

A) heavier B) heaviest C) heavyer D) heavy

5. Russia is the….country in the world.

A) big B) bigest C) biggest D) bigger

6. Peter and Jane are the… singers in the class.

A) bad B) worst C) worse D) badest

7. Georgy has got…. hair.

A) darker B) darkest C) dark D) the darkest

9. My Grandpa is … than my Grandma.

A) oldest B) old C) older D) the old

10. Summer is the… season of all.

A) hotest B) hot C) hottest D) hotter

II. Выбери правильный вариант:

1. Kate is … than Mark.

a. funny b. funniest c. funnier

2. That is the … pen of all.

a. badest b. worst c. worse

3. Tanya’s doll is… than Lena’s.

a. pretty b.prettier c. the prettiest

4. I think eleрhants are … animals.

a. cleverest b. clever c. cleverer

5. Tom is the … boy in our class.

a. strongest b. strong c. stronger

6. She is … than his sister.

a. kindest b. kinder c. kind

7. Anya is a … girl

a. cleverer b. clever c. cleverest

III. Найдите лишнее слово:

1. Better, good, worse

2. Happier, friendly, sunnier

3. Fattest, saddest, best

4. Taller, loudest, cleverest

IV. Исправь ошибки:

1. Winter is coldest than spring.

2. Monkeys are clever than rabbits.

3. July is the hotter month .

4. Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

5. Dogs are funnyer than mice.

Дополнительные упражнения для подготовки к контрольной работе по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

(к УМК «Spotlight» 4 класс)


Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных:



the funniest











№ 2

Выбери правильный вариант:

  1. Lena is … than Mary.
  1. funny  b. funniest   c. funnier
  1. That is the … book of all.
  1. badest  b. worst   c. worse
  1. Sue’s doll is… than Lulu’s.
  1. pretty   b. prettier  c. the prettiest
  1. I think dolphins are … animals.
  1. cleverest   b.  clever   c. cleverer
  1. Roy is the … boy in our class.
  1. strongest   b. strong  c. stronger
  1.  He is … than his brother.
  1. kindest  b. kinder  c. kind
  1. Alice is a … girl
  1. cleverer  b. clever c. cleverest

№ 3

Найди лишнее прилагательное:

  1. Better, good, worse
  2. Happier, friendly, sunnier
  3. Fattest, saddest, best
  4. Taller, loudest, cleverest

№ 4

Найди и исправь ошибки:

  1. Sam is the kind dog.
  2. Winter is coldest than spring.
  3. Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
  4.  July is the hotter month  of all.
  5. Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
  6. Dogs are funnyer than mice.

№ 5

Прочитай текст. Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательное в сравнительной или превосходной степени:

There are  seven pets in our house – a dog, a parrot, a rabbit, a tortoise, a cat and two hamsters. They are all so different! Our dog is the 1) cleverest (clever) of all. The cat is the 2) ________ (lazy) of all. The rabbit is the 3) _______ (shy), but the tortoise is the 4) ______ (slow). The hamsters are 5) ______ (funny) than the tortoise. The parrot is 6) ______ (pretty) of all. Our pets are the _____ (good). We love them very much!

Данный тест предназначен для контроля знаний по пройденной теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?

Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.

Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.

Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.

Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.

Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.

Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Тест по английскому языку по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных» для 4 класса»


Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных:



the funniest











№ 2

Выбери правильный вариант:

  1. Kate is … than Mark.

    1. funny b. funniest c. funnier

  2. That is the … pen of all.

    1. badest b. worst c. worse

  3. Tanya’s doll is… than Lena’s.

    1. pretty b. prettier c. the prettiest

  4. I think eleohants are … animals.

    1. cleverest b. clever c. cleverer

  5. Tom is the … boy in our class.

    1. strongest b. strong c. stronger

  6. She is … than his sister.

    1. kindest b. kinder c. kind

  7. Anya is a … girl

    1. cleverer b. clever c. cleverest

№ 3

Найдите лишнее слово:

  1. Better, good, worse

  2. Happier, friendly, sunnier

  3. Fattest, saddest, best

  4. Taller, loudest, cleverest

№ 4

Исправь ошибки:

  1. Sam is the kind dog.

  2. Winter is coldest than spring.

  3. Monkeys are clever than rabbits.

  4. July is the hotter month .

  5. Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

  6. Dogs are funnyer than mice.

№ 5

Прочитай текст. Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательное в сравнительной или превосходной степени:

There are seven pets in our house – a dog, a parrot, a rabbit, a tortoise, a cat and two hamsters. They are all so different! Our dog is the 1) cleverest (clever) of all. The cat is the 2) ________ (lazy) of all. The rabbit is the 3) _______ (shy), but the tortoise is the 4) ______ (slow). The hamsters are 5) ______ (funny) than the tortoise. The parrot is 6) ______ (pretty) of all. Our pets are the _____ (good). We love them very much!

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