Руководство по эксплуатации WMF presto!
Сообщения и указания
Указания по устранению
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Если это не так:
Выключить кофеварочной машины.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Включить машину и повторить попытку.
(Разблокировка происходит после остывания до нормальной
Выключить машину, дать остыть, затем снова
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка воды:
горячая вода
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Установить более грубую тонкость помола.
Другие настройки w
Установка тонкости помола, стр. 38
Уменьшить качество варки.
Настройки w
Рецепты, стр. 29
Ошибка воды:
теплая промывка
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Паровой котел:
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить правильность установки емкости для
кофейной гущи.
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка нагрева
Выключить машину, извлечь вилку из сетевой
Обратиться в сервис-центр компании WMF.
Паровой котел:
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Перейти к контенту
Коды ошибок кофемашин WMF
- F2/F7 – нет подачи электричества к заварнику
- F5 – заварник отключен
- F6 – затрудненная работа варочного модуля
- F26/F36/F46 – сбой кофемолки
- F87 – поврежден датчик бойлера
- F88– перегрев бойлера
- F89 – ошибка времени нагрева бойлера
- F130 – общий сбой
- F149 – общий сбой напряжения
- F161 – сбой счетчика воды во время варки
- F162 – сбой счетчика воды во время очистки
- F163 – ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке
- F164 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды
- F165 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада
- F166 — сбой счетчика воды во время декафината
- F167 — сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации
- F186 — перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера
- F187 – поврежден датчик парового бойлера
- F188 — перегрев бойлера
- F189 — ошибка времени нагрева парового котла
Дополнительную информацию о поломках кофемашин WMF можно посмотреть здесь:
Устранение неполадки – сложное дело, его лучше доверить профессионалам.
☎️ +375 29 659 33 43 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)
Руководство по эксплуатации WMF presto!
Сообщения и указания
Указания по устранению
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Если это не так:
Выключить кофеварочной машины.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Включить машину и повторить попытку.
(Разблокировка происходит после остывания до нормальной
Выключить машину, дать остыть, затем снова
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка воды:
горячая вода
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Установить более грубую тонкость помола.
Другие настройки w
Установка тонкости помола, стр. 38
Уменьшить качество варки.
Настройки w
Рецепты, стр. 29
Ошибка воды:
теплая промывка
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Паровой котел:
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить правильность установки емкости для
кофейной гущи.
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка нагрева
Выключить машину, извлечь вилку из сетевой
Обратиться в сервис-центр компании WMF.
Паровой котел:
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
130 F130 General current
149 F149 General voltage
157 Battery must be replaced
161 F161 flowmeter
malfunction during
162 F162 flowmeter
malfunction during
163 F163 flowmeter
malfunction during warm
164 F164 flowmeter
malfunction during hot
water dosage
165 F165 flowmeter
malfunction during choc
166 F166 flowmeter
malfunction during DK
167 F167 flowmeter
malfunction during
186 F186 timeout during
steam boiler filling
187 F187 Steam boiler sensor
WMF presto Service manual edition 08/2014
WMF presto Service Manual
√ Short circuit if
immediately at
24/30 V present
√ If short circuit is present
in 24/30 V systems
√ Batterie voltage too low
to preserve data. Data is
automatically stored in
service memory.
not implemented
Код ошибки | Описание ошибки |
F2/F7 | Нет подачи электричества к заварнику |
F5 | Заварник отключен |
F6 | Затрудненная работа варочного модуля |
F26/F36/F46 | Сбой кофемолки |
F87 | Поврежден датчик бойлера |
F88 | Перегрев бойлера |
F89 | Ошибка времени нагрева бойлера |
F130 | Общий сбой |
F149 | Общий сбой напряжения |
F161 | Сбой счетчика воды во время варки |
F162 | Сбой счетчика воды во время очистки |
F163 | Ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке |
F164 | Сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды |
F165 | Сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада |
F166 | Сбой счетчика воды во время декафината |
F167 | Сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации |
F186 | Перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера |
F187 | Поврежден датчик парового бойлера |
F188 | Перегрев бойлера |
F189 | Ошибка времени нагрева парового котла |
Причины и профилактика поломок
Засорение гидросистемы происходит при некорректном обслуживании. Например, если не производить регулярную декальцинацию, не очищать детали от остатков кофейного масла, не прочищать диспенсер, кофеводы. Также к засорению ведет применение слишком жесткой воды с массой солевых примесей.
Электронные компоненты чаще всего ломаются при значительных сбоях напряжения. Однако такие коды ошибок можно предупредить, если подключать кофемашину через стабилизатор.
Кофемашина может сломаться как при неверном использовании, так и вследствие производственного брака.
Заварное устройство забивается, если нерегулярно промывать клапан под проточной водой, не удалять остатки кофейного масла с кремоклапана, не смазывать прибор.
Более точную информацию о ремонте можно узнать:
Перейти к контенту
Коды ошибок кофемашин WMF
- F2/F7 – нет подачи электричества к заварнику
- F5 – заварник отключен
- F6 – затрудненная работа варочного модуля
- F26/F36/F46 – сбой кофемолки
- F87 – поврежден датчик бойлера
- F88– перегрев бойлера
- F89 – ошибка времени нагрева бойлера
- F130 – общий сбой
- F149 – общий сбой напряжения
- F161 – сбой счетчика воды во время варки
- F162 – сбой счетчика воды во время очистки
- F163 – ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке
- F164 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды
- F165 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада
- F166 — сбой счетчика воды во время декафината
- F167 — сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации
- F186 — перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера
- F187 – поврежден датчик парового бойлера
- F188 — перегрев бойлера
- F189 — ошибка времени нагрева парового котла
Дополнительную информацию о поломках кофемашин WMF можно посмотреть здесь:
Устранение неполадки – сложное дело, его лучше доверить профессионалам.
☎️ +375 29 659 33 43 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)
Messages and instructions
Flow error:
brewing water
Flow error:
when cleaning
Flow error:
warm rinsing
Steam boiler:
Heater error
Steam boiler:
heat-up time error
Action instructions
Between each of the following steps switch off the coffee machine and on
again. If error not remedied carry out the next step.
™ Clean the brewing unit
w C are w B rewing unit cleaning, page 68
™ Set grinding degree coarser
w O ther settings w S et grinding degree, page 53
™ Reduce quality
w S ettings w R ecipes, page 32
™ If error not remedied call WMF Service
Between each of the following steps switch off the coffee machine and on
again. If error not remedied carry out the next step.
™ Clean the brewing unit
w C are w B rewing unit cleaning, page 68
™ If error not remedied call WMF Service
Between each of the following steps switch off the coffee machine and on
again. If error not remedied carry out the next step.
™ Clean the brewing unit
w C are w B rewing unit cleaning, page 68
™ If error not remedied call WMF Service
Beverage dispensing temporarily blocked.
™ Check that grounds container is correctly
™ Switch off the coffee machine and on again
™ Switch off the coffee machine, disconnect mains
™ Call WMF Service
™ Switch off the coffee machine and on again
™ If error not remedied call WMF Service
User Manual WMF 1500 S
coffee wakes up the world User Manual Coffee machine English 04.07.001 Model Series 8400 33 2413 0010 10.2011 Introduction and General information Congratulations on the purchase of your WMF coffee machine The WMF bistro! coffee machine is a fully automatic single cup machine for espresso, café crème, cappuccino, milk coffee, latte macchiato, foamed milk and hot water. With its optionally available Choc hopper, the bistro! can also make hot chocolate with milk or milk foam. Each beverage is freshly brewed at the press of a button which guarantees a high quality beverage. User guidance is provided by a graphical touch-screen display on the coffee machine. Up to eight beverage buttons are available on the operating panel. The beverage buttons can be allocated on two levels and have a lettering space. Additional function keys may be allocated, depending on the machine configuration. Keep these instructions near the coffee machine so that you and your operating staff have the right information handy and can take the correct action in the event of any technical problems that may arise. 2 Please read the User Manual prior to using the coffee machine. Ensure that the staff has access to the User Manual. Important. Chapter 1 Introduction Follow the User Manual Signs and Symbols. Observe the Safety chapter. Observe the additional instructions: bistro! Cleaning instructions In the event of failure to comply with maintenance information (w Maintenance and descaling), no liability is accepted for any resultant damage. User Manual WMF bistro! Table of Contents Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 6 Parts of the coffee machine 6 User Manual Signs and Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 2 Operation 10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Switch on coffee machine Dispensing beverages Multiple preselection Shift button (optional) Special buttons (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Dispensing hot water 2.6 Dispense milk or milk foam 2.7 Connect up the milk Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 2.7.2 With WMF Cooler, WMF Cup&Cool (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Dispensing steam (optional) Warm beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foam milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Steam Milk (optional)/Dual Milk (optional) 2.10 Height adjustment of the combi spout 2.11 Bean hopper/product hopper 2.12 Manual insert 2.13 Grounds container 2.14 Grounds disposal through the counter (optional) 2.15 Drip tray 2.16 Switch off the coffee machine 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 Chapter 3 18 3.1 3.2 Software An overview Ready to operate 3.2.1 “Ready to operate” display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard display for normal operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard display for SB mode (self-service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 “Warm rinse” pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Barista pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brew time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.5 To the main menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Manual WMF bistro! 3 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 Table of Contents 3.3 Main menu Milk and foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milk foam quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latte macchiato pause interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Timer program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milk system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choc system (mixer rinsing) (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter change (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Check-up (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recipe and buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selecting the beverage buttons when setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjust values Start a preparation test with the current values Save setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cup volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steam Milk settings (optional) Set decaf (optional) Sequence of ingredients additions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Button allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weigh grounds Quality check Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time and date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water filter is fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warm-up rinsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SB mode (self-service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foamer rinsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rinsing interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illumination (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milk (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.5 PIN-entry display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.6 PIN rights, access control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete PIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.7 Accounting numbers of beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.8 Waiter accounting system (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 4 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 User Manual WMF bistro! Table of Contents Chapter 4 4.1 4.2 Other settings 40 Adjusting the pinch valve Labelling of beverage buttons 40 40 Chapter 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Care 41 Cleaning program Milk system Foamer cleaning, standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foamer cleaning Plug&Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choc system rinsing General cleaning Choc mixer cleaning (optional) Steam outlet cleaning (standard und Steam Milk) Bean hopper cleaning Choc hopper cleaning (optional) 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 45 46 Chapter 6 HACCP schedule 47 Chapter 7 Maintenance and descaling 49 7.1 7.2 7.3 Customer Check-up Maintenance WMF Service Chapter 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 Messages and instructions 50 Messages for operation Error messages and malfunctions Errors without error message Chapter 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 49 49 49 50 51 54 Safety 55 Hazards to the operator Hazards to the coffee machine Intended use Directives Duties of the owner/operator Warranty claims No warranty is provided: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 56 57 58 59 60 60 Appendix: Cleaning instructions (standard) 61 Appendix: Technical data 62 Technical data for coffee machine Conditions for usage and installation 62 62 Appendix: 64 Accessories and spare parts Index User Manual WMF bistro! 66 5 Introduction and General information Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Parts of the coffee machine 1 3 1 2 2 1 5 11 5 4 12 6 13 7 14 8 15 7 9 16 10 17 4 We 18 8 20 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 21 22 19 23 6 User Manual WMF bistro! Introduction and General information 1 Bean hopper (s) (optional 1 or 2, espresso on the left) 2 Choc hopper (optional) 3 Manual insert / tablet insert 4 Touch-screen display 5 Beverage buttons * 6 Steam button * or special preselection buttons (optional) 7 Pinch valve (When dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout) 8 Plug&Clean (optional) 9 Steam dispensing (optional), Steam Milk nozzle (optional) 10 Height-adjustable combi spout with integrated milk foamer 11 ON/OFF button 12 Decaf button ** 13 Shift button ** 14 Hot water button * 15 Hot water spout 16 Grounds container 17 Removable drip tray with drip plate (drip grid) 18 “Warm rinse” pad 19 Barista pad 20 Timer and clock display 21 Information pad 22 Messages / error messages 23 Menu pad (opens main menu) * ** Standard allocation Alternative button allocation User Manual WMF bistro! 7 Introduction and General information User Manual Signs and Symbols For a detailed description of the warnings, see the “Safety” chapter. Caution. Risk to the machine. Follow the manual. Caution. Risk to the user. Observe the Safety chapter. Caution. Hot liquid. Observe the Safety chapter. Caution. Hot surface. Observe the Safety chapter. Caution. Bruising or crushing hazard. Caution. Hot steam. Observe the Safety chapter. Observe the Safety chapter. Tip Instructions Cross reference Start position Main menu Very important. Must be strictly observed. If the menu symbol is shown in this User Manual, the description starts at the main menu start position. Call up the main menu pad Touch The main menu is displayed. Main menu. There are other display options w We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 main menu Main menu 8 User Manual WMF bistro! Introduction and General information Glossary Term • Text in italics Explanation • Listings, selection options Individual steps Description of coffee machine state and / or explanations of automatic steps. Steam Milk Automatic steam dispensing through the steam milk spout for heating or foaming milk. 1-Step Beverages are dispensed and ready to drink with one push of a button. 2-Step In the first step, the Steam Milk outlet is used to make milk and milk foam. In the second step, coffee and chocolate beverages are dispensed with a push of a button, and the beverage components are mixed manually. Dual Milk In the optional Dual Milk version, 1-Step and 2-Step beverages can be made with just one coffee machine. Override function Milk can be heated or foamed without automatic shut-off, up to a maximum milk or foam temperature of 90 °C. Additions Components of a recipe for a beverage, in addition to coffee, such as milk, milk foam, Choc. Barista Professional coffee server Beverage dispensing Dispensing coffee, hot water or Choc beverages Carbonate hardness Quoted in gpg (°dKH). The water hardness is a measure of the calcium dissolved in the water. Capacity For example: the capacity of the water filter in litres of water it can filter Choc Hot chocolate Choc system Complete module, mixer with portion controller for Choc Decaf Decaffeinated coffee Dispensing options Start-Stop: dispensing runs up to the set amount and can be stopped by pressing the button again. Free-flow: dispensing runs for as long as the button is held. Metered: the set volume is dispensed. Grounds chute w Grounds disposal through counter, page 16 Main tap Water stop cock, angle valve Milk system Combi spout, milk nozzle and milk hose Preinfusion Prior to brewing, coffee is briefly infused in order to ensure a more intense release of its aromatic substances. Pressing Automatic pressing of ground coffee prior to brewing. Rinsing Intermediate cleaning SB mode Self-service User Manual WMF bistro! 9 Operation Chapter 2 2.1 Operation Switch on coffee machine Press ON/OFF button and hold for more than 2 seconds Coffee machine switches on and heats up. When the machine is ready to dispense beverages, the “Ready to operate” display appears. The machine can also be switched on using the timer. 2.2 PIN access control w Software w Settings w Operating options page 35 w T imer program w Software w T imer page 21 Dispensing beverages Pressing the beverage button triggers dispensing of the beverage selected. • Lit up button • Flashing button • Unlit button = ready to dispense = beverage dispensing = not ready to dispense / button disabled Place a suitably sized cup below the combi spout Press the desired beverage button Desired beverage and progress of dispensing are indicated on the display. 2.3 Multiple preselection After beginning brewing, the display will show a cup symbol during dispensing. Preselection for multiple dispensing Increase the preselection for a beverage: Touch pad Reduce the preselection for a beverage: Touch pad The display shows the current preselection and the number of beverages begun. Caution. Hot liquids in the dispensing area. Observe the Safety chapter. Button allocation w Software w Settings w Recipe and buttons page 29 We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 Display multiple preselection: the example shows 6 café crème. Beverage 2 of 6 is currently being dispensed. Dispensing of a maximum of 12 times the single beverage is possible. The multiple preselection for dispensing larger quantities, for example for a pot of coffee. 10 User Manual WMF bistro! Operation 2.4 Shift button (optional) Each beverage button may be doubly assigned. Level 1 always active. Press the shift button 2x Level 2 activated. Press the desired beverage button Level 1 is active again after dispensing a beverage at Level 2. 2X Shift button (active/inactive) w Settings w Operating options page 35 Special buttons (optional) There are special buttons available on the control panel such as S, M, L or the Decaf button depending on the version. These are preselection buttons which establish the desired amount of the beverage or preparation from the Decaf grinder before selection of the beverage using the beverage buttons. 2.5 Dispensing hot water Press the hot water button Dispensing occurs according to the dispensing option. Multiple preselections are possible for the dispensing option “metered”. w Multiple preselection page 10 2.6 Dispense milk or milk foam Press the beverage button assigned to milk or milk foam Dispensing occurs according to the dispensing option. Dispensing options w Button allocation w Settings page 32 Free-flow, Start-Stop or metered User Manual WMF bistro! 11 Operation 2.7 Connect up the milk Insert the milk nozzle into the milk connection on the combi spout Use a suitable milk nozzle on the combi spout. Colour • green Milk temperature 4 - 8 °C; with a refrigerator • white 8 - 16 °C • brown 16 - 24 °C • red 4 - 8 °C; for the Milkpower option • blue 8 - 16 °C; for the Milkpower option • pink or purple for the Milkpower option if the other nozzles spatter at the spout Adjusting the pinch valve w Other settings page 40 2.7.1 Standard Open the milk packaging and place on the left next to the coffee machine Lead the milk hose through the side wall and through the pinch valve Insert the milk hose with the beige milk nozzle into the milk pack The hose must not be under tension or bent when adjusting the height of the combi spout. 2.7.2 Active Milk w Additional instructions Active Milk With WMF Cooler, WMF Cup&Cool (optional) Pull the milk container out of the cooler Push the lid of the milk container back Pour milk into the milk container Place the lid back on the container Insert the adapter on the milk hose into the connection in the milk container lid Push the milk container back in carefully The milk hose is inserted into the adapter. 12 User Manual WMF bistro! Operation 2.8 Dispensing steam (optional) Press the steam button Steam is dispensed for as long as the button is held. • Steam warms beverages • Steam manually foams milk Caution. Hot steam. Observe the Safety chapter. Warm beverages Use as tall and slim a Cromargan® jug as possible, with handle Fill jug to no more than half way Immerse steam nozzle deeply into jug Press and hold steam button until desired temperature is reached Release steam button Swing steam outlet over to the drip tray Briefly press on the steam button Residue in the steam outlet tube is rinsed out. Wipe steam outlet with a damp cloth A Cromargan® jug, such as WMF order code 06 3417 6040 Caution. Hot surfaces. Burn hazard. Foam milk Use as tall and slim a Cromargan® jug as possible, with handle Fill jug to no more than half way Immerse steam nozzle into jug to just under the surface Press and hold steam button whilst rotating jug in a clockwise direction A thick creamy milk foam results. Release steam button Swing steam outlet over to the drip tray Briefly press on the steam button Residue in the steam outlet tube is rinsed out. Wipe steam outlet with a damp cloth User Manual WMF bistro! Do not overheat milk when foaming, otherwise foam volume decreases. Caution. Hot surfaces. Burn hazard. 13 Operation 2.9 Steam Milk (optional)/ Dual Milk (optional) The milk is automatically heated or foamed. The Steam Milk buttons can be assigned to up to four milk foam quality levels, or to hot milk. The Steam Milk buttons are assigned at the factory to three foam quality levels (superfine, fine, standard) and hot milk. Heat milk or foam milk Fill a tall, narrow container with the desired milk quantity Do not fill the container above the halfway point, so that the milk will not run over when it foams. Insert the steam nozzle deep into the milk Briefly press the desired Steam Milk button Steam is discharged, depending on the Steam Milk button assignment. Steam dispensing ends after reaching the set temperature, or when the Steam Milk button is pressed again. Wipe steam outlet with a damp cloth Steam Milk buttons Button allocation w Software w Settings w Recipe and buttons page 29 w Change recipes page 30 Override function (optional) Function is adjusted upon request by WMF Service. Milk and foam can boil over if the temperature is set to 90 °C, or when the override function is used. Press and hold the desired Steam Milk button Steam is dispensed for as long as the button is held. Wipe steam outlet with a damp cloth Caution. Hot surfaces. Burn hazard. Scalding hazard. Observe the Safety chapter. The maximum temperature setting is 90 °C. Do not overheat milk when foaming, otherwise foam volume decreases. 14 User Manual WMF bistro! Operation 2.10 Height adjustment of the combi spout The combi spout height is adjustable. Take hold of the combi spout from the front and push to the desired height Height adjustment range of the combi spout 55 - 160 mm. 2.11 Bean hopper/product hopper If possible, replenish product hopper in advance. Fill the hoppers no more than the amount needed for one day, in order to maintain the freshness of the products. Espresso beans on the left 2.12 Manual insert The manual insert is located at the front in the centre of the coffee machine cover. Manual insert is used • for inserting cleaning tablets • when using an additional coffee variety, such as decaffeinated coffee • for a coffee trial Preparation of ground coffee using the manual insert Open manual insert lid Insert ground coffee (max. 16 g) Close manual insert lid Press the desired beverage button Add ground coffee or cleaning tablet only when display shows a message. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. User Manual WMF bistro! 15 Operation 2.13 Grounds container The coffee grounds container receives the used coffee grounds. It has enough capacity to store coffee grounds from approx. 70 brewing cycles. The display shows a message as soon as the coffee grounds container needs to be emptied. Beverage dispensing is blocked for as long as the grounds container is removed. Remove the coffee grounds container Empty and replace grounds container Confirm process on the display If coffee grounds container cannot be replaced, check chute for coffee residues and remove. Always empty grounds container before reinserting. Replacing without emptying results in the coffee grounds container being overfilled. The coffee machine will be soiled. This may cause subsequent damage to the machine. If this is not observed, the warranty is invalidated in the event of any resultant damage. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. 2.14 Grounds disposal through the counter (optional) The coffee machine can be fitted with through-counter coffee grounds disposal. In this case, both the coffee grounds container and the coffee machine base have an opening that passes through the counter on which the machine is placed. The spent coffee grounds are collected in a large container under the counter. 16 Clean coffee grounds chute daily w Care User Manual WMF bistro! Operation 2.15 Drip tray For coffee machines without a drain connection, the drip tray must be emptied regularly. Pull out the drip tray carefully and empty Replace drip tray Replace carefully so that no water accidentally drips down. Clean drip tray daily. w Care Caution. Hot liquids in the dispensing area. Observe the Safety chapter. 2.16 Switch off the coffee machine The coffee machine must be cleaned daily prior to switching it off. Press and hold ON/OFF button switches off Disconnect mains plug Turn off mains water supply until coffee machine If this is not observed, the warranty is invalidated in the event of any resultant damage. PIN access control w Software w Settings w Operating options page 35 Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. User Manual WMF bistro! 17 Software Chapter 3 3.1 Software An overview Ready to operate We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 Touch clear area on the “Ready to operate” display Additional pads are activated. We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 There are various options for the “Ready to operate” display. We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 If there are errors, the relevant pad is displayed. is required then a care message pad is displayed. If Cleaning Other display options w S ettings w Operating options. “Ready to operate” display pads Chapter 3.3 Warm rinsing Chapter 3.2.1 Barista (strength of the coffee) Chapter 3.2.3 Information Chapter 3.2.4 Main menu Chapter 3.2.5 Error message Touching the pad calls up the error message. Care message Touching the pad leads directly to the menu. 18 User Manual WMF bistro! Software Main menu functions Chapter 3.2 Milk and foam Chapter 3.3.1 Timer program Chapter 3.3.2 Care Chapter 3.3.3 Settings Chapter 3.3.4 PIN entry Chapter 3.3.5 PIN rights, access control Chapter 3.3.6 Accounting Chapter 3.3.7 Menu control pads Save settings start continue Start or confirm a step Back to the higher menu level Cancel / leave without saving (Exit) Clear or reset Start preparation test / coffee trial Increase or reduce setting values Forward or back one step in listings User Manual WMF bistro! 19 Software 3.2 3.2.1 Ready to operate “Ready to operate” display Standard display for normal operation • • • • We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 “Warm rinse” pad Barista pad Menu Information Standard display for SB mode (self-service) All pads that allow changes to be made are not available. The “warm rinse” pad, Barista pad, menu pad and messages are inactive. Error messages are not shown, only the Caution symbol is shown. 3.2.2 “Warm rinse” pad Touch the “warm rinse” pad A rinse of the pipes with hot water begins. The water warms the brewing system and guarantees an optimum coffee temperature. 3.2.3 Recommended after a longer brewing pause, especially before dispensing a cup of espresso. “Warm rinse” pad (active/inactive) w Settings w Operating options page 35 Barista pad Touch the Barista pad The coffee strength will be altered for the next brew only. weaker (-15 %) normal, as per setting stronger (+15 %) Barista pad (active/inactive) w Settings w Operating options page 35 20 User Manual WMF bistro! Software 3.2.4 Information Touch the pad on the “Ready to operate” display The Information menu appears. The main “Information” menu contains the following selection options: Service information • • • • service Service location Next date for maintenance Start-up data Software versions customer care brewtime Customer • Journal Journal log of the last cleanings • Cleaning information Period since the last cleaning If no beverages were dispensed since the last cleaning, “OK” is displayed • Information about maintenance Information about the remaining period and brews until the next maintenance dates • Water filter information (optional) Information about the remaining capacity and period until filter change is needed Brew time • Brew time of last beverage dispensed Journal information • List of recorded errors and messages (for the telephone support team) journal timer Timer • Display the timer status (On/Off) • Display the next switching time User Manual WMF bistro! 21 Software 3.2.5 To the main menu We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 Call up the main menu Press on the “Ready to operate” display on The main menu is displayed. “Ready to operate” display We 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 08:15 ... with additional pads Delayed fade-in w Settings w Operating options page 35 3.3 Main menu main menu Other illustrations of the main menu for protected levels. w PIN rights, access control page 37 3.3.1 Milk and foam Milk foam quality When dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout. The milk foam quality is set here. This setting will apply to all beverages with milk foam. -> finer foam and lower dispensing temperature Increase setting value -> coarser foam and higher dispensing temperature foam quality Reduce setting value Steam Milk settings w Software w Change recipes page 31 Set milk pump cycle (optional) w Additional instructions Active Milk 22 User Manual WMF bistro! Software Latte macchiato pause interval When dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout. Latte macchiato is more successful if the interval between milk and milk foam dispensing is lengthened. The standard setting is 3 seconds. macch.interrupt Reduce setting value -> shorter interval Increase setting value -> longer interval 3.3.2 Timer program The timer program sets the switch on and switch off times. The “Timer program” main menu contains the following selection options: • • • • • Timer state Set timer Timer overview Delete timer Timer information PIN rights, access control w Software w Settings w PIN rights, access control page 37 Timer state Touch timer state Activate / deactivate timer = On/Off. timer state When the timer is activated, the appears on the timer symbol display. User Manual WMF bistro! 23 Software Set timer Touch timer adjustment Program the switch on and switch off times. Touch operating time pad The operating time display appears. Here the day, time, and desired operation are set. timer adjustment Example: Set day (Day) • 1 = Monday • 2 = Tuesday, etc. up to 7 = Sunday • 1 - 5 = Monday to Friday (weekdays) • 1 - 7 = entire week (Monday to Sunday) operating time action prg day h min Set the time (hours, minutes) In day 1 - 5 or day 1 - 7, the switching times are copied to the indicated days. Set the desired switching time (action) Select desired settings with the and . pads • Switch on time = (on display) • Switch off time = (on display) Current selection is inversely displayed. Confirm with or Delete with Display programmed switching times Touch the and pads under Prg Programmed switching times are displayed here. Up to 16 switching times (events) per day can be programmed. Programmed times are listed chronologically. Any new switching time is sorted chronologically immediately upon input and confirmation with . Touching the 24 pad directly accesses the timer overview. User Manual WMF bistro! Software Copy day Any day may be copied to other days, complete with its switching times. Touch timer adjustment pad Program the switch on and switch off times. pad Touch operating time Touch the number pad under day The selection of the week days is displayed. Scroll through to page 4 Touch copy day The selection of the week days is displayed again. Select the day that you want to copy Touch insert day Select the day you want to copy the time settings to The day is copied. In day 1 - 5 or day 1 - 7, the switching times are copied to the indicated days. The individual days 1,2,3...7 are displayed. To check times w T imer overview Timer overview Checking the programmed switching times: Touch timer overview pad The switching times overview for the week is displayed graphically. Switch on times are indicated by bars. timer overview Example: timer overview operating time Switching times Monday to Friday (1 - 5). On time 7 a.m. (7:00) Off time 6 p.m. (18:00) User Manual WMF bistro! 25 Software Delete timer Touch delete timer on page 2 of the timer main program menu Scroll to desired day and touch to select A security dialogue now appears querying whether deletion is actually intended. Confirm with The day is deleted with all its switching times. Besides individual days, “all workdays” or the entire week can also be deleted. delete timer This process cannot be undone. Timer information Touching the timer info pad calls up a display with the next switching time and the timer state (On/Off). timer info timer info timer status next program operating time switch off 26 on 18:00 User Manual WMF bistro! Software 3.3.3 Care Cleaning programs are started from the Care main menu. The Care main menu contains the following selection options: • Cleaning program • Milk system (when dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout) • Choc system • Filter change (optional) • Customer check-up (optional) In the Software chapter w Care display-guided sequences are described in detail. Physical cleaning actions are described in the Care chapter. Cleaning program Touch cleaning prog. The daily cleaning program starts. The program automatically executes foamer cleaning if milk beverages have been dispensed.If there is a Choc system installed (mixer system) then Choc system rinsing occurs. The cleaning program sequence is described in the cleaning instructions. Prior to carrying out cleaning, please note the safety instructions in the safety chapter. Read the cleaning instructions and the Care chapter, starting on page 41. cleaning prog. w Cleaning instructions Caution. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. Milk system Milk system rinsing see Cleaning instructions. milk system During milk system cleaning the milk system is rinsed out using clear water. Using the option Plug&Clean the milk system cleaning is executed automatically. Milk system rinsing is performed automatically by the cleaning program. Caution. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. User Manual WMF bistro! 27 Software Choc system (mixer rinsing) (optional) See Cleaning instructions for Choc system rinsing. choc system During Choc system cleaning the mixer system is rinsed out using hot water. Choc system rinsing is performed automatically by the cleaning program when a Choc system is installed. Filter change (optional) Caution. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. This point can be selected by trained personnel if the WMF Service function has been enabled. Question: was the filter changed? yes/no Customer Check-up (optional) This point can be selected by trained personnel if the WMF Service function has been enabled. Question: has customer check-up been performed? yes/no 28 User Manual WMF bistro! Software 3.3.4 Settings Recipe and buttons Touch recipes/button recipes/button Menu recipes/button shows the options: • Cup volumes • Change recipes • Sequence of ingredients additions • Button allocation • Testing Selecting the beverage buttons when setting = more Press the desired beverage button = less Selecting the beverage button on the 2nd level Press the shift button 2x Press the desired beverage button = exit without change = save the values = start test Selecting the beverage button in conjunction with one of the preselection buttons S, M, L or decaf Press the desired preselection button Press the desired beverage button Adjust values Adjust values with the and pads Start a preparation test with the current values Touch pad The values are not saved yet. Save setting Save with Cup volumes Cup volumes are matched to the cups used. Individual beverage ingredients are matched to the new cup volumes with no effect on composition and quality. User Manual WMF bistro! cup volumes 29 Software Change recipes change recipes Chociatto All beverages Ground coffee quantity / Choc powder quantity Water volume Milk beverages Milk foam volume Change recipes display Chociatto ground coffee Milk volume Example: ground coffee quantity Coffee beverages Chociatto quality level Quality The quality levels influence the coffee brewing. The higher the quality level, the more intensive the release of the flavour and aromatic substances in the coffee. Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6 Quality 7 After pressing, space is provided for the ground coffee to swell. After pressing, the coffee is brewed immediately. After pressing, a pre-infusion occurs. After pressing and a pre-infusion, a second wet pressing occurs. Same as for Quality 4, but with stronger wet pressing. Same as for Quality 5, but with stronger wet pressing. Same as for Quality 6, but with longer wet pressing. Temperature The brewing temperature can be set to obtain an optimal coffee taste. For each beverage button separately, up to 2 stages higher and up to 2 stages lower. 1 stage represents about 2 °C. (Default value is 94 °C) 30 quality 4 Quality An excessively high quality level may lead to a brewing water error. (Error F161) chociatto temperature standard 0 User Manual WMF bistro! Software Steam Milk settings (optional) change recipes foam fine Milk and foam Milk temperature pad Touch change recipes Press the desired Steam Milk button Select milk or milk foam Adjust the milk foam quality Set the shut-off temperature Save with The maximum temperature setting is 90 °C. foam fine foam quality foam fine temperature Set decaf (optional) Decaf grinder is always the right grinder. pad Touch change recipes Press Decaf button Ground coffee quantity for decaf is set by percentage for the ground coffee quantity set in the recipe. This setting applies to all coffee beverages with preselected “Decaf”. Save with User Manual WMF bistro! decaf ground coffee 31 Software Sequence of ingredients additions Sequence examples The sequence of additions is only possible for beverages whose recipe contains at least two ingredients. The sequence in which the individual additions will be dispensed. Adjustable addition • Coffee • Milk • Milk foam • Choc Set the sequence a.) Upper line: set start position for dispensing milk, milk foam or Choc. b.) Lower line: set start position for coffee brewing. Touch the start position pad until the desired addition is shown The next addition will be shown each time it is touched. Sequence of dispensing from left to right. Button allocation The beverages are assigned to the beverage buttons. This button allocation is set here. Press the beverage button Select the desired recipe, for example espresso, from the list Alter dispensing option for milk *, foam *, steam or hot water Press the beverage button Select recipe, for example foam * Select dispensing option * When dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout. Select grinder for a coffee beverage Press the beverage button Select recipe, for example espresso Select grinder (on the right or left) 32 add-ons cappuccino a> b> First coffee and milk foam at the same time and then milk add-ons cappuccino First milk foam, then milk, then coffee add-ons cappuccino First milk, then milk foam, then coffee Load a new recipe: the previous settings will be overwritten by the works standard values for the new recipe. Only adjustable recipes are indicated. dispens.opt. ages metered free flow start/stop portioner ages grinder right grinder left User Manual WMF bistro! Software Testing Weigh grounds Empty and replace grounds container Touch weigh grounds The process dispenses ground coffee directly into the grounds container and the grounds may then be weighed. The grind quantity is dispensed three times. Quality check The components of a beverage are delivered individually (coffee, milk, milk foam, Choc). The volumes of the individual components can be determined exactly. Reset The coffee machine software is restarted here. reset Time and date Clock time and date are set here. time / date Display language Language used in the display is set here. language Display contrast Contrast of the display is set here. (Default value is 70) User Manual WMF bistro! contrast 33 Software Water filter is fitted Query regarding whether the WMF Service is enabled. Set here whether a scale filter / water filter is fitted or not. This affects the descaling intervals. softener/filter Capacity Scale filter / water filter: filter capacity is set here. (The water filter capacity can be found in the water filter documentation.) Filter capacity This point can be selected by trained personnel if the WMF Service function has been enabled. Warm-up rinsing Whether the coffee machine should rinse out the brewing unit with hot water after heating up is set here. Recommended setting: active. warm up rinsing SB mode (self-service) (active/inactive, default value: inactive) SB mode active • No manual insert (only cleaning tablets) • No beverage preselection possible • It is not possible to interrupt the beverage dispensing cycle • Menu pad delayed • Maintenance and error messages suppressed • Barista pad and “warm rinse” pad not displayed selfService mod Foamer rinsing Whether automatic foamer rinsing should occur after the last beverage with milk components is dispensed. yes/no It is not possible to interrupt the beverage dispensing cycle. 34 foamer rinsing User Manual WMF bistro! Software Rinsing interval The time elapsed between the last time a beverage with milk was dispensed and a foamer rinsing. Maximum value with Plug&Clean is 3 minutes. Recommended setting: 2 minutes. rinse interval Operating options The following operating options are available. • “Warm rinse” pad (active/inactive) • Barista pad (active/inactive) • Beverage preselection (active/inactive) • 2. Level, shift button (yes/no) • ON/OFF button (direct/via PIN) • Cancel beverage (yes/no) • Menu pad (immediate/delayed) • Error message (normal/symbol) “Warm rinse” pad Recommendation for self-service: inactive. Barista pad Recommendation for self-service: inactive. Beverage preselection Recommendation for self-service: inactive. 2nd level / shift button Recommendation for self-service: no. ON/OFF button Recommendation for self-service: via PIN. If “via PIN” is set, then the PIN for the cleaning level will be queried before switching on or off. Cancel beverage Recommendation for self-service: no. Menu pad Recommendation for self-service: delayed Standard: immediate Error number Normal: all messages are shown on the display. Symbol: messages that require immediate action are shown on the display. All other messages are displayed as symbol . Touch the symbol All messages are displayed. User Manual WMF bistro! options If customers serve themselves then some functions can be switched to inactive. The pads will not be shown on the “Ready to operate” display. w PIN rights, access control page 37 w To the main menu page 22 With illumination (optional): messages that require immediate action are accompanied by flashing side illumination. 35 Software Illumination (optional) Set the colour values here of the LEDs for the desired illumination colour Setting examples light sequence (sequence of colours) amber blue red 1 25 0 green blue 0 0 30 0 0 30 illumination setting illumination red green blue Milk (optional) The empty milk message can be activated here. Touch milk pad Beverage lockout yes/no Beverage lockout no: beverages can be dispensed until the milk container is actually empty. Beverage lockout yes: input is requested as to how many beverages can be dispensed after the message has appeared. After this number of beverages has been dispensed, beverages with milk are blocked from further dispensing. Beverage lockout is removed when the milk container is filled. milk setting illumination milk setting milk beverage lock setting milk beverage lock beverages left 36 no yes 3 User Manual WMF bistro! Software 3.3.5 PIN-entry display Individual authorisation levels can be protected using a PIN. For access to a PIN-protected level, the PIN must be entered via pad. Touch the pad in the main menu Numerical keyboard display appears. Enter required 4-figure PIN Confirm with Following entry of a valid PIN, the assigned functions are available. 3.3.6 2 4 . 11 . 2 0 1 0 PIN PIN-entry display PIN rights, access control If a PIN has been assigned for a particular level, no access will be granted without a PIN. Cleaning level main menu On entering the valid PIN, access to: = Care = PIN-protected ON/OFF button Cleaning level access Milk and foam settings for the Steam Milk button require PIN access at the Accounting level. Setting level main menu On entering the valid PIN, access to: = Set milk and foam quality (for all beverages) = Timer program = Care = PIN-protected ON/OFF button = Settings (beverage, general, others) Setting level access Milk and foam settings for the Steam Milk button require PIN access at the Accounting level. User Manual WMF bistro! 37 Software Accounting level main menu On entering the valid PIN, access to: = Set milk and foam quality (for all beverages) = Timer program = Care = PIN-protected ON/OFF button = Settings (beverage, general, others) = Assign PIN rights, access control = Accounting numbers of beverages Accounting level access A PIN can be assigned to any level. The levels are hierarchical. Example: the PIN for the cleaning and setting accounting level. setting Example: access-control accounting level is valid for levels, but not for the Touch the pad in the main menu Select desired level Example: cleaning Numerical keyboard display appears. Enter any desired 4-digit number Number entered is displayed. Confirm with This level is now PIN-protected. When a PIN is assigned to a subordinate level, that PIN is automatically copied to higher levels if the latter are not already PIN-protected. Delete PIN Entering 0000 will delete access control for the given level. Deletion of one level automatically deletes the subordinate levels. setting cleaning PIN entry for Cleaning level: 1234 This PIN is carried over to the higher levels. Example: access-control accounting setting cleaning PIN entry for Cleaning level: 1234 Setting level: 9876 Accounting level: 7777 = more = less = exit without change = save the values = delete 38 User Manual WMF bistro! Software 3.3.7 Accounting numbers of beverages Touch counter The counter menu displays the counter for each beverage. Read counter Touch desired beverage on the display Delete counter Touch the clear pad If no beverage is selected, on touching the clear pad a dialogue appears in the display querying whether the counter readings for all beverages should be zeroed. The “Accounting numbers of beverages” function should be protected with a PIN to prevent unauthorised access. Function over additional PIN (setting by service personnel): only possible to view the day counter, not to delete it. 3.3.8 Waiter accounting system (optional) See additional User Manual. User Manual WMF bistro! 39 Other settings Chapter 4 4.1 Other settings Adjusting the pinch valve When dispensing milk and milk foam through the combi spout. The milk dispensing temperature is determined by the milk nozzle and by the setting of the pinch valve. For dispensing of the milk foam, the dispensing temperature is only determined by the milk nozzle, not the pinch valve. Press in the pin with a ball pen or something similar Turn the pinch valve by one notch at a time Test at each step The milk should not spit during dispensing. Setting for colder milk = turning clockwise 4.2 Labelling of beverage buttons First switch off coffee machine in order not to trigger dispensing inadvertently. Pull out existing labelling behind front glass in a downward direction Write on label stickers as desired using the WMF template Stick on label mount and re-insert behind the front glass panel The template can be printed out on adhesive labels or paper. Stick paper to label mount using an adhesive sticker. Free download of WMF label template from www.servicecenter.wmf.com Matching adhesive labels: Zweckform-Avery No. 3659 40 User Manual WMF bistro! Care Chapter 5 Care Regular cleaning is essential in order to ensure problem-free operation of the coffee machine and to ensure optimum coffee quality. Prior to and after every instance that the machine is shut off for several days, perform all cleanings. Caution. Health hazard. Follow the HACCP schedule. Cleaning intervals overview Automatic Regularly Weekly Daily Care Cleaning program, x Foamer rinsing Cleaning program x x Milk system rinsing x Combi spout cleaning, standard x Combi spout cleaning, Plug&Clean * x Choc system rinsing * Combi spout cleaning, standard, Combi spout cleaning, Plug&Clean, Choc system rinsing, w Cleaning instructions. Grounds container cleaning x Drip tray cleaning x (x) Milk system rinsing, Mixer cleaning * x x Steam outlet cleaning x Steam Milk outlet cleaning * Daily Weekly Regularly Message (x) * x Bean hopper cleaning x Choc hopper cleaning * = Daily, at least once per day and as required = Weekly cleaning = Regularly as required = After the display shows a message = Daily as required = Optional (depending on the model) User Manual WMF bistro! 41 Care 5.1 Cleaning program The cleaning program is guided by software in the following sequence through the whole cleaning program: • Milk system cleaning • Choc system rinsing • Cleaning program for the machine with cleaning tablets: coffee carrying parts 5.2 Milk system Milk system cleaning see Cleaning instructions. The milk system consists of: • Combi spout • Milk nozzle • Milk hose The milk system must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at least once a day, after no more 24 hours. For machines with Plug&Clean, this must be done as part of the machine cleaning at the end of the service day. If this Plug&Clean cleaning is not done, then the combi spout must be disassembled and cleaned manually. Caution. Hot liquids in the dispensing area. Observe the Safety chapter. Cleaning Program w Cleaning instructions Caution. Hot liquids in the dispensing area. Observe the Safety chapter. Caution. Follow the hygiene instructions. See HACCP schedule. Milk hose should be changed at regular intervals. Foamer cleaning, standard Combi spout cleaning w Cleaning instructions Cleaning of the combi spout consists of three parts. • Automatic foamer rinsing after each beverage with milk or milk foam • Display-guided milk system rinsing • Once per day, place combi spout, milk hose and milk nozzles in a cleaning solution 42 User Manual WMF bistro! Care Foamer cleaning Plug&Clean Cleaning with Plug&Clean consists of three parts. • Automatic foamer rinsing for a maximum of 3 minutes after each beverage with milk or milk foam • Display-guided Plug&Clean cleaning • Once per week, lay combi spout, milk hose and milk nozzles in a cleaning solution 5.3 Plug&Clean cleaning program w Cleaning instructions Choc system rinsing Choc system rinsing is interim cleaning of the mixer. See Cleaning instructions for Choc system rinsing. 5.4 General cleaning Grounds container cleaning (grounds chute, optional) Empty the grounds container and rinse under running water Clean with a clean, damp cloth Drip tray, housing and front panel Clean the cold machine using a damp cloth Wipe dry using a fine woollen cloth or chamois leather The Choc system rinsing is an integral part of the cleaning program. Order numbers for the WMF care program w Appendix Accessories and spare parts page 64 Switch off the machine before cleaning the front panel to avoid a beverage being accidentally dispensed. Cleaning metal surfaces For cleaning metal housing parts (matte surface) we recommend WMF Purargan® cleaner. Do not clean with scouring powders or the like. There is a risk of causing scratches or scores. Do not use any sharp cleaning materials or implements. Use soft cloths for cleaning. User Manual WMF bistro! Risk to the machine. Follow the manual. 43 Care 5.5 Choc mixer cleaning (optional) Cleaning will be more frequent depending on powder consumption. Switch off coffee machine using the ON/OFF button Disconnect mains plug Remove the coffee grounds container Pull off mixer hose from mixer to combi spout Turn stud on bayonet fitting underneath the mixer bowl counter-clockwise Mixer bowl is released from the arrester lock. The propeller for the mixer is now visible. The propeller can be cleaned with a cloth Dismantle two-piece mixer bowl Clean both parts of mixer bowl and mixer hose under warm running water Allow all parts to dry completely closed open On re-assembly, all openings must face in the same direction. Ensure that the spiral guide is seated and the hose is not pinched. Replace mixer bowl Turn stud on bayonet connector back clockwise Push mixer hose onto mixer bowl fitting again, and plug in combi spout Replace the grounds container Ensure that mixer hose is replaced securely. This is important, as otherwise hot water or hot Choc beverage may escape. 44 Caution. Scalding hazard. Observe the Safety chapter. User Manual WMF bistro! Care 5.6 Steam outlet cleaning (standard und Steam Milk) Daily Mix 5 ml of cleaner in a tall jug with 0.5 l of lukewarm water Immerse the steam nozzle in the cleaning solution, and briefly press the steam button or a Steam Milk button Reaction time: 30 minutes Clean with a brush Rinse thoroughly with water Press the steam button The steam clears the holes of the steam nozzle of milk residue, and removes cleaner residue. Weekly Unscrew the steam nozzle Place the steam nozzle in the cleaning solution for at least 5 hours Clean with a brush Rinse thoroughly with clean water Screw the steam nozzle onto the Steam Milk spout Immerse the steam nozzle in a receptacle with clear water Briefly press a Steam Milk button Wipe steam outlet with a damp cloth 5.7 Caution. Health hazard. Irritation and scald hazard in the dispensing area. Caution. Hot steam. Observe the Safety chapter. Bean hopper cleaning Clean the inserted foils of the bean hopper as required and at regular intervals (at least once a month). Only perform cleaning on empty or almost empty bean hoppers. Never reach into the coffee grinders. Never clean the foils in a dishwasher. Switch off coffee machine using the ON/OFF button Disconnect mains plug Remove bean hopper lid Remove inserted foils upwards Clean thoroughly using a moist, non-woven cloth Allow the foils to dry completely Insert foil again User Manual WMF bistro! Caution. Bruising or crushing hazard. Observe the Safety chapter. Follow the manual. Observe the Safety chapter. 45 Care 5.8 Choc hopper cleaning (optional) Cleaning will be more frequent depending on powder consumption. Switch off coffee machine using the ON/OFF button Disconnect mains plug Unlock hopper lock on the machine cover Tip hopper backwards and remove upwards Empty hopper completely Unscrew union nut at front and rear Remove the dosing auger Thoroughly wipe out hopper with a damp cloth Thoroughly clean individual dosing auger components Allow product hopper and individual components to dry completely Re-assemble and insert the dosing auger and screw on union nuts Portion controller with individual parts, dosing auger Ensure correct orientation of discharge. Refill and replace product hopper Shut hopper lock on the machine cover 46 User Manual WMF bistro! HACCP schedule Chapter 6 HACCP schedule You are required by law to ensure that your customers are not subject to any health risks as a consequence of consumption of food items you serve. A HACCP schedule (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) for risk identification and assessment is required. You should carry out a risk analysis on your premises. The aim of the analysis is to recognize and pre-empt food hygiene hazard points. For this purpose, monitoring and, where necessary, test procedures must be established and implemented. With correct installation, care, maintenance, and cleaning, WMF coffee machines meet the requirements described above. If care of the coffee machines is not carried out properly, dispensing milk beverages will constitute a food hygiene hazard point. Please observe the following points in order to comply with the HACCP Schedule: “Food Hygiene Ordinance from 05.08.1997” Use our HACCP schedule for monitoring of regular cleaning. Sanitize the milk system daily • Follow the cleaning instructions for the milk system contained in the cleaning instructions. This will ensure that your system contains a minimum of bacteria at commencement of operation. You can call up the logs of the most recent cleaning operations via Information pad . Always commence operation with a freshly opened cooled milk pack • Original packaged UHT milk is usually free from harmful bacteria. Always open a new cooled pack at commencement of operation. • Ensure absolute cleanliness when opening the milk pack. Germs can be introduced from dirty hands or tools when opening. User Manual WMF bistro! Recommendation: only use UHT milk with a 1.5 % fat content. 47 HACCP schedule Keep milk cool • Always have a new cooled milk pack handy. • If a cooled freshly opened pack is used within a period not exceeding 3 hours, refrigeration during use is not necessary. • If little milk is being used, cooled milk must be placed in the refrigerator again during operation. At commencement of operation milk should be at approx. 6 - 8 °C. Depending on the setting, one litre of milk is sufficient for approx. 20 cappuccinos. WMF AG offers a range of refrigeration options (e.g., WMF countertop coolers or WMF milk coolers). HACCP schedule Month Year Use only cooled UHT milk, to prevent health risks due to bacteria. For Choc, use only products that have not exceeded their expiration date. 3a. Clean the foamer and change out the combi spout after 4 hours of operation (absolutely required for low number of dispense cycles, or if milk is not cooled.) 3b. Weekly mixer cleaning and regular product hopper cleaning (Care chapter) 4. General machine cleaning Cleaning steps Time of day 1 2 3 Signature 4 Date Date Cleaning steps: 1. Run the cleaning program w Cleaning instructions 2a. Foamer cleaning (combi spout) w Cleaning instructions 2b. Daily mixer cleaning w Cleaning instructions 1. 17. 2. 18. 3. 19. 4. 20. 5. 21. 6. 22. 7. 23. 8. 24. 9. 25. 10. 26. 11. 27. 12. 28. 13. 29. 14. 30. 15. 31. Cleaning steps Time of day 1 2 3 Signature 4 16. 48 User Manual WMF bistro! Maintenance Chapter 7 Maintenance and descaling Please observe that this is a professional industrial coffee machine which needs regular maintenance and descaling. The maintenance schedule is based on the degree of use of the machine and is shown on the display. If maintenance is undertaken by the WMF Service, then descaling of the brewing system is done at the same. The coffee machine may continue to be operated after the message, but Customer Care or contract maintenance should be carried out promptly to ensure correct functioning and so as to avoid any consequent damage. 7.1 Customer Check-up Customer Check-up after the display shows a message; may be undertaken by the user / operator. 7.2 Maintenance Maintenance after the display shows a message; may only be undertaken by trained personnel or by WMF Service, as in this instance components affecting safety must be replaced. 7.3 Customer Check-up after the display shows a message see Customer Check-up Instructions in Customer Check-up Kit. w Appendix:Accessories and spare parts Service maintenance message w Messages and instructions page 50 WMF Service You can reach the WMF Service Centre if the local WMF Service is not known. For other maintenance work and repairs, please contact your local WMF Service. The telephone number can be found on the address sticker on the coffee machine and on the delivery note. User Manual WMF bistro! 49 Messages and instructions Chapter 8 8.1 Messages and instructions Messages for operation Refill beans Top up bean hopper (refer to display) Check: • Is the product hopper lock open? Refill beans w Care • Beans do not feed through Stir with a large spoon and confirm with Open water supply valve Turn on water mains supply and confirm open water supply Empty coffee grounds container Empty grounds container Empty grounds cont.! Grounds container missing Replace the grounds container correctly Grounds container! Change water filter Please call the WMF Service Change filter Follow water filter instructions. Please consult the User Manual Error number is displayed w Error messages and malfunctions Please call the WMF Service Error number is displayed w Error messages and malfunctions Service Message Service maintenance after the display shows a message. Call WMF Service 50 C a u t i o n! Please consult the user manual! handleiding ! C a u t i o n! Call service! serviceMainten1 User Manual WMF bistro! Messages and instructions 8.2 Error messages and malfunctions Basic procedure on display of error messages or malfunctions. Switch coffee machine off and then on again after a few seconds Repeat the process which led to the error In many cases, this eliminates the malfunction and you can continue working. If this is not successful: find the error message or error number in the following list and follow the sequence of actions indicated. If this does not rectify the error or if the error indicated is not listed please call WMF Service. Some messages lead to blocking of individual functions. You will notice this by the fact that the beverage button illumination goes out. The beverage buttons that are still illuminated can continue to be used. Your WMF bistro! is provided with a diagnostics program. Any errors that occur are shown on the display. The error messages listed may also be caused by an interruption to the mains electricity supply. If there is a current error or a message to the operator, the pad is displayed. Touch pad Error number is displayed. User Manual WMF bistro! 51 Messages and instructions Error number Error description Action instructions Motor blocked All associated brews barred. Note hopper switchover. Grinders 24 Tap on beans hopper The beans may slide down and the light barrier is touched. 34 Motor blocked All associated brews barred. Note hopper switchover. Tap on beans hopper The beans may slide down and the light barrier is touched. Steam boiler 186 189 Steam boiler: filling time Steam dispensing barred, milk foam barred. Steam boiler: heat-up time error Heating off, steam dispensing barred. Machine Off-On; note heating display for information for the WMF Service Water tap open? Machine Off-On Check local fuses Sensor system (current) 130 General current error Machine Off-On Switch off lighting (w S ettings), all colours to zero Allow the machine to cool off and try again Call the WMF Service if the error occurs again 148 Current fault: steam boiler vent valve One can continue to use the machine; dosing fluctuations can occur for milk meterings. Confirm steam dispensing or milk dispensing from time to time Call WMF Service 131 Current error: hot water valve 132 Current error: cold water mixing valve, hot water valve Hot water dispensing is barred: one can continue to use the machine. Do not use hot water anymore. 137 Current error: mixer / valve Barr on beverage mixer: one can continue to use the machine. Do not use Choc anymore. 140 Current error: steam valve 1 Hot water dispensing is barred: one can continue to use the machine. Do not use hot water anymore. Call WMF Service Call WMF Service Call WMF Service Steam dispensing is barred: one can continue to use the machine. Do not use steam dispensing or Steam Milk. Call WMF Service 52 User Manual WMF bistro! Messages and instructions Error number Error description Action instructions 141 Current error: steam valve 2 Steam dispensing is barred: one can continue to use the machine. Do not use steam dispensing or Steam Milk. 142 Current error: cap. valve 1 143 Current error: cap. valve 2 134 Current error: cold water brewing valve 149 General current error 161 Flow error 165 Flow error: Choc dosing 170 Sensor damage: Steam Milk Call WMF Service Milk beverages are barred: the machine can be used except for milk beverages. If installed use steam dispensing for foaming. Call WMF Service Milk beverages are barred: the machine can be used except for milk beverages. If installed use steam dispensing for foaming. Call WMF Service One can continue to use the machine. Coffee beverages may be brewed too hot. Call WMF Service Machine Off-On Allow the machine to cool off and try again If the error occurs again: Call WMF Service Water tap opened? Machine Off-On Perform cleaning and try again Water tap opened? Machine Off-On Remove and clean mixer Perform mixer cleaning Machine Off-On Allow the machine to cool off and try again If the error occurs again: Call WMF Service Steam Milk is barred. One can continue to use the machine for coffee beverages. 171 Short circuit: Steam Milk sensor Machine Off-On Allow the machine to cool off and try again If the error occurs again: Call WMF Service Steam Milk is barred. One can continue to use the machine for coffee beverages. User Manual WMF bistro! 53 Messages and instructions 8.3 Errors without error message Error pattern • Coffee dispensing on the left / right differs • No milk foam / no milk dispensing, although there is milk in the container Action instructions Clean the combi spout ->Cleaning instructions Check whether the milk hose is kinked or squashed Lay milk hose correctly Clean the combi spout Check whether milk nozzle is blocked w Cleaning instructions Pinch valve turned to strongly? w Other settings • Milk foam not OK • Temperature too low Change milk nozzle: - green milk nozzle for use of cooled milk - white or brown milk nozzle for uncooled milk Clean the combi spout w Cleaning instructions Close pinch valve w Other settings • The milk foam dispensing spits strongly • Milk to hot Use white or brown milk nozzle Set foam quality lower Clean milk system w Cleaning instructions Open pinch valve w Other settings • Choc is blocked Is the hose kinked? Perform milk cleaning and rinsing oftener If necessary daily w Care and Cleaning instructions • No illumination • No display • No tone when pressing a button Dose less powder Dose more water Disconnect mains plug Pull out drip tray Check the fuse behind the drip tray Only fuse F4 A is permissible. Replace fuse Caution. Risk of electrocution. Risk to life if not observed. 54 User Manual WMF bistro! Safety Chapter 9 9.1 Safety Hazards to the operator At WMF, safety is one of the most essential product features. The effectiveness of safety devices can only be ensured if the following points are observed: • Read the User Manual carefully prior to use. • Do not touch hot machine components. • Do not use the machine if it is not working properly or if it is damaged. • Built-in safety devices must never be altered. • This device is not designed for persons (including children) with limited physical, sensory or mental capabilities or who lack the required experience and / or knowledge, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have received instructions from them about how the device should be used. • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device. Despite safety devices, every machine poses numerous hazards if incorrectly used. Please observe the following instructions when using the coffee machine so as to prevent injury and health hazards: Scalding hazard. When dispensing coffee, Choc, hot water and steam there is hazard of scalding. Ensure that there is always a receptacle under the spout when dispensing beverages. Caution. Failure to follow Safety warnings can result in death or serious injury. Follow the safety instructions. Caution. Hot liquids in the dispensing area. Scalding hazard. Caution. Hot steam. Burn hazard. User Manual WMF bistro! 55 Safety Bruising or crushing hazard. There is a hazard of bruising or crushing when handling all moving parts. Do not reach into the bean hopper or the brewing unit opening when the coffee machine is switched on. Health hazard. The product hoppers (coffee beans / Choc) and manual insert may only be filled with materials for the use intended. Health hazard. When handling special cleaners for the milk foamer, cleaning tablets, follow the protective measures on the packaging. The special cleaners for the milk foamer and cleaning tablets are irritants. Only put in cleaning tablets after the display shows a message. Irritation and scald hazard. Never reach under the spouts while cleaning. Cleaning fluid / descaling solution runs out of the combi spout when cleaning / descaling. 9.2 Caution. Bruising or crushing hazard. Risk of injury. Caution. Health hazard. Only use as intended. Caution. Health hazard. Follow the instructions of the label on the cleaning agents. Caution. Health hazard. Irritation and scald hazard in the dispensing area. Hazards to the coffee machine Please observe the following points so as to prevent problems with and damage to the coffee machine: • For water with carbonate hardness in excess of 5 °dKH, a WMF water filter must be fitted; otherwise, the coffee machine can be damaged due to build-up of scale. • For insurance reasons always ensure that, at the end of operation, the mains water supply for the water supply is turned off and the mains power is switched off or the machine is unplugged. 56 User Manual WMF bistro! Safety • We recommend damage prevention measures such as: - installation of a suitable water monitor in the mains water supply - installation of smoke alarms • After a company holiday we recommend running the cleaning program at least twice before reusing the machine. 9.3 w Cleaning instructions Intended use The WMF bistro! is designed to dispense coffee beverages, milk beverages and / or powdered beverages (Choc and topping) in various variations into cups or cans. In addition, the device can generate steam for heating milk and dispensing hot water. This device is also intended for industrial and commercial use and for use by professionals and trained users in shops in the consumer goods industry and agricultural holdings, or for the commercial use by non-professionals. The device can be used as a self-service device if it is supervised by trained personnel. The use of the device is also subject to the “General Terms and Conditions” of WMF AG and this user manual. Any other use or use that goes beyond the aforementioned is considered incorrect use. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this. Under no circumstances may the WMF bistro! be used to dispense and heat liquids other than coffee, hot water (beverages, cleaning) or milk (cooled, pasteurised, homogenised, UHT). User Manual WMF bistro! 57 Safety 9.4 Directives The machine fulfils the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB), the Regulation on Commodities (BedGgstV), the EC regulation No. 10 / 2011 as well as the EC regulation No. 1935 / 2004 in the currently valid editions. When used properly, the machine does not present a hazard to health or other unjustifiable hazard. The materials and raw materials used fulfil the requirements of the Regulation on Commodities as well as the EC regulations No. 10 / 2011. The machine fulfils the requirements of all applicable regulations in the directives MD (MR) 2006 / 42 / EC (EG), Directive 2004 / 108 / EC (EG), Directive 2002 / 95 / EC (ROHS), Directive 2002 / 96 / EC (WEEE). The EC declaration of conformity is included with the machine. The machine bears the CE mark. Any modifications that are not approved by WMF will cause this declaration to become invalid. Currently valid national rules apply in countries outside of the European Union. This device is subject to the directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE / EU directive) and may not be disposed of as domestic waste. Requirements traceability pursuant to EC regulation No. 1935 / 2004 and Good Manufacturing Practice within the meaning of EC regulation No. 2023 / 2006 are ensured and guaranteed. 58 For disposal please contact the WMF Service. User Manual WMF bistro! Warranty 9.5 Duties of the owner/operator The operator of such equipment must ensure regular maintenance by WMF Service technicians, their agents or other authorised persons, and checking of safety devices. Access to the service area is permitted only for persons with knowledge and practical experience with the unit, especially regarding safety and hygiene. The coffee machine must be set up by the operator such that care and maintenance can be performed without hindrance. In office / floor supply or similar self-service applications, only staff instructed in operation of the machine should supervise the machine. Trained personnel should carry out maintenance and be available for questions regarding use. The operator shall ensure that electrical equipment and operating facilities are in a fit state (e.g. to BGV A3) [German Accident Prevention Association or equivalent]. In order to ensure the operating safety of your coffee machine, it is essential to perform regular checks of the safety valves and the pressure containers, among other checks. These measures are conducted by WMF Service or by WMF authorised service personnel as part of the maintenance work. Machine cleaning must be done only using the WMF special cleaning agent intended by WMF for the machine (tablets), and for the milk system (cleaning liquid). The manufacturer‘s specifications regarding maintenance cycles and frequency of maintenance (w Maintenance) are to be observed. User Manual WMF bistro! WMF special cleaning agent, w Appendix Accessories and spare parts page 64 59 Warranty 9.6 Warranty claims During the warranty period of 12 months from transfer of risk, the purchaser has statutory warranty entitlements. The vendor should always be afforded the opportunity to rectify errors within an appropriate period. Claims above and beyond the above, in particular damage claims as a result of consequential damage, are excluded, to the extent that this is legally permissible. Material defects shall be reported to the vendor immediately and in writing. Warranty period 12 months No warranty is provided: • On any parts subject to natural wear and tear. This includes seals, mixers, and brewing unit, among other items. • For malfunctions due to the effect of the weather, scale build-up, chemical, physical, electrochemical or electrical effects, unless attributable to a fault on the part of WMF. • If a water filter is not fitted even though the local water supply requires use of a water filter and malfunctions occur as a consequence. • With respect to faults which occur as a result of failure to follow handling instructions and regulations, maintenance and care of the unit (e.g. User Manual and servicing instructions). • With respect to faults which occur as the result of failure to use original WMF replacement parts or incorrect assembly by the purchaser or by third parties or by faulty or negligent treatment. • With respect to the consequences of improper modifications undertaken without our consent or by repair or reconditioning work on the part of the purchaser or by third parties. • With respect to faults caused by inappropriate or improper use. 60 Follow the manual. The customer is advised in the order confirmation whether or not use of a water filter is required. w Maintenance page 49 User Manual WMF bistro! 1 User Manual WMF bistro! 08:15 On submenu Care, touch milk system Touch start choc system milk system cleaning prog. customer care Milk system rinsing Machine cleaning starts. Duration approx. 8 minutes. In progress… cleaning prog. switchingOff 12 8.1 For water rinse, prepare 0.5 l of clear, cold water Insert milk hose Touch continue continue Prepared water for rinsing? cleaning prog. switchingOff 6 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 11 (Care) 3 4 continue Prepared water for rinsing? For water rinse, prepare 0.5 l of clear, cold water Insert milk hose Touch continue Milk system rinsing starts. Duration approx. 30 seconds. In progress… cleaning prog. milk system Step 6 and 10 Only if beverages containing milk have been previously prepared. 12.1 cleaning prog. milk system Milk system rinsing starts. Duration approx. 30 seconds. Close the manual insert lid Touch yes yes On submenu Care, touch choc system Touch start choc system milk system cleaning prog. customer care Choc system rinsing Step 11 Only if beverages containing Choc components have been previously prepared with the optional mixer. Mixer rinsing starts. Duration approx. 30 seconds. In progress… 11 In progress… cleaning prog. choc system Cleaning tablet inserted? 10 7.1 cleaning prog. milk system Empty grounds container Empty g r o u n d s c o n t a i n e r. cleaning prog. switchingOff 7 Touch cleaning prog. Touch switchingOff no switchingOff choc system switchingOff milk system cleaning prog. cleaning prog. customer care 9 6.1 2 cleaning prog. switchingOff Touch main menu 5 33 2413 0010 10.2011 Mixer rinsing starts. Duration approx. 30 seconds. In progress… cleaning prog. choc system 11.1 Open the manual insert lid Add a special WMF cleaning tablet Open tablet insert. Insert the cleaning tablet. cleaning prog. switchingOff 8 Touch start The cleaning program starts. start cleaning start now? cleaning prog. switchingOff 1 08:15 continue 10 Mixer rinsing starts. Duration approx. 30 seconds. 3 10.1 Empty grounds container Empty g r o u n d s c o n t a i n e r. cleaning prog. switchingOff 7 Touch cleaning prog. choc system milk system cleaning prog. customer care 4 If a mixer is fitted: Rinse mixer hose very thoroughly Reassemble combi spout Replace combi spout Insert milk hose If a mixer is fitted: Insert mixer hose Mix 5 ml of WMF Special cleaner with 0.5 l of lukewarm water start 11.1 Add a special WMF cleaning tablet Close the manual insert lid Confirm with OK Open tablet insert. Insert the cleaning tablet. cleaning prog. switchingOff 8.1 Touch start The cleaning program starts. Pull forwards with both hands Remove upwards from the pinch valve After Plug&Clean cleaning: the cleaned milk hose can be stored with the adapter in the closed cooler. Milk system rinsing: see the flip-side under “Milk system rinsing” for interim cleaning. Manual combi spout cleaning with Plug&Clean: perform at least once per week. Instructions Dismantle combi spout Immerse one end of the milk hose in the cleaning solution B Switch off using the ON/OFF button prior to cleaning. Unplug mains plug. Pull forward the lever behind the combi spout Remove combi spout Remove milk hose from milk container and release from combi spout If a mixer is fitted: Release the mixer hose Machines with pinch valve: Remove milk hose. Replace in reverse order. Rinse combi spout and milk hose very thoroughly with clear water C Caution. Carefully disconnect the milk hose. A Manual combi spout cleaning 5 cleaning start now? cleaning prog. switchingOff Immerse the length of the remaining milk hose in the cleaning solution This procedure prevents air bubbles from remaining in the milk hose. Place all parts of combi spout in the cleaning solution (3 parts) All parts must be completely immersed. After 5 hours clean all parts thoroughly with a brush Machine cleaning starts. Duration approx. 8 minutes. In progress… cleaning prog. switchingOff 11 Open the manual insert lid 8 Touch switchingOff no switchingOff switchingOff cleaning prog. Step 8 - 9 Only if beverages containing milk have been previously prepared. Step 10 Only if beverages containing Choc components have been previously prepared with the optional mixer. Plug&Clean cleaning starts. Duration approx. 2 minutes. In progress… cleaning prog. choc system 9 Plug&Clean In progress… (Care) 6.1 2 Do not pinch the milk hose. Touch Touch main menu cleaning prog. milk system Insert the milk hose with the Plug&Clean adapter into the Plug&Clean socket and lock continue Is the milk hose plugged into P&C socket and locked? cleaning prog. switchingOff 6 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 11 Touch We Plug&Clean cleaning program Appendix: Touch We Standard Cleaning Program Follow the overview of cleaning interval schedule in the Care chapter in the User Manual. Prior to the first cleaning, read the User Manual, Care chapter. Please refer to the User Manual. Cleaning instructions WMF bistro! Appendix: Additional instructions Cleaning instructions (standard) 61 Appendix: Technical data Appendix: Technical data Technical data for coffee machine Nominal power rating * Output per hour ** Overall hot water output Coffee bean hopper Choc hopper Mains power connection * Illumination External dimensions Weight empty Continuous sound pressure level (Lpa) ***** 3.5 kW 6.3 kW 300 espressos 300 espressos 200 cappuccinos 220 cappuccinos 200 café crèmes 220 café crèmes 120 coffees *** 120 coffees *** 120 chocs **** 120 chocs **** approx. 24 l / h approx. 48 l / h approx. 1,000 g per load 500 - 1,000 g per load, depending on the Choc powder 1 / N / PE 50 / 6 0 Hz 3 / N / PE 50 / 6 0 Hz 220 - 230 V 380 - 4 00 V LED class 1 width 453 mm height incl. bean hopper 745 mm depth 554 mm approx. 80 kg < 70 dB (A) We reserve the right to make technical modifications. * For special models see model label, values given above are for the basic model. ** The outputs per hour are STANDARD VALUES which can be dependent upon the following factors: ground coffee quantity, type of coffee, grinding degree, brewing temperature, brewing blend Ø, brewing pressure, water hardness and the general operating condition of the machine (i.e. scaling, connection conditions, electrical power, drinking water, drainage, wear, etc.) *** Only for model version ECF **** Only with the optional Choc ***** A-evaluated sound pressure level Lpa (slow) and Lpa (impulses) at operating personnel workplace is under 70 db (A) in any working mode. Conditions for usage and installation Necessary preparatory work for electricity, water and drainage connections at the customer‘s premises are to be arranged by the machine owner / operator. The work must be carried out by authorised installation technicians in compliance with general, country-specific and local regulations. The WMF service engineers may only connect the machine to existing prepared connection points. WMF Service is neither authorised nor responsible for carrying out any work on-site prior to connection. 62 User Manual WMF bistro! Appendix: Technical data Mains voltage tolerance range 230 V +6 % and -10 % / 4 00 V +6 % and -10 %. Mains voltage interruption < 50 ms: no interruption of function Water supply 3/8 inch hose connector with main valve, and filter with 0.2 to 0.25 mm mesh size, on site. Min. 0.2 MPa flow pressure at 2 l / min., max. 0.6 MPa. Water temperature max. 35 °C. The set of hoses provided with the new coffee machine and / or the new water filter must be used. Do not use old hoses. Water quality For drinking water with carbonate hardness above 5 °dKH, a WMF water filter should be installed upstream. Water drain pipe Hose a min. DN 19, minimum downward slope of 2 cm / m Ambient temperature +5 °C to max. +35 °C (empty the water line in case of frost). Maximum humidity 80 % relative humidity without condensation. Do not use unit outdoors. Degree of protection IP X0 Installing surface The unit must be placed on a level, flat, and sturdy surface. The unit is not intended to be located on a surface that is sprayed or cleaned with a water hose, steam jets, steam cleaner, or similar devices. Installation clearances For operating, service and safety reasons the machine should be installed with a clearance of not less than 50 mm at the back and sides from the building or non-WMF components. A clear height of 1,100 mm from the top of the supporting surface should be ensured. The height of the installation surface above the floor is at least 850 mm. If the machine connections are to be run downwards through the counter, please make space for the lines, which can reduce the usable space below the machine. Installation dimensions of the See the User Manual for the water filter. water filter These specifications for the electrical connection and the standards quoted apply for connecting the machine in EU countries. It may be necessary to also observe additional country-specific regulations. Outside the EU countries acceptance of the standards quoted is to be checked by the legal entity or natural person who wishes to use the machine. The local power supply must be constructed according to IEC 364. To improve safety, the coffee machine should be fitted with an FI 30 mA earth leakage current circuit breaker complying with EN 61008. Near the machine or about 30 cm below the counter top there should be a shockproof socket as a single-phase connection installed locally on the rear or side wall of the counter substructure or a country-specific single-phase socket and, in the case of a 3-phase connection, a 5-pin CEE / CEKON-socket according to EN 60309 or a country-specific multi-pin socket. The mains switch and plug top are part of the customer‘s on-site installation. The mains cable must not come into contact with hot surfaces. If the mains cable for this device is damaged then it must be replaced by our service personnel or a similarly qualified person, in order to prevent hazards. If the coffee machine is permanently connected to the mains then an all-pole disconnecting separator (mains switch) according to EN 60947 with a minimum 3 mm contact gap must be installed. A separator switch is recommended for a flexible connection. The machine may not be fitted with a fixed permanent mains connection if installed on a transporting trolley (a mobile station). In order to avoid possible faults from arising on our shielded data lines due to potential equalization currents between the devices, an additional potential equalization unit should be planned for devices connected to the vending system. (See EN 60309) User Manual WMF bistro! 63 Number Unit Designation 64 meter Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pcs Mixer bowl Mixer hose Milk nozzle with Milkpower, milk temperature 16 - 24 °C (violet) Milk nozzle with Milkpower, milk temperature 16 °C (pink) Milk nozzle with Milkpower, milk temperature 8 - 16 °C (blue) Milk nozzle with Milkpower, milk temperature 4 - 8 °C (red) Milk nozzle, milk temperature 16 - 24 °C (brown) Milk nozzle, milk temperature 8 - 16 °C (white) Milk nozzle, milk temperature 4 - 8 °C (green) Milk hose Combi spout Milkpower (complete) Combi spout standard (complete) Pcs 1 Pcs 1 33 2388 8000 Milk container lid 350 1 Pcs Set of documents: • User Manual bistro! • Cleaning instructions bistro! • Additional instructions bistro! Active Milk (optional) • Cleaning instructions bistro! Active Milk (optional) 33 2413 0010 33 2418 4000 Plug&Clean adapter Milk container 350 Documentation / Instructions Pcs Pcs 1 1 33 2427 5000 33 2388 7000 Milk container lid 33 2427 5000 33 2388 6000 Plug&Clean adapter 33 2318 0000 00 0048 0064 33 2410 3000 33 2410 2000 33 1384 3100 33 2410 1000 33 2031 5100 33 9516 9000 33 2317 8000 00 0048 4948 33 2867 5100 33 2867 5000 Milk container Cup&Cool width 36 cm Pcs Pcs 1 1 Cup&Cool width 27 cm 1 meter Pcs 1 Order No. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Position number all Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Choc Choc Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk Fresh milk all all Model Appendix: 0.22 Pcs 1 Complete combi spout Choc Appendix: Accessories and spare parts Accessories and spare parts User Manual WMF bistro! Number Unit Spare key Pcs 1 User Manual WMF bistro! Pcs Pcs Pcs sheet 1 1 1 1 Labels for choc hopper Spare key Choc hopper lid, lockable Choc hopper lid Choc hopper Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Fuse holder lid Fuse F4 Drip grid Drip tray Grounds disposal through the counter (with design sheet metal) Coffee grounds container (with design sheet metal) Pcs 1 Customer Check-up Kit 0.5 / 15.000 Milkpower Customer Check-up Kit 0.5 / 15.000 Pcs Pcs 1 1 tube box 1 1 bottle 1 Gasket grease 5 grams Cleaning brush Pipe cleaner Special cleaning tablets (100 pieces) WMF Special cleaner for milk foamer Order numbers for the WMF care program Pcs 1 Customer Check-up Kit 0.5 / 15.000 Pcs 1 Fuse Pcs 1 Drip tray / drip grid Pcs 1 Coffee grounds container Pcs 1 Choc hopper Bean hopper lid, lockable Pcs 1 Bean hopper lid Pcs Pcs 1 Bean hopper foil Designation 1 Bean hopper 33 2179 9000 33 1521 9000 33 0350 0000 33 0681 1000 33 0683 6000 33 2809 6100 33 2809 6000 33 1597 0000 33 0330 0000 33 2372 4000 33 2372 3000 33 2800 3100 33 2800 3000 33 2315 3000 33 2071 8100 33 2809 8000 33 9508 0100 33 2801 5099 33 2071 8100 33 2809 7000 33 9500 0200 33 2813 8000 Order No. 16 16 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Position number all all all all Fresh milk Milkpower Standard all all all all Choc Choc Choc Choc Choc Choc all all Model Appendix: Accessories and spare parts 65 Index Index 1-Step 9 2-Step 9 A Access control 37 Accessories and spare parts 64 Accounting level 38 Accounting numbers of beverages 39 Additions 32 Adjustable addition 32 B Display switching times 24 Dosing auger 46 Drip tray 17 Drip tray, housing and front panel 43 Dual Milk 14 Duties of the owner/operator 59 E electrical connection 63 Empty grounds container 50 Error message 18, 51 Error messages 51 Error messages and malfunctions 54 Error number 50, 51 Barista pad 18, 20, 35 Bean hopper 7, 15 Bean hopper cleaning 45 beverage dispensing 10 Brewing unit error 50 Brew time 21 Button allocation 32 F C General cleaning 43 Glossary 8 Ground coffee quantity 30 Grounds container 16 Grounds container cleaning 43 Grounds container missing 50 Grounds disposal through the counter 16 Call up the main menu 8 Capacity 34 Care 21, 27, 41 Care message 18 Change recipes 30 Choc powder quantity 30 Choc system 28 Cleaning information 21 Cleaning instructions 61 Cleaning intervals overview 41 Cleaning level 37 Cleaning metal surfaces 43 Cleaning program 27, 42 Conditions for usage and installation 62 Connect up the milk 12 Cool milk 12, 48 Copy day 25 Cup&Cool 12 Cup volumes 29 Customer Check-up 49 Filter change 28 Foamer rinsing 34 Foam milk 13 G H HACCP schedule 47 Hazards to the coffee machine 56 Hazards to the operator 55 Height adjustment of the combi spout 15 I Information 18, 21 Instructions 50 Introduction 6 J D Journal 21 Daily cleaning 42 Damage prevention measures 57 day counter 39 Delete counter 39 Delete PIN 38 Delete timer 26 Diagnostics program 51 Dispense milk or milk foam 11 Dispensing hot water 11 Dispensing option 32 Dispensing steam 13 Display contrast 33 Display language 33 L 66 Labelling of beverage buttons 40 Latte macchiato 23 latte macchiato pause interval 23 M Main menu 18, 22 Main menu functions (pads) 19 Maintenance 49 Maintenance information 21 Malfunctions 51 User Manual WMF bistro! Index Manual insert 7, 15 Menu control pads 19 Messages and instructions 50 Messages for operation 50 Milk and foam 22 Milk foam dispensing 11 Milk foam quality 22 Milk foam volume 30 Milk nozzle 12 Milk system 27 Milk system rinsing Standard 43 Milk volume 30 Mixer cleaning 44 Mixer rinsing 43 Multiple dispensing 10 Multiple preselection 10 N No warranty is provided 60 O ON/OFF button 35 Open water supply valve 50 Operating options 35 Operation 10 Original WMF spare parts 60 Other settings 40 Override function 14 P Parts of the coffee machine 6 PIN entry 37 PIN rights 37 Preparation of coffee grounds using the manual insert 15 Preselection 10 Product hopper 15 Product hopper cleaning 46 Q Quality 30 Quality check 33 R Read counter 39 Ready to operate 18, 20 “Ready to operate” display pads 18 Recorded errors and messages 21 Refill beans 50 Reset 33 Rinsing interval 35 User Manual WMF bistro! S Safety devices 55 Sanitize milk system 47 SB mode 34 Second level 35 Select grinder 32 Self-service 20, 34, 35 Sequence of ingredients additions 32 Service 21 Set sequence 32 Set timer 24 Setting level 37 Settings 29 Shift button 11, 35 Software 18 Steam Milk 9, 14 Steam Milk buttons 14 Steam outlet cleaning 45 Switch off the coffee machine 17 Switch off time 24, 25 Switch on coffee machine 10 Switch on time 24, 25 T Tablet insert 7 Technical data 62 Testing 33 Time and date 33 Timer 21, 23 Timer information 26 Timer overview 25 Timer program 23 Timer state 23 To the main menu 22 Touch-screen display 7 U User Manual Signs and Symbols 8 User Manual Symbols 8 W Waiter accounting system 39 Warm beverages 13 “Warm rinse” pad 20, 35 Warm rinsing 18 Warm-up rinsing 34 Warranty claims 60 Water filter 60 Water filter is fitted 34 Weigh grounds 33 WMF Service 49 67 Your nearest WMF Service: © 2007 - 2011 WMF AG All rights reserved, in particular duplication, distribution and translation rights. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without written consent. Design and production / t ypesetting and print presentation: TecDoc GmbH; Geislingen, [email protected] Original User Manual. Printed in Germany. We reserve the right to make technical modifications. 28.10.2011
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- Коды ошибок кофемашин
Коды ошибок кофемашин Bosch и Siemens
Модели TCA 6xxx TK 6xxxx
Ошибка Error 1 — Машина слишком холодная (< 5 C) Сломан датчик NTC (термодатчик)
Ошибка Error 2 — Нет нагрева термоблока (параблока)
Ошибка Error 5 — Нет нагрева термоблока (параблока)
Ошибка Error 8 — Неисправен заварной механизм. Либо концевик в поддоне, сломана лапка на поддоне.
Fill up pipe-system — заполнить систему
Empty trays — заполнен лоток отработанного кофе, электрическое сопротивление контактов поддона
Trays missing — вставить поддон, электрическое сопротивление контактов поддона
Brewing unit missing — Заварной блок отсутствует или заблокирован
Add beans — нет кофейных зерен в контейнере зерен
Коды ошибок кофемашин Jura
Модели Е10/Е25
Ошибки символьные обозначения:
Пар+открыть кран+поддон+чистка гидросистемы+чистка от накипи+фильтр — Не распознается (Заклинен) заварной механизм
Молотый кофе+открыть кран+поддон+чистка гидросистемы+чистка от накипи+фильтр — Сломан датчик NTC (термодатчик)
Чашка+открыть кран+поддон+чистка гидросистемы+чистка от накипи+фильтр — Короткое замыкание датчика NTC (термодатчик)
Промывка+открыть кран+поддон+чистка гидросистемы+чистка от накипи+фильтр — Нагрев не возможен
Модели Е30/Е40/Е50/Е60/Е65/Scala
Ошибки символьные обозначения:
Мигают 4 зеленых верхние лампочки — Начинается опустошение системы После подачи пара система не была заполнена / повернуть кран
Мигают 4 зеленых верхние лампочки + нижний красный индикатор — Проблемы в распознавании Датчик нагрева поврежден Машина слишком холодная
Мигают пар и чашка — Перегрев
Модели С5
Индикаторы на дисплее мигание:
Индикатор обслуживания + все индикаторы — Дефекты датчика термоблока Невозможно распознавание заварного механизма
Индикатор обслуживания + индикатор чиски гидросистемы — Машина очень горячая для чистки гидросистемы
Индикатор обслуживания + индикатор чиски от накипи — Машина очень горячая для чистки от накипи
Индикатор обслуживания + индикаторы обслуживания (налить воды, засыпать кофе, убрать поддон — Машина очень горячая для промывки
Модели S/X/XS
Ошибка 1 — Датчик температуры нагрева воды, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 2 — Датчик температуры нагрева кофе, сломан
Ошибка 3 — Датчик температуры нагрева пара, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 4 — Датчик температуры нагрева на пар, сломан
Ошибка 5 — Машина слишком холодная, нет нагрева пароблока
Ошибка 6 — Невозможно распознать пара клапан
Ошибка 8 — Неисправен заварной механизм
Модели F/XF/E80
Ошибка 1 — Датчик температуры нагрева, поврежден
Ошибка 5 — Нагрев невозможен
Ошибка 8 — Неисправен заварной механизм
Модели J/Z
Ошибка 1 — Датчик температуры нагрева воды, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 2 — Датчик температуры нагрева кофе, сломан
Ошибка 3 — Датчик температуры нагрева пара, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 4 — Датчик температуры нагрева на пар, сломан
Ошибка 5 — Машина слишком холодная, нет нагрева пароблока
Ошибка 6 — Невозможно распознать пара клапан
Ошибка 7 — Невозможно перемещение мультиклапана
Ошибка 8 — Неисправен заварной механизм
Модели X7/X9
Ошибка 0 — Энкодер
Ошибка 1 — Датчик температуры нагрева воды, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 2 — Датчик температуры нагрева кофе, сломан
Ошибка 3 — Датчик температуры нагрева пара, короткое замыкание
Ошибка 4 — Датчик температуры нагрева на пар, сломан
Ошибка 5 — Машина слишком холодная, нет нагрева пароблока
Ошибка 6 — Невозможно распознать пара клапан
Ошибка 7 — Невозможно перемещение мультиклапана
Ошибка 8 — Неисправен заварной механизм
Коды ошибок кофемашин Krups
Уважаемые Клиенты!
К сожалению, информацию о кодах ошибок кофемашин Krups производитель не разглашает.
Обозначения ошибок на нашем сайте, описаны нашими специалистами на основе собственного опыта, поэтому помимо наших обозначений,
коды ошибок могут также обозначать и другие неисправности.
Ошибка 1 — заблокирован водяной контур (распределитель воды — мотор распределителя, микровыключатель)
Ошибка 5 — заблокирован водяной контур (счетчик воды, помпа, рапределитель)
Ошибка 7 — заблокирована кофемолка
Ошибка 9 — нет нагрева (NTC — сопротивление)
Для моделей krups xp 7240, 7250 возможно произвести самодиагностику кофемашины через меню сервис.
Коды ошибок кофемашин Saeco
Модели Primea, Talea
Ошибка Error 1 — Кофемолка заблокирована
Ошибка Error 2 — Кофемолка заблокирована
Ошибка Error 3 — Заварной механизм заблокирован
Ошибка Error 4 — Заварной механизм заблокирован
Ошибка Error 5 — Водяной контур заблокирован
Ошибка Error 6 — Мультиклапан заблокирован
Ошибка Error 7 — Клапан капучинатора заблокирован
Ошибка Error 8 Powercomm — Неисправность электронной платы
Ошибка Error 9 — Датчик водонагревателя неисправен
Ошибка Error 10 — Датчик водонагревателя неисправен
Ошибка Error 11 — Датчик парового нагревателя неисправен
Ошибка Error 12 — Датчик парового нагревателя неисправен
Ошибка Error 13 — Водонагреватель неисправен
Ошибка Error 14 — Паровой нагреватель неисправен
Коды ошибок кофемашин Saeco Philips
Error 1 / Ошибка 1 — кофемолка заблокирована. (возможные проблемы : заклинены жернова, не верная работы датчика)
Error 3 / Ошибка 3 — заварной блок заблокирован в положении вверх
Error 4 / Ошибка 4 — заварной блок заблокирован в положении вниз
Error 5 / Ошибка 5 — водяной контур заблокирован ( гидросистема не может заполнится водой : неверная работа счетчика воды, неисправен насос, забит бойлер пара)
Error 6 / Ошибка 6 — не работает электромагнитный клапан ( неверная работа эл. магнитного клапана блока приготовления молочных напитков)
Error 10 / Ошибка 10 — неисправен бойлер кофе/термодатчик ( отсутствие сопротивления)
Error 11 / Ошибка 11 — неисправен бойлер кофе/термодатчик ( обрыв цепи)
Error 12 / Ошибка 12 — неисправен бойлер пара/термодатчик ( отсутствие сопротивления)
Error 13 / Ошибка 13 — неисправен бойлер пара/термодатчик ( обрыв цепи)
Error 14 / Ошибка 14 — отсутствует нагрев на кофе (вероятность термостат)
Error 15 / Ошибка 15 — отсутствует нагрев на пар (вероятность термостат)
Error 16 / Ошибка 16 — неисправен редуктор/заварной блок (микровыключатель неправильная работа)
Error 18 / Ошибка 18 — программная ошибка
Error 19 / Ошибка 19 — програмная ошибка / отсутствие эл.контакта (проверить шлейф)
Коды ошибок кофемашин WMF 1200 / дословный перевод
F2 — Brewer without electricity / Пивовар без электричества
F5 — Brewer shutoff / Отключение пивовара
F6 — Brewer over current / Брюэр над течением
F7 — Brewer timeout (no electricity) / Время ожидания пивовара (нет электричества)
F26 — Portioner 1 current malfunction / Неисправность тока Портера 1
F36 — Current malfunction Portioner 2 / Текущая дозатором неисправность 2
F87 — Boiler sensor damaged / Поврежден датчик котла
F88 — boiler excess temperature / избыточная температура котла
F89 — boiler heating time / время нагрева котла
F125 — EEprom missing or defective / EEprom отсутствует или неисправен
F126 — Front panel / CPU Communication error / Ошибка связи передней панели / процессора
F135 — Motor driver error (grinder or brewer motor) / Ошибка водителя мотора (мотор точильщика или винодела)
F161 — flowmeter malfunction during brewing / неисправность расходомера при заваривании
F162 — flowmeter malfunction during cleaning / неисправность расходомера во время очистки
F163 — flowmeter malfunction during checking / неисправность расходомера при проверке
F164 — flowmeter malfunction during hot water dosage / неисправность расходомера при дозировке горячей воды
F165 — flowmeter malfunction during choc dosage / неисправность расходомера при дозировке Чок
F166 — flowmeter malfunction during steam boiler / неисправность расходомера во время парового котла
F167 — flowmeter malfunction during descaling / неисправность расходомера при очистке от накипи
F186 — timeout during steam boiler filling / время ожидания при заполнении парового котла
F187 — Steam boiler sensor damage / Повреждение датчика парового котла
F188 — Excess temperature in steam boiler / Избыточная температура в паровом котле
F189 — Heating-time steam boiler / Боилер пара времени разогрева
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