Руководство по эксплуатации WMF presto!
Сообщения и указания
Указания по устранению
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Если это не так:
Выключить кофеварочной машины.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Включить машину и повторить попытку.
(Разблокировка происходит после остывания до нормальной
Выключить машину, дать остыть, затем снова
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка воды:
горячая вода
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Установить более грубую тонкость помола.
Другие настройки w
Установка тонкости помола, стр. 38
Уменьшить качество варки.
Настройки w
Рецепты, стр. 29
Ошибка воды:
теплая промывка
Между нижеописанными работами необходимо выключать и затем снова
включать машину. Если ошибка не устранена, переходить к следующему
Проверить, открыт ли главный кран, наполнена ли
и правильно ли установлена емкость для воды.
Очистка варочного модуля.
Уход за машиной w
Очистка варочного модуля, стр. 45
Паровой котел:
Выдача напитков временно приостановлена.
Проверить правильность установки емкости для
кофейной гущи.
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Ошибка нагрева
Выключить машину, извлечь вилку из сетевой
Обратиться в сервис-центр компании WMF.
Паровой котел:
ошибка времени
Выключить и затем снова включить машину.
Код ошибки | Описание ошибки |
F2/F7 | Нет подачи электричества к заварнику |
F5 | Заварник отключен |
F6 | Затрудненная работа варочного модуля |
F26/F36/F46 | Сбой кофемолки |
F87 | Поврежден датчик бойлера |
F88 | Перегрев бойлера |
F89 | Ошибка времени нагрева бойлера |
F130 | Общий сбой |
F149 | Общий сбой напряжения |
F161 | Сбой счетчика воды во время варки |
F162 | Сбой счетчика воды во время очистки |
F163 | Ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке |
F164 | Сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды |
F165 | Сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада |
F166 | Сбой счетчика воды во время декафината |
F167 | Сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации |
F186 | Перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера |
F187 | Поврежден датчик парового бойлера |
F188 | Перегрев бойлера |
F189 | Ошибка времени нагрева парового котла |
Page 1: User Manual
coffee wakes up the world user Manual coffee machine North America English 03.09.001 Model Series 1400 Order number 33 2329 5000 Edition 09.2009…
Page 2: Safety Warnings
Do not reach into the bean hopper or the brewing unit opening when the coffee machine is switched on to avoid bruising or crushing when handling moving parts. Do not remove cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Repair should be done by authorized service personnel only. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 3: Safety Warning Signs
Risk of fire or electric shock. Do not open. WARNING, to reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not remove cover (or back), no user-serviceable parts inside, repair should be done by authorized service personnel only. (33 1453 5000) User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 4
You will be impressed by the machine’s technical design, long service life, economy, and especially by the quality of the coffee it produces. The WMF 1400 coffee machine is a fully automatic single cautioN cup machine for espresso, café crème, cappuccino, milk read and coffee, latte macchiato, foamed milk and hot water. -
Page 5: Table Of Contents
Timer information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 6
Plug&Clean …………. . . User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 7
No warranty is provided: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . appendix a: cleaning instruction (Standard) appendix B: technical data technical data for coffee machine conditions for usage and installation appendix c: accessories and spare parts index User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 8: Chapter 1 Introduction
Introduction and General information chapter 1 introduction Parts of the coffee machine Display with one button level User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 9
Water tank (coffee machines without constant water supply or for Aquaflex) Warm rinse pad Barista pad Timer and clock display Info pad Messages / error messages Menu pad (opens main menu) Second level / toggle pad (option) User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 10: User Manual Signs And Symbols
Touch clear area on the ready to operate display ™ Additional pads are activated. Touch ™ The main menu is displayed..with additional pads There are other display options Main menu. Main menu User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 11: Glossary
Pressing Automatic pressing of coffee grounds prior to brewing Rinsing Intermediate cleaning Self-service Self-service customer operation Topping Milk powder Twin Topping Divided hopper for two kinds of powder, such as Choc and Topping User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 12: Chapter 2 Operation
30 Decaf button (optional) Preparation of a decaffeinated coffee beverage from the decaf grinder: Press Decaf button ™ Press the desired beverage button ™ The steam dispensing option is not available with the decaf option. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 13: Milk Or Milk Foam (Optional)
The hose must not be under tension or bent when adjusting the height of the combi spout. Replace milk lid ™ With WMF cooler, WMF cup&cool (optional) Insert the milk nozzle into the milk connection on the ™ combi spout…
Page 14: Dispensing Hot Water
Warm beverages the spouts. ™ Use as tall and slim a Cromargan® jug as possible, with A Cromargan® jug, such as WMF order code 06.3417.6040 handle Fill jug to no more than half way ™ Immerse steam nozzle deeply into jug ™…
Page 15: Height Adjustment Of The Combi Spout
When using an additional coffee variety, such as decaffeinated coffee Tablet insert • For a coffee trial Notice Add coffee grounds or cleaning tablet only when instructed to do so by the display. Follow the instructions beside. See chapter 9.4: Warranty. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 16: Grounds Container
Through-counter feature cannot this case, which passes through the counter the machine be retrofitted. is placed on. The spent coffee grounds are collected in Clean coffee grounds chute daily w Care a large container under the counter. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 17: Drip Tray
Coffee machines with a constant water supply: Turn off mains water supply ™ Notice If this is not observed, the warranty is invalidated in the allways follow procedures when switch off machine. event of any resultant damage. See chapter 9.4: Warranty. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 18: Chapter 3 Software
Toggle switch (optional) Chapter 3.2.4 Main menu Chapter 3.2.5 Information Chapter 3.2.3 Error message Touching the pad calls up the error message. Care message Touching the pad leads directly to the menu. Cleaning required. Descaling required. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 19
Start or confirm a step Back to the higher menu level Abort / leave without saving (Exit) Clear or reset Start preparation test / grounds check Increase and reduce setting values Forward or back one step in listings User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 20: Ready To Operate
Journal log of last cleaning • Cleaning info Info on last cleaning • Descaling info Info on last / next descaling • Softener info (optional) Remaining range info Brew time • Brew time of last beverage dispensed User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 21: Journal
Touch clear area on the ready to operate display ™ Additional pads are activated. Ready to operate display Touch ™ The main menu is displayed..with additional pads Delayed fading in w Settings w Operating options page 35 User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 22: Main Menu
3.3.2 timer program The timer program sets on / off times. The main “Timer Program“ menu contains the following selection options: • Timer state • Set timer • Timer overview • Delete timer • Timer information User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 23: Timer State
Up to 16 switch times (events) per day are possible. Programmed times are listed chronologically. Any new switch time is sorted chronologically immediately upon input and confirmation with Touch on the pad directly accesses the timer overview. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 24: Copy Day
A security dialogue now appears querying whether deletion is actually intended. Confirm with ™ This action cannot be undone. The day is deleted with all its timer events. Besides individual days, “all workdays” or the entire week can also be deleted. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 25: Timer Information
In the Software chapter w Care • Cleaning program display-guided sequences are • Foamer cleaning described in detail. • Mixer rinsing Physical cleaning actions are • Descaling described in the Care chapter. • Filter change • Rinse filter • Maintenance User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 26: Cleaning Program
The daily cleaning program starts. The program automatically executes foamer cleaning if milk beverages have been dispensed. Mixer rinsing follows for the WMF 1400 with mixer system. The cleaning program sequence is described in cleaning instruction. Prior to carrying out cleaning, please note the safety cautioN instructions in the safety chapter.
Page 27: Descaling
Software Descaling The water hardness, the water flow, and whether a tank filter is used determine the schedule for descaling. This point in time is calculated by the WMF 1400 and displayed. Descaling is in three stages. • Preparation •…
Page 28: Descaling Machine With Constant Water Supply
Preparation Notice The following is needed for descaling: Follow the manual. • 2 bottles of WMF Liquid Descaling Agent Total duration of descaling (25 US fl. oz / 0.75 l each) procedure is approx. 40 min. • 3 bottle water (76 US fl. oz / 2.2 l) The procedure may be interrupted nowhere.
Page 29: Filter Change
After filter change there is an automatic program cautioN sequence to rinse and bleed the anti-scale filter and water system. Hot water runs out of the hot water spout during Scald hazard. this process. Don‘t reach under the dispensing area. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 30: Rinse Filter
Carry out Customer Check-up 1 / 15,000 ™ w Safety w Warranty 3.3.4 Settings recipe and beverage buttons ™ Touch the Menu shows the options: • Cup volumes • Change recipes • Button allocation • Weigh grounds User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 31: Selecting The Beverage Button When Setting
Ground coffee quantity / Choc powder quantity Change recipes display Water volume Milk beverages Milk foam volume Milk volume Example: Ground coffee quantity coffee beverages Quality Quality User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 32: Set Decaf (Optional)
Select grinder for a coffee beverage (only for 2 grinders, without decaf) Press beverage button ™ Select recipe, for example espresso ™ The portioner cannot be selected Select grinder (on the right or left) ™ for the Chociatto beverage. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 33: Select The Portioner For The Choc Beverage
Language used in the display is set here. Display contrast Contrast of the display is set here. (Default value is 70) Scale filter is fitted Whether filter is fitted or not is entered here. This affects the descaling intervals. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 34: Water Hardness / Capacity
• Second level / toggle pad (active / inactive) some functions can be switched • ON / OFF button (direct / via PIN) to inactive. • Menu pad (immediate / delayed) The pads will not be shown on the ready to operate display. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 35: Illumination
PIN. For access to a PIN-protected level, the PIN must be entered via pad. ™ Touch in the main menu Numerical keyboard display appears. Enter required 4-figure PIN ™ Confirm with ™ Following entry of a valid PIN, the assigned functions are PIN-entry display available. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 36: Pin Rights Access Control
= Setting the milk foam quality Accounting level access = Timer program = Care = PIN-protected ON / OFF button = Settings (beverage, general, others) = Assign PIN rights, award access control PIN-Assign display = Accounting numbers of beverages User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 37: Delete Pin
If no beverage is selected, on touching the clear a dialogue appears in the display querying whether the counter readings for all drinks should be zeroed. The “Accounting numbers of beverages“ function should be protected with a PIN to prevent unauthorized access. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 38: Chapter 4 Other Settings
Turn the position screw behind the water tank to the desired position using the multitool. The sticker provides a reference. Arrow pointing left = Water tank Arrow pointing right = Constant water supply w Messages page 54 User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 39: Labelling Of Beverage Buttons
First switch off coffee machine in order not to trigger dispensing inadvertently. Pull out existing labelling behind front glass in ™ a downward direction Write on label stickers as desired using the WMF ™ template Stick on label mount and re-insert behind the front ™…
Page 40: Chapter 5 Care
Never reach under the spouts while cleaning the machine. Ensure that mixer hose is replaced securely because hot liquid may escape. Before cleaning the front panel, switch off the machine to avoid a hot beverage being accidentally dispensed. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 41: Cleaning Intervals Overview
Descaling Daily = Daily, at least once per day and as required Weekly = Weekly cleaning Regularly = Regularly as required Required = As required Optional = Optional (depending on the model) = Daily as required User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 42: Daily Cleaning
• Automatic foamer rinsing after each beverage with milk or milk foam (optional) • Display-guided foamer cleaning Once per day • , place combi spout, milk hose and milk nozzles in a cleaning solution User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 43: Plug&Clean
5.1.6 general cleaning HACCP schedule. grounds container cleaning (grounds chute, optional) Empty the coffee grounds container and rinse under ™ Order numbers for the WMF care running water program w Appendix C Clean with a clean, damp cloth ™ Accessories and spare parts…
Page 44: Weekly Cleaning
Remove residual coffee grounds using a paint-brush or ™ Illustration 2 scrubber Rinse the brewing unit under running water ™ Notice Never clean the brewing unit in a dishwasher and never use any cleaner additives. Follow the instructions beside. See chapter 9.4: Warranty. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 45: Choc / Topping Mixer Cleaning (Optional)
Disconnect mains plug ™ Remove milk cover ™ ™ Pull off mixer hose from mixer to combi spout Turn stud on bayonet fitting underneath the mixer bowl ™ counter-clockwise Mixer bowl is released from the arrester lock. open User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 46: Milk Compartment Cleaning
Hot liquids. Ensure mixer hose is replaced securely. 5.2.3 Milk compartment cleaning Wipe weekly or as required with a damp cleaning cloth. 5.2.4 Water tank cleaning Thoroughly rinse out water tank weekly with clear water. User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 47: Regular Cleaning
™ Unlock product hoppers with multitool by turning in ™ a clockwise direction Lift product hopper out and empty completely ™ Unscrew union nut at front and rear ™ Remove the dosing auger ™ open close User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 48
Twin Topping 1 = Choc 2 = Topping With Twin Choc: dosing auger 1, twice. Dismantled dosing augers Notice Never clean product hoppers in the dishwasher. Follow the instructions beside. See chapter 9.4: Warranty. User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 49: Steam Outlet Cleaning
Follow the water filter user manual for a filter change. After a filter change, perform a rinse as guided by the w Software w Filter change display. page 29 Descaling Descaling is display-guided. w Software w Descaling page 27 User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 50: Chapter 6 Haccp Schedule
With correct installation, care, maintenance, and cleaning, WMF coffee machines meet the requirements described above. If care of the coffee machines is not carried out properly, dispensing milk beverages will constitute a food hygiene hazard point.
Page 51: Recommendation For Choc And Topping (Optional)
• Always have a new pre-refrigerated milk pack handy. 35-41 °F (2-5 °C). • If a pre-refrigerated freshly opened pack is used within WMF AG offers a range a period not exceeding 3 hours, refrigeration during use of refrigeration options is not necessary.
Page 52: Chapter 7 Maintenance
WMF Service, as in this instance components affecting safety must be replaced. • Revision after 6 years, may only be undertaken by trained personnel or by WMF Service, as in this instance components affecting safety must be replaced. For other maintenance work and repairs, please contact your local WMF Service.
Page 53: Mixer Maintenance (Choc)
2 years, whichever is sooner, may only be undertaken by trained personnel or by WMF Service. WMF customer Service You can reach the WMF Service Center if the local WMF Service is not known. WMF Americas Inc. 1881 SR 81 Suite 101 Ft.
Page 54: Chapter 8 Messages And Instructions
Insert the grounds container again correctly and close ™ adjustable screen Brewing unit fault Remove brewing unit ™ Clean brewer sieve ™ Replace brewing unit and ensure that it engages correctly ™ in the lock User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 55: Error Messages And Malfunctions
™ error messages and malfunctions Basic procedure on display of error messages or malfunctions. Switch coffee machine off and then on again after ™ a few seconds Repeat the process which led to the error ™ User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 56
You will notice this by the fact that the beverage button light goes out. The beverage buttons that are still illuminated can continue to be used. Your WMF 1400 is provided with a diagnostics program. WarNiNg Any errors that occur are shown on the display. The errors… -
Page 57
Beverage dispensing temporarily blocked. overtemperature After releasing, check milk foam and steam outlet ™ Switch off machine, allow to cool and switch on again ™ Steam boiler Switch machine off and on again ™ heat-up time error User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 58: Errors Without Error Display
If not remedied call WMF Service ™ container Coffee machines with water Lightly smear the O-rings with WMF gasket grease ™ tank assembly / disassembly stiff Choc / Topping hopper cannot Manually turn the drive for the dosing auger at the ™…
Page 59: Chapter 9 Safety
Safety chapter 9 Safety Hazards to the operator At WMF, safety is one of the most essential product features. The effectiveness of safety devices can only be ensured if the following points are observed: WarNiNg • Read the User manuals carefully prior to use.
Page 60: Hazards To The Coffee Machine
• For water with a carbonate hardness in excess of 5 gpg (5°dKH), a WMF anti-scale filter must be fitted; otherwise, the coffee machine can be damaged due to build-up of scale.
Page 61: Duties Of The Owner / Operator
European Union (in USA in accordance with NEC). The operator of such equipment must ensure regular maintenance by WMF Service technicians, their agents or other authorised persons and checking of safety devices. In order to ensure operational safety of your coffee…
Page 62: Warranty Claims
These measures are conducted by WMF Service or by WMF authorised service personnel as part of the maintenance work. WMF special cleaning agent,…
Page 63: No Warranty Is Provided
For malfunctions due to the effect of the weather, scale build-up, chemical, electrochemical or electrical effects, unless attributable to a fault on the part of WMF. • If a scale filter is not fitted even though the local water supply requires use of an scale filter and if malfunctions occur as a consequence.
Page 64: Appendix A: Cleaning Instruction (Standard)
Appendix: Additional instructions Appendix A: Cleaning instruction (Standard) User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 65: Appendix B: Technical Data
This includes adequate backflow protection. in compliance with general, country-specific and local regulations. The WMF service engineers may only connect the machine to existing prepared connection points. WMF Service is neither authorized nor responsible for carrying out any work on-site prior to connection.
Page 66
Water quality For drinking water with a carbonate hardness above 5 gpg (5°dKH), a WMF scale filter should be installed upstream. Water drain pipe Min. ¾ inch I.D., minimum downward slope of 0,02 inch / inch (2 cm / m) Ambient temperature + 41 °F (+ 5 °C) to max. -
Page 67
The mains cable must not come into contact with hot surfaces. The socket is part of the customer‘s on-site installation. User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 68: Appendix C: Accessories And Spare Parts
Appendix: Accessories and spare parts appendix c: accessories and spare parts User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 69
Appendix: Accessories and spare parts User Manual WMF 1400… -
Page 70: Index
Descaling machine with constant water supply 28 Menu control pads 19 Diagnostics program 56 Menu pad 35 Dispense milk or milk foam 13 Messages and instructions 54 Dispensing beverages 12 Messages for operation 54 Dispensing hot water 14 User Manual WMF 1400…
Page 71: User Manual Wmf
Open water supply valve 54 Tablet insert 9 Operating options 34 Technical data 65 Operation 12 Time and date 33 Original WMF replacement parts 63 Timer 21, 22 Other settings 38 Timer information 25 Overhaul after 6 years 52 Timer overview 24…
Page 72
Your nearest WMF Service: © 2005-2009 WMF AG All rights reserved, in particular duplication, distribution and translation rights. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without written consent.
Причины и профилактика поломок
Засорение гидросистемы происходит при некорректном обслуживании. Например, если не производить регулярную декальцинацию, не очищать детали от остатков кофейного масла, не прочищать диспенсер, кофеводы. Также к засорению ведет применение слишком жесткой воды с массой солевых примесей.
Электронные компоненты чаще всего ломаются при значительных сбоях напряжения. Однако такие коды ошибок можно предупредить, если подключать кофемашину через стабилизатор.
Кофемашина может сломаться как при неверном использовании, так и вследствие производственного брака.
Заварное устройство забивается, если нерегулярно промывать клапан под проточной водой, не удалять остатки кофейного масла с кремоклапана, не смазывать прибор.
Более точную информацию о ремонте можно узнать:
Перейти к контенту
Коды ошибок кофемашин WMF
- F2/F7 – нет подачи электричества к заварнику
- F5 – заварник отключен
- F6 – затрудненная работа варочного модуля
- F26/F36/F46 – сбой кофемолки
- F87 – поврежден датчик бойлера
- F88– перегрев бойлера
- F89 – ошибка времени нагрева бойлера
- F130 – общий сбой
- F149 – общий сбой напряжения
- F161 – сбой счетчика воды во время варки
- F162 – сбой счетчика воды во время очистки
- F163 – ошибка подачи воды при теплой промывке
- F164 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации горячей воды
- F165 – сбой счетчика воды во время дозации шоколада
- F166 — сбой счетчика воды во время декафината
- F167 — сбой счетчика воды во время декальцинации
- F186 — перерыв во время парового заполнения бойлера
- F187 – поврежден датчик парового бойлера
- F188 — перегрев бойлера
- F189 — ошибка времени нагрева парового котла
Дополнительную информацию о поломках кофемашин WMF можно посмотреть здесь:
Устранение неполадки – сложное дело, его лучше доверить профессионалам.
☎️ +375 29 659 33 43 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)