Workcentre 5022 ошибка инструкций печати

Решение проблем





5022/5024 Multifunction Printer

User Guide



Размер страницы электронной почты 
превышает максимальный размер 
сообщения из-за разделения страниц.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.


Произошла ошибка.

Выключите аппарат и снова включите 
его после того, как погаснет дисплей.


Произошла ошибка.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Достигнуто установленное разрешенное 
максимальное количество копий. Другой 
вариант: в систему вошел пользователь, 
исчерпавший лимит копий.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание. 


Ошибка в сети.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените работу.


На сервере SMTP заполнена память для 
входящих сообщений электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Не отправляется сообщение электронной 
почты из-за неверного адреса

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Ошибка при создании данных 
для сообщения электронной почты.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Задание отменено.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


При отправке сообщения по электронной 
почты не распознано имя сервера SMTP.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» 
«Сканирование на ПК (Сеть)» отправка 
данных невозможна.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В данные печати из приложения включен 
недопустимый параметр или не соответствие 
между данными и настройками печати.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


Переполнена память электронной 
подборки (EPC).

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп


При сканировании первой страницы 
в режиме «Сканирование на ПК» 
заполнилась память.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


В режиме «Сканирование в эл. почту» размер 
вложения превышает максимальный предел.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.




background image

Сообщения об ошибке на панели управления

Принтер Phaser® 6280


Сообщения о принтере и других элементах



Перегрев, подождите /
Ошибка 042-700,

Внутренняя температура принтера слишком высокая.
Принтер был остановлен. Подождите 1 час и перезапустите
принтер. Проверьте, что вокруг принтера достаточно места
для охлаждения и что вентиляционные отверстия не

Нет лотка 024-946 /
Нет лотка.
Вставьте лоток 2

Лоток 2 выдвинут наружу. Задвиньте лоток 2 в
правильное положение.

Нет лотка 024-947 /
Нет лотка. Вставьте
лоток 3

Лоток 3 выдвинут. Задвиньте лоток 3 на место.

Застр. в лотке 1 (MPT)





Проверьте лот. 1 (MPT)





Откройте двер. А

Застряла бумага в лотке 1 (MPT), 2 или 3.
Вытащите застрявшую бумагу. Откройте и снова закройте
переднюю крышку. См. раздел

Застревание бумаги


стр. 120.

Открыта дверца A
Закройте дверцу A

Открыта передняя крышка.
Закройте переднюю крышку.

Функция выкл.
Ошибка 016-158

Пользователь не зарегистрировал цветную печать в
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к вашему администратору.

Неверное задание
Нажмите кнопку ОК
Ошибка 016-799

Это сообщение выводится, если конфигурация принтера
в драйвере принтера не соответствует используемому
вами принтеру.
Нажмите кнопку Отмена для отмены задания печати.
Проверьте, что конфигурация принтера в драйвере принтера
соответствует используемому вами принтеру.

Неверный польз.
Ошибка 016-757

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере с
помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Превышен лимит
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь превысил предел на количество
страниц, которое можно распечатать с помощью
функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Неверный польз.
Нажмите кнопку ОК

Пользователь не зарегистрирован для печати на принтере
с помощью функции идентификации.
Обратитесь к администратору.

Author Chris Bentley, PMP

Do you use printing accounts? If you are make sure that’s configured in the Printer Preferences. You could also try re-installing the driver, or up grade the firmware in the printer. Also make sure the bypass drawer is not open on the printer. 

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Author A. Simon

Try using the Global Print Driver PCL6. The 7435 is fully compatible. There is also a driver for WIN7/Win8 (either 32bit, or 64bit).

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Author Richie Olson

Right before you print make sure under the paper sizing and handling section the choose paper source by PDF page size should be unchecked.  If the case were throwing errors when printing a PDF.

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Author Jasper knivez

I have the same problem… before I’m using Global Print Driver PCL6 driver but the problem is when I print using Photoshop and using A3 size the printer driver doesn’t recognize it. I search on web for the solution and it needs to update the driver, so I got a new driver which is Xerox Workcentre 7435 GPD PS. Now this same  error Aborted (016-799) occurs and even though the tray 5 (bypass) is close it detects as empty and it needs to refill.

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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


Hi Kevin,

I was looking through some of the solutions we have on this and a few that you can try:

Select the correct finisher in the driver properties:

1. Open the Printers or Printers and Faxes window.

2. Right-click on the printer and then select [Properties] or [Printer Properties]

3. Select the [Configuration] tab.

4. Click on the [Installable Options] button.

5. Select the correct finisher from the [Finisher/Output Tray] drop down.

6. Click [OK] to save the changes.

Also check to make sure the driver is NOT set to Basic Print Mode:

1.  Click on the Start Button on the lower Right, click on Control Panel, Open Print and Fax window.

2.  Right click and choose [Properties]

3.  Choose the [Configuration Tab]

4.  Click on [Bi-Directional Setup]

5.  On the top under [Communication] move the radio dot from [Automatic (Recommended)] to [Off]

6.  Click on [OK]

7.  Select the [Options] Tab

8.  Under the words [Xerox Update]…..Click on the word [Configuration]

9.  Use the drop down arrow and search for the correct Xerox Device

10.  Click on [Close] or [Apply].

If you need further assistance I would  recommend contacting Support.

Cathy (Xerox)

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Author Joseph D'Arcy


I’m just wondering if there are any other options I can try? We are having the same issues with our Xerox WorkCentre 7425. The options described above are greyed out and we can’t change. We are having the same excel problem printing. 

Job Name Owner Status Type Page Count Output Destination Host Interface Time Completed

Book1 Aborted(016-799) Print 0 — Port 9100 20/10/2014 11:18 AM


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Author Cathy Owens

Brand Representative for Xerox


If you shut down Bi-Directional per suggestion 2 before doing option 1 and it won’t be greyed out.

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Author Andrew Roper

We’re getting a similar error but printing using USB to a Xerox WorkCentre 6015. The error message on the screen is PJL Request, 016-749, Printer Data Violation, Press [OK] Button. This happens when just trying to print a test page from a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine.

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Решение проблем





5022/5024 Multifunction Printer

User Guide


Коды ошибок

В данном разделе приведено описание кодов ошибок.

Если из-за ошибки некорректно завершается печать или возникает неисправность аппарата, 
выводится сообщение и код ошибки (xxx-xxx).

Для заданий факса код ошибки также указывается в отчете «Сведения о работе факса» 
и в отчете о передаче факса в разделе недоставленных заданий .

В таблице ниже приведены коды ошибок и способы их устранения.


Когда отображается код ошибки, могут быть утрачены данные печати в аппарате, 

а также информация, хранящаяся в памяти аппарата.

Если отображается код ошибки, которого нет в таблице ниже, или ошибку не удается устранить после 
выполнения приведенных в таблице указаний, обращайтесь в центр технической поддержки Xerox. 
Номер контакта напечатан на наклейке или карточке, прикрепленной к аппарату.





Когда используется функция «Страниц 
на стороне», отпечаток не помещается 
на бумагу при заданном коэффициенте 

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и измените настройку.


Произошла ошибка IPS. 

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и отмените задание.


При уменьшении или увеличении 
сканируемого оригинала под определенный 
формат бумаги значение коэффициента 
масштабирования выходит за 
установленные пределы. 

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и измените настройку.


В податчик вложен оригинал нестандартного 

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и проверьте оригинал.


На стекле экспонирования размещается 
оригинал нестандартного формата.

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и проверьте оригинал.


Если для задания копирования для 
настройки Подача бумаги выбрано 
значение Авто, значит формат сканируемого 
оригинала больше формата бумаги для 

Нажмите кнопку Стоп на панели 
управления и измените настройку.


Превышено максимальное количество 
сканируемых страниц для задания 
копирования или сканирования.

Для повтора операции нажмите кнопку 
Старт на панели управления, для отмены 
— кнопку Стоп.

ошибки xerox 5020

Если МФУ Xerox 5020 вдруг перестал работать, это не повод безотлагательно мчаться в сервисный центр. Отложите поездку, разобравшись сначала с причиной остановки печатного процесса. Ведь большинство неисправностей можно устранить самостоятельно. 

Обратите внимание на дисплей аппарата, на нем будет отображаться код ошибки. Найдите комбинацию букв и чисел в таблицах, а затем произведите рекомендуемые действия.

  • Таблицы с расшифровкой ошибок Xerox WorkCentre 5020
    • A-коды
    • C-коды
    • E-коды
    • J-коды
    • N-коды
    • Аппаратные ошибки (U-коды)

Таблицы с расшифровкой ошибок Xerox WorkCentre 5020

Все ошибки подразделяются на группы и могут иметь общие рекомендации по восстановлению работы устройства. Главное — избегать аппаратного вмешательства при серьезных поломках. Оставьте сложный ремонт профессионалам!



Бумага в податчике застряла, аккуратно вытяните ее.


В податчике находятся листы большего размера, не совместимые со спецификациями МФУ. Они могут застрять. Выньте их и замените на другие.


Крышку податчика нужно закрыть. Если используется стекло экспонирования, разделите толстый документ на части и произведите сканирование.


C0 Отсканированный документ не помещается на бумаге, загруженной для печати. Уменьшите масштаб или замените бумагу.
C1 В первом лотке подачи застряла бумага. Удалите обрывки. Проверьте направляющие.
C2 Во втором лотке подачи застряла бумага. Удалите обрывки. Проверьте направляющие.
C3 В обходном лотке отсутствует / застряла бумага. Исправьте ситуацию.
C5 В первом лотке отсутствует бумага или размер и ориентация листов не совместимы с заданием печати. 
C6 Во втором лотке отсутствует бумага или размер и ориентация листов не совместимы с заданием печати. 
C7 Размер и ориентация листов в обходном лотке не совместимы с заданием печати. Загрузите бумагу необходимого формата. 


E0 Устройство удалило отсканированные документы перед выводом их на бумагу. Перезагрузите Xerox 5020 и повторите операцию.
E1 Произошло замятие бумаги в районе размещения печи (fuser unit). Устраните замятие.
E2 Возле левой крышки произошло замятие. Аккуратно выньте зажеванные листы.
E3 В зоне второго лотка произошло замятие. Аккуратно выньте зажеванные листы.
E4 В зоне левой крышки застряла бумага. Аккуратно выньте зажеванные листы.
E5 Открыты левая / передняя крышка. Перезакройте крышку.
E6 Открыты крышки. Необходимо их закрыть. Если проблема не устраняется, обратитесь в сервисный центр с неполадкой датчиков фиксации.
E8 Формат и ориентация бумаги в лотке не соответствует заданию печати.
E9 Печать выходит за рамки формата бумаги. Измените масштаб в меню аппарата или отмените задание.


J1 Закончился тонер. Заправьте бункер хранения с помощью расходника 106R01277.
J3 Картридж установлен неправильно или не может быть распознан. Установите комплектующее. При необходимости замените на новое.
J6 Нужна замена картриджа.
J7 Принт-картридж не работает.


n1 Память аппарата переполнена. Отмените задание. Перезагрузите устройство, а затем повторите операцию. 
n4 Ошибка передачи файла, отправленного в печать. 

Также могут быть проблемы со считыванием документа: в таких случаях замените расширение PDF на JPG / PNG. 

n5 Ошибка связи между печатающим механизмом и сканером / ПК. Xerox 5020 автоматически устранит неполадку через некоторое время. 
n9 Ошибка связи отдельных элементов принтера. Требуется перезагрузка. 

При повторном возникновении неисправности следует вызвать мастера.

Аппаратные ошибки (U-коды)

Коды ошибок с индексом U (U0, U1, U2 и так далее) — сообщают об аппаратных поломках Xerox 5020. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем избегать самостоятельного ремонта. Обратитесь за помощью в ближайший сервисный центр.

Нужна помощь? Обращайтесь в МосТонер — сервисное обслуживание в режиме 24/7!

Видео #6 Xerox WorkCentre 5019  5021  5022  5024 бледно печатает | Чем и как заправить Xerox 006R01573 (автор: ЗаправкинЪ)13:58

#6 Xerox WorkCentre 5019 5021 5022 5024 бледно печатает | Чем и как заправить Xerox 006R01573

Видео #116 МФУ Xerox WC 5019  5021  5022  5024 замена девелопера, барабана | Восстановление 013R00670 (автор: ЗаправкинЪ)22:46

#116 МФУ Xerox WC 5019 5021 5022 5024 замена девелопера, барабана | Восстановление 013R00670

Видео Replace waste toner from Xerox 5021 Part 1 YouTube (автор: DigiWorld India)02:51

Replace waste toner from Xerox 5021 Part 1 YouTube

Видео Xerox Workcentre 5021/ 5019 (автор: Mek Bilgi Teknolojileri)04:13

Xerox Workcentre 5021/ 5019

Видео #51 Копир Xerox WorkCentre 5016 / 5020 восстановление драм картриджа | Фотобарабан Xerox 101R00432 (автор: ЗаправкинЪ)11:59

#51 Копир Xerox WorkCentre 5016 / 5020 восстановление драм картриджа | Фотобарабан Xerox 101R00432

Видео Xerox Printer Installation & Driver Defaults (автор: DMS (Digilogix Managed Services))02:30

Xerox Printer Installation & Driver Defaults

Видео Разорваный резиновый вал от принтера (автор: iCode)00:31

Разорваный резиновый вал от принтера

Видео Ремонт лотка подачи бумаги XEROX WC 5021 (автор: Лечу на помощь)10:03

Ремонт лотка подачи бумаги XEROX WC 5021

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021
Руководство пользователя


Сдвиг или перекос

Оригинал размещается

Поместите оригинал правильно.
См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

Неправильно вложена
бумага в лоток.

Вложите бумагу правильно.

См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в лоток 1 и лоток 2


на стр. 4-8.

Если бумага подается из
выходного лотка, значит
направляющие не
касаются бумаги.

Вложите бумагу правильно.
См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в обходной лоток


стр. 4-10.

в податчике оригиналов

Правильно разместите оригинал и установите
направляющие так, чтобы они касались оригинала.

См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

Лоток вставлен не до

Задвиньте лоток в аппарат до упора.
См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в лоток 1 и лоток 2


на стр. 4-8.

Пробелы на копиях.

Бумага влажная.

На влажной бумаги могут получаться пропуски
изображения или нечеткие копии. Вложите бумагу
из неоткрытой пачки.

Бумага в лотке сгибается
или мнется.

Уберите проблемные листы или вложите бумагу из
неоткрытой пачки.

Копируется мятый
оригинал или оригинал
с наклеенными

Мятый оригинал или оригинал с наклеенными
фрагментами может неплотно прилегать к стеклу
экспонирования. Чтобы добиться правильного
прилегания оригинала к стеклу экспонирования,
прижмите его сверху стопкой белой бумаги.

Полосы на копиях.

Попытка чрезмерного
увеличения копии

При чрезмерном увеличении оригинала на копии
могут появляться полосы. Уменьшите масштаб
См. раздел


на стр. 5-12.


Вероятная причина


Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021

Руководство пользователя



Вероятная причина


Отпечатки светлы

Бумага влажная.

Вложите новую бумагу.

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

Закончился тонер
в тонер-картридже.

Установите новый тонер-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена тонер-картриджа

на стр. 10-3.

На копиях
появляются черные

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

На отпечатках
появляются черные
или цветные линии.

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.

См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

Загрязнена узкая полоска

Очистите узкую полоску стекла.
См. раздел

Чистка прижимной крышки документов

и узкой полоски стекла

на стр. 10-10.

Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021
Руководство пользователя


На отпечатках
с равными

Загрязнение тракта
подачи бумаги.

Распечатайте несколько листов.

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

На участках
черным цветом
появляются белые

Неподходящая бумага.

Вложите бумагу подходящего типа.

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

На руках остаются
следы от
Тонер не
закрепляется на
Бумага загрязнена

Бумага влажная.

Вложите новую бумагу.

Неподходящая бумага.

Вложите бумагу подходящего типа.


Вероятная причина


подачи бумаги

Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021

Руководство пользователя


полностью черный.

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

источника питания.

Обратитесь в центр технической поддержки Xerox.

получается пустым.

Подача сразу нескольких
листов (двойная подача).

Перед вкладыванием пачки бумаги пролистайте

Закончился тонер
в тонер-картридже.

Установите новый тонер-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена тонер-картриджа

на стр. 10-3.

Сбой питания или
источника питания.

Обратитесь в центр технической поддержки Xerox.

На отпечатках
белые участки либо
белые или цветные

Бумага влажная.

Вложите новую бумагу.

Неподходящая бумага.

Вложите бумагу подходящего типа.

Весь отпечаток

Если используется
обходной лоток, значит
указанный в драйвере
принтера размер или тип
бумаги не соответствует
размеру или типу бумаги
в лотке.

Вложите в обходной лоток бумагу
соответствующего размера и типа.
См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в обходной лоток


стр. 4-10.

Подача сразу нескольких

Перед вкладыванием пачки бумаги пролистайте


Вероятная причина


Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021
Руководство пользователя


Бумага сминается.

Неподходящая бумага.

Вложите новую бумагу.

Добавление бумаги к уже
вложенной в лоток.

Бумага влажная.

Нечеткий текст.

Неподходящая бумага.

Вложите новую бумагу.

Добавление бумаги к уже
вложенной в лоток.

Бумага влажная.

Белые или цветные

выработал ресурс или

Установите новый принт-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена принт-картриджа

на стр. 10-6.

Закончился тонер
в тонер-картридже.

Установите новый тонер-картридж.
См. раздел

Замена тонер-картриджа

на стр. 10-3.

изображения на

направляющие бумаги.

Установите правильно горизонтальную
и вертикальную направляющие бумаги.
См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в лоток 1 и лоток 2


на стр. 4-8.

См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в обходной лоток


стр. 4-10.


Вероятная причина


подачи бумаги

Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Проблемы при копировании, Копирование не выполняется, Проблемы при копировании -12

Копирование не выполняется -12, Здел

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021

Руководство пользователя


Проблемы при копировании

В данном разделе приведены способы устранения неисправностей, которые могут возникать
при копировании.

Копирование не выполняется

В таблице ниже приведены возможные причины того, что не выполняется копирование.


Вероятная причина


подача оригиналов

Размер оригинала
слишком мал.

Минимальный формат бумаги в податчике
оригиналов: А5


Данный тип оригиналов
не поддерживается.

Податчик не подает оригиналы неправильной
формы, визитки, пленки или тонкие документы,
а также оригиналы с наклейками, зажимами
и липкой лентой.
См. раздел

Типы бумаги

на стр. 4-1.


Установите направляющие по размеру оригинала.

В податчике оригиналов
застряли обрывки.

Откройте крышку податчика оригиналов
и извлеките застрявшие обрывки.

См. раздел

Застревание оригиналов

на стр. 11-36.

Страницы оригинала
разного размера.

Размер страниц оригинала должен быть

Проблемы при копировании, Копирование не выполняется, Проблемы при копировании -12

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021
Руководство пользователя


Проблемы с копиями

В таблице ниже приведены возможные причины проблем с копиями.


Вероятная причина


Загрязнение копий.

Загрязнение стекла
экспонирования или его

Очистите стекло экспонирования или его крышку.
См. раздел

Чистка стекла экспонирования и его


на стр. 10-9.

Копируется пленка или
прозрачный материал.

Если загрязнена крышка стекла экспонирования,
при копировании прозрачных оригиналов это
отражается на копиях. Перед копированием
накройте оригинал листом белой бумаги.

Копируется оригинал на
цветной или грубой
бумаге, либо светокопия.

Копируется фоновый цвет. Перед копированием
настройте плотность копий, качество изображения
или подавление фона.

Оригинал напечатан на
глянцевой бумаге.

Глянцевая бумага легко прилипает к стеклу
экспонирования, и на копиях могут
воспроизводиться тени. Перед копированием
подложите под оригинал прозрачный лист или

Копии слишком
светлые или
слишком темные.

Неправильно настроена
плотность копий.

Настройте плотность копий.
См. раздел


на стр. 5-16.

Оригинал светлый.

Настройте плотность копий.

См. раздел


на стр. 5-16.

Неправильная настройка
качества изображения.

Если копия с черным текстом получается слишком
светлой, установите для параметра «Тип
оригинала» настройку «Текст».
См. раздел

Тип оригинала

на стр. 5-15.

Небольшой сдвиг

вкладывание бумаги
в лоток.

Выровняйте пачку бумаги и вложите ее так, чтобы
передняя кромка совмещалась с углами лотка.

Проблемы с копиями, Проблемы с копиями -13

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021

Руководство пользователя


Пробелы на копиях.

Бумага влажная.

На влажной бумаги могут получаться пропуски
изображения или нечеткие копии. Вложите бумагу
из неоткрытой пачки.

Бумага в лотке сгибается
или мнется.

Уберите проблемные листы или вложите бумагу из
неоткрытой пачки.

Мятый оригинал или
оригинал с наклеенными

Мятый оригинал или оригинал с наклеенными
фрагментами может неплотно прилегать к стеклу
экспонирования. Чтобы добиться правильного
прилегания оригинала к стеклу экспонирования,
прижмите его сверху стопкой белой бумаги.

Неверный размер

Проверьте правильность установки размера
См. раздел

Размер оригинала

на стр. 5-13.

Неверный размер бумаги.

Проверьте правильность установки размера

См. раздел

Настройка размера бумаги

на стр. 4-14.

Полосы на копиях.

Слишком большое
увеличение оригинала.

При чрезмерном увеличении оригинала на копии
могут появляться полосы. Уменьшите масштаб
См. раздел


на стр. 5-12.

Сдвиг или перекос

Оригинал размещается

Поместите оригинал правильно.
См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

в податчике оригиналов

Правильно разместите оригинал и установите
направляющие так, чтобы они касались оригинала.

Лоток вставлен не до

Задвиньте лоток в аппарат до упора.

направляющие бумаги
в обходном лотке.

Правильно разместите оригинал и установите
направляющие так, чтобы они касались оригинала.

Неверный размер

Проверьте правильность установки размера
См. раздел

Размер оригинала

на стр. 5-13.

Неверный размер бумаги.

Проверьте правильность установки размера

См. раздел

Настройка размера бумаги

на стр. 4-14.


Вероятная причина


Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021
Руководство пользователя


Размер копий не

Загрязнение стекла
экспонирования или его

Очистите стекло экспонирования или его крышку.
См. раздел

Чистка стекла экспонирования и его


на стр. 10-9.

Копируется пленка или
прозрачный материал.

Перед копированием накройте оригинал листом
белой бумаги.

Сдвиг копий.

Поместите оригинал правильно.
См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

в податчике оригиналов

Правильно разместите оригинал и установите
направляющие так, чтобы они касались оригинала.

См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

Оригинал со складками.

Распрямите оригинал и поместите его правильно.
См. раздел

Размещение оригиналов

на стр. 5-1.

Неверная настройка
размера оригинала.

Проверьте правильность установки размера

См. раздел

Размер оригинала

на стр. 5-13.

Неверная настройка
размера бумаги.

Проверьте правильность установки размера
См. раздел

Настройка размера бумаги

на стр. 4-14.

Обрезание копий
по краям.

Размер оригинала
больше области печати.

Немного уменьшите масштаб копий.

Неверный размер

Проверьте правильность установки размера
См. раздел

Размер оригинала

на стр. 5-13.

Неверный размер бумаги.

Проверьте правильность установки размера
См. раздел

Настройка размера бумаги

на стр. 4-14.


Вероятная причина


Устранение неисправностей WorkCentre...

Проблемы при печати, Печать не выполняется, Проблемы при печати -16

Печать не выполняется -16, Здел

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Устранение неисправностей

WorkCentre 5019/5021

Руководство пользователя


Проблемы при печати

В данном разделе приведены способы устранения неисправностей, которые могут возникать
при печати.

Печать не выполняется

В таблице ниже приведены возможные причины того, что не выполняется печать.


Вероятная причина


Данные не
с пиктограммы

Питание аппарата не

Включите питание аппарата.
См. раздел


на стр. 3-6.

Не подключен кабель

Подключите кабель компьютера.

Не подключен кабель

Подключите кабель аппарата.
См. раздел

Интерфейс USB

на стр. 2-2.

Ошибка аппарата.

Проверьте сведения об ошибке и примите
соответствующие меры.

отправлены на

Не вложена бумага.

Вложите бумагу.

Отсутствует бумага
указанного размера.

Вложите бумагу указанного размера.
См. раздел

Загрузка бумаги в лотки

на стр. 4-8.

Ошибка аппарата.

Проверьте сведения об ошибке и примите
соответствующие меры.

Работа приостановлена.

Отмените работу с экрана, если это требуется.

Проблемы при печати, Печать не выполняется, Проблемы при печати -16


Xerox WorkCentre 5022 Service Manual

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  4. All in One Printer
  5. WorkCentre 5022
  6. Service manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Xerox WorkCentre 5022

Summary of Contents for Xerox WorkCentre 5022

  • Page 1
    ® Xerox WorkCentre 5022/5024 Service Manual Revised June 2014 702Pxxxxx…
  • Page 3
    Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product-trained service per- sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or mod- ules, components, or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment.
  • Page 4
    Preface Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 5
    Chapter 0 Introduction…
  • Page 7
    0 Introduction 0.1 Getting to know this Service Manual……………. 0.2 How to use the Service Manual …………….0.3 Description for Terminology And Symbols …………… Version 1.0 Introduction 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 8
    Introduction Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 9
    0.1 Getting to know this Service Manual 0.2 How to use the Service Manual This manual is used as the standard service manual for WorkCentre 5022/5024. This manual describes the standard procedures for the servicing this product. Refer to Chapter 1 Service Call Procedure for efficient and effective servicing during maintenance calls.
  • Page 10
    Abbreviation of Typical Electricity Consumption, which means the stan- dard power consumption. Read as ‘tec’. Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Xerox shall be strictly prohibited because it cannot be guaranteed in quality and safety. Important Information Stored Component (ISC) This component stores all the important customer information that is input after the installation.
  • Page 11
    Chapter 1 Service Call Procedures…
  • Page 13
    1 Service Call Procedures 1.1 Before Starting the Servicing ………………. 1.2 Service Call Procedure 1.2.2 Service Call Procedure ………………1.3 Detailed Contents of the Service Call …………..1.4 TRIM Check List………………….. 1.5 Periodic Replacement Parts/Consumables List …………Version 1.0 Service Call Procedures 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 14
    Service Call Procedures Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 15
    1.1 Before Starting the Servicing 11. Harmful Laser The customer or service personnel would not be exposed to any harmful laser during the 1.1.1 Safety usual copying or scanning of documents. However, if a customer finds that the lamp that To prevent any accident that may occur during a maintenance service, any warning or any cau- is used for exposing documents is too bright when performing platen copy or scan, it is tion regarding the servicing must be strictly observed.
  • Page 16
    1.1.2 Things to Take Note When Handling Customer Information 1.1.3 Other Precautions Handling of customer’s electronic information — samples of copy/print/received fax (paper Pay attention to the following when performing maintenance service to avoid wrong or redun- data), log files (Activity Report), and etc. dant servicing: Before you bring back any samples for the purpose of investigation/analysis, always Reference Materials…
  • Page 17
    1.2.2 Service Call Procedure 1.3 Detailed Contents of the Service Call Initial Actions 1.3.1 Initial Actions Ask the operator(s) about the machine condition. Ask the operator(s) about the machine condition. Record the billing meter readings. • How often and where do paper jams have been occurring recently Inspect any error copies, then check the machine.
  • Page 18
    1.4 TRIM Check List 1.5 Periodic Replacement Parts/Consumables List C: Perform checking. Clean, replace, or feed if necessary. When servicing, check the number of copies and number of fed sheets for the consumables and parts that require periodical cleaning/replacement. Clean or replace them if necessary. O: Always perform cleaning and checking.
  • Page 19
    Table 1 HFSI Parts/Consumables Name/ [Chain- Replacement PL No. Link] Interval Check the counter Document Feed No. 955-806 200,000PV Replace the Feed Roll, DADF Feed Roll/Nudger Roll Nudger Roll, and Retard Pad (PL 56.5) at the same time. DADF Retard Pad NOTE: Clean the Platen (PL 56.13) Glass with a Platen Wax…
  • Page 20
    Service Call Procedures Version 1.0 06/2014 1.5 Periodic Replacement Parts/Consumables List WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 21
    Chapter 2 Troubleshooting…
  • Page 23
    2 Troubleshooting 2.1 Introduction CHAIN 10 2.1.1 How to Troubleshoot ………………… 010-311 Fusing Unit Center Thermistor Defect………….. 2-27 2.1.3 Glossary …………………… 010-312 Fusing Unit Rear Thermistor Defect…………..2-27 010-320 Over Heat Temperature Fail …………….2-28 2.2 Product FIP 010-327 Fusing Unit On Time Fail …………….. 2-28 010-379 Fusing Unit Hot Not Ready Return Time Fail………..
  • Page 24
    024-954 MSI No Paper ………………..2-51 034-711 Fax Send Count Limit………………2-78 024-958/959/960 MSI/Tray 1/Tray 2 Paper Size Mismatch ……….. 2-51 034-726 Fax Calling Table Full ………………2-78 024-961 Tray 3 Paper Size Mismatch…………….2-52 034-746 Line Connection Fail ………………2-79 024-962 Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch…………….
  • Page 25
    062-389 Carriage Over Run Fail (Scan End Side)…………2-106 CHAIN 92 062-396 CCD Cable Connection Fail…………….2-107 092-660/668 ATC Amplitude Fail/ ATC Average Fail…………. 2-135 092-661 Temperature Sensor Fail …………….. 2-135 CHAIN 71 092-910 ATC Sensor Fail………………..2-136 071-105 Regi Sensor On Jam (Tray 1) …………….2-109 CHAIN 93 CHAIN 72…
  • Page 26 Motor Left Running Failure FIP …………….2-162 NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID Not Energized Failure FIP……..2-162 2.3 NET System Fault Check 2.3.1 Interface (Physical/Logical) ………………. 2-165 2.3.2 ‘Cannot connect to the network’ or ‘Print is not found from the PC’ …… 2-165 2.3.3 No output is available, no data is printed …………..
  • Page 27
    2.1.1 How to Troubleshoot 2.1.3 Glossary Level 1 Troubleshooting: The following terminology are used throughout the troubleshooting section. The meaning of these terminology must be fully understood when performing problem analysis. • Level 1 Troubleshooting (Level 1 FIP) is the first step to diagnose a problem. Level 1 FIP asks you whether any Fault Code and other problematic symptoms exist, guiding you to Common terms: Level 2 Troubleshooting or BSD to resolve the problem.
  • Page 28
    • CH 6.2 Zone J4 Refer to Chain 6.2 Zone J4 in Chapter 7 BSD. • REP 4.1.3 Refer to REP 4.1.3 in Chapter 4. • ADJ 4.1.3 Refer to ADJ 4.1.3 in Chapter 4. • Replace the parts in sequence When it is impossible to analyze causes of a problem further, replace the parts in sequence.
  • Page 29 Level 1 FIP Procedure Ask the operator about the problem. Did the operator operate the machine correctly? Explain the correct way to operate the machine to the operator. Output all jobs that are stored in the memory. Turn the power OFF and ON. Is the UI display normal? Refer to [BSD (CH2.1)] and [2.2.3 Other Failure FIP] to repair the malfunction in UI dis- play.
  • Page 30
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 Level 1 FIP WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 31
    003-500 N-Up NG Out Of Range 003-754 IPS Overrun BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During 2-Up or 4-Up, the reduce/enlarge ration was not within the range of 25 to 400%. The IPS processing has overtook the Scan processing. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel and change the settings. This might be avoided by setting the R/E ratio to 99% or 101%.
  • Page 32
    003-795 AMS NG Out Of Range 003-942 Not-Supported Doc Size BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- When [Reduce/Enlarge] is set to [Auto], the reduce/enlarge ratio was not within the range of 50 During DADF Scan of a Copy, Scan and Fax sending Job, an unsupported document size was to 200%.
  • Page 33
    003-956 Not-Supported Doc Size 003-963 APS NG Out Of Range BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Platen Scan, an unsupported document size was detected. During Copy Job, when APS is selected, the image size obtained from document size x reduce/enlarge ratio was detected to be larger than the largest Standard Paper Size. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel and change the document.
  • Page 34
    003-972 1Job Max Page Over 003-973 Auto Rotation NG Out Of Range BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Copy Job or Scan Job, the number of pages that can be scanned has been exceeded. During Copy Job, the following conditions were met. Cause/Action •…
  • Page 35
    004-345 HVPS Communication Error BSD-ON: CH9.1 Communication failure between the ESS/MCU PWB and the HVPS was detected. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Turn OFF the power and check the connection between the HVPS J500 and the ESS/ MCU PWB J402 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problem is found, replace the following parts in sequence: •…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 004-345 HVPS Communication Error 2-14 WC 5022/5024…
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    005-122 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Pre Regi Sensor On Jam 005-123 DADF Simplex/Side 1 Regi Sensor On Jam BSD-ON: CH5.4 BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 • After Pre-Feed started for the first sheet (DADF Feed Motor On (CW)) in Simplex and The DADF Regi Sensor does not turn ON within the specified time after the DADF Pre Regi Duplex, the DADF Pre Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
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    005-125/145 DADF Regi Sensor Off Jam/ DADF Regi 005-131/132 DADF Invert Sensor On Jam on Inverting/ Sensor Off Jam on Inverting DADF Invert Sensor On Jam BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 [DADF Regi Sensor Off Jam] [DADF Invert Sensor On Jam on Inverting] After the DADF Pre Regi Sensor turned OFF at Scan operation, the DADF Regi Sensor did not After the DADF Regi Sensor turned ON at Invert operation, the DADF Invert Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
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    005-134/139 DADF Invert Sensor Off Jam on Inverting/ 005-135 DADF Side 2 Pre Regi Sensor On Jam DADF Invert Sensor Off Jam BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 After the DADF Feed Motor started the reverse rotation at Invert operation, the DADF Pre Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time.
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    005-136 DADF Side 2 Regi Sensor On Jam 005-147 DADF Pre Regi Sensor Off Jam on Inverting BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 After the DADF Pre Regi Sensor turned ON at Invert operation, the DADF Regi Sensor did not After the DADF Feed Motor started the reverse rotation at Invert operation, the DADF Pre Regi turn ON within the specified time.
  • Page 41
    005-196 Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix-Size 005-197 Prohibit Combine Size Jam BSD-ON: CH5.4, CH5.2 BSD-ON: CH5.4 The 2nd sheet or later of the document was detected to be of a different size conpared to the A Mixed Size document was detected. 1st sheet (the length of the document’s 2nd sheet or later in SS direction is longer).
  • Page 42
    005-198/199 Too Short Size Jam/ Too Long Size Jam 005-210 DADF Download Fail BSD-ON: CH5.4, CH5.2 BSD-ON: CH1.3 [Too Short Size Jam] When the IISS starts up (including at Power ON/Sleep recovery), it was detected that the DADF is in Download Mode. It was detected that the document length in Slow Scan direction is shorter than the specifica- tions (Simpex: 85 mm, Duplex: 110 mm).
  • Page 43
    005-275/280 DADF RAM Test Fail/ DADF EEPROM Fail 005-305 DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Open BSD-ON: CH1.3 BSD-ON: CH5.1 [DADF RAM Test Fail] The DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Switch was opened during DADF operation. The DADF PWB RAM failed during the Read/Write operation. (At Power ON) Cause/Action Check the DADF Feeder Cover for mismatch.
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    005-500 DADF Download Flash Write Error 005-907/908/913 DADF Pre Regi Sensor/DADF Regi Sensor/DADF Invert Sensor Static Jam BSD-ON: CH1.3 BSD-ON: CH5.5, CH5.4 Failed to write into the Flash ROM during DAFD Download. Paper was detected by the applicable sensor at Power ON, Feeder Cover Interlock Close, or Cause/Action DADF Open Sensor Close.
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    005-940 DADF No Original Fail 005-948 SS-Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix-size BSD-ON: CH5.1 BSD-ON: CH5.4, CH5.2 It was detected that the document was pulled out during document feed. In No Mix mode, it was detected that a document with a shorter size in Slow Scan (SS) direc- tion was transported from the DADF.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 005-948 SS-Size Mismatch Jam on No Mix-size 2-24 WC 5022/5024…
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    007-270 Tray 1 Paper Size Switch Broken 007-272 Tray 3 Paper Size Switch Broken BSD-ON: CH7.1 BSD-ON: CH7.3 The Tray 1 Size Sensor open circuit was detected. (The AD value is at its largest.) The Tray 3 Size Sensor open circuit was detected. (The AD value is at its largest.) NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- formed.
  • Page 48
    007-273 Tray 4 Paper Size Switch Broken BSD-ON: CH7.4 The Tray 4 Size Sensor open circuit was detected. (The AD value is at its largest.) NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- formed.
  • Page 49
    010-311 Fusing Unit Center Thermistor Defect 010-312 Fusing Unit Rear Thermistor Defect BSD-ON: CH10.2 BSD-ON: CH10.2 An open circuit abnormality (the AD value of the STS is equivalent to the open circuit value) of An open circuit abnormality (the AD value of the STS is equivalent to the open circuit value) of the Heat Roll Center Thermistor was detected.
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    010-320 Over Heat Temperature Fail 010-327 Fusing Unit On Time Fail BSD-ON: CH10.2, CH10.1 BSD-ON: CH10.2, CH10.1 A high temperature error was detected at the Center Thermistor (245 degrees C or higher) or Any of the following was detected: the Rear Thermistor (270 degrees C or higher). •…
  • Page 51
    010-379 Fusing Unit Hot Not Ready Return Time Fail 010-392 NOHAD Fan Defect BSD-ON: CH10.2 BSD-ON: CH10.3 The High Temperature Not Ready state is not cleared even after the Recovery Time (NVM) has NOHAD Fan failure was detected. When the NOHAD Fan Fail signal indicating an abnormality passed.
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    010-602 Over Temp Cooling Mode BSD-ON: CH10.2 Unable to print because the temperature in the machine has risen above the specification value. Cause/Action Wait until the temperature in the machine has dropped. Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 010-602 Over Temp Cooling Mode 2-30 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 53
    016-346 Fax Parameter Incorrect 016-372 File Access Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Parameter Error received from the Fax Board. Self Diagnostic: Parameter Error received. Unable to access the files that had been stored in the device for some reasons (access refused, etc.). Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 54
    016-500 Controller Download Flash Write Error 016-501 Controller Boot Flash Write Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to write the Download File of Controller Main into the Flash ROM. Unable to write the Download File of Controller Boot into the Flash ROM. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 55
    016-502 UI Panel Download Flash Write Error 016-504 UI panel Font Download Flash Write Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to write the Download File of UI Panel into the Flash ROM. Unable to write the Download File of UI Panel Font into the Flash ROM. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 56
    016-570 No Response from USB-Host for Scan Job 016-571 No Response from USB-Host for Print Job BSD-ON: CH3.3 BSD-ON: CH3.3 When any of the following has occurred as Scan to PC (USB) is in progress. When any of the following has occurred as USB Print or Download data interpretation is in progress.
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    016-598 E-mail Message Size Over 016-742/744 Download File Error/ Download File Check Sum Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Scan to E-mail, the maximum attachment size was exceeded at the 1st page. [Download File Error] Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. It was detected that there is an error with either the file format of the Download File, the Device Identifier, the Device Serial Number, or the Target Device Character String.
  • Page 58
    016-749/799 HBPL or XPJL Syntax Error/ Print Instruction 016-759 Copy Counter Full Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Multi Account Mode, any of the following has occurred: [HBPL or XPJL Syntax Error] • The general user that is logged in has reached the allotted maximum print count. •…
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    016-764 SMTP Server Connection Fail 016-765 SMTP Server Disk Full BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to continue the E-mail sending process due to some problems. The e-mail send/receive area of the SMTP Server (PC) is full. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Press [Stop] on the UI Panel.
  • Page 60
    016-766 SMTP Server Limit Over 016-768 SMTP Sender Address Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- The e-mail limit value of the SMTP Server (PC) has been exceeded. When the device is performing a send for the very first time to the connected SMTP Server, an address-related error was notified.
  • Page 61
    016-776 Marker Code Detection Fail 016-781 SMTP Server Refusal BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Copy Job or Print Job, when expanding only up to the size that was specified at the The SMTP Server is refusing to send e-mails for some reasons. expansion, the End Code cannot be found in the compressed data.
  • Page 62
    016-981 EPC Memory Full 016-982 SCAN Memory Full BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Copy Job, the EPC memory is filled up. During Scan Job (except for Scan to PC (USB)), memory full was detected at the 1st page. Cause/Action Cause/Action Perform any of the following and then turn the power OFF and ON. •…
  • Page 63
    016-985 Max Attachment Size Over BSD-ON:- During Scan to E-mail, the maximum attachment size was exceeded at the 2nd page or later. Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Enter the Diag and input NVM [840-167]. Adjust the limit value of attachment size for Scan to E-mail. Lower the resolution setting.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 016-985 Max Attachment Size Over 2-42 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 65
    017-745 SMB Size Over BSD-ON:- In Scan to PC (SMB) the upper limit of storage size was exceeded. Cause/Action Lower the resolution setting. Change the document type. Change the output color. Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 017-745 SMB Size Over WC 5022/5024 2-43…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 017-745 SMB Size Over 2-44 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 67
    024-365 Image Output FIFO Error 024-910/911/915 Tray 1/Tray 2/MSI Paper Length Mismatch BSD-ON:- BSD-ON: CH8.4 An image transfer underrun has occurred. The Paper Size for the applicable Tray is longer by 10.1 mm or more, or shorter by 13.1 mm or more than the setting.
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    024-912 Tray 3 Paper Length Mismatch 024-913 Tray 4 Paper Length Mismatch BSD-ON: CH8.4 BSD-ON: CH8.4 The Paper Size for the applicable Tray is longer by 10.1 mm or more, or shorter by 13.1 mm or The Paper Size for the applicable Tray is longer by 10.1 mm or more, or shorter by 13.1 mm or more than the setting.
  • Page 69
    024-946 Tray 1 Unknown Paper Size 024-947 Tray 2 Unknown Paper Size BSD-ON: CH7.1 BSD-ON: CH7.2 One of the following errors was detected. One of the following errors was detected. • During Copy Job and Diag Job, Tray 1 was selected but the paper guides in Tray 1 are in •…
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    024-948 Tray 3 Unknown Paper Size 024-949 Tray 4 Unknown Paper Size BSD-ON: CH7.3 BSD-ON: CH7.4 One of the following errors was detected. One of the following errors was detected. • During Copy Job and Diag Job, Tray 3 was selected but the paper guides in Tray 3 are in •…
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    024-950 Tray 1 No Paper 024-951 Tray 2 No Paper BSD-ON: CH7.5 BSD-ON: CH7.6 Any of the following was detected: Any of the following was detected: • The paper in the Tray 1 has ran out. (When the ATS function of Tray 1 is disabled) •…
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    024-952 Tray 3 No Paper 024-953 Tray 4 No Paper BSD-ON: CH7.7 BSD-ON: CH7.8 One of the following errors was detected. However, this is not detected until the paper is about One of the following errors was detected. However, this is not detected until the paper is about to be fed.
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    024-954 MSI No Paper 024-958/959/960 MSI/Tray 1/Tray 2 Paper Size Mismatch BSD-ON: CH7.9 BSD-ON:- Any of the following was detected: During Print Job, the paper size settings of the selected Tray is different from the paper size specified for the Job. •…
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    024-961 Tray 3 Paper Size Mismatch 024-962 Tray 4 Paper Size Mismatch BSD-ON: CH7.3 BSD-ON: CH7.4 During Print Job, the paper size settings of the selected Tray is different from the paper size During Print Job, the paper size settings of the selected Tray is different from the paper size specified for the Job.
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    024-965 APS NG Unselected 024-966 APS NG Permission Denied BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During Copy Job, Print Job, and Report Job with APS settings, the Paper Size and paper ori- Although APS was selected during Copy Job or Print Job, all the Trays are either prohibited for entation (SEF/LEF) settings specified by the Job are different from the settings at Tray 1, Tray APS or malfunctioning.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 024-966 APS NG Permission Denied 2-54 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 77
    026-718 D-Fax Instruction Fail 026-737 Network Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- During D-Fax Job, the job cannot be performed using the specified combination of print param- Unable to connect to the Server due to reasons such as there is a network failure, the Server is eters (stored image size, etc.).
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 026-737 Network Error 2-56 WC 5022/5024…
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    027-518 Forwarding Login Error 027-520 SMB Forwarding Bad Volume BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to log in normally to the transfer destination. One of the following errors was detected. Cause/Action • A character string that cannot be set has been specified in volume (shared name, path, etc.).
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    027-522 Forwarding Access Error 027-528 SMB Disk full BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Write was refused even though the connection to the transfer destination is normal. Unable to write into the shared folder because the HDD of the PC is full. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel.
  • Page 81
    027-543 SMB Forwarding Bad Address 027-779 SMTP Server Login Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- The Net BIOS name or the address specified at the FQDN is incorrect. A login error was returned at SMTP-AUTH. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Press [Stop] on the UI Panel.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 027-779 SMTP Server Login Error 2-60 WC 5022/5024…
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    033-313 Fax Board Communication Fail 033-316 Fax Box NVM Data Defect BSD-ON: CH34.1 BSD-ON:- Communication failure with Fax Board was detected. The NVM data of the Fax Board is corrupted. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Turn the power OFF and ON. Check the connection of the Fax Board Cable.
  • Page 84
    033-325 Modem No Response 033-326 Fax Controller File Broken BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x80 4: Warning T30_MODEM_HANG_UP_ERR. When printing received Fax, the Controller File is damaged. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Turn the power OFF and ON. Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 033-325 Modem No Response…
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    033-503 Receive T1 Time Out 033-504 T2 Time Out BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x49 4: Warning T30_EOM_T1_TIMEOUT_ERR. 0x43 4: Warning T30_T2_TIMEOUT_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 033-503 Receive T1 Time Out WC 5022/5024…
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    033-505 T5 Time Out 033-506 DCN Receive BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x65 4: Warning T30_T5_TIMEOUT_ERR. 0x6A 4: Warning T30_RXD_NULEOR_AFTER_DCN. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 033-505 T5 Time Out 2-64 WC 5022/5024…
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    033-507 Unable to receive by remote 033-509 DIS DCS Illegal Command Receive BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x46 4: Warning T30_RXB_RESP_RCV_ERR. 0x40 4: Warning T30_DCS_RETRY_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 033-507 Unable to receive by remote…
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    033-510 Fallback Error 033-517 Timeout ECM Between Frame BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x41 4: Warning T30_TCF_FAIL_ERR. 0x69 4: Warning T30_TXD_RESP_RCV_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 033-510 Fallback Error 2-66 WC 5022/5024…
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    033-526 ECM Send EOR-Q Send 033-529 RTN Receive BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x51 4: Warning ECM Data Error COMM_RESULTCODE_ECM_DATA_ERROR. 0x66 4: Warning T30_RTN_FAIL_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 033-526 ECM Send EOR-Q Send WC 5022/5024…
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    033-531 DM Prevention Function Receive Refuse 033-532 Illegal Command Received BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x4A 4: Warning DM Receive Refuse COMM_RESULTCODE_RX_DM_ERROR. 0x67 4: Warning T30_RXD_INVALID_CMD_RCV_ERR Cause/Action 0x47 4: Warning T30_TXB_INVALID_CMD_RCV_ERR Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014…
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    033-541 No Destination Specified 033-547 Cancel BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- ‘Off-hook’ was selected from the service menu when there is no external line connected and 0x01 4: Warning User Cancellation COMM_RESULTCODE_ABORT. then manual sending was executed. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Press [Stop] on the UI Panel.
  • Page 92
    033-548 No Manual Send Line Job Cancel 033-549 Fax Service Disabled BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- [Off-hook] was selected from the service menu to perform manual receive when no external There is a Polling Job from the Fax Board. phone is installed. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press any button on the UI Panel.
  • Page 93
    033-550 Phone Book Disabled 033-567 Fax AddressInfo Sum Check Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Any of the following was received: Mismatched Telephone Book Data received from the Fax Board. • Unable to register Telephone Book: Memory transfer setting in progress Cause/Action • Unable to register Telephone Book: DM refusal setting in progress Press any button on the UI Panel.
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    033-572 Fax Communication Management Report Full 033-577 Control Channel Synchronization Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Communication Management Report Full received from the Fax Board. 0x82 4: Warning T30_MODEM_CONTCH_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press any button on the UI Panel. Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Print out the current report.
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    033-578 Primary Channel Off Time Out 033-711 Fax File System Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x83 4: Warning T30_MODEM_PRIMCH_ERR. File System Error received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Turn the power OFF and ON. Print out the Error Report and then replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5).
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    033-712 Fax Flash Full 033-725 In receive, memory full (under THRESH_MEMRX) BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- One of the following errors was detected. 0x14 4: Warning Receiving Memory Full COMM_RESULTCODE_MEMORY_FULL. • During sequential broadcast send, memory full has occurred when the image is being Cause/Action stored.
  • Page 97
    033-753 Fax Scan Page Full BSD-ON:- During Fax Job, the Controller detected Page Full at the DADF/Platen. Cause/Action Press any button on the UI Panel. (The Fault will be cleared when Auto Reset is in operation and when the Job is started.) Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 033-753 Fax Scan Page Full 2-76 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 99
    034-522 No manual send Line 034-550 Fax Board Loader Download Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- One of the following errors was detected. When the Controller starts up (including at Power ON/Sleep recovery), it was detected that the Fax Board Loader is in Download Mode. There was an error in Fax Board Loader download; •…
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    034-711 Fax Send Count Limit 034-726 Fax Calling Table Full BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x23 4: Warning Redial Error COMM_RESULTCODE_ALL_REDIAL_FAIL. Communication Job Full received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Re-send the Fax and wait for it to complete or wait for the received output.
  • Page 101
    034-746 Line Connection Fail 034-752 Dial Busy BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x21 4: Warning Unable to Connect to Line T30_NO_LINE_CONNECT_ERR. 0x22 4: Warning Busy T30_DIAL_BUSY (Including the case where although an external line is connected, sensing was performed manually with no address (the telephone is not dialed)). Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel.
  • Page 102
    034-757 Fax Document Does Not Delete 034-761 Fax Invalid Address book Data are Registered BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to delete the specified file received from the Fax Board. Incorrect Address Book content registration (Telephone Book Data Error) received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically.
  • Page 103
    034-765 Fax Report Disabled BSD-ON:- Report Notification setting of OFF is received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action This Fault will clear automatically. Change the Report Notification setting to ON. Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 034-765 Fax Report Disabled WC 5022/5024 2-81…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 034-765 Fax Report Disabled 2-82 WC 5022/5024…
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    035-550 FAX Board Download Flash Write Error 035-703 DCN Received at Phase B BSD-ON: CH34.1 BSD-ON:- Unable to write the Download File of Fax Board into the Flash ROM (SD Card). Or, the Fax 0x45 4: Warning T30_RXB_CMD_RCV_ERR. Board Communication Fail (033-313) has occurred. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board).
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    035-704 Not Send Ability 035-708 Post Message Resend Over BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x48 4: Warning Other Party is Unable to Send T30_TRANSMIT_DENY_ERR. 0x60 4: Warning T30_EOP_RETRY_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Clears automatically during memory send (concluded within the Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board).
  • Page 107
    035-728 G3 EOL Not Receive 035-741 ECM Phase Timeout BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x52 4: Warning T30_RXC_NOEOL_DETECT_ERR. 0x84 4: Warning MODEM_TXTIMEOUT_ERR. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 035-728 G3 EOL Not Receive WC 5022/5024…
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    035-748 Fax Card Stopped 035-758 Fax Document does not exist BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0xFE 4: Warning Forced Stop received from the Fax Board FAX ERROR_ABOR. No specified file received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically. Clears automatically. Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 035-748 Fax Card Stopped…
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    035-759 Fax Unable to Cancel Operation 035-761 Fax File Open Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- No Polling Job and Unable to Cancel Job received from the Fax Board. Fail Error received from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically. Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Print out the Error Report and then replace the Fax PWB (PL 18.5).
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 035-761 Fax File Open Error 2-88 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 111
    036-506 V8 Error 036-550 FAX Board Loader Download Flash Write Error BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x32 4: Warning V8 Negotiation T30_NO_V34_JM_ERR. Unable to write the Download File of Fax Board Loader into the Flash ROM (SD Card). Or, the Fax Board Communication Fail (033-313) has occurred. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board).
  • Page 112
    036-700 Fax Board Unable Communication 036-740 Fax Board Busy BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Unable to do fax operations (machine setting in progress, Diag Mode in progress) received The Fax Board is communicating (receiving, etc.). from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Clears automatically.
  • Page 113
    036-777 Control Channel Off Time Out 036-796 Fax Document Mix Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- 0x81 4: Warning T30_MODEM_ABORT_ERR. When memory transfer is in progress, this occurs when the Fax Box is performing mixed (mixed document) receive. Cause/Action Cause/Action Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board). Clears automatically (concluded within the Fax Board).
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 036-796 Fax Document Mix Fail 2-92 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 115
    041-210/211 STM NVM Out-Of-Order/ STM NVM R/W Error BSD-ON: CH3.2 [STM NVM Out-Of-Order] The NVM of the STM is malfunctioning. [STM NVM R/W Error] Unable to perform NVM Read / Write for the STM. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. If the problem persists, replace the STM PWB.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 041-210/211 STM NVM Out-Of-Order/ STM NVM R/W 2-94 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 117
    042-325/614 Main Motor Rotation Error/ Main Motor 042-400 Smell Life Over Rotation Warning BSD-ON: BSD-ON: CH4.1 The Odor Filter is due for replacement. [Main Motor Rotation Error] Cause/Action The Main Drive Motor revolution failure was detected. When the Lock Up (Main Drive Motor •…
  • Page 118
    042-608 Voc Life Over BSD-ON: The Voc Filter is due for replacement. Cause/Action • Replace the Voc Filter and clear the VOC Filter HFSI Counter (950-806: COUNT_VOC_HFSI_COUNTER). Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 042-608 Voc Life Over 2-96 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 119
    045-310 Image Ready Error 045-313 IOT Logic Fail BSD-ON: CH3.3 BSD-ON:- Unable to send the Image-valid signal cannot within the specified time. The IOT Software error was detected. NOTE: When the attempt to expand the image has failed, [016-776 Marker Code Detection Cause/Action Fail] occurs after the recover operation.
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 045-313 IOT Logic Fail 2-98 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 121
    047-218 MCU-2TM Communication Error BSD-ON: CH3.2 Communication failure between ESS/MCU PWB and 2TM PWB was detected. Cause/Action Check the connections of the following connectors: • ESS/MCU PWB J413 • STM PWB J541C/ J413C • 2TM PWB J541 Check the following harnesses for open circuits and poor contacts: •…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 047-218 MCU-2TM Communication Error 2-100 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 123
    061-321 ROS Motor Fail 061-325 No SOS Fail BSD-ON: CH6.5 BSD-ON: CH6.5 The number of rotation of the ROS Motor did not come within the standard range within the After the detection of ROS Motor Ready (steady rotation), the SOS interval was detected to be specified time (5 s) after the ROS Motor On.
  • Page 124
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 061-325 No SOS Fail 2-102 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 125
    062-277 DADF Communication Fail 062-300 Platen I/L Open BSD-ON: CH3.1 BSD-ON: CH6.1 Transmission cannot be established between the ESS/MCU PWB and the DADF PWB. • The DADF was opened when there is a document inserted in the DADF. • A document is inserted into the DADF when the DADF is open. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 126
    062-311 IIT Software Logic Fail 062-360 Carriage Position Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON: CH6.3 A software error was detected at the ESS/MCU PWB. Any of the following was detected: Cause/Action • An error with the count value of the Carriage Position Control. •…
  • Page 127
    062-371/380 Lamp Illumination Fail/ AGC Fail Table 1 Current value Component Name PL No. BSD-ON: CH6.4 This value is not displayed [Lamp Illumination Fail] This value is not displayed This value is not displayed Insufficient light from Lamp detected in CCD. (During white gradation correction/AGC before This value is not displayed Scan starts) LED Lamp Wire Harness…
  • Page 128
    062-386 AOC Fail 062-389 Carriage Over Run Fail (Scan End Side) BSD-ON: CH6.4 BSD-ON: CH6.3 A CCD output error was detected when performing AOC. The Carriage has overrun at the Scan End. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn ON the power and enter the Diag mode. Change the value for NVM [715-030] to ‘1’ Check the following: and then perform [NVM Write].
  • Page 129
    062-396 CCD Cable Connection Fail BSD-ON: CH3.1 A CCD Flat Cable connection error was detected. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Turn OFF the power and check the Flat Cable between the CCD PWB J700 and the ESS/MCU PWB J420 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts (especially, check whether the Flat Cable was inserted in a skewed manner).
  • Page 130
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 062-396 CCD Cable Connection Fail 2-108 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 131
    071-105 Regi Sensor On Jam (Tray 1) BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH4.1, CH8.1 During paper feed from Tray 1, the Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Tray 1 Feed Clutch On. Cause/Action Check the following: • The Regi Sensor (Input Check [071-105]) for operation failure.
  • Page 132
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 071-105 Regi Sensor On Jam (Tray 1) 2-110 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 133
    072-102 Feed Out Sensor 2 On Jam 072-105 Regi Sensor On Jam (Tray 2) BSD-ON: CH8.2, CH7.6 BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH8.2 During paper feed from Tray 2, the Feed Out Sensor 2 did not turn ON within the specified time During paper feed from Tray 2, the Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after after the Tray 2 Feed Motor On.
  • Page 134
    072-210 Tray 2 Lift Up Fail 072-212 Tray 2 Size Sensor Broken BSD-ON: CH7.6 BSD-ON: CH7.2 Any of the following was detected: Abnormal output AD value from Tray 2 Paper Size Switch was detected. • A Tray 2 Lifter error. Cause/Action •…
  • Page 135
    072-215 MCU-STM Communication Fail 072-461 STM NVM Out-Of-Order BSD-ON: CH3.2 BSD-ON: CH3.2 Communication failure between the ESS/MCU PWB and the STM PWB was detected. The NVM of the STM is malfunctioning. Cause/Action NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- formed.
  • Page 136
    072-470 STM NVM R/W Error BSD-ON: CH3.2 The NVM of the STM cannot be read or written. NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- formed. Initial Actions Refer to the BSD and check the related connectors of the target electrical parts for partial con- nections.
  • Page 137
    073-102 Feed Out Sensor 3 On Jam (Tray 3) 073-104 Feed Out Sensor 2 On Jam (Tray 3) BSD-ON: CH8.3 BSD-ON: CH8.2 The Feed Out Sensor 3 did not turn ON within the specified time after the Paper had been fed The Feed Out Sensor 2 did not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed Out Sensor 3 is from Tray 3.
  • Page 138
    073-105 Regi Sensor On Jam (Tray 3) 073-210 Tray 3 Lift Up Fail BSD-ON: CH8.4 BSD-ON: CH7.7 The Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed Out Sensor 2 is On One of the following errors was detected. during paper feed from Tray 3.
  • Page 139
    074-101 Feed Out Sensor 4 On Jam (Tray 4) 074-102 Feed Out Sensor 3 On Jam (Tray 4) BSD-ON: CH8.3 BSD-ON: CH8.3 The Feed Out Sensor 4 did not turn ON within the specified time after the Paper had been fed The Feed Out Sensor 3 did not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed Out Sensor 4 is from Tray 4.
  • Page 140
    074-104 Feed Out Sensor 2 On Jam (Tray 4) 074-105 Regi. Sensor On Jam (Tray 4) BSD-ON: CH8.2 BSD-ON: CH8.4 The Feed Out Sensor 2 did not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed Out Sensor 3 is The Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Feed Out Sensor 2 is On On during paper feed from Tray 4.
  • Page 141
    074-210 Tray 4 Lift Up Fail BSD-ON: CH7.8 One of the following errors was detected. • The Tray 4 Lifter error was detected. • The Tray 4 Paper Size detector component malfunction was detected. NOTE: If this is already detected, it will be displayed on the UI Panel when a Job is being per- formed.
  • Page 142
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 074-210 Tray 4 Lift Up Fail 2-120 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 143
    075-135 Regi Sensor On Jam (MSI) BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH4.1, CH8.1 During paper feed from the MSI, the Regi Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the MSI Feed Clutch On. Cause/Action Check the following: • The Regi Sensor (Input Check [071-105]) for operation failure. (PL 15.1) •…
  • Page 144
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 075-135 Regi Sensor On Jam (MSI) 2-122 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 145
    077-101 Regi Sensor Off Jam 077-103 Fusing Unit Exit Sensor Off Jam (Long) BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH4.1 BSD-ON: CH10.3, CH4.1, CH10.4 The Regi Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time after the Regi Clutch On. After the Regi Sensor Off, the Fusing Unit Exit Sensor did not turn OFF within the specified time.
  • Page 146
    077-104 Fusing Unit Exit Sensor Off Jam (Short) 077-106 Fusing Unit Exit Sensor On Jam BSD-ON: CH10.3, CH4.1, CH10.4 BSD-ON: CH10.3, CH4.1 The time taken for the Fusing Unit Exit Sensor to turn from ON to OFF is shorter than the spec- The Fusing Unit Exit Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Regi Clutch On.
  • Page 147
    077-129 Regi Sensor On Jam (Duplex Wait) 077-211 2TM Type Error BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH4.1, CH10.4 BSD-ON: CH3.2 During the paper stop at the invert wait position at Duplex print, the Regi Sensor did not turn An unsupported 2TM was detected to be connected. ON within the specified time after the Duplex Clutch On.
  • Page 148
    077-212 Tray Module Reset Fail 077-300 Front Cover Open BSD-ON: CH3.2 BSD-ON: CH1.4 The Tray Module was detected to be reset. The Front Cover Switch was detected to be open. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Check the Front Cover Switch for operation failure. Check voltages of the following pins: •…
  • Page 149
    077-301 Left Hand Cover Open 077-305 2TM Cover Open BSD-ON: CH1.4 BSD-ON: CH1.4 The Left Hand Cover Switch was detected to be open. The 2TM Left Cover Switch was detected to be open. Cause/Action Cause/Action Check the Left Hand Cover Switch for operation failure. Check the 2TM Left Cover Switch for operation failure.
  • Page 150
    077-309 STM Cover Open 077-900/901/904 Regi Sensor/Fusing Unit Exit Sensor/ Feed Out Sensor 2 Static Jam BSD-ON: CH1.4 BSD-ON: CH8.4, CH10.3, CH8.2 The STM Left Cover Switch was detected to be open. BSD-ON: Cause/Action Check the STM Left Cover Switch for operation failure. Paper was detected by the applicable sensor at Power ON, M/C Stop, or Interlock Close.
  • Page 151
    077-905 Feed Out Sensor 3 Static Jam 077-906 Feed Out Sensor 4 Static Jam BSD-ON: CH8.3 BSD-ON: CH8.3 Feed Out Sensor 3 On was detected during Standby. Feed Out Sensor 4 On was detected during Standby. Initial Actions Initial Actions Refer to the BSD and check the related connectors of the target electrical parts for partial con- Refer to the BSD and check the related connectors of the target electrical parts for partial con- nections.
  • Page 152
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 077-906 Feed Out Sensor 4 Static Jam 2-130 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 153
    091-401/402 Drum Cartridge Quality Life Over/ Drum 091-406/424 Drum Cartridge Normal Life Over/ Drum Cartridge Life Over Cartridge Abnormal Life Over BSD-ON: CH4.1 BSD-ON: CH4.1 [Drum Cartridge Quality Life Over] [Drum Cartridge Normal Life Over] The image quality guarantee period for the Drum Cartridge has ended. (When Drum Hard The operation guarantee period for the Drum Cartridge has ended.
  • Page 154
    091-430 Drum Cartridge Life End 091-440 Drum Cartridge Pre Near End BSD-ON: CH4.1 BSD-ON: CH4.1 The Drum Cartridge must be replaced. Preparation for replacing the Drum Cartridge is required. Cause/Action Cause/Action Replace the Drum Cartridge. (PL 8.1) The Drum Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Prepare a new Drum Cartridge. Replace the Drum Cartridge as required.
  • Page 155
    091-441 Drum Cartridge Near End BSD-ON: CH4.1 The Drum Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Cause/Action The Drum Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Replace the Drum Cartridge as required. (PL 8.1) NOTE: After replacing the Drum Cartridge, clear the HFSI [950-807] (Drum Cycle Counter) to ‘0’.
  • Page 156
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 091-441 Drum Cartridge Near End 2-134 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 157
    092-660/668 ATC Amplitude Fail/ ATC Average Fail 092-661 Temperature Sensor Fail BSD-ON: CH9.2 BSD-ON: CH9.3 [ATC Amplitude Fail] The output value of the Temperature Sensor is not within the specification range. The output amplitude of the ATC Sensor in the ATC (Automatic Toner Control) measurement is Cause/Action small.
  • Page 158
    092-910 ATC Sensor Fail BSD-ON: CH9.2 The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail or the ATC Amplitude Fail has been occurring is at the threshold value or higher. NOTE: To clear this Fail, clear the value of NVM [752-036] (ATC Fail) or NVM [752-038] (ATC Fail Continuous Count) to ‘0’.
  • Page 159
    093-312 Toner Dispense Motor Rotation Fail 093-400 Toner Near Empty BSD-ON: CH9.2 BSD-ON: CH9.2 Regardless of low usage of toner from Toner Cartridge, it was detected to be empty. The Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Cause/Action Cause/Action Check the following: The Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon.
  • Page 160
    093-406 Toner Pre Near Empty 093-912 Toner Empty BSD-ON: CH9.2 BSD-ON: CH9.2 Preparation for replacing the Toner Cartridge is required. The toner must to be replaced as it has ran out. Cause/Action Cause/Action The Toner Cartridge needs to be replaced soon. Prepare a new Toner Cartridge. Replace the Replace the Toner Cartridge.
  • Page 161
    093-956 Drum New CRU Installation Fail 093-959 Drum New CRU Installation Fail Exceeds Thresholding Times BSD-ON: CH9.2 BSD-ON:- During the developing powder installation mode after installing the Drum Cartridge, the ATC Measured Value is found to be abnormal. (Seal not removed) The number of developing powder installation mode executions has exceeded the upper limit.
  • Page 162
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 093-959 Drum New CRU Installation Fail Exceeds 2-140 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 163
    116-317 Configuration NG 116-321 Controller Logic Fail BSD-ON: BSD-ON:- The device was started up with a run prohibited Controller Firmware. • A software defect that cannot be ignored was found in the Controller software. • The CPU has rebooted due to the occurrence of an exception. Cause/Action Upgrade the Controller software or contact the Support Department.
  • Page 164
    116-323 Controller NVM Data Defect 116-324 Exception Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Any of the following was detected: The CPU has rebooted due to the occurrence of an exception. • The On Board NVM data of the Controller is corrupted. Cause/Action • The On Board NVM of the Controller is not installed.
  • Page 165
    116-334 NVM Data Mismatch 116-377 IIT Interrupt Timeout BSD-ON:- BSD-ON: CH6.4 The verification result between the On Board NVM and the Backup NVM of the Controller is The DMA start trigger when scanning documents cannot be detected for a specified time. mismatched.
  • Page 166
    116-386 USB Host Terminal Unknown Device Connection 116-747 Invalid Page Margin Fail BSD-ON:- BSD-ON: CH34.1 During Copy Job, subtracting the amount of edge erase from the section that should have been scanned resulted in a negative value. It was detected that something other than a Fax Board is inserted into the USB Host Terminal. Cause/Action Cause/Action Change the value for NVM [790-301] (Document Edge Erase Amount) or NVM [790-302] (Doc-…
  • Page 167
    117-327 Controller Extension Card NVM Data Defect BSD-ON: CH3.3 Any of the following was detected: • The NVM data of the NET I/F Card is corrupted. • The NVM of the NET I/F Card is not installed. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Check whether the EEPROM is installed.
  • Page 168
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 117-327 Controller Extension Card NVM Data Defect 2-146 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 169
    123-314 UI Panel Communication Fail BSD-ON: CH2.1 Communication failure between the ESS/MCU PWB and the UI Panel was detected. Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON. Turn OFF the power and check the Flat Cable between the UI PWB J740 and the ESS/ MCU PWB J422 for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
  • Page 170
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 123-314 UI Panel Communication Fail 2-148 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 171
    124-311 Serial Number Fail BSD-ON: CH3.4 The device was turned ON after it was installed with a new ESS/MCU PWB. Cause/Action Remove the EEP ROM from the old ESS/MCU PWB, install the removed EEPROM to the new ESS/MCU PWB, and then turn ON the power. Enter the Diag, input [621-400] in the Chain-Link, and set the value to ‘1’.
  • Page 172
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 124-311 Serial Number Fail 2-150 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 173
    127-396 E-mail Generate Fail BSD-ON:- Unable to generate the e-mail data for some reasons. Example: Failed to secure resources, error during input of header field, error during Base 64 conversion, etc. Cause/Action Press [Stop] on the UI Panel. Check and change the settings of the various items that are required for the operation. NOTE: When performing the operation again, the same Fault will occur if the user had proceeded without changing the settings.
  • Page 174
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 127-396 E-mail Generate Fail 2-152 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 175
    133-226 Fax Country or Clock Not Set BSD-ON:- When activating Fax at power ON, the country code setting is ‘Unknown’ or the clock is not set. Cause/Action Set the country code to any option other than ‘Unknown’ and set the clock. Enter the Key Ope Tools Mode.
  • Page 176
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 133-226 Fax Country or Clock Not Set 2-154 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 177
    134-210 Fax Data Parameter Error 134-211 Fax Board Failure BSD-ON:- BSD-ON:- Any one of Parameter Type Error, Parameter Data Error, or Parameter Length Error received Fax Board malfunction (Memory Error, Hardware Error) received from the Fax Board. from the Fax Board. Cause/Action Cause/Action Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 178
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 134-211 Fax Board Failure 2-156 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 179 AC Power FIP +5VDC Power FIP BSD-ON: CH1.1 BSD-ON: CH1.2, CH1.1 Procedure Procedure Turn OFF the Main Power Switch. Is the voltage between the Main Power Switch J3 and Turn ON the power. Is the voltage between the LVPS J512-1 (+) and the GND (-) +5VDC? J4 220 to 240VAC? Is the voltage between the LVPS J510-1 and J510-3 220 to 240VAC? Is the voltage between the AC Inlet J1 and J2 220 to 240VAC?
  • Page 180 +24VDC Power FIP BSD-ON: CH1.1, CH1.2 Procedure Turn ON the power. Is the voltage between the LVPS J512-1 (+) and the GND (-) +5VDC? Go to +5VDC Power FIP. Are the voltages between the LVPS J512-3/6 (+) and the GND (-) +24VDC? Is the voltage between the LVPS J513-4 (+) and the GND (-) +3.3VDC? Check the circuit to the LVPS J513 pin-4.
  • Page 181 Reflective Sensor Failure FIP Permeable Sensor Failure FIP Procedure Procedure Figure 1 2001 Figure 1 2002 Enter DC330[XXXX-XXX]. Block the sensor with a sheet of blank paper. Is [LOW] dis- Enter DC330[XXX-XXX]. Block the sensor. Is [HIGH] displayed? played? Disconnect the sensor connector.
  • Page 182 Switch (Normal/Open) Failure FIP Solenoid/Clutch Not Energized Failure FIP Procedure Procedure Figure 1 2003 Figure 1 2004 Enter DC330[XXX-XXX]. Turn the switch ON. Is [LOW] displayed? NOTE: Before performing this FIP, ensure that there is no (mechanical) operation failure with the solenoid and the clutch.
  • Page 183 Solenoid/Clutch Left Energized Failure FIP Motor Does Not Rotate Failure FIP Procedure Procedure Figure 1 2004 Figure 1 2005 Turn OFF the power. NOTE: Before performing this FIP, ensure that the motor is not locked or loaded. Disconnect the PWB connector. Is the resistance between the connector pin-3 and the Enter DC330[XXX-XXX] and turn it ON.
  • Page 184 Motor Left Running Failure FIP NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID Not Energized Failure Procedure Procedure Figure 1 2005 Turn OFF the power. Disconnect the PWB connector. Is the resistance between the con- nector pin-3 and the frame 10Ohm or less? Figure 1 2017 Replace the PWB.
  • Page 185
    Replace the NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID. Check the connection between the PWB pin-6 and the NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID pin-2 for an open circuit and poor contact. Replace the PWB. Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID Not Energized WC 5022/5024 2-163…
  • Page 186
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 NIP/RELEASE SOLENOID Not Energized Fail- 2-164 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 187
    2.3.1 Interface (Physical/Logical) 2.3.2 ‘Cannot connect to the network’ or ‘Print is not found from the PC’ Physical Interface Description The following physical interfaces are supported. Get ‘NET Connection Diagram’ and take actions by following the instructions in ‘2.3.5 Network- USB 2.0 Related Details Check Flow’ in this document, and then collect the following information: Ethernet (10BaseT, 100BaseTX) *1…
  • Page 188
    2.3.3 No output is available, no data is printed Obtain the information relevant to the items described in ‘2.3.2 Cannot connect to the net- work’. Check whether or not the Controller Firmware and Printer Driver are the latest version. If it is not the latest, always upgrade the software.
  • Page 189
    2.3.4 Printing can be performed but abnormally 2.3.5 Network-Related Details Check Flow Check whether the Controller Firmware and Printer Driver are the latest version. Check Flow at TCP/IP (LPD) Failure If it is not the latest, always upgrade the software. (See 2.4.1 Software Download.) The following describes the possible causes and actions to take when a failure, such as being Ask a customer about the status of unavailable printing and collect information based on unable to obtain the desired printout or not being able to print at all, occurs when using TCP/IP…
  • Page 190
    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 2.3.5 Network-Related Details Check Flow 2-168 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 191
    2.4.1 Software Download Follow ‘ADJ 18.2.3 Firmware Version Upgrade’ in Service Manual to upgrade the Controller software to the latest version. Version 1.0 Status Indicator RAPs 06/2014 2.4.1 Software Download WC 5022/5024 2-169…
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    Status Indicator RAPs Version 1.0 06/2014 2.4.1 Software Download 2-170 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 193
    Chapter 3 Image Quality Troubleshooting…
  • Page 195: Table Of Contents

    3 Image Quality Troubleshooting 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Composition of Chapter 3 Image Quality Troubleshooting ……..3.1.2 Test Pattern………………….3.1.3 Things to Note when Replacing the Drum Cartridge……….3.1.4 Image Quality Troubleshooting …………….3.2 Image Quality RAPs IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP ……………… IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP ………………

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    Image Quality Troubleshooting Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 197: Test Pattern

    3.1.1 Composition of Chapter 3 Image Quality 3.1.2 Test Pattern Troubleshooting The following are the test patterns that are used. Chapter 3 Image Quality Troubleshooting is mainly composed of two sections: Test Pat- The copy quality check mainly uses the Test Pattern (Mono A3) (499T 00247). tern and Image Quality Troubleshooting.

  • Page 198: Things To Note When Replacing The Drum Cartridge

    3.1.3 Things to Note when Replacing the Drum Cartridge 3.1.4 Image Quality Troubleshooting • This chapter contains the actions to take for resolving inage quality problems as well as Check the Defect Sample that is obtained during visit or the one that is provided by the cus- [Replacement of Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1) (REP 8.1.1)].

  • Page 199: Image Quality Troubleshooting

    IQ1 IOT Image Quality Entry RAP IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP Initial Actions Initial Actions Determine whether the image quality problem occurs in Copy Mode or Printer Mode. If the Clean the Platen Glass. problem occurs in Copy Mode, go to [IQ2 IIT Image Quality Entry RAP]. Procedure Procedure Determine the image quality problem and go to the relevant RAP.

  • Page 200: Iq3 Low Image Density Rap

    IQ3 Low Image Density RAP IQ4 Wrinkled Image RAP Overall low density of images. The printed paper is creased, folded or torn. Procedure Procedure Check for contamination on the Platen Glass. The Platen Glass is clean. Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications. Clean any contamination on the Platen.

  • Page 201: Iq5 Residual Image(Ghosting)Rap

    IQ5 Residual Image(Ghosting)RAP IQ6 Background RAP Ghost images appear on the paper. Parts of the previous page or current page appear as ghost The whole page or part of the page is contaminated by toner. The contamination appears as images on the paper. very light grayish color.

  • Page 202: Iq7 Deletion Rap

    IQ7 Deletion RAP IQ8 Skew/Misregistration RAP Part of the image is missing. Printed images are not parallel to the edges of the paper. Procedure Procedure Check the paper type. Paper used is within specifications. Check the location where the machine is installed. The machine is installed on a stable level surface.

  • Page 203: Iq9 Process Direction Bands,Streaks,And Smears Rap

    IQ9 Process Direction Bands,Streaks,and Smears RAP IQ10 Unfused Copy/Toner Offset RAP Black lines or blank areas running along the paper in vertical direction. Printed images are not properly fused onto the paper. When rubbed, the image comes off eas- ily. Procedure Procedure Remove the Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1) (REP 8.1.1) and reinstall it.

  • Page 204: Iq11 Repeating Bands,Streaks,Spots,And Smears Rap

    IQ11 Repeating Bands,Streaks,Spots,and Smears RAP IQ12 Mottle RAP Black lines or blank areas running along the paper in h.orizontal direction. A phenomenon where an uneven density is occurring in the high density patch image. Procedure Procedure Check the operating parts of the IIT Carriage for foreign substances and distortion. No distor- Check the paper type.

  • Page 205: Iq13 Spots Rap

    IQ13 Spots RAP IQ14 Black Prints RAP Toner spots and blank areas are spread irregularly over the whole page. Paper is printed completely black. Procedure Procedure Check for contamination on the Platen Glass. The Platen Glass is clean. Check the operating parts of the IIT Carriage for foreign substances and distortion. No distor- tion or foreign substances are found in the operating parts of the carriage.

  • Page 206: Iq15 Blank Image Rap

    IQ15 Blank Image RAP Replace the BTR Roll (PL 6.1) (REP 4.1.1), followed by the HVPS (PL 18.3) (REP 18.1.2) and the ESS/MCU PWB (PL 18.3) (REP 18.3.2)). Paper is printed completely white. Procedure Check the installation of the ROS Assembly. The ROS Unit is installed correctly. Install the ROS Assembly (PL 2.1) (REP 2.1.1) correctly.

  • Page 207: Image Defect Sample

    3.3.1 IOT Image Defect Sample 3.3.2 IIT Image Defect Sample This section describes some Defect Samples and the actions to be taken in case of the follow- This section describes some Defect Samples and the actions to be taken in case of the follow- ing IOT problems: ing IIT problems: •…

  • Page 208: Ids1 Auger Mark

    IDS1 Auger Mark NOTE: This may occur immediately after a new CRU is installed.-> Correct this by feed- ing a few sheets of paper. Figure 1 Auger Mark Defect Sample (j0ch3217) Cause The Developer Magnetic Roll magnetic field failed. There was a drop in the level of developing powder. Action Replenish the Developer (PL 8.6) NOTE: Approx.

  • Page 209: Ids2 Strobing (27Mm Or 13.5Mm Pitch Density)

    IDS2 Strobing (27mm or 13.5mm Pitch Density) IDS3 White Streaks (Process Direction) Figure 1 Strobing (27 mm or 13.5 mm Pitch Density) Defect Sample (j0ch3218) Figure 1 White Streaks (Process Direction) Defect Sample (j0ch3219) Cause Cause Developer Magnetic Roll bias. Foreign substances are blocking the ROS Laser.

  • Page 210: Ids4 Black Bands

    IDS4 Black Bands IDS5 Toner Contamination Figure 1 Black Bands Defect Sample (j0ch3220) Figure 1 Toner Contamination Defect Sample (j0ch3221) Cause Cause The developing powder is not well mixed. Cloud toner dropped from the XERO/DEVE Cartridge. Action Action Mix the developing powder by processing blank paper. Mix the developing powder by feeding blank paper.

  • Page 211: Ids6 Toner Splattering

    IDS6 Toner Splattering IDS7 White Spots (Irregular) Figure 1 Toner Splattering Defect Sample (j0ch3222) Figure 1 White Spots (Irregular) Defect Sample (j0ch3223) Cause Cause Paper size mismatch occurred (tray settings and paper size are different). The resistance of the paper increased under dry conditions. The resistance of the paper increased under dry conditions.

  • Page 212: Ids8 Regular Blank Areas In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands Etc.)

    IDS8 Regular Blank Areas In Process Direction (Spots, 2,3: Replace the Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1) (REP 8.1.1) Streaks, Bands etc.) Figure 1 Regular Blank Areas In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) Defect Sample (j0ch3225) Cause 94 mm pitch -> Drum: Scratches or foreign substances 27 mm pitch ->…

  • Page 213: Ids9 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands Etc.)

    IDS9 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction Action (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) 1,4,5,6: Clean or replace the Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1) (REP 8.1.1)/Fusing Unit (PL 7.1) (REP 7.1.1) 2,3: Replace the Drum Cartridge (PL 8.1) (REP 8.1.1) 7: Clean or replace the Duplex Roll1, Duplex Roll 2 (PL 14.4) Figure 1 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Spots, Streaks, Bands etc.) Defect Sample (j0ch3226) Cause…

  • Page 214: Ids10 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction (Side 2)

    IDS10 Regular Toner Contamination In Process Direction IDS11 Moire Due to Interference With Copy Documents (Side 2) Cause When copying, interference with the document may cause moire. Combinations of certain angles of screen ruling near 150 dpi and Reduce/Enlarge ratio may cause moire. Moire is more likely to occur during reduction rather than enlargement.

  • Page 215: Ids12 Light Background Due To Background Suppression In Copies Of Documents With Frames

    IDS12 Light Background Due to Background Suppression Action in Copies of Documents With Frames Use KO to change the Background Suppression of Copy Settings to OFF. For documents with dark frames along the Lead Registration Edge, the suppression value is set so large such that areas of medium density appear extremely light.

  • Page 216: Ids13 Background Smear When Using Platen Copy With Non-Standard Documents

    IDS13 Background Smear When Using Platen Copy With IDS14 Fluctuation In Background Suppression Values for Non-Standard Documents Copies of Documents With Medium Density When the document size is non-standard and the specified scan size is larger than the docu- When Automatic Exposure is enabled for documents with medium density background (0.5G), ment size, smear might be generated depending on the background density of the document.

  • Page 217: Ids15 Defects Related To Scan Print

    IDS15 Defects Related To Scan Print IDS16 Cold Start Dew Moire may occur when printing out the scanned images. Cause This occurs due to interference between the document, as well as the printer screen and the printer driver resolution conversion process. Action Reduce sharpness.

  • Page 218: Ids17 Static Electricity Offset

    IDS17 Static Electricity Offset NOTE: NVM 744-079 is [Paper Type Duplex All Temperature Reduction Control Application Switch]. • ‘0’ is OFF, ‘1’ is ON • bit 0: Plain 1, bit 1: Plain 2, bit 2: Heavyweight, bit 3: Extra Heavyweight, bit 4: Light- weight •…

  • Page 219: Fusing Unit Paper Wrinkle Alignment Adjustment

    3.4 Fusing Unit Paper Wrinkle Alignment Adjustment Minus (-0.5 mm) state: ‘-‘ mark [Procedure] Installation/removal of Adjustment Bracket Remove the Fusing Unit. Remove the front screw of the Adjustment Bracket at the front. Figure 3 j0lj31011 Adjustment Method If the wrinkle is at the front, use ‘-‘. Figure 1 j0lj31009 Assembly of Adjustment Bracket Parts Configuration…

  • Page 220
    Figure 5 j0rk31013 Usage flow of the Alignment Adjustment Bracket NOTE: Use this when pepr wrinkles (*1) has been generated due to interaction. Paper wrinkle due to interaction • Paper wrinkle due to interaction between the Fusing Unit, Transfer, and Regi •…
  • Page 221: Cycle Table

    3.5 Cycle Table Table 1 Item Module Name Diameter (mm) Pitch (mm) Regi Roll DEVE Mag Roll 27*1 13.5 (half-pitch) XERO DRUM(OPC) Fusing Unit Heat Roll Pressure Roll Exit Roll *1: This is 50.24/1.86=27 mm because the rotation is at 1.86 times the peripheral speed. Version 1.0 Image Quality Troubleshooting 06/2014…

  • Page 222
    Image Quality Troubleshooting Version 1.0 06/2014 3.5 Cycle Table 3-28 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 223
    Chapter 4 Repairs and Adjustments…
  • Page 225
    4 Repairs and Adjustments 4.1 Introduction REP 11.6.2 2TM Takeaway Motor …………….. 4-46 4.1 Introduction ………………….13. MSI 1. IIT/UI REP 13.1.1 MSI………………….4-47 REP 13.3.1 MSI Nudger/Feed Roll …………….4-48 REP 1.2.1 IIT Top Cover………………..REP 13.3.2 MSI Retard Pad ………………4-51 REP 1.3.1 IIT Carriage………………..
  • Page 226
    1. IIT/UI ADJ 1.3.1 IIT Lead Edge Registration…………….4-97 ADJ 1.3.2 IIT Side Registration………………4-97 8. Xero./Deve. ADJ 8.1.1 ATC Sensor Read & Tone Up/Down…………. 4-99 18. Electrical ADJ 18.1.2 IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration …………4-101 ADJ 18.1.3 Edge Erase Value Adjustment …………..4-102 ADJ 18.2.1 Things to take note when replacing Important Information Stored Components (ISC)……………………..
  • Page 227: Introduction

    4.1 Introduction Left: Left-hand side when facing the front of the machine. Rear: Rear when facing the front of the machine. This section contains procedures required for parts disassembly, assembly, replacement and 4.1.2 Terms and Symbols adjustment in the field service. The terms and symbols used throughout this manual are explained here.

  • Page 228
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4.1 Introduction WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 229: Rep 1.2.1 Iit Top Cover

    REP 1.2.1 IIT Top Cover REP 1.3.1 IIT Carriage Parts List on PL 1.8 Parts List on PL 1.5 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 230
    Figure 2 j0lj40115 Figure 4 j0lj40117 Disconnect the connector at the bottom of the IIT Carriage. (Figure 3) Place the removed IIT Carriage and Shaft upside down and separate the IIT Carriage from the Shaft. (Figure 5) Release the hook (x2) and disconnect the connector. •…
  • Page 231: Rep 1.3.2 Iit Carriage Belt

    REP 1.3.2 IIT Carriage Belt Parts List on PL 1.9 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 232: Rep 1.4.1 Carriage Motor

    REP 1.4.1 Carriage Motor Parts List on PL 1.4 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 233
    Figure 2 j0mg40114 Figure 4 j0lj40122 Remove the IIT Carriage Belt from the pulley. (Figure 3) Remove the Carriage Motor. (Figure 5) Remove the IIT Carriage Belt from the pulley. Remove the screw (x2). Remove the Carriage Motor. Figure 3 j0lj40121 Figure 5 j0lj40123 Remove the Carriage Drive and Motor.
  • Page 234: Rep 1.5.1 Led Lamp Pwb

    REP 1.5.1 LED Lamp PWB Parts List on PL 1.5 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 235
    Figure 4 j0lj40126 Figure 6 j0lj40128 Replacement When connecting the connector of the LED Housing, insert it into the Connector Housing until the Line Mark of the LED Cable is at the position indicated in the figure. (Figure 7) To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the LEB Lamp PWB, tighten the screw of the LED Lamp PWB in the order of 1 then 2.
  • Page 236: Rep 1.10.1 Lcd Display

    REP 1.10.1 LCD Display Parts List on PL 1.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 237
    Figure 4 j0mg40104 Figure 6 j0mg40108 Pull out and remove the UI Cable from the Connector Housing and disconnect the con- Remove the UI PWB. (Figure 7) nector. (Figure 5) Remove the Tapping Screw (x5). Pull out and remove the UI Cable from the Connector Housing. Remove the UI PWB.
  • Page 238
    Figure 8 j0mg40109 Figure 9 j0mg40110 10. Disconnect the connector of the LCD Display. (Figure 9) Replacement Open the block of the Connector Housing in the direction of the arrow and discon- To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. nect the Flat Cable.
  • Page 239
    Figure 11 j0mg40111 Install the Control Panel by the following procedure. (Figure 12) (Figure 13) At the front, align the Control Panel to the surface IIT Front Cover. Figure 13 j0mg40113 Figure 12 j0mg40112 At the rear, press the tab (x4) of the Control Panel at the indicated positions to secure the Control Panel.
  • Page 240
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-16 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 241: Rep 2.1.1 Ros Assembly

    REP 2.1.1 ROS Assembly Parts List on PL 2.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 242
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-18 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 243: Rep 3.1.1 Main Drive Motor

    REP 3.1.1 Main Drive Motor REP 3.1.2 Main Drive Housing Parts List on PL 3.1 Parts List on PL 3.2 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 244
    Figure 2 j0lj40303 Figure 4 j0lj40305 15. Remove the gear. (Figure 3) 17. Remove the Main Drive Housing. (Figure 5) Remove the gear. Remove the screw (x4). Remove the Main Drive Housing. Figure 3 j0lj40304 Figure 5 j0lj40306 16. Remove the Stud Bracket. (Figure 4) Remove the screw (x2).
  • Page 245: Rep 4.1.1 Nohad Fan

    REP 4.1.1 NOHAD Fan Parts List on PL 4.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 246
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-22 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 247: Rep 6.1.1 Btr Roll

    REP 6.1.1 BTR Roll NOTE: As the bearing is not secured to the BTR Roll, be careful so as not to allow it to drop. Parts List on PL 6.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 248
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-24 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 249: Rep 7.1.1 Fusing Unit

    REP 7.1.1 Fusing Unit Parts List on PL 7.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 250
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-26 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 251: Rep 8.1.1 Drum Cartridge

    REP 8.1.1 Drum Cartridge Parts List on PL 8.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 252: Rep 8.2.1 Cartridge Guide

    REP 8.2.1 Cartridge Guide Parts List on PL 8.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 253: Rep 8.2.2 Dispense Drive

    REP 8.2.2 Dispense Drive Parts List on PL 8.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 254
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-30 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 255: Rep 9.1.1 Tray 1 Feed Clutch

    REP 9.1.1 Tray 1 Feed Clutch Parts List on PL 9.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 256: Rep 9.1.2 Tray 1

    REP 9.1.2 Tray 1 Parts List on PL 9.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 257: Rep 9.1.3 Tray 1 Size Sensor

    REP 9.1.3 Tray 1 Size Sensor REP 9.2.1 Tray 1 Feed Roll and Tray 1 Retard Pad Parts List on PL 9.1 Parts List on PL 9.3 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 258
    Figure 2 j0lj40906 Figure 4 j0xh40902 Replacement Remove the Tray 1 Feed Roll. (Figure 3) Release the hook and remove the Tray 1 Feed Roll in the direction of the arrow. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the Tray 1 Retard Pad, attach the spring (x2) to the hole (x2) of the Tray 1 Retard Pad.
  • Page 259: Rep 10.1.1 Tray 2 Feeder

    REP 10.1.1 Tray 2 Feeder Parts List on PL 10.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 260: Rep 10.3.1 Tray 2 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll

    REP 10.3.1 Tray 2 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll Parts List on PL 10.3 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 261: Rep 10.6.1 Stm Pwb

    REP 10.6.1 STM PWB Parts List on PL 10.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 262
    Figure 4 j0lj41004 Figure 6 j0mg41004 Remove the STM PWB. (Figure 5) Disconnect the connector (x4). Remove the screw (x4). Remove the STM PWB. Figure 5 j0lj41005 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When replacing the STM PWB, check the setting of the DIP Switch. (Figure 6) SW 1: OFF SW 2: ON Repairs and Asdjustments…
  • Page 263: Rep 10.6.2 Stm Takeaway Motor

    REP 10.6.2 STM Takeaway Motor Parts List on PL 10.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 264
    Figure 4 j0lj41004 Remove the STM Takeaway Motor. (Figure 5) Disconnect the connector. Remove the screw (x2). Remove the STM Takeaway Motor. Figure 5 j0xh41010 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-40 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 265: Rep 11.1.1 Tray 3 Feeder

    REP 11.1.1 Tray 3 Feeder Parts List on PL 11.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF. Press the <Job Status> button to check that there are no jobs in progress/waiting in the queue. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.

  • Page 266: Rep 11.1.2 Tray 4 Feeder

    REP 11.1.2 Tray 4 Feeder Parts List on PL 11.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF. Press the <Job Status> button to check that there are no jobs in progress/waiting in the queue. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.

  • Page 267
    Figure 2 j0xh41107 Figure 4 j0xh41109 Replacement Disconnect the connector. (Figure 3) Release the wire harness from the clamp. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Disconnect the connector. After a replacement, enter the CE Mode and use [Initialize HFSI Counter] to clear the HFSI counter.
  • Page 268: Rep 11.3.1 Tray 3 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll

    REP 11.3.1 Tray 3 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll REP 11.3.2 Tray 4 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll Parts List on PL 11.3 Parts List on PL 11.3 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF. Press the When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF.

  • Page 269: Rep 11.6.1 2Tm Pwb

    REP 11.6.1 2TM PWB Parts List on PL 11.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF. Press the <Job Status> button to check that there are no jobs in progress/waiting in the queue. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.

  • Page 270: Rep 11.6.2 2Tm Takeaway Motor

    REP 11.6.2 2TM Takeaway Motor Parts List on PL 11.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp turns OFF. Press the <Job Status> button to check that there are no jobs in progress/waiting in the queue. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.

  • Page 271: Rep 13.1.1 Msi

    REP 13.1.1 MSI Parts List on PL 13.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 272: Rep 13.3.1 Msi Nudger/Feed Roll

    REP 13.3.1 MSI Nudger/Feed Roll Parts List on PL 13.3 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 273
    Figure 2 j0lj41306 Figure 4 j0lj41308 Remove the shaft of the MSI Nudger Roll. (Figure 3) Shift the MSI Feed Clutch from the shaft. (Figure 5) Release the hook of the shaft and remove the shaft in the direction of the arrow. Release the hook to remove the gear.
  • Page 274
    Figure 6 j0lj41310 Figure 8 j0lj41312 Replacement Move the housing to the tip of the shaft. (Figure 7) Remove the Bearing. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Remove the KL-Clip. When installing the MSI Feed Clutch, align the Cutout of the MSI Feed Clutch to the Tab. Move the housing in the direction of the arrow until it is at the tip of the shaft.
  • Page 275: Rep 13.3.2 Msi Retard Pad

    REP 13.3.2 MSI Retard Pad Parts List on PL 13.3 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 276
    Figure 2 j0lj41316 Remove the MSI Retard Pad. (Figure 3) Remove the spring. Release the boss (x2) from the installation holes and remove the MSI Retard Pad. Figure 3 j0lj41317 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. After a replacement, enter the Diag Mode and use [Initialize HFSI Counter] to clear the HFSI counter.
  • Page 277: Rep 14.1.1 L/H Cover

    REP 14.1.1 L/H Cover Parts List on PL 14.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 278
    Figure 4 j0lj41404 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-54 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 279: Rep 15.1.1 Registration Chute

    REP 15.1.1 Registration Chute Parts List on PL 15.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 280
    Figure 4 j0lj41503 Figure 6 j0lj41505 Replacement Remove the Registration Chute from the bearing (x2) of the Registration Roll. (Figure 5) Remove the Registration Chute. To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the Registration Chute, insert the boss (x2) of the Registration Chute into the holes for the boss.
  • Page 281: Rep 15.1.2 Registration Roll

    REP 15.1.2 Registration Roll Parts List on PL 15.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 282
    Remove the Registration Roll. (Figure 2) Remove the E-Clip. Move the bearing in the direction of the arrow. Remove the Registration Roll. Figure 4 j0lj41510 Figure 2 j0lj41509 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the Registration Clutch, align the Tab (x2, top and bottom) of the Registra- tion Clutch to the Cutout (x2, top and bottom) of the gear.
  • Page 283: Rep 17.1.1 Exit Cover

    REP 17.1.1 Exit Cover Parts List on PL 17.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 284: Rep 17.1.2 Exit Roll

    REP 17.1.2 Exit Roll Parts List on PL 17.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 285: Rep 18.1.2 Hvps

    REP 18.1.2 HVPS REP 18.1.3 LVPS Parts List on PL 18.3 Parts List on PL 18.3 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 286
    Figure 2 j0mg41857 Figure 4 j0mg41859 Replacement Disconnect the connector of the LVPS. Disconnect the connector (x4). To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Figure 3 j0mg41858 Remove the LVPS. Remove the screw (x5). Remove LVPS. Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-62…
  • Page 287: Rep 18.3.1 Net I/F Pwb

    REP 18.3.1 Net I/F PWB Parts List on PL 18.3 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 288: Rep 18.3.2 Ess/Mcu Pwb

    REP 18.3.2 ESS/MCU PWB Parts List on PL 18.3 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 289: Rep 19.1.1 Front Cover

    REP 19.1.1 Front Cover Parts List on PL 19.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 290: Rep 19.1.2 Top Cover

    REP 19.1.2 Top Cover Parts List on PL 19.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 291
    Figure 2 j0lj41906 Figure 4 j0lj41914 Replacement Install the Top Cover with its front left side positioned as shown in the figure. (Figure 5) To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the Top Cover, insert the Tab (x3) of the Top Cover to the Tab Slot (x3) of the Frame.
  • Page 292: Rep 19.4.1 Rear Cover

    REP 19.4.1 Rear Cover Parts List on PL 19.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 293
    Figure 2 j0mg41903 Remove the Rear Cover. (Figure 3) Remove the screw (x5). Remove the Rear Cover. Figure 3 j0mg41904 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Version 1.0 Repairs and Asdjustments 06/2014 WC 5022/5024 4-69…
  • Page 294
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-70 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 295: Rep 56.1.1 Dadf

    REP 56.1.1 DADF Parts List on PL 56.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 296: Rep 56.1.2 Dadf Platen Cushion

    «Chain Link : 955-828» REP 56.1.2 DADF Platen Cushion Refer to [ HFSI Counter Clear / Initialize]. Parts List on PL 56.1 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 297: Rep 56.2.1 Dadf Front Cover

    REP 56.2.1 DADF Front Cover Parts List on PL 56.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 298: Rep 56.2.2 Dadf Rear Cover

    REP 56.2.2 DADF Rear Cover Parts List on PL 56.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 299: Rep 56.2.3 Dadf Pwb

    REP 56.2.3 DADF PWB Parts List on PL 56.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 300: Rep 56.2.4 Upper Feeder

    Remove the Tapping Screw (x2). REP 56.2.4 Upper Feeder Remove the DADF PWB. Parts List on PL 56.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.

  • Page 301: Rep 56.2.5 Dadf Feeder Assembly

    REP 56.2.5 DADF Feeder Assembly Parts List on PL 56.2 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 302
    Figure 2 j0lj45644 Figure 4 j0lj45646 Replacement Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. (Figure 3) Remove the Tapping Screw (x3). To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. Remove the DADF Feeder Assembly. After a replacement, enter the Diag Mode and use [Initialize HFSI Counter] to clear the HFSI counter.
  • Page 303: Rep 56.3.1 Left Counter Balance

    REP 56.3.1 Left Counter Balance REP 56.3.2 Right Counter Balance Parts List on PL 56.3 Parts List on PL 56.3 Removal Removal WARNING WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 304: Rep 56.5.1 Dadf Feed/Nudger Roll

    REP 56.5.1 DADF Feed/Nudger Roll Parts List on PL 56.5 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 305
    When installing the Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly, install it such that the Tab (x2) of the Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly are at the inner side of the Set Link. (Figure 4) Figure 2 j0lj45653 Remove the Feed Roll and the Nudger Roll. (Figure 3) Figure 4 j0lj45655 Remove the Bearing.
  • Page 306: Rep 56.6.1 Harness Guide And Wire Harness

    REP 56.6.1 Harness Guide and Wire Harness Parts List on PL 56.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 307
    Figure 4 j0lj45621 Figure 6 j0lj45623 Disconnect the connector of the DADF Feed Clutch and remove the wire harness from 10. Remove the Harness Guide and the wire harness. (Figure 7) the Harness Guide. Remove the screw and the Ground Wire. (Figure 5) Remove the screw.
  • Page 308: Rep 56.6.2 Dadf Feed Motor

    REP 56.6.2 DADF Feed Motor Parts List on PL 56.6 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 309: Rep 56.7.1 Dadf Drive Belt

    REP 56.7.1 DADF Drive Belt Parts List on PL 56.7 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 310
    Figure 2 j0lj45632 Figure 4 j0lj45634 Remove the DADF Takeaway Clutch. (Figure 3) 10. Remove the DADF Drive Belt. (Figure 5) Remove the E-Clip. Remove the DADF Drive Belt. Remove the DADF Takeaway Clutch. Figure 5 j0lj45635 Figure 3 j0lj45633 Replacement Remove the gear.
  • Page 311: Rep 56.9.1 Document Tray

    REP 56.9.1 Document Tray Parts List on PL 56.9 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 312: Rep 56.9.2 Retard Chute

    REP 56.9.2 Retard Chute Parts List on PL 56.9 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 313: Rep 56.9.3 Invert Chute

    NOTE: For the type that comes with washer attached to the boss at the rear, be careful so REP 56.9.3 Invert Chute as to not lose the washer. (Figure 2) Parts List on PL 56.9 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 314: Rep 56.10.1 Dadf Takeaway Roll

    REP 56.10.1 DADF Takeaway Roll Parts List on PL 56.10 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 315
    NOTE: Be careful so as to not lose the gear under the Bracket and Ground Plate. (Figure Figure 4 j0lj45634 12. Remove the Bracket and Ground Plate at the front. (Figure 5) Figure 6 j0lj45641 Remove the Tapping Screw (x3). Loosen the screw.
  • Page 316
    Remove the KL-Clip. Remove the Bearing. Figure 10 j0lj45640 Figure 8 j0lj45638 15. Remove the bearing at the rear and remove the DADF Takeaway Roll. (Figure 9) Remove the E-Clip. Remove the Bearing. Remove the DADF Takeaway Roll. Figure 9 j0lj45639 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order.
  • Page 317: Rep 56.10.2 Sensor Bracket

    REP 56.10.2 Sensor Bracket NOTE: Be careful so as to not lose the gear under the Bracket and Ground Plate. (Figure Parts List on PL 56.10 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress.

  • Page 318
    Figure 4 j0lj45660 Figure 6 j0lj45662 Remove the screws that secure the Sensor Bracket. (Figure 5) Remove the DADF Pre Regi Sensor. (Figure 7) Disconnect the connector. Release the hook to remove the DADF Pre Regi Sensor. Remove the Tapping Screw (x2). Disconnect the connector.
  • Page 319
    Figure 8 j0lj45664 Figure 10 j0lj45640 Replacement To install, carry out the removal steps in reverse order. When installing the Bearing of the DADF Takeaway Roll, align the Cutout of the DADF Takeaway Clutch at the Rear side to the Tab of the Bracket of the DADF Feed Motor. (Fig- ure 9) Figure 9 j0lj45665 When installing the Bracket and Ground Plate, install the Ground Plate as shown in the…
  • Page 320: Rep 56.13.1 Dadf Retard Pad

    REP 56.13.1 DADF Retard Pad Parts List on PL 56.13 Removal WARNING When turning OFF the power switch, check that the ‘Data’ lamp is OFF and that there is no Job in progress. Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF. Check that the power switch is OFF and unplug the power plug.

  • Page 321: Adj 1.3.1 Iit Lead Edge Registration

    ADJ 1.3.1 IIT Lead Edge Registration ADJ 1.3.2 IIT Side Registration Purpose Purpose To adjust the IIT scan timing in the Slow Scan direction and to correct the copy position. To adjust the IIT scan timing in the Fast Scan direction and to correct the copy position. CAUTION CAUTION Avoid using this procedure when performing the adjustment of the Lead Edge Registration.

  • Page 322
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-98 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 323: Adj 8.1.1 Atc Sensor Read & Tone Up/Down

    ADJ 8.1.1 ATC Sensor Read & Tone Up/Down Purpose To judge the status of the current TC (toner density) in the Developer Housing Assy based on the output value of the ATC Sensor. Tone Up / Down will be performed depending on that sta- tus.

  • Page 324
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-100 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 325: Adj 18.1.2 Iot Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration

    ADJ 18.1.2 IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration • If the measured value is short: Set a larger value. • If the measured value is long: Set a smaller value. Purpose To align the image on the drum with the proper position (Lead/Side Edge) of the paper. Table 2 NVM List Chain- Initi…

  • Page 326: Adj 18.1.3 Edge Erase Value Adjustment

    ADJ 18.1.3 Edge Erase Value Adjustment ADJ 18.2.1 Things to take note when replacing Important Information Stored Components (ISC) Purpose To correct both (Rear/Front) sides, Lead Edge and Tail Edge erase values of the image. Purpose After installation, any data that the customer has registered are very important. To lose or leak NOTE: The IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration must be adjusted.

  • Page 327: Adj 18.2.3 Firmware Version Upgrade

    ADJ 18.2.3 Firmware Version Upgrade Select [Device Information…] and select [OK]. Select [Firmware Version] and select [OK] to display the various version on the UI Purpose screen. Perform this procedure to upgrade the machine firmware (Controller, DADF, Fax Board, UI), or Check the version on the UI screen display.

  • Page 328
    Figure 2 j0mg41821 Figure 4 j0mg41823 Perform the Firmware upgrade from the PC that is connected via USB Cable to the Select the Machine Model from the pull down menu of the Machine Model column on machine. the selection screen for machine models and files. Double-click to run the Firmware Version Upgrade Tool (FWDLMgr.exe).
  • Page 329
    Figure 6 j0mg41825 Figure 8 j0mg41827 The Firmware upgrade status appears on the [Updating] screen. After it has com- When the download has completed successfully, the following will be displayed, and then pleted, the following result screen will be displayed and the transfer is ended. Click the machine will Auto-Reboot.
  • Page 330
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-106 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 331: Adj 56.1.1 Dadf Lead-Skew Adjustment

    ADJ 56.1.1 DADF Lead-Skew Adjustment Parts List on PL 56.1 Purpose To correct the feeding of the original by adjusting the position of the DADF. (DADF Lead-Skew, Perpendicularity) Check Place the Test Chart (499T283) on the DADF. Make a copy using the following settings in Copy mode. •…

  • Page 332: Adj 56.1.2 Dadf Side Registration

    ADJ 56.1.2 DADF Side Registration Purpose To adjust the original to the proper position (drum shaft direction) on the Platen. NOTE: The following adjustments must be made before carrying out checking and adjustment. • IOT Lead Edge/Side Edge Registration (ADJ 18.1.2) •…

  • Page 333
    After adjusting for 1 Sided copies, place Side 1 of the Test Chart face down and make copies using the following settings to check the Side Registration for 2 Sided copies. – Paper Tray: «A3» – Reduce/Enlarge: «100%» – No. of Copies: «2» –…
  • Page 334: Adj 56.1.3 Dadf Lead Edge Registration

    ADJ 56.1.3 DADF Lead Edge Registration If the specified value is • 11.5 mm or higher, increase the NVM value. Purpose • 8.5 mm or lower, decrease the NVM value. To adjust the original to the proper position (original feed direction) on the Platen. (an increment of 1 in NVM = 0.1 mm) Repeat the procedure until the value is within the specified range (10 +/-1.5 mm).

  • Page 335
    Adjustment Input the NVM [711-141]. Adjust to the specified range (10 +/-1.9 mm). If the distance between the Lead Edge and the reference value is • 12.0 mm or higher, increase the NVM value. • 8.0 mm or lower, decrease the NVM value. (NVM1Step=0.1mm) Repeat the procedure until the value is within the specified range (10 +/-1.9 mm).
  • Page 336
    Repairs and Asdjustments Version 1.0 06/2014 4-112 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 337
    Chapter 5 Parts List…
  • Page 339
    5 Parts List 5.1 Introduction Tray Module (Tray 3, Tray4) 5.1.1 How to Use the Parts List………………PL 11.1 Tray 3/4, Feeder ………………..5-30 5.1.2 Precautions ………………….PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Component ………………5-31 5.1.3 Plate Composition ………………..PL 11.3 Tray 3/4 Feeder ………………..5-32 5.1.4 Terminology and Symbols………………
  • Page 340
    PL 56.14 Sensor Bracket ………………..5-64 Common Hardware Common Hardware ………………….5-65 Part Number Index ………………….5-65 5.3 Parts Navi Navi 1.1 Processor + Option ………………5-85 Navi 2.1 IOT ……………………5-85 Navi 2.2 One Tray Module ………………… 5-86 Navi 2.3 DADF ………………….. 5-86 Navi 2.4 2 Tray Module ………………..
  • Page 341: How To Use The Parts List

    When you have already identified a parts to be Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Xerox shall be strictly prohibited checked, search for the relevant parts on this screen (illustration) to perform servicing because it cannot be guaranteed in quality and safety.

  • Page 342: Plate Composition

    5.1.3 Plate Composition 5.1.4 Terminology and Symbols Table 1 Terminology and Symbols Description Informs you that the adjustment procedure for the part is described in Chapter 4 Repair and Adjustment. Figure 1 5002 Informs you that the removal, installation and replacement procedures for the part are described in Chapter 4 Repair and Adjustment.

  • Page 343: Using Parts Navigation

    It must never be disassembled or no individual internal parts of it must be replaced. Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Xerox shall be strictly prohibited because it cannot be guaranteed in quality and safety.

  • Page 344
    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 5.1.5 Using Parts Navigation WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 345: 1.4 Carriage Motor

    PL 1.4 Carriage Motor Item Part Description – Drive Bracket 127K66721 Carriage Motor (REP 1.4.1) 807E40871 Helical Gear 807E40880 Helical Gear 807E40890 Gear Pulley 005E33441 Flange 952K08120 Motor Wire Harness Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 1.4 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 346: 1.5 Iit Carriage

    PL 1.5 IIT Carriage Item Part Description – Lens Housing 960K68380 LED Lamp PWB (REP 1.5.1 ) – LED Bracket 117K47742 LED Cable Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 1.5 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 347: 1.6 Control Panel

    PL 1.6 Control Panel Item Part Description 848K91750 Control Panel – Service Key (P/O Item 20) – Up/Down Key (P/O Item 20) – Sixteen Key (P/O Item 20) – LED Key (P/O Item 20) 803E16660 Start Key (P/O Item 20) –…

  • Page 348: 1.8 Top Cover (With Platen Glass)

    PL 1.8 Top Cover (with Platen Glass), Front Cover Item Part Description – IIT Base Frame (PL 1.9) 848K81890 Top Cover (with Platen Glass) (REP 1.2.1) – Data Plate – IIT Front Cover – CVT Plate 868E80610 Conductor 848E93840 Clip Cover 848K76930 One Touch Panel (Option) 848K91750…

  • Page 349: 1.9 Iit Base Frame Component

    PL 1.9 IIT Base Frame Component Item Part Description – Carriage Drive and Motor (PL 1.4) – Pulley Assembly (Item 3-5) 049K17900 Pulley Bracket 020E49550 Pulley 005E33441 Flange 023E27860 IIT Carriage Belt (REP 1.3.2) – Shaft 809E58300 Spring – IIT Base Frame 848K81862 IIT Carriage (PL 1.5) (REP 1.3.1) 117K47330…

  • Page 350: 2.1 Ros

    PL 2.1 ROS Item Part Description 062K25290 ROS Assembly (REP 2.1.1) 952K01240 ROS Wire Harness Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 2.1 5-12 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 351: 3.1 Main Drive Motor

    PL 3.1 Main Drive Motor Item Part Description 127K66290 Main Drive Motor (REP 3.1.1) 007K98390 Main Drive Housing (PL 3.2) (REP 3.1.2) 049K17710 Stud Bracket 807E39260 Helical Gear Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 3.1 WC 5022/5024 5-13…

  • Page 352: 3.2 Main Drive Housing

    PL 3.2 Main Drive Housing Item Part Description 005K83930 Drum Coupling and Gear Assembly 807E39180 Helical Gear (76/33T) 807E39200 Helical Gear (63/18T) 807E39230 Helical Gear (25T) 807E39250 Helical Gear (63T) 807E39220 Helical Gear (36T) 807E39210 Helical Gear (45T) 807E39240 Helical Gear (43T) 807E39580 Helical Gear (44/27T) 848K67531…

  • Page 353: 4.1 Nohad

    PL 4.1 NOHAD Item Part Description 054E50272 NOHAD Duct 127E86170 NOHAD Fan (REP 4.1.1) – Fusing Unit Plate – Laser Housing Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 4.1 WC 5022/5024 5-15…

  • Page 354: 6.1 Transfer

    PL 6.1 Transfer Item Part Description 054K48391 BTR Chute (Item 2-8) – BTR Chute (P/O Item 1) – DTS Eliminator (P/O Item 1) 809E99862 BTR Spring (Rear) 809E99871 BTR Spring (Front) – Float Spring (P/O Item 1) – DTS Conductor (P/O Item 1) –…

  • Page 355: 7.1 Fusing Unit

    PL 7.1 Fusing Unit Item Part Description – Fusing Unit Stud Plate – Adjust Plate – Stud Screw – Fusing Unit Rear Bracket 126K30556 220V-Fusing Unit (REP 7.1.1) – 126K31733 120V-Fusing Unit (REP 7.1.1) 848E83411 Connector Cover 952K01221 220V-Fusing Unit Wire Harness –…

  • Page 356: 8.1 Drum Cartridge,Toner Cartridge

    PL 8.1 Drum Cartridge,Toner Cartridge Item Part Description 013R00670 Drum Cartridge (REP 8.1.1) – Connector Cover 006R01573 Toner Cartridge Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 8.1 5-18 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 357: 8.2 Toner System

    PL 8.2 Toner System Item Part Description 007K18750 Dispense Drive (PL 8.3) (REP 8.2.2) 032K08100 Drum Cartridge Guide 094K93270 Cartridge Guide (Item 4-7) (REP 8.2.1) 032K08082 Cartridge Guide 032E35503 Shutter Guide 055E58451 Dispenser Shutter – Guide Seal (P/O Item 3) 127K66870 Toner Dispense Motor 807E39410…

  • Page 358: 8.3 Dispense Drive

    PL 8.3 Dispense Drive Item Part Description – Dispense Drive Housing 005E25160 Dispenser Coupling – Gear (45T) – Gear (55/19T) 807E31531 Gear (54T) – Gear (47/17T) – Gear (45T) – Gear (96/20T) 809E79130 Spring Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 8.3 5-20 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 359: 9.1 Tray 1,Tray Drive

    PL 9.1 Tray 1,Tray Drive Item Part Description 050K70180 Tray 1 (PL 9.3) (REP 9.1.2) 848K85390 Tray 1 No Paper Sensor – Drive Bracket 013E41230 Bearing 054K48460 L/H Chute 005K83551 Tray 1 Coupling and Gear 006K89940 Shaft and Gear 121K52340 Tray 1 Feed Clutch (REP 9.1.1) 807E40920 Helical Gear (28T)

  • Page 360: 9.3 Tray 1 Component

    PL 9.3 Tray 1 Component Item Part Description – Tray Housing 848E84353 Tray Cover 815K09820 Bottom Plate 029E32810 Pivot 807E41440 Pinion Gear 038K21332 Side Front Guide 038K21980 Side Rear Guide 038K21640 End Guide Assembly (Item 27,28) 809E54160 Spring 003E60941 Stopper 809E54170 Spring 059K33051…

  • Page 361: 10.1 Tray 2 ,Feeder

    PL 10.1 Tray 2 ,Feeder Item Part Description 050K64424 Tray 2 (PL 10.2) – Label (No.2) (P/O Item14) 110K11680 Tray 2 Paper Size Switch 014E51110 Tray Spacer 003E61510 Tray Stopper 059K79621 Tray 2 Feeder (PL 10.3) (REP 10.1.1) 054K27520 Feed Out Chute –…

  • Page 362: 10.2 Tray 2 Component

    PL 10.2 Tray 2 Component Item Part Description – Tray 2 (Item 3,5-26) 802E85381 Tray Cover – Front Side Guide (P/O Item 7) – Label (Max) (P/O PL 11.1.17) 849E06322 Bottom Plate 019K07150 Bottom Pad 038K87114 Front Side Guide Assembly (Item 3, 019E71680 Tray Pad 038E26550…

  • Page 363: 10.3 Tray 2 Feeder

    PL 10.3 Tray 2 Feeder Item Part Description – Upper Frame 127K38171 Tray 2 Feed/Lift Up Motor – Bracket 014E44770 Spacer 807E00390 Gear (31T) 809E50531 Spring 005K83081 Oneway Clutch 007K85730 Oneway Gear 807E00800 Gear (13T) 013E26530 Bearing – Shaft 054E23461 Front Chute 120E22481 Actuator…

  • Page 364: 10.4 Left Cover

    PL 10.4 Left Cover Item Part Description 802K57026 Left Cover Assembly (Item 2-12) 003E59630 Latch 003E59640 Hook 011E14481 Handle – Left Cover (P/O Item 1) 054E23421 Chute 120E22240 Actuator 809E54501 Spring – Shaft (P/O Item 1) 809E54590 Spring 013E26100 Bearing 059E99241 Pinch Roll 110E12220…

  • Page 365: 10.5 Takeaway Roll

    PL 10.5 Takeaway Roll Item Part Description – Chute 802E54672 Cover 130K64121 Feed Out Sensor 2 952K08150 Wire Harness 059K26251 Takeaway Roll 413W11860 Bearing Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 10.5 WC 5022/5024 5-27…

  • Page 366: 10.6 Electrical

    PL 10.6 Electrical Item Part Description 960K68560 STM PWB (REP 10.6.1) 121K31530 STM Takeaway Roll Clutch – Bracket 006E78490 Shaft 413W77359 Bearing 007E78260 Gear (38T) 007K19210 STM Takeaway Motor (REP 10.6.2) 007E79830 Gear (94T) 007E79840 Gear (33T/60T) 007E79850 Gear (60T) 952K08490 Wire Harness –…

  • Page 367: 10.7 Cover

    PL 10.7 Cover Item Part Description 802E54731 Top Cover 802E86971 Left Cover 802E56601 Rear Cover – Foot – Foot (Rear Left) – Cover 849E34880 Docking Bracket 826E07210 Docking Screw 032E38920 Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 10.7 WC 5022/5024 5-29…

  • Page 368: 11.1 Tray 3/4, Feeder

    PL 11.1 Tray 3/4, Feeder Item Part Description 050K64424 Tray 3/4 (PL 11.2) – Label (No.3), Label (No.4) (P/O Item 17) 110K11680 Tray 3/4 Paper Size Switch 014E51110 Tray Spacer 003E61510 Tray Stopper 059K79621 Tray 3 Feeder (PL 11.3) (REP 11.1.1), Tray 4 Feeder (PL 11.3) (REP 11.1.2) 054E22622…

  • Page 369: 11.2 Tray 3/4 Component

    PL 11.2 Tray 3/4 Component Item Part Description – Tray 3/4 (Item 3,5-26) 802E54721 Tray Cover – Front Side Guide (P/O Item 7) – Label (Max) (P/O PL 11.1.17) 849E06322 Bottom Plate 019K07150 Bottom Pad 038K87114 Front Side Guide Assembly (Item 3, 019E71680 Tray Pad 038E26550…

  • Page 370: 11.3 Tray 3/4 Feeder

    PL 11.3 Tray 3/4 Feeder Item Part Description – Upper Frame 127K38171 Tray 3/4 Feed/Lift Up Motor – Bracket 014E44770 Spacer 807E00390 Gear (31T) 809E50531 Spring 005K83081 One Way Clutch 007K85730 One Way Gear 807E00800 Gear (13T) 013E26530 Bearing – Shaft 054E23461 Front Chute…

  • Page 371: 11.4 Left Cover

    PL 11.4 Left Cover Item Part Description 802K70856 Left Cover Assembly (Item 2-13) 003E59630 Latch 003E59640 Hook 011E14481 Handle – Left Cover (P/O Item 1) 054E23421 Chute – Actuator (P/O Item 1) 809E54501 Spring – Bracket (P/O Item 1) – Spring (P/O Item 1) –…

  • Page 372: 11.5 Takeaway Roll

    PL 11.5 Takeaway Roll Item Part Description – Chute 802E54672 Cover 130K64121 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor 952K08150 Wire Harness – Chute 130K64471 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor 962K18900 Wire Harness 059K26251 Takeaway Roll Assembly 013E84520 Bearing – Clamp Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 11.5…

  • Page 373: 11.6 Electrical

    PL 11.6 Electrical Item Part Description 960K64673 2 Tray Module PWB (REP 11.6.1) 121K31530 2 Tray Module Takeaway Roll Clutch – Bracket 006E78490 Shaft 413W11860 Bearing 007E78260 Gear (38T) 007K18170 2 Tray Module Takeaway Motor (REP 11.6.2) 007E78220 Gear (22T/40T) 007E78250 Gear (126T) 007E78240…

  • Page 374: 11.7 Cover

    PL 11.7 Cover Item Part Description 802E54731 Top Cover – Front Lower Cover 802E54750 Right Upper Cover 802E54762 Left Upper Cover 802E54771 Rear Upper Cover 017K93121 Caster 017K93132 Caster (Stopper) – Foot – Cover – Right Lower Cover – Left Lower Cover –…

  • Page 375: 13.1 Msi

    PL 13.1 MSI Item Part Description – Clamp 059K81900 MSI (PL 13.2) (REP 13.1.1) – Instruction Label (P/O Item 6) – Size Label (P/O Item 6) – Max Label (P/O Item 6) 604K80730 MSI Label Kit (Item3-5) Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 13.1 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 376: 13.2 Msi Component

    PL 13.2 MSI Component Item Part Description 059K81950 MSI Lower Feeder (PL 13.3) 050K71130 MSI Tray 801E28470 MSI Top Cover 803E17021 Paper Stopper 120E34130 No Paper Actuator 899E01350 Spring 848E87781 Gear Cover – MSI Feeder Kit (Item 1,3-7) 803E17031 Paper Stopper Lock –…

  • Page 377: 13.3 Msi Lower Feeder

    PL 13.3 MSI Lower Feeder Item Part Description – MSI Lower Frame 019E85410 Nudger Holder 022K77450 MSI Feed Roll (REP 13.3.1) 022K78481 MSI Nudger Roll (REP 13.3.1) 007K18660 Oneway Clutch Gear (30T) 807E39610 Gear (33T) 807E39600 Gear (46T) 806E37300 Shaft 803E17031 Stopper Paper Lock –…

  • Page 378: 14.1 Duplex L/H Cover

    PL 14.1 Duplex L/H Cover Item Part Description 110E94770 L/H Cover Interlock Switch 868E77060 Switch Bracket 032E40060 Latch Guide – Front Hinge – Rear Hinge 848E83270 Hinge Front Cover 848E83290 Hinge Rear Cover 848K68301 Duplex L/H Cover (PL 14.3, PL 14.4) (REP 14.1.1) Parts List Version 1.0…

  • Page 379: 14.3 Duplex L/H Cover-Chute,Latch

    PL 14.3 Duplex L/H Cover- Chute,Latch Item Part Description – L/H Cover 054E50031 Duplex In Chute 054K48501 Registration Pinch Chute Assembly (Item 13-18) 062E16500 Conductor 054E49741 L/H Cover Lower Chute 868E78150 Front Latch Support 011E26670 Front Latch Lever 011E26691 Rear Latch Lever 815E75070 Latch Plate 809E99540…

  • Page 380: 14.4 Duplex L/H Cover-Roll,Gear

    PL 14.4 Duplex L/H Cover-Roll,Gear Item Part Description 054E49711 L/H Cover Upper Chute – L/H Cover Upper Lower Chute 038E27201 Paper Guide – Duplex Inner Chute 059K74950 Duplex Roll 1 059K74960 Duplex Roll 2 059E04010 Pinch Roll 809E75530 Spring 013E40060 Bearing –…

  • Page 381: 15.1 Registration

    PL 15.1 Registration Item Part Description 059K74901 Registration Chute (Item 2-8,14) (REP 15.1.1) – Registration Chute (P/O Item 1) 120E34050 Actuator 059E98590 Idler Roll 809E99570 Spring – Paper Guide (P/O Item 1) 930W00123 Registration Sensor – Film Chute (P/O Item 1) 059K74891 Registration Roll (REP 15.1.2) 013E40990…

  • Page 382: 17.1 Duplex Exit

    PL 17.1 Duplex Exit Item Part Description 848K68381 Exit Cover (REP 17.1.1) 059K74910 Exit Roll (REP 17.1.2) 413W14460 Bearing (d:4mm) 413W11660 Bearing (d:6mm) 807E39150 Helical Gear 127K66210 Inverter Motor – Bind Head Screw 952K01160 Motor Wire Harness Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 17.1 5-44…

  • Page 383: 18.2 Wire Harness

    PL 18.2 Wire Harness Item Part Description 952K18480 Wire Harness 952K18470 Wire Harness Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 18.2 WC 5022/5024 5-45…

  • Page 384: 18.3 Electrical

    PL 18.3 Electrical Item Part Description 913W02321 AC Inlet 910W00703 Main Power Switch 105E21351 HVPS (REP 18.1.2) – HVPS Bracket 952K01141 HVPS Wire Harness 952K01190 LVPS Wire Harness (Signal) 952K10740 LVPS Wire Harness (Power) 120E34060 PWB Support 960K76830 ESS/MCU PWB Assembly (Item 23,24) (REP 18.3.2) 105E20482 220V-LVPS (REP 18.1.3)

  • Page 385: 18.4 Fax Box Assembly

    PL 18.4 Fax Box Assembly Item Part Description 848E95640 Fax Box Cover – Fax Box Assembly (PL 18.5) 952K08170 Wire Harness (Fax Box) – STM Connector Cover Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 18.4 WC 5022/5024 5-47…

  • Page 386: 18.5 Fax Box Assembly

    PL 18.5 Fax Box Assembly Item Part Description 960K76940 Fax PWB – Fax Top Cover – Fax Bottom – Clamp – Screw 130K78820 Speaker – Label – Label 117K47650 USB Cable Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 18.5 5-48 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 387: 19.1 Cover-Front,Top,Right

    PL 19.1 Cover-Front,Top,Right Item Part Description 848K68291 Top Cover (Item 2,3) (REP 19.1.2) – Top Cover (P/O Item 1) 054E50280 Duct – Front Cover (P/O Item 15) (REP 19.1.1) 848E84571 Fusing Unit Cover 848E84614 Right Cover – Logo Plate (P/O Item 15) –…

  • Page 388: 19.2 Cover-Rear,Left Rear

    PL 19.2 Cover-Rear,Left Rear Item Part Description – Rear Cover (REP 19.4.1) 848E84631 Rear Lower Cover – STM Connector Cover 848E87322 Left Rear Cover 868E69740 Bracket – Blind Cover – Data Plate – Thumbscrew – STM Caution Label Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 19.2…

  • Page 389: 56.1 Dadf Accessory

    PL 56.1 DADF Accessory Item Part Description 004K03410 DADF Platen Cushion (REP 56.1.2) 059K75714 DADF (PL 56.2) (REP 56.1.1) – Label – Label Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 56.1 WC 5022/5024 5-51…

  • Page 390: 56.2 Dadf Component

    PL 56.2 DADF Component Item Part Description – DADF Base Frame (PL 56.3) 059K75733 DADF Feeder Assembly (REP 56.2.5) 848E86411 DADF Rear Cover (REP 56.2.2) 848E86430 DADF Front Cover (REP 56.2.1) 848E86450 Registration Pinch Cover 803E13310 Tray Stopper 068K67551 Hinge Bracket (Front) 049K17810 Hinge Bracket (Rear) 059K75752…

  • Page 391: 56.3 Dadf Base Frame

    PL 56.3 DADF Base Frame Item Part Description – DADF Base Frame 036K92141 Left Counter Balance (REP 56.3.1) 036K92130 Right Counter Balance (REP 56.3.2) 809E86290 CVT Spring – CVT Chute 803E13340 CVT Stopper 059E98711 Registration Pinch Roll (Short) 059E98701 Registration Pinch Roll (Long) –…

  • Page 392: 56.4 Upper Feeder

    PL 56.4 Upper Feeder Item Part Description 054E50182 Upper Feeder Chute 059K75770 Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly (PL 56.5) – Upper Feeder Cover 059K75760 Takeaway Pinch Roll Assembly (Item 16-18) – Bracket 897E24001 Jam Label 815E76300 Ground Plate 899E01531 Spring 011K04260 Handle Lever 120E34244…

  • Page 393: 56.5 Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly

    PL 56.5 Feed Roll Nudger Roll Assembly Item Part Description – Housing – Pulley (Feed) – Pulley (Nudger) 423W05354 Belt – Shaft (Feed) – Shaft (Nudger) – DADF Feed Roll (P/O Item 14) (REP 56.5.1) – DADF Nudger Roll (P/O Item 14) (REP 56.5.1) 413W85459 Bearing…

  • Page 394: 56.6 Dadf Feed Motor,Harness Guide

    PL 56.6 DADF Feed Motor,Harness Guide Item Part Description 032E40210 Harness Guide (REP 56.6.1) 110K17140 DADF Feeder Cover Interlock Switch Assembly (Item 8-11) 127K66690 DADF Feed Motor (REP 56.6.2) 930W00121 DADF Document Set Sensor 952K08460 Wire Harness (Sensor) 952K08440 Wire Harness (Motor/Clutch) 117K38961 Ground Wire –…

  • Page 395: 56.7 Dadf Feeder Rear Frame

    PL 56.7 DADF Feeder Rear Frame Item Part Description 012E18260 Release Link 013E41200 Set Bearing 012E18270 Exit Link 020E46551 Pulley 121K52310 DADF Feed Clutch, DADF Takeaway Clutch – Roll 121K52470 Exit Nip Release Solenoid 423W32055 DADF Drive Belt (REP 56.7.1) –…

  • Page 396: 56.8 Dadf Feeder Front Frame

    PL 56.8 DADF Feeder Front Frame Item Part Description 803E13330 Knob Handle 807E41000 Gear 868E80542 Bracket 807E40780 Gear (27T) 807E40840 Gear (19T) 815E76320 Ground Plate 815E76340 Ground Plate Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 56.8 5-58 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 397: 56.9 Dadf Tray,Chute

    PL 56.9 DADF Tray,Chute Item Part Description 050K69651 Document Tray (PL 56.11) (REP 56.9.1) 054K48570 Invert Chute (PL 56.12) (REP 56.9.3) 054K48581 Retard Chute (PL 56.13) (REP 56.9.2) 054K49150 Floating Chute – Spring Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 PL 56.9 WC 5022/5024 5-59…

  • Page 398: 56.10 Dadf Roll,Sensor Bracket

    PL 56.10 DADF Roll,Sensor Bracket Item Part Description 059K75780 DADF Registration Roll 059K75790 DADF Takeaway Roll (REP 56.10.1) 059K75800 DADF Out Roll 059K75810 DADF Exit Roll 049K17820 Sensor Bracket (PL 56.14) (REP 56.10.2) 413W11660 Bearing – DADF Feeder Frame – KL-Clip 930W00121 DADF Invert Sensor…

  • Page 399: 56.11 Document Tray

    PL 56.11 Document Tray Item Part Description – Upper Tray – Tray Cover 868E80501 Sensor Bracket 930W00121 DADF Tray Set Guide Sensor, Document Tray Size Sensor 038E42770 Front Side Guide 038E42750 Rear Side Guide 807E30471 Pinion Gear 809E51860 Rack Spring 120E34210 Actuator 807E37830…

  • Page 400: 56.12 Invert Chute

    PL 56.12 Invert Chute Item Part Description – Invert Chute 120E34220 Actuator (Pre Regi.) 809E50792 Spring 035K82730 Seal (Long) 035K82740 Seal (Short) – 120E34230 Actuator (Invert) 050E25313 Invert Gate Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 56.12 5-62 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 401: 56.13 Retard Chute

    PL 56.13 Retard Chute Item Part Description 054E50171 Retard Chute 848K68731 DADF Retard Pad (REP 56.13.1) 035K84270 Rear Seal 035K84260 Front Seal – Label – 899E01520 Spring 050E28270 Set Gate 899E01510 Spring – Shaft 019E84132 Rear Holder 019E84120 Front Holder 059E08661 Pinch Roll 899E01531…

  • Page 402: 56.14 Sensor Bracket

    PL 56.14 Sensor Bracket Item Part Description 032E40221 Sensor Bracket 930W00121 DADF Regi. Sensor 120E34260 Actuator (Regi.) 809E50792 Spring Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 PL 56.14 5-64 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 403: Common Hardware

    Common Hardware Part Number Index Item Part Description Table 1 Part Number Index 112W27898 Pan Head Screw (M3x8) 113W20478 Screw (M3x4:White) Part Number Part List 113W20678 Screw (M3x6:White) 003E59630 PL 10.4 113W20698 Round Screw (M3x6) 003E59630 PL 11.4 113W20878 Screw (M3x8:White) 003E59640 PL 11.4 113W21098…

  • Page 404
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 007E78260 PL 10.6 014E45030 PL 11.3 007E78420 PL 11.6 014E45030 PL 10.3 007E78900 PL 11.3 014E45350 PL 9.1 007E78900 PL 10.3 014E51110 PL 11.1 007E79380 PL 10.3…
  • Page 405
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 032E41320 PL 15.1 054E23170 PL 10.3 035K82730 PL 56.12 054E23421 PL 10.4 035K82740 PL 56.12 054E23421 PL 11.4 035K84260 PL 56.13 054E23461 PL 11.3 035K84270 PL 56.13…
  • Page 406
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 059K79560 PL 6.1 120E22081 PL 11.2 059K79621 PL 10.1 120E22240 PL 10.4 059K79621 PL 11.1 120E22481 PL 11.3 059K81900 PL 13.1 120E22481 PL 10.3 059K81950 PL 13.2…
  • Page 407
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 130K64121 PL 10.5 802E54750 PL 11.7 130K64471 PL 11.5 802E54762 PL 11.7 130K78820 PL 18.5 802E54771 PL 11.7 130K79500 PL 1.9 802E56601 PL 10.7 252W29450 PL 10.6…
  • Page 408
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 807E39260 PL 3.1 809E54160 PL 9.3 807E39410 PL 8.2 809E54170 PL 9.3 807E39430 PL 14.4 809E54501 PL 10.4 807E39580 PL 3.2 809E54501 PL 11.4 807E39600 PL 13.3…
  • Page 409
    Table 1 Part Number Index Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List Part Number Part List 848E85862 PL 13.3 930W00121 PL 56.14 848E85940 PL 13.3 930W00121 PL 56.6 848E85990 PL 9.3 930W00121 PL 56.11 848E86411 PL 56.2 930W00121 PL 56.2 848E86430 PL 56.2…
  • Page 410
    Table 1 Part Number Index Part Number Part List 962K68852 PL 13.3 962K69061 PL 7.1 962K69080 PL 18.3 Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-72 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-73…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-74 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-75…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-76 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-77…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-78 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-79…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-80 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-81…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-82 WC 5022/5024…
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    Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Part Number Index WC 5022/5024 5-83…
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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Part Number Index 5-84 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 423: Navi 1.1 Processor + Option

    Navi 1.1 Processor + Option Navi 2.1 IOT Figure 1 j0mg50011 Figure 1 j0mg50021 Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Navi 1.1 Processor + Option WC 5022/5024 5-85…

  • Page 424: Navi 2.2 One Tray Module

    Navi 2.2 One Tray Module Navi 2.3 DADF Figure 1 j0lj50022 Figure 1 j0lj50023 Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Navi 2.2 One Tray Module 5-86 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 425: Navi 2.4 2 Tray Module

    Navi 2.4 2 Tray Module Figure 1 j0mg50024 Version 1.0 Parts List 06/2014 Navi 2.4 2 Tray Module WC 5022/5024 5-87…

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    Parts List Version 1.0 06/2014 Navi 2.4 2 Tray Module 5-88 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 427
    Chapter 6 General…
  • Page 429
    6 General Procedures 6.1 Specifications IIT HFSI List ………………….. 6-31 IOT HFSI List…………………. 6-32 6.1.1 Product Name/Product Code/Serial No………….. IOT HFSI List — System Administrator Mode Version ……… 6-34 6.1.2 Configuration………………….6.1.3 Operating Modes………………..6.3.5 NVM DADF 6.1.4 Machine Sizes and Basis Weights …………….
  • Page 430
    6.3.21 NVM FAX Bit 25 Description ………………… 6-133 Bit 1, 3, 33~38, 47, 49~51, 53~55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 65~71, 73~75, 81~84, 87, 92~95, 6.3.21 NVM FAX ………………….6-97 97~99, 101, 102 Description ………………. 6-133 6.5 Service Mode Bit 46 Description …………………
  • Page 431
    6.1.1 Product Name/Product Code/Serial No. Main Unit Table 1 Destination Product Name Product Code Serial No. Note DMO-W WorkCentre 5022 G8B267501 ~ G8B292500 USB Print/Scan, DADF, Duplex DMO-W WorkCentre 5024 G7B292501 ~ G7B317500 USB Print/Scan, DADF, Duplex DMO-E & DMO-W WorkCentre 5022…
  • Page 432
    6.1.3 Operating Modes 6.1.4 Machine Sizes and Basis Weights The following 4 operating modes are available. The following are the sizes and weights of the individual products: (excluding toner) Machine Sizes Table 1 Mode State Projecting sections such as label recesses are not included. The sizes are for when the Bypass Tray is minimized.
  • Page 433
    *1: This machine size (W) does not include the Power Cord. Figure 3 j0mg61006 Figure 1 j0mg61002 Basic Model 4 (Main Unit + 1TM + 2TM + DADF) Basic Model 2 • Machine Size (W x D x H): 595 mm x 573 mm x 968 mm (Figure 7) •…
  • Page 434
    6.1.5 Installation Space Table 2 Area (square Installation Space Configuration Depth (mm) meters) Sufficient space must be made available around the machine for performing activities such as Main Unit + DADF + 1TM 0.54 loading paper, refilling, retrieving printouts, replacing consumables, clearing Jams, mainte- nance inspection, and etc., as well as to ensure that the machine’s performance can be main- Main Unit + DADF + 1TM + Stand 0.54…
  • Page 435
    Main Unit (w/ DADF) + 1TM + Stand 6.1.6 Levelness • Installation Space (W x D): 1101 mm x 1475 mm (Figure 3) As long as the machine is placed horizontally and the maximum difference under the M/C Cab- inet (Casters) is within 5 mm between all the front, the rear, the right, and the left, there should not be any interference with its performance.
  • Page 436
    6.1.7 Operating Air Pressure 6.1.8 Electrical Specification The machine operates normally between 0 to 2,500 m (0 to 8,200 feet). Specifies the power supply operating voltage/frequency and the power consumption. Power Supply Operating Voltage and Frequency However, when the altitude exceeds 2,000 m, an adjustment in the field may be required. Possessing an electric configuration that is applicable to the following power supply specifica- tions: Table 1…
  • Page 437
    6.1.10 Installation Environment 6.1.11 Warm Up Time This machine can be operated under the following conditions: The time required before print operation can start after the main power is turned ON or after the Sleep Mode and the Low Power Mode is cancelled is as follows. •…
  • Page 438
    6.1.12 FCOT 6.1.13 Print Speed <Definition> Continuous speed (PPM) of the print engine is defined as follows: The time that is required since <Start> is pressed until the tail edge of paper is output to the During output to Face Down Tray, taking the time from when the tail edge of the 1st sheet is defined output destination.
  • Page 439
    Table 1 6.1.14 Tray (Paper Feed) 216.0 mm or Paper Trays shorter in the 364.2 mm to Paper Trays refer to all type of Trays that are pulled out towards the front.The Main Unit has SS direction 216.1 mm to 297.3 mm to 432.0 mm in the MSI and the 250-sheet Paper Tray (1 level) as standard configuration.As field options, the…
  • Page 440
    • When the power is turned OFF during liftup, if the power is turned ON again without 6.1.15 Tray Size Factory Settings removing the Tray, and the Tray is inserted again while the Bottom Plate has not dropped, The Factory Default Size Settings are as follows: the remaining paper amount cannot be detected correctly.
  • Page 441
    6.1.16 Classifications and Functions 6.1.17 Auto 2 Sided Printing Classifications and Functions The paper sizes and weights that can be used for 2 sided print are as follows. This section describes the relationship between paper type selection and paper feeding. Paper Size •…
  • Page 442
    6.1.18 Output Function 6.1.19 Resolution/Gradation Center Tray IOT Unit Supported Size: All paper sizes handled by the machine • Resolution Fast Scan: 600 dots/25.4 mm (by the ESS), Slow Scan: 600 dots/25.4 mm Capacity: The average values of the no. of sheets that can be accommodated are as follows (using fresh paper).
  • Page 443
    6.1.20 Image Loss 6.1.21 Print Area Each paper size has the following image loss. Paper Sizes that Can be Transported The minimum and maximum paper sizes that can be transported in the Main Unit are as fol- • Lead Edge: 4 +/-1.5 mm or shorter lows: •…
  • Page 444
    6.1.22 Alignment Specification • (-) means a deviation in the Lead direction while (+) means a deviation in the Tail direc- tion. • Alignment Measurement Method and Specification (Calculated for 100%) NOTE: Effect of paper elongation and shrinkage due to environmental changes is not included. •…
  • Page 445
    *1: For the reference value in the table, measure the length of the corresponding position on the STP3600. Figure 1 j0ch61015 How to Measure Table 2 Measurement Item How to Measure Lead Regi [mm] (P1 to P2) — Reference value *1 Side Regi [mm] (P7 to P8) — Reference value *1 Lead Skew (200 mm) [mm]…
  • Page 446
    6.1.23 I/F Specification 6.1.24 Print Feature I/F Layout Sketch *1: The speed may also drop due to Image Quality adjustment. The print speed may also drop depending on the document. Table 1 Item Contents Type Built-in Type Continuous Print Speed*1 Conforms with the Basic Feature/Copy Feature Resolution Output Resolution: 600×600 dpi…
  • Page 447
    Standard: 8×3.85 lines/mm, 200×100 dpi Document Scan Speed*1 Monochrome: 18 sheets/min High Quality: 8×7.7 lines/mm, 200×200 dpi [When using Xerox standard document (A4 LEF), 200 dpi, Scan Superfine (400 dpi): 16×15.4 lines/mm, 400×400 dpi to PC (TWAIN: USB)] Encoding Method…
  • Page 448
    0~10,000,000 All Report types are impressions that had been out- counted as Print. put by the machine as Copy Jobs *1: Xerox P Paper BW Print Counter The total number of printed 0~10,000,000 impressions for Print Jobs and Reports BW Fax Counter…
  • Page 449
    Billing Meter Notification 6.1.29 Environmental Feasibility (Energy Star Program) • The energy consumption for mode transition, recovery time, and the various modes are Table 3 as follows. Check Method Meter Report CWIS (Power Supply: AC 230V) Meter 1 Table 1 Meter 2 TEC Method (kWh) Meter 3…
  • Page 450
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.1.29 Environmental Feasibility (Energy Star Pro- 6-22 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 451
    6.2.1 Tools and Service Consumables 6.2.2 Consumables Tools Table 1 The following tools can be stored in the CE Basic Tool Set as standard. Consumables Product Code CRU/ERU Life End *1 Table 1 Standard Capacity Toner 006R01573 9,000 PV Cartridge TOOL No.
  • Page 452
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.2.2 Consumables 6-24 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 453 DADF Input Component Check List Table 1 DADF Input Component Check List Chain-Link Component Name UI Display Description 005-102 DADF DOCUMENT SET SENSOR H: Document detected at DADF DOCUMENT SET SENSOR 005-110 DADF REGI. SENSOR H: Document detected at DADF REGI SENSOR 005-206 DADF PRE REGI.
  • Page 454
    Table 1 IOT Input Component Check List Chain-Link Component Name UI Display Description 072-102 TRAY 3 NO PAPER SENSOR L: Paper detected at TRAY 3 NO PAPER SENSOR 072-103 TRAY 4 NO PAPER SENSOR L: Paper detected at TRAY 4 NO PAPER SENSOR 072-104 MSI NO PAPER SENSOR H: Paper detected at MSI NO PAPER SENSOR…
  • Page 455 DADF Output Component Check List Table 1 DADF Output Component Check List Chain-Link Component Name Description 005-004 DADF FEED MOTOR Drives the DADF FEED MOTOR at 82.5 mm/s in CW direction. CW 82.5 mm/s Turns ON for 50 s -> Auto OFF 005-005 DADF FEED MOTOR Drives the DADF FEED MOTOR at 110.0 mm/s in CW direction.
  • Page 456
    Table 1 IOT Ouput Component Check List Chain-Link Component Name Description 042-002 NOHAD FAN (High Speed) Drives the NOHAD FAN at high speed. 042-003 NOHAD FAN (Low Speed) Drives the NOHAD FAN at low speed. 061-001 ROS Motor On Turns ON the Polygon Motor. 071-001 REGI.
  • Page 457 Analog Monitor List Table 1 Analog Monitor List Chain-Link Component Name Description 072-050 TRAY 1 PAPER SIZE Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 1 paper size. For the relationsip between the Tray 1 paper size and the AD value, refer to «BSD Chain 7.1» in Chapter 7 072-051 TRAY 2 PAPER SIZE Sensor Displays the AD value for Tray 2 paper size.
  • Page 458
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 Analog Monitor List 6-30 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 459 DADF HFSI List Table 1 DADF HFSI List Chain-Link Content Name Life Value Setting Range Count Condition Description 955-806 Document Feed 200,000 0~5,000,000 Counts up when the Feed Sensor turns ON No. of sheets fed from the CVT (CVT DADF machine) HFSI ->…
  • Page 460 IOT HFSI List Table 1 IOT HFSI List Chain-Link HFSI Name Life Value Count Condition Description 950-800 BTR Unit (X’fer) 100,000 Counts up when paper passes through the Fusing Unit Exit Sensor. The count BTR Unit ON Count (PV conversion) value is determined based on multiples of paper length in 216 mm.0 mm <…
  • Page 461
    Table 1 IOT HFSI List Chain-Link HFSI Name Life Value Count Condition Description 950-809 Tray4 Feed/Retard/Nudger Roll 300,000 Counts up at feeding from Tray 4. No. of sheets fed through Tray 4 Feed Roll, To clear the counter, enter the HFSI Counter Read / Clear Mode and select Tray 4 Retard Roll, and Tray 4 Nudger Roll [Clear] ->…
  • Page 462 IOT HFSI List — System Administrator Mode Version Purpose This provides a function to initialize the HFSI Counter and Replacement Flag in the System Administrator Mode, which is limited to the Periodic Replacement Parts that a User can replace. Procedure Enter the System Administrator Mode.
  • Page 463
    6.3.5 NVM DADF Table 1 NVM DADF Setting Default Chain-Link NVM Name Range Value step Description 711-001 DADF Lead Reg. Adjustment (Side 1) (220.0 105-135 0.1 mm 1) Default Value: 0 mm mm/s) (When 711-140 value is Default and 711-001 value is 120) 2) Adjustment Range (when 711-140 value is Default) : +1.5 mm (105 pulse) / -1.5 mm (135 pulse) 3) Adjustment Range (when 711-140 value is 80 to 230)
  • Page 464
    Table 1 NVM DADF Setting Default Chain-Link NVM Name Range Value step Description 711-024 DADF Lead Reg. Adjustment (Side 2) (82.5 mm/ 105-135 0.1 mm 1) Default Value: 0 mm (When 711-141 value is Default and 711-024 value is 120) 2) Adjustment Range (when 711-141 value is Default) : +1.5 mm (105 pulse) / -1.5 mm (135 pulse) 3) Adjustment Range (when 711-141 value is 80 to 230)
  • Page 465
    Table 1 NVM DADF Setting Default Chain-Link NVM Name Range Value step Description 711-155 Feed Gear Initialize Operation 0: Do not perform initialize operation 1: Perform initialize operation 711-158 Stop Position Adjustment During Invert (T27) 0-40 0.2 mm Sets the adjustment time so that the distance (step distance) is the same for every speed. Adjustment Value (ms) = (NVM Input Value — NVM Default Value) / Transport Speed x 1000 x 0.2 (mm step).
  • Page 466
    Table 1 NVM DADF Setting Default Chain-Link NVM Name Range Value step Description 711-220 Usage of DPM Control Parameter Instructed 0: Cont DPM Parameter Reject from the Controller 1: Cont DPM Parameter Accept 711-221 DADF DPM Control Parameter 0-255 100th Digit: Drive Type (0: High, 1: Middle, 2: Low) 10th Digit: Loop Control 1st Digit: Pre Regist Speed 711-272…
  • Page 467 NVM IIT Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 710-501 Fax Document Size Detection Indicates the switching of detection method when Fax Document Size Detection is specified in DADF mode. 0: A/B series, 1: Inch series 710-551 JAM Bypass…
  • Page 468
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 710-608 Alternate Size Set 8 Switches among B4 SEF and 11×17 SEF. 0: Default 1: B4 SEF 2:11×17 SEF 710-609 Alternate Size Set 9 Switches between 8×10 SEF and 8×10.5 SEF.
  • Page 469
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 715-018 Config Fail Bypass Controls whether to perform Fail bypass for the [Configuration Check] function of IIT-Elect Request. Furthermore, this NVM is not involved with the separate SelectConfig that is performed internally by the IISS.
  • Page 470
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 715-062 CVT FS Offset Side 1-4 Fast Scan Regi Correction Value (0.1 mm/step) during CVT «Factory Settings» 715-063 CVT FS Offset Side 2-4 Fast Scan Regi Correction Value (0.1 mm/step) during CVT «Factory Settings»…
  • Page 471
    2: P paper 3: C2 paper 4: Green100 paper 5: Digital Color Xpression 6: Color Tech+ 7: Xerox4200 paper 8: Xerox Business 715-110 CVT FS Side 1 Standard Adjustment Fast Scan Regi Reference Adjustment Value (0.1 mm/step) during CVT Side 1 «Factory Settings»…
  • Page 472
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 715-113 CVT FS Side 4 Standard Adjustment Fast Scan Regi Reference Adjustment Value (0.1 mm/step) during CVT Side 4 «Factory Settings» At Power ON, this will be overwritten by the DADF NVM (711-274) value.
  • Page 473
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 715-305 8.5×13/8.5×14 Detection 0: The default in the Table 1: For design verification, performance not guaranteed 2: 13 inch 3: 14 inch 715-306 Original detection table for special paper 0: Special documents not supported…
  • Page 474
    Table 1 NVM IIT Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Read/Write Description 715-363 FL_CHK_NG_Data 1023 Data obtained when Lamp Check is NG (Blank scan data of G compared at checking) 715-418 AOCerr No. of times the AOC flow has ended abnormally General Version 1.0 06/2014…
  • Page 475 NVM DRIVE & NOHAD Table 1 NVM DRIVE & NOHAD Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initialization Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Yes/No Description 740-001 DRV_MAIN_MOTOR_SPEED 1040000 1562000 1496201 Disabled Enabled main motor speed (Unit: Ref CLK) 740-002 DRV_MAIN_MOTOR_BRAKE_SWITCH Disabled…
  • Page 476
    Table 1 NVM DRIVE & NOHAD Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initialization Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Yes/No Description 741-033 NOHAD_FAN_FAIL_ERROR_COUNT_THRE Disabled Enabled The threshold count for determining a Fail by the Fan Fail SHOLD Accumulated Time.
  • Page 477 NVM DIAG Table 1 NVM DIAG Setting Setting Range Range Initializatio (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Yes/No Yes/NO Discription 747-006 DIAG_TONE_UP_DOWN_JOB_VOLUME Disable Enable Diagnostic Tone Up/Down job volume 870-202 DIAG_TEST_PRINT_JOB_VOLUME Disable Enable Diagnostic test print job volume (Unit: 1 sheet) Version 1.0 General…
  • Page 478
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM DIAG 6-50 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 479 NVM PH Table 1 NVM PH Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/NO Discription 742-001 PH_LEAD_REGI_ALL_TRAY Disable Enable LEAD REGI ADJUSTMENT — ALL TRAY Image input is delayed when Set Value is increased. (Unit: 2 ms) 742-002 PH_LEAD_REGI_TRAY1…
  • Page 480
    Table 1 NVM PH Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/NO Discription 742-014 PH_LEAD_REGI_THICK2_TRAY1 Disable Enable TRAY1 for thick2 LEAD REGI ADJ Image input is delayed when Set Value is increased. (Unit: 2 ms) 742-015 PH_LEAD_REGI_THICK2_TRAY2…
  • Page 481
    Table 1 NVM PH Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/NO Discription 742-028 PH_REGI_LOOP_THICK1_TRAY2 Disable Enable TRAY2 for thick1 REGI LOOP ADJ Image input is delayed when Set Value is increased. (Unit: 2 ms) 742-029 PH_REGI_LOOP_THICK1_TRAY3…
  • Page 482
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM PH 6-54 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 483
    6.3.10 NVM Fusing Table 1 NVM Fusing Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Initialization Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Yes/No Yes/No Description 744-040 Fusing_U42_HISTORY Enable Enable The Overheat Temp Fail has occurred. 744-056 Fusing_U41_HISTORY Enable Enable Types of Fusing On Time Fail occurence: 0: Has not occurred1: U4-1 Control 12: U4-1 Control 23: U4-1 Control 34: U4-1 Control 4 Version 1.0…
  • Page 484
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.10 NVM Fusing 6-56 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 485 NVM X’fer Table 1 NVM X’fer Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/No Description 745-016 XERO_TEMP_DATA Enabled Enabled Stores the temperature detection result. (Unit: 1 Degrees Celsius) 745-026 XERO_BTR_OUTPUT_SIDE1_BIAS Enabled Enabled…
  • Page 486
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM X’fer 6-58 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 487 NVM ROS Table 1 NVM ROS Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/NO Discription 749-001 ROS_LASER_SIDE_REGI_ADJUSTMENT_ALL_T Disable Ensable ALL TRAY-LASER SIDE REGI ADJUSTMENT (Unit: 0.254mm increments) 749-002 ROS_LASER_SIDE_REGI_ADJUSTMENT_TRAY Disable Ensable TRAY1-LASER SIDE REGI ADJUSTMENT…
  • Page 488
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM ROS 6-60 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 489
    6.3.12 NVM XERO Table 1 NVM XERO Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Initialization Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Yes/No Yes/No Description 750-001 XERO_BCR_AC_IO_BIAS Disable Enable BCR-AC I/O Check Output Value (Unit: 3.95 MicroAmp) 750-002 XERO_BCR_DC_IO_BIAS Disable Enable BCR-DC I/O Check Output Value (Unit: 1%)
  • Page 490
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.12 NVM XERO 6-62 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 491 NVM SYSTEM Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 610-400 KO_PASSWORD_1 The 1st digit (highest order digit) number of the KO Password. 610-401 KO_PASSWORD_2 The 2nd digit number of the KO Password.
  • Page 492
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 700-120 TIMEZONE 0: UTC -12:00 1: UTC -11:00 2: UTC -10:00 3: UTC -09:00 4: UTC -08:00 5: UTC -07:00 6: UTC -06:00 7: UTC -05:00…
  • Page 493
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 700-125 JOB_CANCEL_TIMER 0: Feature Disabled (s) 700-126 AUTO_PRINT_TIMER 700-128 AUTO_SCAN_COMPLETE_TI 1: Scan Complete in 20 s 2: Scan Complete in 30 s 3: Scan Complete in 60 s 4: Scan Complete in 90 s 700-129…
  • Page 494
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 700-153 UIPANEL_OUT_OF_PAPER Out of Paper Warning Tone 0: OFF 1: Soft 2: Normal 3: Loud 700-154 UIPANEL_AUTO_CLEAR_AL Auto Clear Alert Tone 0: OFF 1: Soft…
  • Page 495
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 780-013 IOT_TRAY1_PAPER_TYPE Paper Type in Tray 1 0: Plain 1 1: Plain 2 5: Lightweight 780-014 IOT_STM_PAPER_TYPE Paper Type in STM 0: Plain 1 1: Plain 2…
  • Page 496
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 780-018 IOT_MSI_PAPER_TYPE Paper Type at MSI 0: Plain 1 1: Plain 2 2: Heavyweight 3: Extra Heavyweight 5: Lightweight 780-061 APS_ATS_PERMISSION_ST…
  • Page 497
    Table 1 SYSTEM Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Yes/ Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Description 790-025 IOT_MSI_PRESET_CUSTOM Slow scan length of preset custom size 3 (mm) _SIZE_3_SS 0: Not set 790-026 IOT_MSI_PRESET_CUSTOM Fast scan length of preset custom size 4 (mm) _SIZE_4_FS 0: Not set…
  • Page 498
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM SYSTEM 6-70 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 499 NVM PROCON Table 1 NVM PROCON Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/No Description 752-022 PRC_ATC_AVE Enabled Enabled ATC Average Value 752-023 PRC_ATC_AMP Enabled Enabled ATC Amplitude 752-028 PRC_ATC_AVE_FAIL Enabled Enabled…
  • Page 500
    Table 1 NVM PROCON Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/No Description 752-284 PRC_DELTA_ATC_TARGET_TEMP_CORR -999 Enabled Enabled Delta ATC Target Temperature Correction Amount 752-287 PRC_DELTA_ATC_TARGET_HUMI_CORR -999 Enabled Enabled Delta ATC Target Humidity Correction Amount 752-300 PRC_DELTA_AGE_ATC Enabled…
  • Page 501
    Table 1 NVM PROCON Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Default Write Yes/ Initializatio Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value n Yes/No Description 752-647 PRC_1_TO_2_PV_CNT 429496729 Enabled Enabled 1 to 2 PV count 752-679 PRC_TONER_REST Enabled Enabled Remaining Toner % 752-686 PRC_RECOVERY_CNT Enabled…
  • Page 502
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM PROCON 6-74 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 503
    6.3.16 NVM NET Table 1 NVM NET Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Infrequent Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Range Protected Yes/No Description 610-420 ADMIN_USER_ID_1 Other than ‘0’ ASCII Code 610-421 ADMIN_USER_ID_2 ASCII Code 610-422 ADMIN_USER_ID_3 ASCII Code…
  • Page 504
    Table 1 NVM NET Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Infrequent Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Range Protected Yes/No Description 610-462 ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_3 Other than ‘0’ ASCII Code 610-463 ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_4 Other than ‘0’ ASCII Code 610-464 ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_5 ASCII Code…
  • Page 505
    Table 1 NVM NET Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Infrequent Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Range Protected Yes/No Description 700-163 PFRID_SYS_PRODUCT_INFO_COUNTRY — 0: Not specified; 840: United States; 124: Canada; 76: Brazil; 826: United Kingdom; 276: Germany; 380: Italy; 250: France;…
  • Page 506
    Table 1 NVM NET Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Infrequent Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Range Protected Yes/No Description 770-104 PFRID_IPV6_STACK_CONFIG 4, 6, 10 4: Start IPv4 protocol only 6: Start IPv6 protocol only 10: Start both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols 770-126 PFRID_IPV6_PROT_MANUAL_MANUALA…
  • Page 507 NVM JOB ATTRIBUTE Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 620-408 SCANJOB_FAXJOB_DEFAULT_AE_LEVEL The default background suppression for Fax Send Job and document type = Text.
  • Page 508
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 785-022 COPYJOB_DEFAULT_AE_LEVEL 0: Level 1 1: Level 2 2: Level 3 3: Level 4 4: Level 5 790-060 COPYJOB_PRESET_MAGNIFICATION 790-070…
  • Page 509
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-074 COPYJOB_FIXED_MAGNIFICATION_2 Depend The default R/E Preset 2 for Copy Job. s on the 1002: 35.3% value of 1003: 50.0% PAPER…
  • Page 510
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-076 COPYJOB_FIXED_MAGNIFICATION_4 Depend The default R/E Preset 4 for Copy Job. s on the 1002: 35.3% value of 1003: 50.0% PAPER…
  • Page 511
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-078 COPYJOB_FIXED_MAGNIFICATION_6 Depend The default R/E Preset 6 for Copy Job. s on the 1002: 35.3% value of 1003: 50.0% PAPER…
  • Page 512
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-080 COPYJOB_FIXED_MAGNIFICATION_8 Depend The default R/E Preset 8 for Copy Job. s on the 1002: 35.3% value of 1003: 50.0% PAPER…
  • Page 513
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-182 COPYJOB_DEFAULT_COLLATED 0: Uncollated 790-187 FAXJOB_DEFAULT_LIGHTEN_DARKEN The default density for Fax Send Job. 0: Lighten +2 1: Lighten +1 2: Normal 3: Darken +1…
  • Page 514
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-229 SCANJOB_DEFAULT_LIGHTEN_DARKEN The default density for Scan Job (excluding Scan to PC (USB)). 0: Lighten +2 1: Lighten +1 2: Normal 3: Darken +1…
  • Page 515
    Table 1 JOB ATTRIBUTE Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 790-307 SCANJOB_DEFAULT_IMAGE_COMPRESSIO The default file compression rate when Output Color = FC is selected for Scan Job (excluding Scan to PC (USB)).
  • Page 516
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 NVM JOB ATTRIBUTE 6-88 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 517
    6.3.17 NVM IPS Table 1 NVM IPS Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 680-400 IPS_AE1FS_EXTERNAL_AREA 65535 Speed Priority AE/Fast Scan Direction Non-detection Area INSTV during SMPST and SMPED settings 680-401 IPS_LINE_TO_FIX_VARIATION 65535…
  • Page 518
    Table 1 NVM IPS Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 680-410 IPS_CL_BALANCE_DEF_K_MEDIUM_ DEN- Default Color Balance Adjustment Level K Color Medium SITY Density 680-411 IPS_CL_BALANCE_DEF_K_HIGH_ DENSITY Default Color Balance Adjustment Level K Color High Density 680-412 IPS_PLT_JOB_RAE_SS_NOT_DETECT_…
  • Page 519
    Table 1 NVM IPS Setting Setting Range Range Write Default (Minimum (Maximum Default Allowed/ Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 680-423 IPS_FULL_COLOR_SCAN_CONTRAST_ Contrast Adjustment for Full Color Scan. ADJUSTMENT 0: Less Contrast -2 1: Less Contrast -1 2: Normal 3: More Contrast +1 4: More Contrast +2…
  • Page 520
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.17 NVM IPS 6-92 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 521
    6.3.19 NVM ACCOUNT MODE Table 1 NVM ACCOUNT MODE Setting Setting Range Range (Minimum (Maximum Scan Default Value Chain-Link NVM Name Value) Value) Default Value Yes/No Yes/No Description 700-540 COPY_ACCOUNT_MODE 0: Account Free Mode 1: Single Account Mode 2: Multi Account Mode Version 1.0 General 06/2014…
  • Page 522
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.19 NVM ACCOUNT MODE 6-94 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 523
    6.3.20 NVM Jam Counter Clear & Initialize HFSI Table 1 NVM Jam Counter Clear & Initialize HFSI Chain-Link NVM Name Description 998-960 Jam Counter Clear-Tray3 Feed Out#3 Sensor On Jam 998-961 Jam Counter Clear-Tray3 Feed Out#2 Sensor On Jam 998-962 Jam Counter Clear-Tray3 Regi Sensor On Jam 998-963 Jam Counter Clear-Tray4 Feed Out#4 Sensor On Jam…
  • Page 524
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.20 NVM Jam Counter Clear & Initialize HFSI 6-96 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 525
    6.3.21 NVM FAX Table 1 FAX Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimu (Maximu Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name m Value) m Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 670-400 FAXBOX_ANS_SELECT The switching of Auto Receive Mode for Fax Job. 0 = Fax Mode, 1 = Ans/Fax Mode 670-401 FAXBOX_AUTO_ANSWER_FAX…
  • Page 526
    Table 1 FAX Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimu (Maximu Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name m Value) m Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 670-421 FAXBOX_FAX_ACTIVITY Sets whether to automatically output the Activity Report for Fax Job. 0 = No Auto Print, 1 = Auto Print * When changing from ‘1’ (Auto Print) to ‘0’ (No Auto Print) and there are 50 or more records in the receive/send history, the history after the first 50 might get erased.
  • Page 527
    Table 1 FAX Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimu (Maximu Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name m Value) m Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 690-416 FAXBOX_G3_CNG_WAIT The CNG Send Signals time (seconds) for Fax Job. 690-417 FAXBOX_MANUAL_CNG_SIGNAL The manual send CNG Send Signals (fixed value) for Fax Job. 1 = Send 690-418 FAXBOX_CNG_STOP_SELECT…
  • Page 528
    Table 1 FAX Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimu (Maximu Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name m Value) m Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 690-435 FAXBOX_CTC_NUMBER The number of ECM/CTC sends for Fax Job. 690-436 FAXBOX_T5_TIMER The RNR signal timer (seconds) (fixed value) for Fax Job. 60 = 60 s 690-437 FAXBOX_RTN_PERCENT…
  • Page 529
    Table 1 FAX Setting Setting Range Range Write Default Chain- (Minimu (Maximu Default Allowed/ Value Link NVM Name m Value) m Value) Value Protected Yes/No Description 690-472 FAXBOX_TX_RETRY_NUMBER_MAX The max. number of redials (times) for Fax Job. 690-473 FAXBOX_BT_DETECTION The busy tone detection when calling for Fax Job. 0 = OFF, 1 = ON 690-474 FAXBOX_TEL_FAX_CNG_TIME The CNG detection time when switching between FAX/TEL (100 ms) for…
  • Page 530
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 6.3.21 NVM FAX 6-102 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 531 UI CE Diag Mode Structure 14. IIT Breakdown Diagnosis The UI displays the CE Diag Mode as a [4-Line LCD] screen. UI Screen 15. DADF Size Detect Auto Adjust The structure of the CE Diag Mode is as follows. 16.
  • Page 532 How to Enter the CE Diag Mode How to Exit from the CE Diag Mode Procedure CAUTION Do not leave the machine unattended while it is in the CE Diag Mode. Enter the CE Diag Mode by the following procedure. Procedure Inform the customer that the machine will be temporarily unavailable for use (inform that Turn the power OFF and ON.
  • Page 533 Shutdown History NVM Read / Write Purpose Purpose Initialize the Fault History. Refers to the NVM data or changes setting value. • You can reference the [Error History Report] in KO Mode. NOTE: For details on NVM No. (Chain-Link), refer to 6.3.5 until 6.3.21 in Chapter 6. Procedure Overview Enter the CE Diag Mode.
  • Page 534 Analog Monitor NVM Initialize Purpose Purpose Monitors the A/D converted analog value of the sensor while each component is being oper- Returns the NVM to its default values. ated. Procedure NOTE: For more details on the Analog Monitor Code, refer to in Chapter 6. Enter the CE Diag Mode.
  • Page 535 Component Check Maintenance Report Purpose Purpose Displays the logic state of Input Component input signals and operates the Output Compo- Prints the Maintenance items that can be set from and displayed on the CE Mode. nents. Procedure NOTE: For more details on the Component Check Code, refer to 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 in Chapter 6. Enter the CE Diag Mode and input 999-980 in the Chain-Link.
  • Page 536 HFSI Counter Clear/Initialize Perform the initialization. When the initialization has completed, [Done] will be displayed. Pressing <Clear (C)> returns you to the [Diagnostics Mode Base] screen. Purpose Clears and initializes the HFSI Counter that is used as the guideline for replacement of con- sumables.
  • Page 537 DATA All Delete Test Pattern Print Purpose Purpose Erases the customer’s data in the machine for security reasons when a PWB was replaced, the Performs copy quality check by printing the Test Pattern in the machine. machine was removed, etc. Procedure DATA All Delete (Controller NVM) Enter the CE Diag Mode.
  • Page 538 ATC Check Tone Up / Down Purpose Purpose To determine ATC Sensor failure and to judge the current state of TC (toner density) in the Adjusts the toner density. Developer Housing Assy based on the output value of the ATC Sensor. Tone Up / Down will be performed depending on the result.
  • Page 539
    Pressing <Clear (C)> returns you to the [Diagnostics Mode Base] screen. Read Temperature Purpose Displays the Temperature (Degrees Celsius) inside the machine on the UI. NOTE: Never open the LH Cover and/or the Front Cover when this operation is in progress. Procedure Enter the CE Diag Mode and input 942-951 in the Chain-Link.
  • Page 540
    Color Tech+ Procedure Xerox4200 paper Enter the CE Diag Mode and input 715-106 in the Chain-Link to set the Paper Type used Xerox Business during Auto Shading. Input 998-920 in the Chain-Link. Table 3 Pressing <Start> displays the screen that prompts you to load a stack of 10 A3 size blank…
  • Page 541
    Select [Back] to return to the previous screen. Color Tech+ IIT Reflectivity Xerox4200 paper • R, G, B/Y, M, C, K: numeric display (IIT Reflectivity_NVMs [715-282 to 715- Xerox Business 293]) Version 1.0 General 06/2014 IIT Calibration…
  • Page 542
    • Result: displays [OK] or [NG]. IIT Breakdown Diagnosis Purpose Scan Image (for LED) Performs troubleshooting for the IIT and displays the presumed Faulty Parts No. on the UI. • Before: NVM [715-489] (Calculated Value Before a* Correction) • After: NVM [715-257] (Calculated Value After a* Correction) Procedure •…
  • Page 543
    10. Repeat the procedure until the [NVM value] of the [NVM Read / Write] screen displays DADF Size Detect Auto Adjust [000]. Purpose To automatically adjust the original size during DADF scan to the desired original size. Procedure Enter the CE Diag Mode and input 998-930 in the Chain-Link. NOTE: Inputting 998-930 in the Chain-Link and presssing <Start>…
  • Page 544 Self Test Settings (Fax) • To cancel the FAX-NVM initialization, press <Clear (C)> to return to the [Diagnostics Mode Base] screen. Market Info Initialize Perform the FAX-NVM initialization. When the initialization has completed, [Done] will be Purpose displayed. Initializes the Fax feature for the designated region.
  • Page 545 Self Test Request (Fax) NOTE: As the Fax is optional, inputting the following Chain-Link No. and presssing <Start> for machines that do not have Fax will cause an Error to be displayed. Purpose Performs output check for the various signals and parts that form the Fax. Table 2 Chain-Link Type Overview…
  • Page 546 DTMF Signal Test NOTE: As the Fax is optional, inputting the following Chain-Link No. and presssing <Start> for machines that do not have Fax will cause an Error to be displayed. Purpose Outputs a specified Dial Data (‘0’ to ‘9’, ‘#’, and ‘*’) cotinuously for the purpose of analyzer sig- Table 3 nal check.
  • Page 547
    Pressing <Stop> turns OFF the relay that is used in the NCU and displays [NCU Relay Off] on the UI. RAM Check Pressing <Clear (C)> returns you to the [Diagnostics Mode Base] screen. Purpose Checks whether the address area can be read from/written to normally by performing bit check test on specific areas.
  • Page 548 Checking and Repairing the Billing Counter (621- Table 1 400) Input Value Operation Data Copy NVM Restore Restores the data from the Mounted (Backup) EEP ROM to Purpose the External (Master) EEP ROM • If there is any difference between the Billing/Meter values at the 2 locations, the error code (116-334 NVM Data Mismatch or 124-311 Serial Number Fail) will be displayed.
  • Page 549
    6.8.1 Activity Report (User Mode) 6.8.2 Activity Report (CE Mode) **Send** **Send** Table 1 Table 1 Document Recipie Start Time No. of Communicati Communicati Document Recipie Start Time No. of Communicati Communicat Time used pages on Contents on Result Time used pages on Contents…
  • Page 550
    6.8.3 Protocol Monitor Recorded G3 Signal Name and Implication Format Overview Table 2 Signal Name Description The implication of the symbol which appears in the arrow Called Station Identification Signal In G3 mode, the command for displaying added information in the arrow is displayed. Outgoing Calling Tone <…
  • Page 551
    Partial Page Signal / Message Ends (Xerox, ECM) PPS. MPSX Partial Page Signal / Multi-Page Signal (Xerox, ECM) PPS. PEOX Partial Page Signal / Procedure Disruption EOM (Xerox, ECM) PPS. PMPX Partial Page Signal / Procedure Disruption MPS (Xerox, ECM) PRI-MPSX…
  • Page 552 Protocol Trace T.30 PROTOCOL TRACE DIS/DCS (Year 2000 version) According to the recommendation in year 2000 ITU-T (previously, CCITT), FIF Bit assignment of DIS, DCS, DTC signals was modified and reached the maximum of 12 bytes (96 bits). According to the new recommendation (F Code/Color Fax/Internet Fax unctions, etc), the assignment of individual Bits is displayed as follows.
  • Page 553 FCF/FIF Description Bit 7 Description DIS: 80 64: ECM Frame size (DCS is invalid) DCS: 82/83 0 -> 256 Octet 1 -> 64 Octet DTC: 81 Refer to ‘EFS’ of Bit 28 ( Frame (Signal) List Table sent by Sending Station during F-Code Communication… Frame Name is printed in protocol Table 1 Frame Name…
  • Page 554 Bit 6 Description Bit 16 Description V8: V.8 Capability (28.8Kbps MODEM Function, SG3) D2: Two Dimension Coding (Encoding Capability) 0 -> Off 0 -> MH only 1 -> On (DCS is invalid) 1 -> MH and MR General Version 1.0 06/2014 Bit 6 Description…
  • Page 555 Bit 15 Description Bit 14~11 Description VR: Vertical Resolution (Slow Scan Linear Density) DSR: Data Signaling Rate (Electrical Transmission Speed), [ ] corresponds to the past machine only 0 -> 3.85l/mm 1 -> 3.85l/mm and 7.7l/mm Table 1 Also see Bit 44 and 45 DIS/DTC •…
  • Page 556 Bit 10 Description Bit 9 Description RX: Reception Capability TX: Preparation of Send Originals or Documents for Public Polling 0 -> Off 0 -> Send Document Not Available (DCS is fixed at 0) 1 -> On 1 -> Ready General Version 1.0 06/2014…
  • Page 557 Bit 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112 Bit 21~23 Description Description MSL: Minimum Scan Line (Minimum Scan Line Electrical Transmission Time Capability) EXT: Extend Field (Extended Field) Table 1 0 -> Indicates no data in the subsequent byte DIS (Minimum Scan Line Time DCS (Minimum Scan Line Capability)
  • Page 558 Bit 19, 20 Description Bit 17, 18 Description UL: Unlimited (Unlimited length=Roll Paper) WA3: Width of A3 (A3 Width) LB4: Length of B4 (B4 length) WB4: Width of B4 (B4 Width) Table 1 Table 1 Maximum Record Length (Slow Scan Maximum Record Width (Fast Scan Width) Length) A4 width (215mm)
  • Page 559 Bit 31 Description Bit 28 Description T6: T.6 Coding (MMR Coding) EFS: ECM Frame size (ECM Frame Octet Count) 0 -> MMR Coding Disabled 0 -> 256 Octet (DIS is fixed at 0) 1 -> MMR Coding Enabled 1 ->…
  • Page 560 Bit 27 Description Bit 26 Description ECM: Error Correction Mode UCM: Uncompressed Mode 0 -> ECM Disabled 0 -> Off 1 -> ECM Enabled 1 -> On General Version 1.0 06/2014 Bit 27 Description 6-132 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 561 Bit 25 Description Bit 1, 3, 33~38, 47, 49~51, 53~55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 65~71, 73~75, 81~84, 87, 92~95, 97~99, 101, 102 HSM: 2400BPS Handshaking Description 0 -> Off 1 -> On Table 1 HSM is pertinent to past models. New recommended machine is set to ‘0’. Divisio Item Contents [For DIS/DTC ->…
  • Page 562
    Table 1 Bit 46 Description Divisio Item Contents [For DIS/DTC -> 1: With capability, 0: No capability; HMSL: Super High Quality Mode MSL Time (Valid for DIS only) Bit No. Name For DCS -> 1: Send the relevant signal, 0: Do not send] 0 ->…
  • Page 563 Bit 45 Description Bit 44 Description MBR: Meteric Based Resolution Preferred IBR: Inch Based Resolution Preferred (mm series resolution capability … DIS only) (Inch Series Resolution Capability) DIS 0 -> Off 1 -> On 0 -> Off 1 -> On (DCS is optional) When Bit 15 is ‘1’* 0 ->…
  • Page 564 Bit 43 Description Bit 42 Description Super High Quality Capability 300×300 pel/inch (TC7033 Super High Quality-equivalent) 0 -> Off 0 -> Off 1 -> On 1 -> On DIS 16×15.4 l/mm and/or 400×400 pel/inch DCS 16×15.4 l/mm or 400×400 pel/inch General Version 1.0 06/2014…
  • Page 565 Bit 41 Description Bit 79 Description 8×15.4 l/mm (7017/7045 High Quality 2-equivalent) 85O: T.85 JBIG Option Capabilities 0 -> Off 0-> OFF 1 -> On 1->On (Bit 78 and 27 are set to ‘1’) Version 1.0 General 06/2014 Bit 41 Description WC 5022/5024 6-137…
  • Page 566 Bit 78 Description Bit 77 Description 85B: T.85 JBIG Basic Capacity LEG: North America Legal Size (215.9×355.6mm) 0: OFF 0: OFF 1: On (Bit 27: ECM is set to ‘1’) 1: On (when DIS/DTC is 1, the reception capability of A4 size is required) General Version 1.0 06/2014…
  • Page 567 Bit 76 Description Bit 105~109 Description LET: North America Letter Size (215.9×279.4mm) Table 1 0: OFF Bit NO Contents Description Value 1: On (when DIS/DTC is 1, the reception capability of A4 size is required) 600×600 pixels/25.4mm 1: ON 0: OFF 1200 1200×1200 pixels/25.4mm…
  • Page 568
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 Bit 105~109 Description 6-140 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 569 Super G3 Fax In 1996 ITU-T, [Super G3 Fax] is recommended.[Super G3 Fax] supports 28.8Kbps Fax com- munication, has modem capability of V.8 and V.34, and its protocol consists of V.8 and V.34 parts..33.6Kbps is also available as an option. With [Super G3 Fax], 28.8Kbps communication with the other companies Fax is made possible, and so is the communication with the conven- tional 14.4K/9600 bps G3 Fax.
  • Page 570
    Stops after the signal with amplitude of 2100Hz modulated by15Hz is being sent V.8 CM/JM Signal continuously for 4sec, or once CM is detected. Fax without Super G3 capability is FIF configuration (Table 1) of CM and JM signals used in V.8 and the details of every bit are as detected as CED.
  • Page 571 V.8 Operation / Auto Send [Super G3 Fax] can communicate with conventional Fax in standards other than V.34 (28.8K), such as V.17 (14.4K) and V.29/V.27ter (9600/4800). Communication procedure is selected fol- lowing the flow below based on the capability of the remote station/detected signal. Below is the flow when either the incoming or outgoing terminal or both has [Super G3 Fax] capability and Auto Send takes place at the outgoing terminal.
  • Page 572 V.8 Operation/Manual Send Troubleshooting of Super G3 Fax Below is the flow for Manual Send at the Sending Terminal. As Super G3 Fax belongs to analog communication, its basic troubleshooting is the same as G3 Fax. As differences exist due to the fast communication speed and the different communi- cation procedure, troubleshooting unique in Super G3 mode will be described.
  • Page 573
    V.8 procedure uses CNG (or CI: for Manual Send) sent by the outgoing terminal and ANSam Line Frequency Characteristics (F attribute): Attributes for telephone line frequency is known tonal (sound) signal sent by the incoming terminal. If the line is noisy or the signal level is low, as [Frequency Characteristic], and ideally, the characteristic is uniform between 300 to 3400Hz these tonal signals cannot be recognized properly by the remote station and resulting in errors.
  • Page 574
    General Version 1.0 06/2014 Troubleshooting of Super G3 Fax 6-146 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 575
    Chapter 7 Wiring Data…
  • Page 577
    7 Wiring Data 7.1 Plug/Jack Location List CH4.1 Main Drive ………………….7-45 7.1.1 Plug/Jack Location List ………………Chain 5 Document Transportation 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location ………………..CH5.1 DADF Interlock and Document Setting …………… 7-47 7.2 Wirenet Drawings CH5.2 Document Size Sensing (1/2) …………….7-48 CH5.3 Document Size Sensing (2/2) …………….
  • Page 578
    7.4.1 Sensor Location (DADF) ………………7-85 7.4.2 Sensor Location (IIT)………………… 7-86 7.4.3 Sensor Location (L/H & Fusing) …………….7-87 7.4.5 Sensor Location (IOT Front) …………….. 7-88 7.4.7 Sensor Location (IOT Rear) ……………… 7-89 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 579
    7.1.1 Plug/Jack Location List Plug/Jack Location List How to Use the Plug/Jack Location List Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List • To find which position to install specific connectors to, refer to the table ’Plug/Jack Loca- Item Remarkes (where to Connect) tion List ’…
  • Page 580
    Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List Item Remarkes (where to Connect) Item Remarkes (where to Connect) P/J205 Tray 1 Feed Clutch P/J510 LVPS P/J206 MSI Feed Clutch P/J511 LVPS P/J207 ESS/MCU PWB (to Toner Dispense Motor) P/J512 LVPS P/J208…
  • Page 581
    Table 1 Plug/Jack Location List 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location Item Remarkes (where to Connect) P/J766 DADF Tray Set Guide Sensor 3 P/J767 DADF Tray Set Guide Sensor 2 (BLU) P/J768 DADF Tray Set Guide Sensor 1 P/J770 DADF Document Set Sensor P/J771 DADF Invert Sensor P/J772…
  • Page 582: Plug/Jack Location

    Figure 2 DADF 2 of 2 (j0lj71002) Figure 3 IIT / UI (j0mg71003) Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 583
    Figure 4 L/H Unit / MSI / Fusing Unit (j0lj71004) Figure 5 ROS Unit (j0mg71005) Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 584
    Figure 6 Rear Location 1 of 2 (j0mg71007) Figure 7 Rear Location 2 of 2 (j0lj71008) Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 585
    Figure 8 1TM 1 of 2 (j0lj71009) Figure 9 1TM 2 of 2 (j0lj71010) Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 586
    Figure 10 ESS/MCU PWB (j0mg71006) Figure 11 2TM 1of2 (j0xh71015) Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location 7-10 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 587
    Figure 12 2TM 2of2 (j0xh71016) Figure 13 NET I/F PWB / FAX PWB (j0mg71014) Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location WC 5022/5024 7-11…
  • Page 588
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.1.2 Plug/Jack Location 7-12 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 589: Iot Ach IOT ACH Figure 1 j0mg720101 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 IOT ACH WC 5022/5024 7-13…

  • Page 590: Iot Acn IOT ACN Figure 1 j0mg720102.jpg Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 IOT ACN 7-14 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 591: 24Vdc-1 +24VDC-1 Figure 1 j0mg720103 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 +24VDC-1 WC 5022/5024 7-15…

  • Page 592: 24Vdc-2 +24VDC-2 Figure 1 j0mg720104 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 +24VDC-2 7-16 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 593: 5Vdc/Slp +5Vdc/+3.3Vdc +5VDC/SLP +5VDC/+3.3VDC Figure 1 j0mg720105 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 +5VDC/SLP +5VDC/+3.3VDC WC 5022/5024 7-17…

  • Page 594: Vdc/Slp +3.3Vdc +3.3VDC/SLP +3.3VDC Figure 1 j0mg720106 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 +3.3VDC/SLP +3.3VDC 7-18 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 595: Dc Com-1 (5V Rtn) DC COM-1 (5V RTN) Figure 1 j0mg720107 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 DC COM-1 (5V RTN) WC 5022/5024 7-19…

  • Page 596: Dc Com-2 (5V Rtn) DC COM-2 (5V RTN) Figure 1 j0mg720108 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 DC COM-2 (5V RTN) 7-20 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 597: Dc Com-3 (24V Rtn) DC COM-3 (24V RTN) Figure 1 j0mg720109 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 DC COM-3 (24V RTN) WC 5022/5024 7-21…

  • Page 598
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 DC COM-3 (24V RTN) 7-22 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 599: Dadf +5Vdc DADF +5VDC Figure 1 j0mg725601 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 DADF +5VDC WC 5022/5024 7-23…

  • Page 600: Dadf +24Vdc DADF +24VDC Figure 1 j0mg725602 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 DADF +24VDC 7-24 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 601: Dadf Dc Com DADF DC COM Figure 1 j0mg725603 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 DADF DC COM WC 5022/5024 7-25…

  • Page 602
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 DADF DC COM 7-26 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 603: How To Use Bsds

    1. How to Use BSDs 2. Symbology Enter the Chain directed in the Troubleshooting chapter. Table 1 Or enter the appropriate Chain by referring to the contents. Symbol Description Diagnose the failure in the appropriate Chain, using test data. If where the failure has occurred can be located, refer to the Parts List No. or Adjustment This symbol is used to refer to Notes usually described on the same No.

  • Page 604
    Table 1 Table 1 Symbol Description Symbol Description This symbol is used to show where the output from the functions go. This symbol shows the power output line in Chain 1. This example shows the output goes to the Group Functions in Chain 6- Figure 7 9056 Figure 14 9047 This symbol shows signal lines are connected vertically.
  • Page 605
    Table 1 Table 1 Symbol Description Symbol Description This symbol represents a document or paper and shows the direction in This symbol shows that an electrically conductive material such as a which it runs. leaf spring and a plate is used for connection. Figure 21 9039 Figure 28 9067 This symbol represents a heat, light or air signal and shows the direction…
  • Page 606: Signal Name

    Table 1 3. Signal Name Symbol Description Signal Name Structure This symbol shows the Cheater type of Interlock Switch. • Input Component Figure 35 9076 This symbol shows the Chip Fuse. Figure 36 9077 Figure 1 9069 The example indicates that when paper is sensed, the signal level is (L) and that when paper is not sensed, the signal level is (H) with the voltage +5VDC.

  • Page 607: Dc Voltage

    4. DC Voltage 5. Other Descriptions A measurement of DC voltage is made between the particular test point and the frame unless DC330 Input Component Voltage Level otherwise specified by note and test data. The measured DC voltage is in the range below: The voltage levels (H/L) shown on the BSDs are the levels that are measured by the Table 1 tester.

  • Page 608
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 5. Other Descriptions 7-32 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 609: Ch1.1 Main Power On & M/C Power Control

    CH1.1 Main Power On & M/C Power Control PL 18.3 PL 18.3 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730101 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH1.1 Main Power On & M/C Power Control WC 5022/5024 7-33…

  • Page 610: Ch1.2 Dc Power Generation

    CH1.2 DC Power Generation 10.6 11.6 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730102 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH1.2 DC Power Generation 7-34 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 611: Ch1.3 Iit/Dadf Dc Power Distribution

    CH1.3 IIT/DADF DC Power Distribution 18.3 56.2 PL 1.3 Figure 1 j0mg730103 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH1.3 IIT/DADF DC Power Distribution WC 5022/5024 7-35…

  • Page 612: Ch1.4 Power Interlock Switching

    CH1.4 Power Interlock Switching PL 14.1 18.3 18.3 PL 19.1 PL 8.6 PL 10.4 PL 10.6 10.6 PL 11.4 11.6 11.6 Figure 1 j0mg730104 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH1.4 Power Interlock Switching 7-36 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 613: Ch1.5 Fuse & Led Location

    CH1.5 Fuse & LED Location Figure 1 j0mg730105 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH1.5 Fuse & LED Location WC 5022/5024 7-37…

  • Page 614
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH1.5 Fuse & LED Location 7-38 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 615: Ch2.1 Control Panel

    CH2.1 Control Panel 18.3 1.10 18.3 1.10 PL 1.8 Figure 1 j0mg730201 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH2.1 Control Panel WC 5022/5024 7-39…

  • Page 616
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH2.1 Control Panel 7-40 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 617: Ch3.1 Pwbs Communication (Iit/Dadf)

    CH3.1 PWBS Communication (IIT/DADF) PL 1.3 18.3 18.3 56.2 Figure 1 j0mg730301 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH3.1 PWBS Communication (IIT/DADF) WC 5022/5024 7-41…

  • Page 618: Ch3.2 Pwbs Communication (Stm/2Tm)

    CH3.2 PWBS Communication (STM/2TM) 18.3 10.6 11.6 Figure 1 j0mg730302 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH3.2 PWBS Communication (STM/2TM) 7-42 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 619: Ch3.3 Pwbs Communication (Net)

    CH3.3 PWBS Communication (NET) 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730303 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH3.3 PWBS Communication (NET) WC 5022/5024 7-43…

  • Page 620: Ch3.4 Electric Billing

    CH3.4 Electric Billing 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730304 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH3.4 Electric Billing 7-44 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 621: Ch4.1 Main Drive

    CH4.1 Main Drive PL 3.1 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730401 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH4.1 Main Drive WC 5022/5024 7-45…

  • Page 622
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH4.1 Main Drive 7-46 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 623: Ch5.1 Dadf Interlock And Document Setting

    CH5.1 DADF Interlock and Document Setting PL 56.6 56.2 56.2 PL 56.2 18.3 PL 56.6 Figure 1 j0mg730501 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH5.1 DADF Interlock and Document Setting WC 5022/5024 7-47…

  • Page 624: Ch5.2 Document Size Sensing (1/2)

    CH5.2 Document Size Sensing (1/2) 56.11 56.2 56.2 56.11 Figure 1 j0mg730502 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH5.2 Document Size Sensing (1/2) 7-48 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 625: Ch5.3 Document Size Sensing (2/2)

    CH5.3 Document Size Sensing (2/2) PL 56.2 56.2 PL 56.11 PL 56.11 PL 56.11 Figure 1 j0mg730503 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH5.3 Document Size Sensing (2/2) WC 5022/5024 7-49…

  • Page 626: Ch5.4 Document Feeding

    CH5.4 Document Feeding 56.2 56.2 PL 56.14 PL 56.6 56.7 56.7 Figure 1 j0mg730504 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH5.4 Document Feeding 7-50 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 627: Ch5.5 Document Scan, Invert & Exit Transportation

    CH5.5 Document Scan, Invert & Exit Transportation PL 56.14 56.2 56.2 PL 56.10 PL 56.7 Figure 1 j0mg730505 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH5.5 Document Scan, Invert & Exit Transportation WC 5022/5024 7-51…

  • Page 628: Ch5.6 Document Path & Drive Transmission

    CH5.6 Document Path & Drive Transmission CH5. CH5. CH5. CH5. CH5. CH5. Figure 1 j0mg730506 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH5.6 Document Path & Drive Transmission 7-52 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 629: Ch6.1 Document Size Sensing

    CH6.1 Document Size Sensing PL 1.9 PL 18.3 18.3 PL 1.9 PL 1.9 Figure 1 j0mg730601 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH6.1 Document Size Sensing WC 5022/5024 7-53…

  • Page 630: Ch6.2 Document Illumination

    CH6.2 Document Illumination PL 1.5 PL 1.5 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730602 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH6.2 Document Illumination 7-54 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 631: Ch6.3 Carriage Control

    CH6.3 Carriage Control 18.3 PL 1.4 18.3 PL 1.9 Figure 1 j0mg730603 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH6.3 Carriage Control WC 5022/5024 7-55…

  • Page 632: Ch6.4 Image Input

    CH6.4 Image Input PL 1.5 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730604 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH6.4 Image Input 7-56 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 633: Ch6.5 Laser Scanning

    CH6.5 Laser Scanning PL 2.1 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730605 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH6.5 Laser Scanning WC 5022/5024 7-57…

  • Page 634
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH6.5 Laser Scanning 7-58 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 635: Ch7.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing

    CH7.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing PL 9.1 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730701 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH7.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing WC 5022/5024 7-59…

  • Page 636: Ch7.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing (1Tm)

    CH7.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing (1TM) 10.6 10.1 10.6 Figure 1 j0mg730702 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH7.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing (1TM) 7-60 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 637: Ch7.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2Tm)

    CH7.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM) 11.1 11.6 11.6 Figure 1 j0mg730703 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH7.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM) WC 5022/5024 7-61…

  • Page 638: Ch7.4 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing

    CH7.4 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing 11.1 11.6 11.6 Figure 1 j0mg730704 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH7.4 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing 7-62 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 639: Ch7.5 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

    CH7.5 Tray 1 Paper Stacking PL 9.1 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730705 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH7.5 Tray 1 Paper Stacking WC 5022/5024 7-63…

  • Page 640: Ch7.6 Tray 2 Paper Stacking

    CH7.6 Tray 2 Paper Stacking 10.3 10.6 10.6 PL 10.3 10.3 Figure 1 j0mg730706 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH7.6 Tray 2 Paper Stacking 7-64 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 641: Ch7.7 Tray 3 Paper Stacking

    CH7.7 Tray 3 Paper Stacking PL 11.6 11.3 11.6 11.3 11.3 Figure 1 j0mg730707 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH7.7 Tray 3 Paper Stacking WC 5022/5024 7-65…

  • Page 642: Ch7.8 Tray 4 Paper Stacking

    CH7.8 Tray 4 Paper Stacking PL 11.6 11.3 11.6 11.3 11.3 Figure 1 j0mg730708 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH7.8 Tray 4 Paper Stacking 7-66 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 643: Ch7.9 Msi Paper Stacking

    CH7.9 MSI Paper Stacking 18.3 13.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730709 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH7.9 MSI Paper Stacking WC 5022/5024 7-67…

  • Page 644
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH7.9 MSI Paper Stacking 7-68 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 645: Ch8.1 Tray 1 & Msi Paper Feeding

    CH8.1 Tray 1 & MSI Paper Feeding PL 9.1 18.3 13.3 Figure 1 j0mg730801 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH8.1 Tray 1 & MSI Paper Feeding WC 5022/5024 7-69…

  • Page 646: Ch8.2 Tray 2 Paper Feeding & Stm Paper Transportation

    CH8.2 Tray 2 Paper Feeding & STM Paper Transportation 10.6 10.5 10.6 10.6 10.6 Figure 1 j0mg730802 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH8.2 Tray 2 Paper Feeding & STM Paper Transporta- 7-70 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 647: Ch8.3 Tray 3/4 Paper Feeding & 2Tm Paper Transportation

    CH8.3 Tray 3/4 Paper Feeding & 2TM Paper Transportation 11.6 11.5 11.6 11.5 11.6 11.6 Figure 1 j0mg730803 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH8.3 Tray 3/4 Paper Feeding & 2TM Paper Trans- WC 5022/5024 7-71…

  • Page 648: Ch8.4 Registration

    CH8.4 Registration 18.3 18.3 15.1 15.1 Figure 1 j0mg730804 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH8.4 Registration 7-72 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 649: Ch8.5 Paper Path & Drive Transmission

    CH8.5 Paper Path & Drive Transmission CH1. CH8. CH7. CH8. CH7. CH7. CH8. CH7. CH8. CH7. CH7. CH7. CH7. CH7. Figure 1 j0mg730805 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH8.5 Paper Path & Drive Transmission WC 5022/5024 7-73…

  • Page 650
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH8.5 Paper Path & Drive Transmission 7-74 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 651: Ch9.1 Charging, Exposure & Development

    CH9.1 Charging, Exposure & Development 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730901 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH9.1 Charging, Exposure & Development WC 5022/5024 7-75…

  • Page 652: Ch9.2 Toner Dispense & Toner Life Control

    CH9.2 Toner Dispense & Toner Life Control 18.3 PL 8.6 18.3 PL 8.2 Figure 1 j0mg730902 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH9.2 Toner Dispense & Toner Life Control 7-76 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 653: Ch9.3 Image Transfer & Stripping

    CH9.3 Image Transfer & Stripping 18.3 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg730903 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH9.3 Image Transfer & Stripping WC 5022/5024 7-77…

  • Page 654
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH9.3 Image Transfer & Stripping 7-78 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 655: Ch10.1 Fusing Heat (1/2)

    CH10.1 Fusing Heat (1/2) 18.3 18.3 PL 7.1 Figure 1 j0mg731001 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH10.1 Fusing Heat (1/2) WC 5022/5024 7-79…

  • Page 656: Ch10.2 Fusing Heat (2/2)

    CH10.2 Fusing Heat (2/2) PL 7.1 18.3 18.3 Figure 1 j0mg731002 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH10.2 Fusing Heat (2/2) 7-80 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 657: Ch10.3 Fusing

    CH10.3 Fusing PL 7.1 18.3 18.3 PL 4.1 Figure 1 j0mg731003 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH10.3 Fusing WC 5022/5024 7-81…

  • Page 658: Ch10.4 Paper Exit & Duplex Transportation

    CH10.4 Paper Exit & Duplex Transportation 18.3 17.1 14.4 Figure 1 j0mg731004 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH10.4 Paper Exit & Duplex Transportation 7-82 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 659: Ch34.1 Fax

    CH34.1 Fax 18.4 18.3 18.5 Figure 1 j0mg733401 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 CH34.1 Fax WC 5022/5024 7-83…

  • Page 660
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 CH34.1 Fax 7-84 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 661: Sensor Location (Dadf)

    7.4.1 Sensor Location (DADF) Figure 1 j0mg74001 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.4.1 Sensor Location (DADF) WC 5022/5024 7-85…

  • Page 662: Sensor Location (Iit)

    7.4.2 Sensor Location (IIT) Figure 1 j0mg74002 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.4.2 Sensor Location (IIT) 7-86 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 663: Sensor Location (L/H & Fusing)

    7.4.3 Sensor Location (L/H & Fusing) Figure 1 j0mg74003 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.4.3 Sensor Location (L/H & Fusing) WC 5022/5024 7-87…

  • Page 664: Sensor Location (Iot Front)

    7.4.5 Sensor Location (IOT Front) CH1.4 CH1.4 CH8.2 CH8.3 CH8.3 Figure 1 j0mg74005 Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.4.5 Sensor Location (IOT Front) 7-88 WC 5022/5024…

  • Page 665: Sensor Location (Iot Rear)

    7.4.7 Sensor Location (IOT Rear) CH7.5 CH7.6 CH1.4 CH7.7 CH1.1 CH7.6 CH1.4 CH7.1 CH7.7 CH7.2 CH1.4 CH7.3 CH7.8 CH7.4 CH7.8 Figure 1 j0mg74007 Version 1.0 Wiring Data 06/2014 7.4.7 Sensor Location (IOT Rear) WC 5022/5024 7-89…

  • Page 666
    Wiring Data Version 1.0 06/2014 7.4.7 Sensor Location (IOT Rear) 7-90 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 667
    Chapter 9 Installation/Removal…
  • Page 669
    9 Installation/Removal 9.1 Installation 9.1.1 Installation of Main Unit ………………9.1.5 One Tray Module ………………..9.1.6 Stand……………………9.1.7 Two Tray Module ………………..9-13 9.1.8 Fax Kit ……………………9-17 9.1.9 Network Print Kit ………………..9-23 9.1.10 Tray Lock Kit ………………….. 9-25 9.2 Removal 9.2 Removal ……………………
  • Page 670
    Installation/Removal Version 1.0 06/2014 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 671
    9.1.1 Installation of Main Unit • There is no illustration for Item 6 Before Installation When servicing the installed options at the same time, refer to the following for more effi- cient servicing. – 9.1.5 One Tray Module (Product Code: ) –…
  • Page 672
    Figure 3 j0lj91003 Figure 5 j0lj91005 Peel off the tape that secures the BTR protective sheet. (Figure 4) Close the L/H Cover. Shake the Toner Cartridge horizontally several times. 10. Open the Front Toner Cover and install the Toner Cartridge. (Figure 6) Figure 4 j0lj91004 Open the L/H Cover and remove the BTR protective sheet.
  • Page 673
    Figure 7 j0mg91001 Figure 9 j0lj91011 12. Close the Front Toner Cover. 16. [CPS Net Model]: Connect the Network Cable (not a bundled item). (Figure 10) 13. Shift the Side Guide and End Guide according to fit the paper that is going to be loaded in Connect the Network Cable.
  • Page 674
    Figure 11 j0lj91012 Figure 13 j0lj91014 18. Connect the Power Cord. (Figure 12) 20. Check the operation. Connect the Power Cord. 21. Turn OFF the power. Install the Stopper Bracket. 22. Pull out Tray 1. Secure it by using the Thumbscrew. 23.
  • Page 675
    9.1.5 One Tray Module WARNING As the IOT is very heavy, make sure you have 3 or more persons (2 at the left and 1 Product Code at the right) to perform the mounting. • Hold onto the IOT at the indicated positions (A: x4) and align it to the positioning pin (x2) of the One Tray Module to mount it.
  • Page 676
    Figure 3 j0lj91106 Reinstall Tray 1. 10. Secure the Docking Bracket (x2) by using the Docking Screw (x2). (Figure 4) Install the Docking Bracket (x2). Secure them by using the Docking Screw (x2). Figure 5 j0mg91008 12. Reinstall the STM Connector Cover that was removed in Step 11. 13.
  • Page 677
    16. Plug the power cord into power outlet, and turn ON the power switch. 9.1.6 Stand 17. Check the operation of the One Tray Module. Product Code 18. Explain to the customer how to operate the One Tray Module where necessary. •…
  • Page 678
    • Stand (Figure 2) Table 2 Name Stand Docking Screw Screw Joint Bracket (Not used) Installation Guide • There is no illustration for Item 6 Figure 3 j0xh91024 Align the One Tray Module to the positioning pin (x3) of th Stand and mount it. (Figure 4) Figure 2 j0lj91133 Remove the packaging tapes and materials from the One Tray Module and the Stand.
  • Page 679
    Figure 5 j0xh91023 Figure 7 j0lj91137 11. Push in Tray 2 of the One Tray Module. 14. Reinstall the parts removed in Procedure 12. 12. Remove the Rear Cover of the Stand. (Figure 6) WARNING Loosen the screw. As the IOT is very heavy, make sure you have 3 or more persons (2 at the left and 1 Slide the Foot Cover.
  • Page 680
    16. Pull out and remove Tray 1. Paste the clamp and secure the wire harness by using the clamp. (Figure 11) 17. Secure the One Tray Module to the IOT by using the Docking Screw (x2). (Figure 9) Secure it by using the Docking Screw (x2). Figure 9 j0lj91126 18.
  • Page 681
    Paste the Size Label. 9.1.7 Two Tray Module Paste the Size Label that correspond to the paper that is loaded in Tray 1. Product Code • One Tray Module: • Two Tray Module: Installation Procedures Before Installation • When installing this Kit, the One Tray Module (Product Code: ) is required. Prepare the Kits and perform the installation in sequence.
  • Page 682
    Table 2 Name Docking Screw Screw (Unused) Joint (Unused) Tray Size Label Installation Guide • There is no illustration for Item 6. Figure 3 j0xh91013 Align the One Tray Module to the Positioning Pin (x3) of the Two Tray Module and mount it.
  • Page 683
    Figure 5 j0xh91010 Figure 7 j0xh91012 11. Reinsert the Tray. 14. Reinstall the Connector Cover. 12. Remove the Connector Cover of the One Tray Module. (Figure 6) WARNING Remove the Connector Cover. As the IOT is very heavy, make sure you have 3 or more persons (2 at the left and 1 at the right) to perform the mounting.
  • Page 684
    16. Pull out and remove Tray 1. Install the cable band. 17. Secure the IOT to the One Tray Module by using the Docking Screw (x2). (Figure 9) Paste the clamp and secure the wire harness by using the clamp. Secure it by using the Docking Screw (x2).
  • Page 685
    23. Set the Side/End Guides in Tray 2/3/4 according to the Paper Size to be used and load 9.1.8 Fax Kit the paper. Product Code 24. Paste the Tray Size Labels on Tray 2/3/4 according to the size of loaded paper. (Figure •…
  • Page 686
    WARNING When maintaining the machine, turn OFF the power switch and unplug the power plug. Open the Front Toner Cover. Remove the Fusing Unit Cover. (Figure 2) Remove the screw. Remove the Fusing Unit Cover. Figure 4 j0mg40104 Connect the wire harness of the One Touch Panel to the connector of the Control Panel. (Figure 5) Connect the connector.
  • Page 687
    Figure 6 j0mg91011 10. Reinstall the Control Panel. (Figure 7) At the front, align the Control Panel to the surface IIT Front Cover. Figure 8 j0mg91013 12. Insert the tab (x2) of the One Touch Panel into the tab slot (x2) and push in the lower side of the One Touch Panel in the direction of the arrow.
  • Page 688
    Install the Fax Box. Secure it by using the screw (x2). Figure 11 j0mg91015 17. Attach the wire harness. (Figure 12) Connect the wire harness to the connector of the Fax Box. Secure the wire harness by using the clamp (x2) of the Fax Box. Figure 9 j0mg91014 13.
  • Page 689
    Figure 13 j0mg91017 Figure 15 j0mg91019 19. Insert the tab (x2) of the Fax Box Cover into the tab slot (x2) of the Rear Cover. (Figure 21. Connect the connector (x2) of the USB Cable and wire harness. (Figure 16) Connect the connector.
  • Page 690
    Figure 17 j0mg91021 Figure 19 j0mg91023 23. Connect the Data Cable to ‘LINE’. (Figure 18) 25. Plug in the Power Plug and turn ON the power. 26. Check the Fax transmission. 27. Request for the customer to set the ‘Country’ and ‘Clock’ using the System Administrator Mode.
  • Page 691
    9.1.9 Network Print Kit WARNING When maintaining the machine, turn OFF the power switch and unplug the power • Enables printing via a network. plug. Unable to scan via s network. Remove the Blind Cover at the Right Cover. (Figure 2) Remove the Blind Cover.
  • Page 692
    Figure 4 j0mg41903 Figure 6 j0mg41852 Remove the Blind Cover. (PL 19.4) 11. Install the Bracket. (Figure 7) Remove the Rear Cover. (Figure 5) Install the Bracket. Remove the screw (x5). Secure it by using the screw (x2). Remove the Rear Cover. Figure 7 j0mg91032 Figure 5 j0mg41904 12.
  • Page 693
    9.1.10 Tray Lock Kit Product Code • Installation Procedures Check the bundled items. (Figure 1) Table 1 Name Lock Tray Support Tray Lock Screw Figure 2 j0mg91027 Remove the Blind Cover at the Right Cover. (Figure 3) Remove the Blind Cover. Figure 1 j0mg91026 Turn OFF the power switch and make sure that the screen display turns OFF.
  • Page 694
    Figure 4 j0mg91029 Figure 6 j0lj41910 Reinstall the Right Cover. Install the Tray Lock. (Figure 7) • Insert the hook (x2) of the Right Cover into the hole (x2) of the Frame. (Figure 5) Figure 7 j0mg91030 Figure 5 j0lj41909 Attach a lock.
  • Page 695
    Figure 8 j0mg91031 10. Plug the power cord into power outlet, and turn ON the power switch. Version 1.0 Installation/Removal 06/2014 9.1.10 Tray Lock Kit WC 5022/5024 9-27…
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    Installation/Removal Version 1.0 06/2014 9.1.10 Tray Lock Kit 9-28 WC 5022/5024…
  • Page 697
    9.2 Removal If any input option (One Tray Module/Stand) is installed, detach them from the Main Unit. Tape up the machine where necessary. Version 1.0 Installation/Removal 06/2014 9.2 Removal WC 5022/5024 9-29…
  • Page 698
    Installation/Removal Version 1.0 06/2014 9.2 Removal 9-30 WC 5022/5024…

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