Ws 36768 0 ошибка

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Andddddd PSN is down….AGAIN!

Getting the ws-36768-0 error when accessing friends list :(

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Today I bought a Ps4 Pro and yes how should I say it there’s always this code when I go to the friends list and a friend of mine said that my user doesn’t exist at all. Does anyone know what it is and how it goes away?

WS errors are actually Playstation Network errors.

Probably a connection problem with the PSN.

Did you register correctly if you only have it since today and is your internet connection working?

I think I signed up there was something with the family manager, but I think that’s not the reason. Internet connection is also good. Do you know how to fix it?

Name Errorcode Returncode Remarks SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_BAD_REQUEST WS-36577-8 0x82200001 Details are unknown, but an invalid value was included in request (header, body, query string, etc.) (JSON error code: 2097153) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION WS-36578-9 0x82200002 Unsupported API version (JSON error code: 2097154) WS-36579-0 0x82200003 JSON error code: 2097155 SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_ENVIRONMENT WS-36580-2 0x82200004 Environment name is invalid (JSON error code: 2097156) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_TITLE_ID WS-36581-3 0x82200005 NP Title ID is invalid (JSON error code: 2097157) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_SERVICE_LABEL WS-36582-4 0x82200006 JSON error code: 2097158 SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_COMMUNICATION_ID WS-36583-5 0x82200007 JSON error code: 2097159 SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_SERVICE_ID WS-36584-6 0x82200008 Service ID is invalid (JSON error code: 2097160) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_SERVICE_NAME WS-36585-7 0x82200009 NP Service Name is invalid (JSON error code: 2097161) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID WS-36586-8 0x8220000A OAuth client ID is invalid (JSON error code: 2097162) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NP_TITLE_ID_NOT_MATCHING_TOKENS WS-36587-9 0x8220000B The specified NP Title ID and NP Title ID in NP Titile token’s do not match. (JSON error code: 2097163) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_USER_NOT_FOUND WS-36588-0 0x8220000C Target user does not exist (JSON error code: 2097164) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-36589-1 0x8220000D Target resource does not exist (JSON error code: 2097165) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_RESOURCE_OWNERSHIP WS-36590-3 0x8220000E Access attempted by a non-owner for a resource that only the resource owner can access. For example, attempted to obtain a friend list with presence information of another user. (JSON error code: 2097166) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_QUERY_STRING WS-36591-4 0x82200100 Details are unknown, but an value in query string is invalid (JSON error code: 2097408) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETER WS-36592-5 0x82200101 Query parameter value in query string is invalid (JSON error code: 2097409) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETER_COMBINATION WS-36593-6 0x82200102 Query parameter combination in query string is invalid (JSON error code: 2097410) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_UNAVAILABLE_QUERY_PARAMETER_FOR_RESOURCE WS-36594-7 0x82200103 Specified query parameter cannot be used for the specified resource (JSON error code: 2097411) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_PARAMETER_IN_URL WS-36595-8 0x82200104 Parameter section value included in URL is invalid (JSON error code: 2097412) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_MANDATORY_QUERY_PARAMETER_MISSING WS-36596-9 0x82200105 Query parameter required for query string does not exist (JSON error code: 2097413) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_HEADER WS-36597-0 0x82200140 Header value for request header is invalid (JSON error code: 2097472) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_HEADER_REQUIRED WS-36598-1 0x82200141 Header required for request header does not exist (JSON error code: 2097473) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_BODY WS-36599-2 0x82200180 Details are unknown, but request body value is invalid (JSON error code: 2097536) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED WS-36600-5 0x82200181 A member with a null value in request body exists (JSON error code: 2097537 SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_BODY_PARAMETER WS-36601-6 0x82200182 Request body member value is invalid (JSON error code: 2097538) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_BODY_PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH WS-36602-7 0x82200183 Number of elements for request body array type members is invalid (JSON error code: 2097539) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_BODY_PARAMETER_COMBINATION WS-36603-8 0x82200184 Request body member combination is invalid (JSON error code: 2097540) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_BLOCKED_USER_EXISTS WS-36604-9 0x82200185 Blocked user can’t be specified (JSON error code: 2097541) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_MANDATORY_BODY_PARAMETER_MISSING WS-36605-0 0x82200186 Member required for request body does not exist (JSON error code: 2097542) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_MULTIPART_HEADER WS-36606-1 0x82200187 Parameter for multipart header in request body is invalid (JSON error code: 2097543) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_MANDATORY_MULTIPART_HEADER_MISSING WS-36607-2 0x82200188 Member required for multipart header parameter in request body does not exist (JSON error code: 2097544) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUIRED WS-36608-3 0x82200200 No access token (JSON error code: 2097664) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN WS-36609-4 0x82200201 Access token is an invalid value or is corrupted (JSON error code: 2097665) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN WS-36610-6 0x82200202 Access token is expired (JSON error code: 2097666) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NP_TITLE_TOKEN_REQUIRED WS-36611-7 0x82200203 No NP Title token (JSON error code: 2097667) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_INVALID_NP_TITLE_TOKEN WS-36612-8 0x82200204 NP Title token is an invalid value or is corrupted (JSON error code: 2097668) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_EXPIRED_NP_TITLE_TOKEN WS-36613-9 0x82200205 NP Title token is expired (JSON error code: 2097669) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NOT_AUTHORIZED WS-36614-0 0x82200206 Not authorized to access specified resource or use query parameter (JSON error code: 2097670) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_BANNED_APPLICATION WS-36615-1 0x82200207 Banned title (JSON error code: 2097671) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_BANNED_USER WS-36616-2 0x82200208 Banned user (JSON error code: 2097672) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_BANNED_DEVICE WS-36617-3 0x82200209 Banned device (JSON error code: 2097673) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_ACCESS_DENIED_DUE_TO_TITILE_MISMATCH WS-36618-4 0x8220020A Access to resource not possible since title does not match (JSON error code: 2097674) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED WS-36619-5 0x8220020B API rate limit was exceeded (JSON error code: 2097675) WS-36620-7 0x8220020C JSON error code: 2097676 SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TOKEN WS-36621-8 0x8220020D Access token was obtained with an invalid procedure (JSON error code: 2097677) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NEED_TO_UPGRADE WS-36622-9 0x8220020E Account needs to upgrade (JSON error code: 2097678) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ON_PLATFORM WS-36623-0 0x8220020F Parameter which is not available on the platform is specified (JSON error code: 2097679) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_USERS_ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUIRED WS-36624-1 0x82200210 The API which doesn’t permit an access with access token authenticated only with client credential. (JSON error code: 2097680) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_UNKNOWN_CLIENT WS-36625-2 0x82200280 Client ID for access token is invalid (JSON error code: 2097792) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NP_TITLE_ID_NOT_FOUND WS-36626-3 0x82200281 Title does not exist (JSON error code: 2097793) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NP_SERVICE_LABEL_NOT_FOUND WS-36627-4 0x82200282 NP Service Label does not exist (JSON error code: 2097794) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NOT_AUTHORIZED_APPLICATION WS-36628-5 0x82200283 This title cannot be used for the specified service (JSON error code: 2097795) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_NP_COMMUNICATION_ID_NOT_FOUND WS-36629-6 0x82200284 NP Communication ID does not exist (JSON error code: 2097796) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ASM_SERVICE_ID_NOT_FOUND WS-36630-8 0x82200285 Service ID does not exist (JSON error code: 2097797) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_USER_NOT_FOUND WS-36724-2 0x8220200C Target user does not exist. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-36725-3 0x8220200D Target resource does not exist. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_RESOURCE_OWNERSHIP WS-36726-4 0x8220200e Access attempted by a non-owner for a resource that only the resource owner can access. For example, attempted to obtain a friend list with presence information of another user. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED WS-36755-6 0x8220220b Cannot connect to the server. It has been accessed too frequently by you, so access is being restricted. Please try again later. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_PRIVACY_LEVEL WS-36756-7 0x8220220c Access was denied due to target user privacy setting. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TOKEN WS-36757-8 0x8220220d Access token was obtained with an invalid procedure SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR WS-36768-0 0x82202301 Internal error of the server SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_FRIEND_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND WS-36777-0 0x82202900 Friend request does not exist SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NOT_IN_FRIEND_LIST WS-36778-1 0x82202901 User does not exist in friends list SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_ALREADY_FRIEND_REQUESTED WS-36780-4 0x82202903 Already friend-requested SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_REQUESTERS_FRIEND_LIST_FULL WS-36781-5 0x82202904 Requester’s friend list is full. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_REQUESTED_USERS_FRIEND_LIST_FULL WS-36782-6 0x82202905 Friend request cannot be sent // Requested user’s friend list is full. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NAME_ALREADY_SHARED WS-36783-7 0x82202906 Already shared their name SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_BLOCKED_USER WS-36784-8 0x82202907 Blocked user can’t be specified (JSON error code: 2105733) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NAME_SHARING_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND WS-36785-9 0x82202908 Name-sharing request does not exist SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_ALREADY_NAME_SHARING_REQUESTED WS-36786-0 0x82202909 Already requested to share their name SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_NAME_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED WS-36787-1 0x8220290a Name registration of the user is needed SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_USER_PROFILE_TARGET_USER_NOT_REGISTERED_NAME WS-36788-2 0x8220290b Name registration of the target user is needed SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SESSION_INVITATION_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-36812-0 0x8220400d Unable to join a party // Target resource does not exist SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SESSION_INVITATION_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED WS-36842-3 0x8220420b API rate limit was exceeded SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SESSION_INVITATION_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_PRIVACY_LEVEL WS-36843-4 0x8220420c Access was denied due to target user privacy setting SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SESSION_INVITATION_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TOKEN WS-36844-5 0x8220420d Access token was obtained with an invalid procedure SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SESSION_INVITATION_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR WS-36855-7 0x82204301 Internal error of the server SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_GROUP_MESSAGING_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR WS-36987-3 0x82206301 Internal error of the server SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_TROPHY_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-37073-0 0x8220a00d Target resource does not exist SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ENTITLEMENTS_INTERNAL_ERROR WS-37269-7 0x82303f02 Internal error occurred (JSON error code: 3161858) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ENTITLEMENTS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE WS-37270-9 0x82303f03 Service is undergoing maintenance (JSON error code: 3161859) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_ENTITLEMENTS_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-37271-0 0x82303f04 Resource was not found (JSON error code: 3161860) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_SOCIAL_NETWORK_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND WS-37305-8 0x82305f04 Resource was not found (JSON error code: 3170052) WS-37317-7 Failed to upload video to YouTube // Error occurred while linking YouTube account to Sony account SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_OAUTH_28_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_BANNED WS-37337-3 0x82e0001c This PSN account has been temporarily suspended

This PlayStation Network account has been temporarily suspended from accessing PSN services for violating our Terms of Service and User Agreement. Please check the e-mail account associated with the account for further information.

SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_OAUTH_29_CONSOLE_HAS_BEEN_BANNED WS-37338-4 0x82e0001d This PS4 console has been permanently banned from the PlayStation Network

This console has been permanently banned from accessing PSN services for violating our Terms of Service and User Agreement. Please refer to this support article for more information on bans and suspensions.

SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_OAUTH_4176_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_BANNED WS-37368-7 0x82e01050 This PSN account has been banned

This PlayStation Network account has been banned from accessing PSN services for violating our Terms of Service and User Agreement. Please check the e-mail account that’s associated with the account for further information.

WS-37397-9 Could not connect to server (PSN down or blocked IP address) // PSN may be offline. Check the status of the PSN here. If this error is encountered while PSN is online, your IP address has been blocked for activity that violates the Terms of Service and User Agreement. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_OAUTH_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_502_BAD_GATEWAY WS-37431-8 0x82e101f6 Connection to server failed // Step 1: PSN or the game’s server may be temporarily unavailable. Please check the status of the game’s server via its website. You can check the status of the PSN here.
Step 2 : If the servers are active, run the Internet connection test at [Settings] > [Network] > [Test Internet Connection] and make sure you can connect to the network.
Step 3: Update your router to the latest firmware. Turn off other devices that are connected to your network to reduce stress. If this does not work, try again later as the server may be experiencing high volume. (HTTP status code: 502) WS-37469-9 Failed to connect to server // Step 1 : Check the PSN status page.
Step 2 : Turn off router, wait at least 5 minutes, then turn it back on.
Step 3 : Please try again later. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_404_NOT_FOUND WS-37470-1 0x82f00194 Error occurred and the HTTP status code with or without non-JSON body was returned (HTTP status code: 404) WS-37501-6 Internal server error. An error occurred when connecting to the server // Reboot the system. If the error persists, it may be a server issue. Try again later. SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE WS-37504-9 0x82f001f7 PSN is undergoing maintenance // PSN is undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. You can check the status of the PSN here. (HTTP statue code: 503) SCE_NP_WEBAPI_SERVER_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS_CODE_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT WS-37505-0 0x82f001f8 Connection to server failed // Step 1: PSN or the game’s server may be temporarily unavailable. Please check the status of the game’s server via its website.
Step 2 : Check the status of the PSN. If the servers are active, run the Internet connection test at [Settings] > [Network] > [Test Internet Connection] and make sure you can connect to the network.
If the error continues: Restart the system. Update your router to the latest firmware. Turn off other devices that are connected to your network to reduce stress. If this does not work, try again later as the server may be experiencing high volume. (HTTP status code: 504) WS-43689-0 An error occurred with the payment (payment did not go through) // Step 1: Check if the credit information registered in your account is correct, including the expiration date.
Step 2:Re-register your credit card.
Step 3: Try with another credit card.
Step 4: This may be a temporary issue, please try again later.
Step 5: Consider topping up your wallet using a PSS card instead. WS-43709-3 Check expiration date of credit card (card may have expired or is invalid) // Step 1: Check expiration date of your credit card and register a valid credit card.
Step 2: If there is no problem with the expiration date, double check that the registration information (such as the credit card number) is correct.
Step 3: Delete the currently registered credit card and register it again.
Step 4: If possible, register another credit card and check if it can be used.
Step 5: This may be a temporary issue. Use another payment method or wait 24 hours before attempting to add payment information.

Ошибка WS-37368-7 – это последствие подключения к SEN заблокированного профиля. Если говорить просто, это блокировка аккаунта. Скорее всего она стала неожиданностью, так как довольно часто проблема появляется на «ровном месте». Перед нами печально известная проблема потому, что пользователь не может использовать обходной путь или исправить положение дел. И все же есть несколько полезных сведений, которые помогут разобраться.

Варианты блокировки

Сегодня типы банов различаются на несколько категорий:

  • По длительности: временные и перманентные. В первом случае пользователю не нужно предпринимать что-либо, блокировка автоматически спадет после завершения срока действия. Второй вариант означает, что придется играть только в оффлайне, без возможности подключения к онлайн-серверам.
  • По типу: профиль или консоль. официальные представители уполномочены накладывать бан как на сам аккаунт (чаще всего), так и приставку (реже). Если проблема в заблокированной учетной записи, достаточно зарегистрировать новый профиль и все заработает. Однако, все игры придется покупать заново (в случае с онлайн-ключом). В случае с блокировкой консоли, ничего сделать не получится, придется довольствоваться игрой в одиночку или покупать новое устройство.

Обычно информация о причине и разновидности бана указывается ниже кода ошибки. Более подробные сведения должны приходить на почту, с которой связан аккаунт. В случае отсутствия доступа к аккаунту, можно позвонить в техническую поддержку 8-800-200-76-67. Чтобы идентифицировать пользователя нужно передать адрес электронного ящика, ID, имя и дату рождения.

Можно ли что-то сделать?

Плохая новость – решения службы блокировки окончательное, его нельзя оспорить. Исключительная ситуация – блокировка профиля по причине неоплаченной задолженности. Если ее погасить, сервис вернет возможность пользоваться аккаунтом.

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